1980 My literary era

Chapter 183 Customs

The Sophora japonica trees on the street are lush and green, blocking the scorching July sun.

In the courtyard of the Chinese Literature Society, not a single window in the office building was closed. This summer in Yanjing was extremely hot.

The fourth issue of "Contemporary" has been on the market for more than a week, and readers' letters and questionnaires have received feedback one after another.

"We're talking about "My Distant Qingping Bay" again!" Yao Shuzhi tore open a letter from a reader and said this after reading it for a few seconds.

Rong Shihui sighed: "Shi Tiesheng is famous this time!"

Yao Shuzhi enveloped this letter from readers, and the editorial department will forward it to Shi Tiesheng.

"The last time I received so many letters was from Lu Yao's Life." Liu Yin said.

Yao Shuzhi said: "This time it's not as exaggerated as in "Life", but it's quite a lot, much more than usual."

She said to Lin Weimin: "Weimin, you caught another big fish this time!"

Lin Weimin raised his head and said with a smile: "What is a big fish? These are potential writers, and they are all valuable assets of our "Contemporary"."

Rong Shihui joked: "Look at the consciousness of serving the people, he is indeed Director Lin."

Everyone laughed.

The working environment in the editorial department of "Contemporary" has always been relaxed and harmonious, including when the authors who contribute to "Contemporary" come. Everyone sits in the office and talks loudly, talking about literature, ideals, life, philosophy... …

Here, no one will laugh at these mysterious-sounding things, but will participate in them with great interest.

Liu Yin suddenly asked: "Weimin, have you read this issue of "Flower City"?"

"Flower City" was founded in April 1979. It is a bimonthly literary magazine sponsored by Huacheng Publishing House. In the 1980s, it was known as one of the "four famous" domestic pure literary journals along with "Contemporary", "October" and other mainstream literary magazines. .

"Flower City" is published every fifth of the month, and its latest issue just came out recently.

"no, what happened?"

Liu Yin handed an open magazine to him, "Look at the acceptance speech of the latest Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Márquez. Look at this guy, how well he follows the latest trends!"

There was a hint of teasing in her tone.

"Flower City" has a unique style among domestic pure literary journals. This reason can be attributed to the city in which it is located. The atmosphere of Yangcheng has always been open. In the eyes of people from other parts of the country in this era, Yangcheng represents everything related to the new trend. words.

Bold, pioneering, adventurous...

If you look at the columns of "Flower City", you can get a glimpse of the customs of that time and place. "Novel", "Film Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Poetry", "Hong Kong News", etc., reveal a sense of connection with the mainland. Purely literary publications have a completely different positioning and style.

In this issue of the publication, "Flower City" took the lead in publishing the acceptance speech of this year's Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Marquez.

Lin Weimin glanced at the contents of the magazine and said with a blank expression, "Is there a speech too? Is the team of "Flower City" unable to submit manuscripts? How about I recommend a few works to them?"

Liu Yin covered her mouth and smiled: "Your mouth is worse than mine!"

Lin Weimin shook his head. In the early days of reform and opening up, among the first batch of people who opened their eyes to the world, there were many people who worshiped foreigners. Lin Weimin could understand a publication publishing some content about literary awards, but it was a bit outrageous to publish a speech by a winner. Now, should we simply give him a ranking of immortality?

The most important thing is that Lin Weimin really has no good impression of Marquez.

Is Marquez awesome?


Both "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera" are excellent literary works. His attainments in literary creation are master-level, and he is well-deserved to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

But Lin Weimin makes a very clear distinction between professionalism and character. Professionalism is professionalism, and character is character.

In 1990, Marquez, a contemporary master who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, came to China. Like Rabindranath Tagore's visit to China during the Republic of China, he received great attention from the official and cultural circles at that time. Among the people responsible for the reception, even Qian Zhong There are seniors like Shu.

Qian Lao invited Marquez to eat Yanjing roast duck, and then went to the bookstore together. He saw pirated books of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera" on the shelves.

Marquez was so angry that he publicly insulted all the receptionists present: "Everyone here is a pirated book dealer."

And he put down harsh words: "We will never authorize the publication of Chinese books within 150 years after our death."

