1980 My literary era

Chapter 185 Life Mentor Lin Weimin

Shi Tiesheng actually took this path of writing earlier than Lin Weimin, but to truly become famous nationwide, it was only after the publication of "My Distant Qingping Bay".

"My Distant Qingping Bay" recently appeared in "Contemporary" and quickly aroused heated discussion among readers.

Shi Tiesheng felt that he seemed to be famous.

He lived in a large courtyard. On weekdays, except for relatives and friends from the neighbors, few strangers came to the courtyard. However, during this period, with the popularity of "Contemporary", "My Distant Qingping Bay" gradually aroused a response.

Some readers actually found the yard and came to visit him.

Shi Tiesheng never expected this.

He received these visiting readers with sincerity. Among them were students, workers, and cadres with different identities. They were all literature lovers. They read Shi Tiesheng's "My Distant World" in "Contemporary". "Qingping Bay", full of admiration and love for Shi Tiesheng, a disabled and strong-willed writer.

Shi Tiesheng talked with everyone about literature, ideals, and the future. Many people seemed to regard him as a life mentor and asked him for advice on life problems. He could only do his best to provide everyone with some personal insights.

After asking for advice like this too many times, Shi Tiesheng felt that something was wrong.

He considers himself to be an ordinary person who can write a little bit, that's all.

But it would be bad if others regard you as a wise man because of this.

On this day, two more college students came to Shi Tiesheng's house. They had both seen "Qingping Bay". They started talking about literature, and while they were talking, the two college students asked him about the meaning of life in this world.

Shi Tiesheng scratched his head again, and then heard a familiar voice from the yard.

"Tiesheng! Tiesheng!"

Shi Tiesheng suddenly became happy and rolled the wheelchair to open the door.

Lin Weimin walked in and saw two young people in the room, "Hey, are there guests?"

Shi Tiesheng explained: "I came here after watching "Qingping Bay"."

Lin Weimin snorted and joked: "You are famous this time!"

Shi Tiesheng introduced Lin Weimin to two college students. When they heard Lin Weimin's name, the two looked surprised.

Over the past year, Lin Weimin has become much more famous than Shi Tiesheng.

"Hello, Teacher Lin!" they both said hello.

Lin Weimin nodded towards the two of them. After sitting down, Shi Tiesheng talked about the questions that the two college students asked him for advice. The two college students looked at him eagerly, as if they also wanted to hear some advice from him.

"I can't say such a grand proposition." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

The two college students said: "Teacher Lin, we are here to ask for advice sincerely."

Shi Tiesheng said: "Everyone always comes to discuss such profound topics with me. I can't express any deep insights. It's up to you to talk about it."

The two college students looked at Lin Weimin expectantly.

He was stood up by Shi Tiesheng, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Do you like reading poetry?"

The college students nodded.

"Do you like hazy poetry?"

The college student nodded again.

"Teacher Lin, does our liking of poetry have anything to do with discussing this issue?"

"Poetry is always romantic, and people with delicate and sensitive minds can feel it more. Especially the hazy poetry that has been popular in recent years can always arouse the sensitive nerves of boys and girls."

"Teacher Lin, don't you like Misty Poetry?"

Lin Weimin shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't like it, I just think there's something wrong with the popularity of hazy poetry."

Seeing that the two college students seemed to want to correct his point of view, he immediately said: "It's just a personal feeling. This is not the focus of our discussion today."

The two of them heard what he said without saying a word, waiting for his words.

Lin Weimin thought for a moment, "I never think about any lofty or profound propositions. Now that we are talking about it today, I can only talk to you from a superficial perspective."

The two college students looked serious. Superstitious authority is the psychology of most people. Now Lin Weimin is the authority in the hearts of college students.

Lin Weimin touched the stool under his butt and asked: "You guys said, what was this stool before it became a stool?"


Lin Weimin nodded and said: "Wood, to be precise, is part of the tree. At that time, what was the significance of their existence?"

The two college students had thoughtful looks on their faces, and after a moment, they thought of the answer.

"Greening the environment", "Photosynthesis provides oxygen to the earth", "Using it as firewood for the common people", "Giving birds a place to live"...

Lin Weimin laughed, "Okay, that's a lot to say. Let's not mention it for now and continue talking. This tree was cut down, and part of it was made into a stool under me. Now what's its meaning? ?”

"Being seated?"

"Become a tool for people to rest."

Lin Weimin said: "That's right. Then, this stool has been in disrepair for a long time. What should I do?"

"Throw it away, or burn it." When the two college students said this, they were a little sad. This is the life of the tree.

"So, what do you think the meaning of this tree or piece of wood is in their life?"

Facing Lin Weimin's question, the two college students looked a little solemn. After thinking carefully, they said: "It should be regarded as serving mankind or serving the earth."

"Then if I replace the word meaning with function, would you think it's inappropriate?"

