1980 My literary era

Chapter 197 The status within the society is established

"New Star", which He Yunlu took the initiative to deliver to his door, was highly regarded by the editorial department of "Contemporary" as a work of reform literature, and it was confirmed to be placed in the first issue of the magazine in 1983.

After Lin Weimin's "Horse Trapper" was written, he won the "People's Literature" award.

After reading it, Xie Mingqing praised Lin Weimin for writing a masterpiece.

Other editors who circulated it to the editorial department also received positive reviews. Even Wei Junyi, who had always been very strict with Lin Weimin, did not hesitate to praise him and praised him well.

Lin Weimin was very happy for two days after receiving high praise from everyone.

However, the manuscript has been written, the editor has read it, and it is even ready for layout. There is still one major issue that remains unresolved.

The title of the book has not been decided yet.

Just outrageous.

For some unknown reason, Lin Weimin had a strong sense of rebellion against the title "The Man Who Harnessed the Horse", which was unanimously approved by the editorial board. No matter what they said, he would not use it.

Fortunately, after a heated debate, the title of the book was finally decided.

"Horse Trapper".

In Xie Mingqing's mind, this name was miles inferior to "The Man Who Harnessed the Horse".

Once the title of the book has been determined, all that remains is the issue of publication.

"The Horse Trapper" is a tome with a length of 300,000 words. It is true that "People's Literature" can publish full-length novels, but 300,000 words is indeed too much. I really want to publish it in one issue directly. That would take up all the space, and there would be nothing else to do without other works.

The editorial board of "People's Literature" held a meeting to discuss and proposed two plans.

One is to divide the novel into two and publish it in two installments.

The publication's novels are now scheduled for November. If "The Horse Trapper" is to be published, it will only be in the December issue and the January issue next year.

With this arrangement, "Horse Trapper" can be regarded as this year's highlight and next year's opening masterpiece. In terms of attention, it is worthy of the popular writer Lin Weimin and the quality of "Horse Trapper".

Another plan is to issue a supplement, and it was Xie Mingqing who proposed this plan.

"Let's be honest and say that Weimin's current level is already outstanding among young writers in China. Every time he comes up with a work, both the story itself and the artistry are impeccable.

Our "People's Literature" has successively published several works such as "Farewell My Concubine", "The Wind", and "If You Have Something to Say", which can be said to have witnessed the growth of Weimin.


Xie Mingqing's expression and tone became serious when he said this, "Have you noticed a problem? Isn't it unfair to compare Weimin's works with those of other authors? It's like comparing Weimin's works with those of other authors. A child who has grown to an adult size when he is only ten years old is placed among a group of children and let them compete in wrestling..."

Today is the pre-editorial meeting at the end of the month. The editors, deputy editors, and team leaders of various publications and editorial offices of the Chinese Literature Society participated. Everyone fell into deep thought when Xie Mingqing said this.

When everyone was silent, Xie Mingqing continued: "And this is not the most important thing. Now the space that our publication has set aside for him every year is enough to discover and cultivate a few potential seedlings. I may be a little bit inappropriate when I say this. It's not humane, but I think the existence of Weimin has indeed affected the discovery and cultivation of young authors in "People's Literature".

But as a comrade of our Chinese Literature Society, and the quality of his works is outstanding, we must not let the good news flow to outsiders.

To sum up, I think using supplements is the most perfect way. "

After Xie Mingqing finished speaking, he picked up the tea cup on the conference table, took a sip of tea, and waited for everyone's feedback on his opinions.

After he finished speaking, his colleagues really started talking about it.

Lin Weimin is now not only a popular figure in the domestic literary world, but also a treasure of the Chinese Literature Society. Regarding the publication of his works, the Chinese Literature Society has always given high priority.

Back when Lin Weimin was not yet completely popular across the country, the leaders of the society overcame all objections and gave him an unconventional fee standard. What's more, now that Lin Weimin has achieved such an achievement.

There was no agenda for the discussion. Editor-in-chief Wei Junyi, who presided over the meeting, pointed to Meng Weizai.

"Lao Meng, serving the people is your soldier. Come and share your opinion."

Meng Weizai smiled bitterly, "What can I say? What Lao Xie said makes sense. Weimin is growing too fast now, and his creative energy is extremely strong. Putting him in "People's Literature" is indeed a bit bullying the children. feeling. I agree with him."

"Then you can't send supplements to this guy every time, right?"

Someone expressed everyone’s feelings. Indeed, publishing supplements is not something that can be normalized. If Lin Weimin publishes supplements separately every time, the brand name of "People's Literature" may be dimmed.

Xie Mingqing was also a little worried. His method worked for once, but he couldn't use this method every time Lin Weimin published a new work in the future, right?

In that case, wouldn't "People's Literature" be founded by Cheng Lin for the people?

The impact is too bad.

What to do?

"If that doesn't work, just publish it." Someone suggested.

