1980 My literary era

Chapter 203 Teacher Lin teaches you how to write step by step

"How's it going? Are you interested?"

Lin Weimin asked again, interrupting Mo Yan's recollection. He grinned, revealing a set of uneven teeth, "Of course I'm interested."

"That's good. Do you have any new works recently? Take them out and let me take a look at them."

Lin Weimin was like an extremely experienced prostitute. He started to take off his clothes as soon as he entered the door... No, he went straight to the point.

It was also Mo Yan's first time contacting an editor. Seeing Lin Weimin being so straightforward, he took out a stack of manuscript paper from the drawer of his desk with some trepidation.

"Teacher Lin, this is a novel I wrote some time ago."

Lin Weimin took the manuscript. It was a short story, not long, and he finished it in a short time.

Lin Weimin smacked his lips, and Mo Yan was looking at him expectantly.

"That's almost true."

Mo Yan's face was immediately filled with disappointment.

"Teacher Lin, what do you think is inappropriate? I can change it again." Mo Yan asked unwillingly.

Mo Yan is a very goal-oriented person and also has a resilient character.

In order to join the army, he was rejected several times because of his background, but he never gave up.

In the end, his friend took the initiative to ask Mo Yan to write a letter and then passed it on to his friend's father, who was a minister. Mo Yan finally got his wish and became a soldier.

"It's not impossible to revise it. But the foundation of this novel is too poor. Even if you take the trouble to revise it, it may not be very good."

Lin Weimin's words made Mo Yan's heart sink.

"Are there any other manuscripts?"

Mo Yan shook his head. This was the only manuscript he had written now, and he was originally planning to continue submitting it to "Lotus Pond".

"That's it!" Lin Weimin's tone was a bit regretful.

Mo Yan felt a little desperate.

Is my talent really that bad? Do we want to see this opportunity slip away like this?

At this time, Lin Weimin spoke up: "Do you have any ideas that haven't been written down yet? Maybe I can help you refer to them."

Mo Yan's eyes lit up, but then he felt a little unsure.

Even the good things written are not favored by others, so how can those immature ideas be favored?

But Mo Yan's character is like this. He won't give up until he reaches the Yellow River. When the opportunity is presented to him, he must try again.

"I do have an idea, but it's not very mature."

"As for your ideas, if there are any mature ones, you might as well speak out boldly."

Lin Weimin's peaceful and approachable attitude made Mo Yan grateful. He sorted out his thoughts and told Lin Weimin his thoughts.

Mo Yan spoke for about ten minutes, during which Lin Weimin listened quietly to his words without interrupting.

After Mo Yan finished speaking, Lin Weimin pondered, and Mo Yan looked at his expression with anxiety.

"This structure looks familiar!" Lin Weimin said softly.

Mo Yan's heart skipped a beat. His idea was completely imitated by the American writer Michael McCullers' "Song of the Sad Cafe". He didn't expect that Lin Weimin recognized it immediately after listening to him for a few minutes, and a few thoughts arose in his heart. While Si felt regretful, she couldn't help but admire Lin Weimin's extensive knowledge.

The plot of "Sad Song" is roughly: a hunchback suddenly came to the town at night, claiming to be a relative of Miss Amelia, and entered Miss Amelia's shop, arousing the curiosity of the whole town, so Amelia's cafe catered to everyone's curiosity and opened bustlingly.

The idea proposed by Mo Yan is basically similar: a homeless blind man came to the town at night and asked to stay in a hotel in the town. Hua Jasmine, a divorced single woman who opened the Jasmine Hotel, took him in, which aroused people's voyeurism. The blind man brought business to Hua Moli with his flute and erhu.

Mo Yan added the element of music to the structure, and removed the scene in "The Ballad of the Sad Cafe" in which Miss Amelia's ex-husband Marvin Macy bewitched the hunchback after he was released from prison.

Instead, she became blind. Finally, after Hua Moli took the initiative to express her true feelings, she left silently, leaving behind her loss and melancholy.

Just when Mo Yan secretly regretted his recklessness, Lin Weimin said: "But the idea is still good, you can try to write it down."

When Mo Yan heard these words, he heard the voice of heaven, "Is it true? Teacher Lin?"

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "There are a lot of articles in the world, and the structures are similar. It just depends on who writes the best."

Mo Yan felt ashamed and said, "Don't say that, Michaels is a great writer."

"What great writers write may not always be the best works!"

When Lin Weimin said this, he had a look on his face that made Mo Yan look up to him.

Probably only a genius like Teacher Lin with extraordinary talents would be so confident when facing Michaelus, who is also famous for his genius.

As Mo Yan thought about this, he suddenly felt a little ashamed of himself.

"I think this idea can be written down. What do you think?" Lin Weimin said when Mo Yan was stunned.

Mo Yan came to his senses and said, "Then I'll write it down and send it to you later."

"Don't look back, just write now."

Mo Yan's small eyes looked at Lin Weimin with a bit of surprise.

"Write now?"

"Yeah, I'll finish reading it just in time. If there's no problem, I'll take it back." Seeing that Mo Yan's expression was still a bit surprised, Lin Weimin explained: "Don't look at the January issue, which is still more than two months away. , but compiling the manuscript is a big project. We still have to review, proofread, and format the manuscript when we get back. Time is already very tight, so we must seize the time."

Mo Yan didn't understand the editor's work, but when he heard what Lin Weimin said, he felt a little scared and nervous.

"Then I'll write it right away."

"Okay, hurry up."

Lin Weimin thought of an interview he had read later, saying that Mo Yan only spent 43 days writing "Life and Death Fatigue" and that the novel was 500,000 words long.

His eyes fell on Mo Yan, who was writing quickly at his desk.