It was obviously a violation of law and discipline by some pirates, but this master scolded the cultural circles who received him kindly.

The most critical thing is that the reader who spends money to buy the book becomes a thief who steals the "fruits of his labor" and is deprived of the qualification to obtain genuine works!

This is simply outrageous. His grandma opened the door for outrageous mother - outrageous mother is home!

This is so insulting and arrogant, and its implicit discrimination is even more infuriating.

What’s even funnier is yet to come. For more than ten years, Marquez kept his promise and refused to authorize domestic publishers to publish his works until a domestic cultural person wrote a letter to Marquez. A passionate piece of flattery.

This article touched the heart of Marquez, and he readily agreed to the domestic publication request. Of course, the money had to be paid in full.

Lin Weimin really wants this master to fulfill his promise and let the Chinese spend less money to support writers who disrespect Chinese readers so much.

Unfortunately, some people's bones are extremely soft.

Lin Weimin chuckled and said: "We must be wary of any attempt to mold people into gods, because they are trying to control us mentally and become their slaves."

Lin Weimin's words have a clear meaning.

Zhu Changsheng said: "For the people, what you said is too exaggerated."

Lin Weimin shook his head, "It's not an exaggeration. Now they point to this man and say, he is the master, you have to kneel down to worship him, you kneel down. Tomorrow they will dare to point to a dog and say, this is the Creator, you have to kneel down." Please worship him."

The colleagues in the office were stunned by Lin Weimin's serious and cold tone. They didn't know how to answer the conversation. They had never seen Lin Weimin like this.

"Literature is not theology. We don't need anyone to stand above us and give orders, and we don't allow anyone to be above us. Being separated from the people, singing praises upwards, and brainwashing downwards, this is not literature, but politics."

After Lin Weimin said these words, the office became silent for a while, and his face softened, "I'm not targeting everyone, but I'm just talking about my concerns about this phenomenon."


At the door of the office, an old but tough voice suddenly sounded, and all the colleagues in the office looked towards the door.

It turned out that Meng Weizai was standing at the door. He should have heard everything Lin Weimin said just now.

"I usually see you acting like a fool, but I didn't expect that you could express such an opinion." Meng Weizai walked into the office and praised Lin Weimin.

The atmosphere in the office relaxed, and Lin Weimin joked: "Leader, how much do you usually dislike me?"

"Did I say you wrong?" Meng Weizai pretended to be serious, but his expression relaxed after a few seconds, "Let's get down to business. Please inform Lu Yao that "Life" will be reprinted 20 times. Ten thousand copies, the manuscript fee is still the same as last time.”

Lin Weimin said happily: "That's great. This guy still owes me seven hundred yuan. This time he is finally settled."

Hearing what he said, Meng Weizai couldn't help but smile, and even his colleagues in the office laughed.

The author borrows money from the editor, and the editor deducts money from the manuscript fee. This is very reasonable and very professional.

After Meng Weizai left, Liu Yincai said to Lin Weimin: "You can really interrupt me. I just showed you "Flower City" because I wanted you to see that Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The article you wrote before "Flower City" Doesn't "The Death of Yura" also have a flavor of magical realism? Did you learn it from him? "

Lin Weimin shook his head, "I haven't read his book."

He was not lying. The term magical realism literature first came from the 1925 treatise "Magic Realism·Late Expressionism·Current European Painting" by German literary critic Franz Royu, who studied German and European late expressionist paintings. "Some Issues".

Later, this work was translated into Spanish by the Spanish magazine "Occidental", and the term "magical realism" entered the field of Spanish literature and art.

Venezuelan writer Petrie was the first to apply this term to Latin American literature. By the 1950s, magical realism literature emerged in the Latin American literary world, and Marquez was the leader.

But before Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature, magical realism works were not actually a great style in China.

Marquez's great reputation in China in later generations is really directly related to some flattering cultural circles. Whenever a foreign writer wins the Nobel Prize for Literature, he becomes a god. Not only do they have to kneel down, but also Pulling the people in the country to kneel down together.

Otherwise, they are mob, vulgar, without culture and quality.

Therefore, Lin Weimin has indeed never read Marquez's works.

