1980 My literary era

Chapter 195 CCTV’s new year drama

After wandering outside for twenty days, I returned to Yanjing. In early September, most of the scorching heat in Yanjing had passed. Lin Weimin felt a hint of coolness in the air. It happened to be evening at this time. Compared with the still muggy weather in Zhijiang, the evening in Yanjing was not very comfortable.

After getting off the train, instead of going home directly, Lin Weimin first found a bathhouse and washed away his fatigue and sweat before returning to Shichahai.

"Zhuangzhuang, open the door!"

Lin Weimin knocked on the door for a long time before he remembered that Han Zhuangzhuang should be performing in Shanghai with the crew of "Farewell My Concubine" at this time.

He took the key and opened the courtyard door. Han Zhuangzhuang had been gone for a long time, and the furniture in the house was dusty.

Lin Weimin didn't have time to clean up these things. He was exhausted this week and needed a good rest.

After putting down his luggage and taking off his clothes and lying on the bed for a few minutes, Lin Weimin fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Weimin came to work at the Chinese Literature Society on his motorcycle in high spirits.

"Hey, Weimin is back?"

"Long time no see, Weimin!"

After greeting everyone along the way, Lin Weimin came to the second floor of the back building and found Meng Weizai's office.

"Leader, I'm here to cancel the fake!"

Meng Weizai had just entered the office and was making tea. "Yes, I understand. Have all the authors met?"

"That's for sure. When have we ever delayed work?"

Lin Weimin didn't have to give in, he naturally sat on the sofa and made himself a cup of tea.

Meng Weizai glared at him and asked, "Did you gain anything?"

Lin Weimin patted the black briefcase he carried with him, "Three manuscripts, two medium-length articles and one short story. The quality cannot be said. The other two articles will be sent to our editorial department soon."

"You said you don't have to say anything if you don't have anything to say? Did you promise that they would definitely send it out?"

Lin Weimin laughed twice, and Meng Weizai said: "Next time, you can't be so serious about what you said."

"I know. Leader, the quality is indeed good." Lin Weimin defended himself.

Meng Weizai said: "I naturally trust your vision, but don't make promises to others easily until everything is certain."

Lin Weimin could naturally hear the good intentions and guidance in Meng Weizai's words, "I understand."

"Do you have any comments or suggestions about the work of our editorial department or the publication?"

Lin Weimin immediately became energetic when he heard this, "It really does!"

Meng Weizai suddenly became interested. He carried the tea cup to the sofa and sat next to Lin Weimin. "Let's talk about it in detail."

"Leader, when I communicate with everyone in Zhijiang, the term I hear the most is - PEN Club."

"Pen Club?"

"That's right. In the past two days, publications have sprung up from all over the country. There are almost new publications every day, and many of them are purely literary publications.

This group of publications is really using all kinds of tricks to attract author resources from all over the world.

The most common method is pen club. Relying on the connections of publications, local literary associations, cultural departments and other means, pen clubs with various names emerged one after another. "

Meng Weizai nodded slightly when he heard this, "I know a little bit about this, it's popular among everyone now!"

"Leader, you should understand that author resources nationwide are actually very limited."

When Lin Weimin said this, Meng Weizai already understood what he meant, "We have held PEN meetings before."

"It's different. Leader, how simple the PEN Club was in the past. Most of the people we invited were friends who contributed to our publications or had potential as authors.

Nowadays, the PEN Association is a little more utilitarian. There are only so many authors and their works are so many. The uncertainty of just discovering new people is too high. "

Lin Weimin took out a magazine from his bag, which was the August issue of "Shanghai Literature".

"You see, this column 'Correspondence about Modernists' publishes the evaluation opinions of Ma Jicai, Li Tuo, and Liu Xinwu on Gao Xingjian's book "A Preliminary Exploration of Modern Novel Techniques". It has caused a certain response so far. of.

At least when I was in Zhijiang, their discussion in "Shanghai Literature" triggered a debate on the issue of "modernism" in the local literary circle. "

“I’m not showing you this to explain why it wasn’t published in our publication. After all, we don’t have this kind of column in Contemporary.

What I want to say is that as living standards and communication methods develop, our generation of authors will communicate more frequently than before, and this kind of contention will become more and more common in the future.

What this kind of contention brings is the influence I mentioned when I insisted on returning the manuscript to my author friends. "

Meng Weizai completely understood what Lin Weimin meant. He thought deeply and said: "You mean that we should also seek to expand the influence of "Contemporary" in the literary world, including but not limited to holding pen conferences and other methods."

Lin Weimin clapped his hands, "That's right. In the era of great strife, countries frequently fight against each other. The strong will become stronger, and the weak will perish..."

"Go!" Lin Weimin was just about to say a few words when he was interrupted by Meng Weizai.

