1980 My literary era

Chapter 179 Premiere of

The Capital Theater was extremely lively today, and a few people felt the huge sound field as soon as they entered the theater.

"Oh, what a scene!"

When he was at the Institute of Literary Studies, the institute occasionally organized students to watch dramas. Jiang Zilong himself often came to watch dramas, but today when he watched "Farewell My Concubine", his feeling was very different. He noticed it as soon as he entered the door.

As he walked down the stairs, his eyes scanned the seats on both sides, and then he noticed something different.

In addition to the performance program, many people also had books in their hands, which seemed to be the novel "Farewell My Concubine". While waiting for the performance, they opened the books and discussed the plot and characters of the novel with the people around them.

Jiang Zilong walked all the way and could find a few people in almost every row, and everyone was chatting with the people in the front and back rows, and it was very lively.

This is why even though everyone in the theater spoke in a restrained voice, there was a huge sound field.

No matter how low your voice is, it can't stand up to the number of people talking and the high frequency!

"For the people, your novel has a solid mass base." Jiang Zilong said with envy.

Although Jiang Zilong has become very popular in recent years, and almost every work he writes can arouse considerable repercussions, his novels have sold 300,000 to 400,000 copies in the first day of publication.

In today's situation, almost everyone in the audience has a novel. Not to mention him, even those literary seniors who have married families cannot reach this level.

Lin Weimin also discovered what Jiang Zilong said. He said modestly: "Maybe it's because of the adaptation of the drama. Everyone's enthusiasm is particularly high."

While the few people were talking, they each found their positions.

Teacher Ni Zhen from Yanying found his seat first, then Jiang Zilong, and then Lin Weimin.

His seat is still in the front row, and beside him are the leaders of Renyi and several behind-the-scenes creators of the crew. In the same row are the members of the Art Committee of Renyi, leaders of Yanjing cultural circles, Reporters from major newspapers...

Looking from row to row, the audience is almost all staff members who are related to culture.

Mr. Wan also specially came to support the premiere of "Farewell My Concubine" today and lined up the same seats as Lin Weimin.

After Lin Weimin said hello to him, he said hello a few more times to familiar people around him, and then waited quietly for the performance to start.

A few minutes later, the lights dimmed, which meant that the performance was about to begin, and the originally huge sound field in the theater fell silent in a short time.

The announcer announced the curtain and the curtain opened.

The first scene is the one in which Xiaodouzi's mother takes him to the theater troupe to ask for shelter. The actor who plays Xiaodouzi is seconded by Renyi from the Peking Opera Company.

The person who plays Xiaodouzi’s mother is Li Wanfen.

Renyi attaches great importance to cultivating actors. Sometimes a role that is not important often has to be played by several people in turns, so that more actors have the opportunity to practice. Mr. Jiao often did this when arranging "Teahouse".

Li Wanfen on the stage is the "Grandma Pang" in "Teahouse". This not-so-heavy role has not only been played by her, but also by several veteran actors such as Li Pin, Wu Shukun, and Jin Yaqin.

Jiang Zilong had read the novel "Farewell My Concubine". When Lin Weimin was writing the manuscript with him, he specifically mentioned that "Farewell My Concubine" would be published in "People's Literature". He bought it the day after it was published in the April issue. Read it again.

Literati have a yardstick in their minds when it comes to evaluating the quality of their works, and Jiang Zilong is no exception.

After watching "Farewell My Concubine", his first impression was that it looked good. When I think about it more carefully, I feel awkward again.

There are many elements combined in this novel. Taken individually, any one of them would be at the level of a third-rate novel.

But the magic is that it is such a clichéd story, but Lin Weimin wrote it with spirit and a sense of grandeur and lingering pathos.

Especially Cheng Dieyi, who is not crazy or alive, is simply amazing!

Jiang Zilong feels that among the novels in at least the past ten years, there is no work that can compare with Cheng Dieyi in the description of the protagonist.

This one character alone is enough to make "Farewell My Concubine" leave a mark in the history of contemporary novels.

On the stage, Xiaodouzi was covered with bruises. Under the whipping of the master, he repeated over and over again: "I am a female Jiao'e, not a tomboy..."

"Alas!" Jiang Zilong sighed softly, Dieyi, Dieyi, this is the beginning of your life's madness.

Ni Zhen was sitting in the middle of the theater, holding a notebook in his hand and looking intently at the actors on the stage.

He is Yan Ying's teacher. When watching plays, he will habitually bring pen and paper to write down all the good treatment, lines and actors' performances in the play. This can be regarded as a kind of learning and lesson preparation, and he will give it to the students in the future. Useful for lectures.

He is relatively far away from the stage, so he can't actually see the actors' micro-expressions clearly. He can see the actors' movements and hear their voices more, so he can feel the characters' emotions.

As the plot continues to develop, Ni Zhen's eyes gradually focus on the protagonist Cheng Dieyi.

This actor did a really good job.