"Isn't that just a loss of royalties?"

Don’t think that writers only regard money as dirt. If you look at the correspondence between writers in the past, or the correspondence between writers and editors, just like ordinary people, most people care about it.

Lin Weimin's works were originally published in journals first and then published, so he could earn two royalties.

If it is published directly now, without publication in a journal, the manuscript fee will naturally be reduced.

"Then what should we do? We can't give him more royalties, right? His royalties are already very high."

Some people worried: "If you publish directly, the manuscript fee will be less. If you directly submit it to other publications, the publisher will not be able to say anything."

At this point, the topic seems to have reached a dead end.

Wei Junyi could only say: "Okay, let's talk about the topic of Lin Weimin first. "Horse Trapper" will be published as a supplement by "People's Literature" as mentioned just now. It's a bit nervous in December. I think it will be Let’s put it after next year’s January issue.”

The layout and publication time of "Horse Trapper" have been decided, and there will be other works to follow.

In one morning, the pre-editorial meeting of the Chinese Literature Society was finally completed.

"Lao Meng, please stay here for a moment." Wei Junyi called to Meng Weizai who was about to leave.

Meng Weizai looked at her and said, "Let's go to Lao Yan's office."

Meng Weizai immediately realized that there should be progress in the matter he mentioned before, "Okay."

People in the conference room walked out in twos and threes.

Xie Mingqing and Li Jingfeng walked together, still talking about half of the topics discussed in the meeting just now.

"In the future, it will be increasingly difficult for the agency to monopolize works for the public!" Li Jingfeng lamented.

Xie Mingqing chuckled and said: "It is unrealistic to have a monopoly. Weimin's reputation is getting bigger and bigger now. There are so many invitation letters and phone calls from all over the country. If you can turn it down today, there will always be people who can't. At that time, it was just like the last "Zhongshan"."

Li Jingfeng nodded, "Indeed. No one would have thought that Weimin has only been in the society for less than two years, right?"

"It's been almost two years. I entered "Contemporary" in October last year."

"The future generations are terrible!" Li Jingfeng sighed again.

As he walked, he said as if casually: "Today's meeting, to some extent, can be regarded as affirming Weimin's status in the society, right?"

Xie Mingqing paused and thought for a moment, "It's true."

Xie Mingqing didn't finish what he was saying. He was the first to raise the question about Lin Weimin at the meeting. In fact, it should not be to affirm Lin Weimin's status in the society, but that all the editors of the Chinese Literature Society affirmed Lin Weimin's status in the domestic literary world and his Creative strength.

In late September, Han Zhuangzhuang finally came back.

"Farewell My Concubine" was performed in Shanghai for half a month, and this boy took the opportunity of a business trip to return to his hometown. After the show, he took a few days off to spend some time with his dad.

Having just returned from Shanghai, Han Zhuangzhuang was very excited.

"How's your dad doing lately? Is he feeling well?"

Han Zhuangzhuang said with a naive smile: "It's good. My dad heard that I was returning to Shanghai with the theater to perform, and he was so happy. He kept praising me for my achievements. He even specially brought me to our factory that day and mentioned it to everyone. Now I have joined the Yanjing People's Art Theatre, and I have been invited to perform in Shanghai with the crew."

"Your dad is so beautiful!"

"Isn't that right! It feels like there's wind when you walk."

As Han Zhuangzhuang spoke, he took out a bunch of things from the bag he brought back, "Uncle, these are all the things I bought for you, as well as the things my dad asked me to bring back."

What he took out were basically Shanghai's specialties.

These days, things in Shanghai represent quality, taste, and more importantly, sincerity.

Han Zhuangzhuang went to Shanghai to perform this time, and the subsidies were generous, covering more than a month's salary, and he became more generous with his money.

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Not bad, not bad. I know how to honor my uncle. Thank your dad for me."

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the uncle and nephew went to work.

After getting home from work, Han Zhuangzhuang talked about the fact that both Liang Guanhua and Song Dandan passed the screening period while eating.

"Uncle, they asked me to tell you that they want to treat you to a meal."

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "Goodbye. They don't make much money, and I can't help them much."

"Why didn't you help? The sketch teacher of "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren" even praised them and said they did a good job, hehe."

Han Zhuangzhuang couldn't help laughing as he said that. During the final exam, he even ran to help with the guest appearance, and he also received praise.

Lin Weimin didn't answer his words and asked, "So, they are considered actors in the art industry?"

"It's early. They have just passed the screening period now. They should be considered as internships now. They have to wait for another two years."

"So strict?"

"That's it." When Han Zhuangzhuang said this, he looked at Lin Weimin with a somewhat grateful look in his eyes, "If it weren't for you, uncle, I would have to go through as much trouble as they do if I want to enter the arts."

"Don't flatter me, act properly to be real!"

"That is required."

Han Zhuangzhuang promised, patting his chest.

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