Xiaomo, you won't let Teacher Lin down, right?

Lin Weimin took a sip of tea, and the only sound in the office was the rustle of the pen tip falling on the paper.

After an unknown amount of time, the office door was pushed open from the outside.

A middle-aged man in military uniform came in and smiled heartily before he could speak.

"Haha, I heard that the great writer Lin Weimin is here. Xiao Mo, why didn't you tell the camp?"

Mo Yan, who was immersed in the creative atmosphere, was interrupted from his thoughts. When he saw the middle-aged man standing up and about to speak, he heard Lin Weimin who was sitting say: "Comrade, Xiao Mo is working on his creation. Don't disturb him first." .”

The middle-aged man entered the door with great momentum, but he didn't want to be pushed back by Lin Weimin.

When Lin Weimin entered the army gate, he showed his ID and letter of introduction, and explained his purpose to the sentry. The sentry on duty had naturally heard of his name.

As soon as I handed in my post, I ran to the company headquarters to report it. When the company headquarters saw such a big writer coming, they had to notify their leaders!

When the camp leaders heard the news, their first reaction was to report it further.

But I thought it would definitely take a while for the leader to arrive. After making the phone call, I found Mo Yan first and couldn't leave him alone.

He didn't want to be insulted by Lin Weimin as soon as he entered the door. The middle-aged man didn't know how to express his position. At this time, Lin Weimin stood up.

"Xiao Mo, you write first, and I will go out with your leader to have a chat."

Mo Yan nodded, sat down and continued to focus on writing.

The middle-aged man found his way, so he and Lin Weimin walked outside the office.

Lin Weimin had a somewhat apologetic smile on his face, "Comrade, I was really sorry just now. I was worried that Xiao Mo's creative state would be disrupted."

The middle-aged man didn't take what just happened to his mind, "It doesn't matter. People in our army are used to being straightforward. I was too reckless just now and didn't even knock on the door."

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Weimin learned that the middle-aged man's surname was Guan, and he was the commander of Mo Yan's camp.

Chief Guan also knew the purpose of Lin Weimin's visit this time, and sighed: "It seems that we did the right thing to keep Xiao Mo. It allows you to take the initiative to book manuscripts for "Contemporary". Xiao Mo will definitely be able to follow Lin Weimin in the future." Like you, the writer, become a great writer.”

"Don't say that. Being a writer is an ordinary job, just like being a soldier."

After complimenting each other for a while, Lin Weimin was invited to sit in Chief Guan's office for a while.

The door to the room was pushed open again, and there was still a burst of hearty laughter.

"Haha, you are Teacher Lin Weimin, right? I have admired you for a long time!"

When the old man with gray temples came in, he went straight to Lin Weimin and held his hand enthusiastically, which made Lin Weimin's palm hurt.

This style is really consistent!

Our country abolished the military rank system in 1965 and did not restore it until 1988. Nowadays, the rank cannot be determined by looking at the epaulettes, but the old man is wearing an officer's military uniform with four pockets, so his status must not be low.

"Have a good head!"

Commander Guan stood up and saluted with a military salute, and then introduced Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin, this is our division commander."

Lin Weimin was very surprised. Did he alert the division commander by coming by himself?

After the introduction and chatting, I found out that this division commander was not only a loyal fan of Lin Weimin's spy novels, but also watched the performance of "The Intouchables" in Yanjing.

Yanqing is so close to Yanjing, so it is not surprising that the teacher has seen this drama.

"Mr. Lin's novels are well written and exciting! The dramas are also well written. A few years ago, I originally applied to work on the front line, but was rejected by the superiors. Qin Yun's writing is great!"

The teacher was excited for a long time, but unfortunately his vocabulary was relatively poor, and the most he said was "well written".

Seems like a real fan.

Seeing that it was almost noon, the division commander invited Lin Weimin to have a meal. Lin Weimin declined but could only have one meal, and also called Mo Yan by the way.

The banquet at noon was very sumptuous, and Mo Yan was a little excited. His leader, leader's leader, leader's leader's leader...all came.

For a moment, Mo Yan felt that he should really stay in the army and work until death.

But he immediately came to his senses and knew that all the courtesy was not for him, but for Teacher Lin.

Teacher Lin is the role model he should learn from.

Because of the prohibition on alcohol, there was no drinking at the lunch banquet.

After dinner, Lin Weimin asked the division commander to take a few days off for Mo Yan, and the division commander happily agreed.

In this way, Mo Yan got a rare holiday since he joined the army, and he could even go out alone at night.

Knowing that Mo Yan is still crowded in a dormitory with others, Lin Weimin specially opened a room for him in the guest house in order to allow him to concentrate on his creation.

"You can write here with peace of mind these two days, and don't worry about other things." Lin Weimin warned.

Teacher Lin's version of the Little Black Room is online again, but Mo Yan enjoys it and is even filled with gratitude.

Teacher Lin is so considerate!

After dinner, Mo Yan wrote in the room for two hours before knocking on Lin Weimin's door.

"Teacher Lin, I have a question. I want to ask you for advice."

Lin Weimin put down the book in his hand, read what Mo Yan had written that day, and patiently analyzed the problems for Mo Yan.

One was speaking and the other was listening, and unconsciously lost track of time.

By the time the two of them came to their senses, it was already late at night.

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "I have forgotten the time. You should rest early."

Mo Yan listened to Lin Weimin's speech for a long time. There were not many opportunities to listen to popular writers personally teach their writing experience and insights. He didn't want it to end like this.

"Teacher Lin, please tell me more."

Lin Weimin looked at Mo Yan's eager expression and reluctantly said, "Okay, let's talk for a while."

Years later, this night was something Mo Yan would never forget.

That night, Teacher Lin taught me step by step how to write.

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