He thought for a moment, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

There are many ways to improve the influence of a publication, such as the influence of published works, which is hard power and also involves a certain amount of luck.

Another example would be to award awards, but now that "Contemporary" has the mother-in-law of the Chinese Literature Society above its head, it has monopolized the awards for outstanding short and medium-sized novels in the country together with the Literary Association. It would be a waste of resources if "Contemporary" started a new business.

Then there is the PEN conference as Lin Weimin gave an example. This can be done, but now everyone is doing it with great fanfare. It may not be easy for "Contemporary" to stand out.

Meng Weizai thought for a long time and finally set his sights on Lin Weimin.

"You guys have been talking for a long time, do you have any good ideas?"

"Hey, what can I do?" Lin Weimin was just about to let it go when he saw Meng Weizai's eyes and said seriously: "Expanding influence is not something that happens overnight. The most effective way now should be It’s just a PEN meeting…”

When he said this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Meng Weizai's eyes, thinking that you kid would have any good ideas.

"in addition……"

Meng Weizai pricked up his ears.

Lin Weimin blinked at him, "Do you remember the letter Mr. Shen wrote to the Cultural Association last year?"

Meng Weizai's eyes lit up and he nodded.

"The old man's last wish is to set up a long-form literary award to encourage writers' creation. Has the judging panel of the Literary Association been established now?"

"What's your idea?"

"You think, what if we could also make an album of the award-winning works?"

Meng Weizai was taken aback, "You guys really dare to think."

Lin Weimin said calmly: "I don't dare to think about anything. We are also a unit with the national prefix after all."

"You got the first round of Guozi? Where did you put the people in the front building? They are the people with the roots of the Miaohong Literary and Art Association."

Lin Weimin argued: "But he is not pure. He releases everything. How can we be single-minded? Our sales are a little higher than it now, right? Besides, after all, they are a bit more political, so it is still a bit inappropriate to make this kind of album." .”

Meng Weizai shook his head and said: "This matter is too difficult."

"So, I have to lead you to take action on this matter. Deal with Lao Yan and Mrs. Wei first, and then ask Wen..."

Lin Weimin shut up again in the middle of what he said, saying that he was high and not too old or too young.

"What I mean is that we will first reach an agreement within the Chinese Literature Society, and then we will focus on the Literature Association. The chairman of the jury is Balao, which is not easy to deal with!" Lin Weimin finally sighed.

Meng Weizai understood what Lin Weimin meant. In addition to a bunch of titles, Ba Lao also had the identity of being the founder and editor-in-chief of "Harvest".

"Stop talking nonsense, you kid can't be more careful with your mouth." Meng Weizai's scolding was more out of love.

Lin Weimin stopped talking.

After thinking for a long time, Meng Weizai still couldn't make up his mind, so he said: "Let me ask about this first, and don't talk about it outside."

"Don't worry, I'm keeping my mouth shut!"

Coming out of Meng Weizai's office, the office colleagues saw Lin Weimin for the first time in more than half a month, and they inevitably wanted to chat with him for a few more words.

As soon as he returned to work, Lin Weimin needed an adaptation process, and he spent the whole day fishing around.

When he was about to get off work in the evening, Lin Weimin received a call from Teacher Jin Shan of the Arts Committee.

Two days after Lin Weimin left, Teacher Jinshan called him to tell him some news, but Lin Weimin had already left at that time, so the news was not notified to him.

The production of "Cliff" was completed last month, and the film was sent to the newly established CCTV TV Drama Production Center by Mr. Jinshan.

The TV Drama Production Center had just been established at this time, and as for its current work, "Cliff" was co-produced by the Recording Department of the Arts Committee. Center Director Yuan Ruolin watched the first two episodes and finalized it.

"There will be no party on New Year's Day this year, but "Cliff" will be broadcast."

Yuan Ruolin's words finalized the schedule for "Cliff" to be aired on CCTV on New Year's Day.

After learning the news, even Qindao TV had to adjust the original broadcast date of "Cliff" to match the broadcast date of CCTV.

After all, co-broadcasting China's first feature-length TV series with CCTV is also a historic event for Qindao TV.

Although we have to wait a few more months, everyone from the Arts Committee to Qindao TV Station is happy to do so.

The TV series can be broadcast on CCTV, which means that the audience group has expanded dozens of times, and it is truly targeting the national audience.

For Lin Weimin, it is also a great joy for the TV series adapted from his work to be broadcast on CCTV on New Year's Day.

In future generations, this will be a proper CCTV New Year drama.

Of course he couldn't ask for it.

"This is a great thing!" Lin Weimin said happily.

"Okay, I've informed you about this, so just wait for "Cliff" to air."

After a few more pleasantries, the call between Lin Weimin and Teacher Jinshan ended.

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