Not only in the role of Cheng Dieyi, but also in the role of Cheng Dieyi as a famous Peking opera actor, he also performed it well.

Ni Zhen even doubted whether the actor was a Peking Opera actor himself. He lowered his head and glanced at the performance list, which said the actor who played Cheng Dieyi

——Yang Lixin.

A name he had never heard of.

Ni Zhen had a hunch that this actor was going to become famous!

One play, one actor!

Just like in "Farewell My Concubine".

Zhou Meng was sitting in the first few rows near the edge. Tickets for the premiere of "Farewell My Concubine" were unexpectedly difficult to get. She managed to get this ticket by begging someone.

This time she didn't have any classmates with her, it was just a ticket, and she didn't have time to enjoy it herself.

Ever since she entered the theater, her eyes had been searching the first few rows.

Teacher Lin is a screenwriting teacher at Renyi. He will definitely come to today’s premiere, and his position will definitely be in the front two rows.

After waiting for a long time, she finally saw Teacher Lin shortly before the performance started.

Zhou Meng was very conflicted. She also knew what would happen if she saw Teacher Lin? But she couldn't help but want to look at him.

The last letter he wrote to Teacher Lin, he only replied one letter and then stopped replying. Zhou Meng was a little discouraged, but she still wrote one letter every half month.

Whether you reply or not is your business, but whether I write or not is my business.

She looked at Lin Weimin's figure and felt inexplicably angry.

At this time, the performance began, and Zhou Meng's attention temporarily moved away from Lin Weimin and put it on the stage.

On the stage, Cheng Dieyi couldn't live without being crazy. He shouted to his senior brother: "We have agreed for a lifetime, but the difference of one year, one day, and one hour does not count as a lifetime."

Zhou Meng's tears fell uncontrollably. It was obviously just a line, but she could hear Cheng Dieyi's stubbornness and infatuation. At this moment, she felt the same for Cheng Dieyi.

The drama on the stage has entered the second half, and the plot has ups and downs.

Xiaolou betrayed Dieyi, Dieyi betrayed Xiaolou, Xiaolou betrayed Juxian, Si'er betrayed Dieyi...

Brother Xun once said in "Rediscussing the Fall of Leifeng Pagoda": "Tragedy is the destruction of valuable things in life for people to see."

Later generations often quoted this sentence and changed it to: "Tragedy is when beautiful things are torn to pieces for people to see."

It means to think through it. To sum up, tragedy is the disillusionment of all good things.

Cheng Dieyi's life is far from beautiful, but he also has his own spring.

He practiced hard for ten years off stage and became famous overnight on stage;

He had a deep relationship with his senior brother and agreed to sing opera for the rest of his life;

He took in the orphan and wanted him to have a bite of the food rewarded by God...

But in the end, all these good things are just in vain.

They were broken one by one in front of Cheng Dieyi's eyes, which made him heartbroken, but he was helpless.

The only thing he can decide is his own destiny.

He was fed up with the betrayal and misery in this world, so he chose to put on a costume and leave the brightest brilliance of his life on the stage.

"Die Yi!"

On the stage, Duan Xiaolou shouted at the top of his lungs.

It made countless viewers in the audience burst into tears, and even some emotional lesbians burst into tears.

The three-hour play finally ended. Duan Xiaolou was still holding Cheng Dieyi on the stage. Except for the cries of some lesbians, the theater was silent, making the cries particularly clear.

Yang Lixin and the actor who played Duan Xiaolou on the stage were used to such scenes. The two of them waited quietly, one lying down and the other holding their arms, waiting for the audience to come out of the sad atmosphere.

After about three or four minutes, the audience finally calmed down, and the lesbians' cries gradually subsided.

Some members of the audience started to applaud spontaneously, and some stood up while applauding to express their love and admiration for this drama.

More and more audiences stood up in the theater, and the applause became more and more enthusiastic. At the climax, it was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

At this time, Yang Lixin finally stood up and joined hands with Duan Xiaolou to bow to the audience. Then came the other actors, who all walked from the side curtains to the center of the stage and bowed to the audience.

This is a glorious moment for the actors, enjoying the long-lasting warm and heartfelt applause of thousands of audiences. Everyone's hearts are full of pride, and they are also full of gratitude for the drama "Farewell My Concubine".

Until the actors finished taking their curtain call, the curtain on the stage slowly closed, and the applause from the audience on the stage continued. The applause lasted for more than ten minutes. In this way, the audience expressed their feelings for "Farewell My Concubine" 》Love.

Such a situation is extremely rare in the history of human art.

Ouyang Shanzun, who was sitting next to Lin Weimin, leaned into his ear and said loudly: "Teacher Lin, this drama is ready!"

Amidst the deafening applause, Lin Weimin understood what Ouyang Shanzun meant.

It's ready, just like "Teahouse", "Thunderstorm", and "Longxugou"!

"Renyi has another classic!"

Mr. Wan looked at the closed curtain on the stage and murmured to himself, his eyes shining with hope.

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