1980 My literary era

Chapter 2 Literary Research Institute

"Lin Weimin~Lin Weimin~" A soft call came from his ears.

Lin Weimin was sleeping deeply. He heard the sound and wanted to get up, but he couldn't move.

"Lin Weimin!" The voice became louder and clearer.

Suddenly, Lin Weimin finally struggled to his feet.

He was sleepy and rubbed his eyes. It turned out that Huang Zonghan was calling him from the bed next to him.

"You're such a good sleeper. I wanted to talk to you all the way. Who knew you'd fall asleep right away, and you're almost at the station yet still awake."

Lin Weimin chuckled, "Young man, feel great!"

Huang Zonghan felt that this boy was yin and yang himself. He was forty-two years old this year, and his children were in middle school.

"Pack up, it's time to get off the car in half an hour."


Lin Weimin agreed. In fact, he had nothing to pack. Except for a few changes of clothes, he didn't bring anything with him.

To be precise, there should be nothing.

In the young body is a soul from later generations, also named Lin Weimin. He was staying up late to watch the female anchors in the same city, but he did not expect to die suddenly and unexpectedly.

If Lin Weimin is given another chance...

He will definitely never stay up late again to watch the female anchors in the same city.

He brushes during the day.

Lin Weimin traveled through time to Lin Weimin in the current world.

According to his memory, Lin Weimin knew that the two worlds before and after the time travel were almost 95% similar, with only a few differences.

Some characters who did not exist in history have appeared, while others who should have left their names in history have disappeared.

Lin Weimin read a lot of online novels before traveling through time. He understood that in this situation, it was an imaginary world!

Although the similarity is very high, they are actually different.

It is now March 1980, and the tide of reform and opening up is gradually rising.

Lin Weimin was born in Fengtian City, Liaodong Province. His parents died one after another. He was the son of his parents, who also had an older sister. He married to the south a few years ago and lost contact with his family. He does not know whether he is dead or alive.

After the death of his parents, Lin Weimin became an unloved little cabbage. Even his life became a problem. In the past few years, the streets would provide relief.

When he turned 16, the street directly sent Lin Weimin to the countryside to join the queue.

Lin Weimin is young and doesn't understand policies, let alone fight. Anyway, let him go.

He went to a rural area in Longjiang Province, a rural area with black soil. The conditions were better than those in rural areas in the south. At least he could have enough to eat.

There was just no fuel in the stomach. When the New Year was about to come in 1978, most of the educated youth in the educated youth spots went home to celebrate the New Year. There are only four educated youths left in the educated youth spot. Among these people, the others have poor family conditions and want to save some money and choose to celebrate the New Year locally. Only Lin Weimin has nowhere to go.

On New Year's Eve, every family in the production team not far away was buying new year's goods. The air was filled with various fragrances, which made the boys nestled in the educated youth spot so greedy that their eyes turned green.

What does it mean to be hungry and cowardly? They are all little brats who came from turbulent times. How can they stay safe at this time?

A few people discussed it and let’s go! Go steal the chicken!

Since the establishment of educated youth spots around the production team, the villagers have suffered greatly. During every New Year and festival, the educated youth spots have become the focus of the villagers.

When going to bed at night, the chickens, ducks, and geese at home have to rush inside to feel at ease.

A few people wandered around the production team in the dark for a long time, but they couldn't find an opportunity to make a move. They could only lament that the world was declining and people's hearts were not as old as before!

After thinking about it, it seemed that this brigade could not be counted on, so they should go to the brigade next door.

The brigade next door was almost ten miles away and was advancing in the dark again. Lin Weimin accidentally fell into a ditch and hit his head. He died on the spot. It was at this time that Lin Weimin, who died suddenly after staying up late at night, inherited this body.

Lin Weimin fell into a ditch and was knocked unconscious, which frightened several other people. They couldn't care less about stealing the chicken!

He carried Lin Weimin back to the educated youth point, sent someone to notify the team leader, and called in the barefoot doctor from the team. Before the doctor could rejuvenate, Lin Weimin woke up.

Inheriting all the memories of his original body, Lin Weimin was very aware of his situation and decisively chose to pretend to be ill.

He was really fooled by him at first. The captain approved his leave and gave him some condolence gifts. Several educated youths in the educated youth camp also took good care of him.

Unfortunately, the good days only lasted a few days. After the Chinese New Year, all the educated youths came back and the production team started working. It was useless for Lin Weimin to pretend to be sick. He still had to work.

How could he, an industrious and indifferent homebody, adapt to such an environment?

I can only pretend to be sick at every turn, and then study how to improve my working environment.

The best policy is of course to go back to the city and let the government arrange a job.

But the problem is, he has no father or mother, and he can bully anyone who catches him. It is simply unrealistic to expect this.

In the three years from 1978 to 1980, there was a big wave of educated youth returning to the city. During the Chinese New Year, the educated youth who returned to their hometowns were all considering returning to the city, but not many could actually go back. They had to struggle for a while before they could go back, let alone him. .

This road won't work.

Zhongce's plan is to get married where he is and become a door-to-door son-in-law. He has no parents in the city, so getting married and settling down is an option. In particular, his daughter-in-law, Wang Erya, the leader of the third team in the team, has a soft spot for Lin Weimin, a little hottie.

But Lin Weimin was also a time-traveler after all. When he thought that doing this, he would really lose his status to the time-travelers, so he decisively gave up the idea.

The last resort is self-reliance. This self-reliance definitely cannot be labor, because labor is impossible.

He wanted to go there and do some small business secretly, but when he inquired about it later, he was too frightened to move. These days, speculation is no joke.

In this way, after researching and researching, Lin Weimin found a direction-writing.

After the turmoil of the past few years, the public's desire for knowledge was unprecedented, which created the literary boom of the 1980s.

In an era when serious literature like "Anna Karenina" easily sells millions of copies, and literary review magazines like "Dushu" sell hundreds of thousands of copies in one issue, being a writer is definitely a happy thing. .

To anchor the direction, Lin Weimin first became familiar with the mainstream creative direction of this era. The late 1970s was the time when scar literature became popular.

He wrote hundreds of thousands of words of scrap manuscripts, and the manuscripts were rejected countless times. Finally, in the second half of 1979, he ushered in his highlight moment.

Two short stories were published in "Yalu River" magazine and "Zhongshan" magazine.

Lin Weimin not only received 120 yuan in royalties, but also became a celebrity in the educated youth center and the production brigade. Even the leaders of the commune heard of his name and specifically asked the team to give him some creative space.

A writer was born in the commune, and the leaders' faces became bright.

1979 passed by in a flash, and in March of 1980, the commune officer rode his bicycle to the team to find Lin Weimin and told him the great news.

His novel "A Penny Matter" published in "Zhongshan" won the 1979 National Outstanding Short Story Award. There was some delay in delivering the news, and he probably would not be able to make it in time for the award.

But the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Association issued an order, and he got an opportunity to study at the Central Institute of Literature.

Traveling back in time to the 1980s for a year, Lin Weimin felt like crying when he finally saw the day when he came out.

It’s so difficult!

In the evening, I received a temporary notice from the editor that in order to avoid review risks, the names of characters and organizations in the book would need to be modified. The changes were finally completed at two o'clock in the middle of the night. From now on, the names of people and organizations will be subject to the new ones. If there are any mistakes or omissions, if you see them, you can help point them out.

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