"What it does?" The two college students thought about it, and it seemed that it was true. They answered for a long time, but in fact they answered more about the role of wood.

"Teacher Lin, we were wrong."

Lin Weimin retorted: "That's not the case."

He continued: "Whether it is a certain tool or a person, its function is dependent on other people or things to complete, such as an ax. If someone uses it to chop wood, he is the axe, and this is his Function. And the purpose of an ax’s existence is to chop firewood.”

"You see, the actual meaning of the words is not much different. It's just that the original meaning changes slightly depending on the context and subject."

"Now let's go back to what you call the 'meaning of life'."

Lin Weimin said seriously: "I understand the meaning you are pursuing. In my opinion, it is a somewhat illusory proposition."

"Epictetus said this: 'We step onto a stage not of our choosing, and perform a play not of our choosing.' Life is never something we can choose, or it cannot be completely determined by us as an individual. own destiny.

Naturally, the meaning of our existence cannot be determined by ourselves.

In the few opportunities you have to choose from, what you should do is to pursue what you want to pursue to the best of your ability. And meaning, this ethereal thing, should be left to others to waste time. "

When Lin Weimin said this, he stopped talking and showed a faint smile to the two college students.

"My understanding is a little superficial, just listen to it."

When Lin Weimin said this, a male college student stood up and said excitedly: "No, Teacher Lin, you are too humble. I completely understand what you mean. You mean that we should not talk in vain, but do it in practice."

Lin Weimin nodded, "You can understand it that way."

The two college students lowered their heads and thought about what Lin Weimin said. The more they thought about it, the more it made sense. They struggled with the so-called meaning all day long, and the biggest effect was to waste their limited life.

As Teacher Lin said, if we have that time, we might as well boldly pursue what we pursue in our hearts.

After thoroughly understanding Lin Weimin's words, the two of them showed a look of admiration. Listening to Teacher Lin's words, it was like enlightenment.

"Thank you very much, Teacher Lin."

The two college students left Shi Tiesheng's home with insights and heartfelt gratitude.

"For the people, you are still the best." Shi Tiesheng sighed.

Lin Weimin laughed, "Why am I so good?"

"What a wonderful thing you just said!"

"What did I say?"

Lin Weimin smiled so narrowly that Shi Tiesheng couldn't help but recall his words. After thinking for a long time, he didn't seem to say anything useful.

Shi Tiesheng looked at Lin Weimin in surprise.

Lin Weimin had never specifically learned the chicken soup tactics used by later marketing accounts, but after seeing them enough, he became comfortable using them.

Negation, deconstruction, and value enhancement are nothing more than this set of things.

To say it's useless is really useless, but occasionally sprinkling it can really inspire people.

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said, "But I still think it's a good point."

"It doesn't matter how many benefits there are. Anyway, it doesn't do much harm. I've solved a problem for you by the way."

"It's not really a problem."

Lin Weimin pointed to the window and said, "My uncle came over to see me several times just now. I guess there must be a lot of this happening these days, right?"


"You can't handle this kind of high-intensity reception every day with your current physique. Why don't you put up a sign?"

"What's the sign?"

"Just write: Shi Tiesheng is very willing to make friends from all over the world, but his illness does not allow him to do so. He would be offended by thanking guests behind closed doors. Unless you have made an appointment in advance, please do not knock on the door."

"Isn't this not good?" Shi Tiesheng hesitated.

"Your body is important." Lin Weimin advised.

At this time, Father Shi walked into the room and said, "You are right for the people."

Lin Weimin said again: "If nothing else, how much time can you write just by wasting it?"

These words touched Shi Tiesheng's heart.

"Then let's thank you behind closed doors."

A smile appeared on Father Shi's face, and he finally let go of his worries about his son.

Father Shi went to prepare food, and Shi Tiesheng asked Lin Weimin what works he was writing recently.

"I'm still thinking about it, there are two themes in my mind."

Shi Tiesheng admired Lin Weimin for this. His mind never seemed to worry about what he should write, but was hesitating about how to write better.

"I can give you a reference."

"One is about friendship and the other is about love. Which one do you think should be written?"

Shi Tiesheng joked: "Is it the kind of friendship like in Farewell My Concubine?"

"Of course not. This friendship is very pure."

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said, "I want to see how you write about this pure friendship."

"Okay, then write this."

Two college students walked out of the alley of Shi Tiesheng's house, still talking about what Lin Weimin said.

“Teacher Lin’s lectures are really good, explaining the profound things in simple terms.”

"I have decided to write an article about our conversation today and submit it to the school magazine."

Another student clapped his hands and said, "This is a good idea. Teacher Lin's words are thought-provoking. His teachings should be made available to more peers who are in a confused stage of life."

"Then it's settled, I'll write it when I get back."

After the two of them finished speaking, they left the alley with excitement and excitement.

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