But he is not the only one who writes about magical realism, nor is he the only one who can write about it. Lin Weimin has read works in this area.

"Then you have no plans to work hard in this direction? Did you win the Nobel Prize in Literature for this style?"

In the 1980s, when the spring breeze of reform just blew through the door, in the eyes of most Chinese people, all Western things were good things.

As an authoritative award recognized by the Western scientific and cultural circles, the Nobel Prize in Literature is naturally highly respected by the Chinese people. This kind of respect still had a very large market until the time when Lin Weimin traveled through time.

Lin Weimin feels that the Nobel Prize is indeed very authoritative. The physics prize, the chemistry prize, the physiology or medicine prize are all very good, and point out the direction for the progress of human civilization.

But the literature prize is a matter of opinion, let alone the notorious Peace Prize.

"The Nobel Prize in Literature is good, but it's a pity that I am Chinese."

Liu Yin was surprised, "Chinese? What happened to the Chinese?"


At this time, most people in the country were still very naive and viewed the Western world as a superior civilization.

"You're such a person, you only talk halfway." Liu Yin said dissatisfied.

Lin Weimin smiled and didn't dwell on this topic anymore.

After getting off work in the evening, Lin Weimin came to Renyi. Today he came to see the rehearsal of Group B of "Farewell My Concubine".

It is very common for drama performances to have A and B roles. In order to ensure the smooth performance of an excellent play, the entire performance will not be canceled due to a temporary emergency of an actor. In principle, all actors have substitutes.

But the separation of Group A and Group B has never been done before. If the people in Yanjing were not too enthusiastic, Renyi would not have made such a decision. This decision can be regarded as a precedent for Renyi.

The A and B roles of the "Farewell My Concubine" crew also cover almost all characters, but in order to be consistent with the Capital Theater performance as much as possible, Renyi insisted on rehearsing for a while.

Today, not only the main creative staff of the production crew, but also several deans of the People's Art Group are present. The rehearsal results of Group B of "Farewell My Concubine" are directly related to the performance at the Youth Palace, and there is no room for error.

Fortunately, after a three-hour drama, everyone burst into applause. From their professional perspective, the rehearsal effect of Group B was not much worse than that of Group A, and it was fully capable of handling the performance at the Youth Palace. Everyone present Everyone was relieved.

After the rehearsal ended, Han Zhuangzhuang followed Lin Weimin out of the rehearsal venue and prepared to go home.

"Uncle, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's up?"

Han Zhuangzhuang said: "Aren't Dandan and Guanhua students in the actor training class? 1982 is the screening period for their group of students. If they can pass the final exam, they can stay and continue to study acting. If they fail, they can only say goodbye to human art. ”

Lin Weimin nodded. He heard him mention it when chatting with Ouyang Shanzun during this screening period.

"It's time for their final exams soon. Dandan and Guanhua are under great pressure. They have to arrange four skits every week and make up and perform them themselves..."

Lin Weimin said impatiently: "Let's get to the point!"

Han Zhuangzhuang said coquettishly: "Uncle, can this sketch "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren" be given to Dandan and Guanhua as the finale of their exam?"

"What do I mean? I originally wrote a sketch for you, so you can use it."

Han Zhuangzhuang looked happy when he heard this, "Thank you, uncle!"

He observed Lin Weimin's face and said, "Uncle..."

"What's wrong?"

"Then can you write two more sketches for Dandan and Guanhua?"

I'll give you some color and you'll open a dyeing workshop!

Just as Lin Weimin was about to scold him, something suddenly moved in his heart, and he stared at Han Zhuangzhuang with suspicion on his face.

Dandan and Guanhua?

Han Zhuangzhuang felt uncomfortable looking at him, "Uncle, why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's not impossible to write a sketch for Guanhua." Lin Weimin said deliberately.

Han Zhuangzhuang hurriedly corrected him, "Uncle, it's for Dandan and Guanhua..."

Before he could finish speaking, a smile flashed across Lin Weimin's lips.

I knew you had bad intentions and wanted to use your uncle as a favor!

Lin Weimin really wanted to ask: Zhuangzhuang, do you know what the beautiful classmate Dandan will look like twenty years later?

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