1980 My literary era

Chapter 211 They are all related households

Huang Yihe's requirement for Lin Weimin was to have at least three sketches that could meet the requirements for the party, so he had to prepare at least three or more scripts.

The performance form of sketch is very short, so the size of the script is naturally small.

But Huang Yihe did the math and found that Deng Zaijun went to see Lin Weimin on Friday afternoon. You told me that the script was written during the meeting on Monday. Isn't it a bit too much? Is the stage requirement for bullying our party low?

At the end of the meeting, there was a little hiccup because of Lin Weimin's sudden raising of his hand. Huang Yihe insisted on finishing the meeting. After most people left, he and Deng Zaijun gathered together to watch Lin Weimin's script.

"Chen Xiaoer: Director. Are you looking for an actor? Director, director, do you think I can do it? Look...

Director: Okay, okay, let you try it.

Chen Xiaoer: Hey!

Director: This is eating noodles.

Chen Xiaoer: (slightly surprised) Eat noodles!

Director: Look, this is a bowl of noodles.

Chen Xiaoer: Hey! I just didn't eat today.

Director: What did you say?

Chen Xiaoer: Ah - I said I will do a good job today. Haha, I will do a good job.


The script of the sketch "Eating Noodles" seems unremarkable at first glance, but it uses the two core techniques of comedy-exaggeration and repetition.

The art of exaggeration is an indispensable part of comedy creation, and can even be said to be the primary method of expression. The exaggeration in "Eating Noodles" is mainly the exaggeration of the characters.

The repetition in this sketch includes the repetition of the plot and the repetition of actions. Through repetition, the audience's memory points can be deepened and the purpose of adding jokes can be increased. Some plots or actions may not be funny in themselves, but once they are repeated many times, they will have a comedic effect.

The sketch "Eating Noodles" was produced by Chen Xiaoer and Lao Mao when they participated in the Spring Festival Gala in 1984. The script was also independently created by Chen Xiaoer and Lao Mao.

The reason why Lin Weimin came up with this sketch was not to steal Chen Xiaoer's credit. I simply felt that I could push Chen Xiaoer to the Spring Festival Gala stage in advance.

This guy has been pestering me to write a classic role for him before. Look, isn’t this classic role coming?

Right, Chen Xiaoer?

This is not cutting corners, Lin Weimin thought to himself.

Lin Weimin brought a total of four scripts. "Eating Noodles" was the first script Huang Yihe read. When he saw the paragraph "There are only two sentences in total", Huang Yihe couldn't help bursting into laughter.

This laughter seemed to open the floodgates of his heart, and after that, he couldn't help laughing out loud almost every time he read a few lines.

When he saw at the end that the director kept asking Chen Xiaoer to say the lyrics, but Chen Xiaoer had difficulty saying the lines because he ate too many noodles, pictures even began to appear in his mind, and he couldn't bear it anymore. Laughed.

Even if there is no Chen Xiaoer's performance in front of us, it does not hinder the power of "Eating Noodles" as a comedy sketch to make people laugh. Of course, Chen Xiaoer's precise and superb performance on the Spring Festival Gala stage also added a lot of color to the script.

By the time Huang Yihe and Deng Zaijun finished reading all four scripts, their stomachs ached from laughing so much.

Huang Yihe looked at the script in his hand and couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he thought of Lin Weimin's calmness when he raised his hand just now.

Teacher Lin is really not boasting!

But he still couldn't believe it. These were four works with sophisticated comedy structures and such dense burdens. They were created in just two days. It was really a bit exaggerated.

Huang Yihe couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Lin, did you create these scripts in the past two days?"

Lin Weimin shook his head.

Huang Yihe breathed a sigh of relief. He just said, how could it be possible to create four scripts in two days, even if it was a sketch script? This thing looks simple, but in fact it requires more plot density and comedy skills than ordinary drama scripts. Higher.

"One of them is an assignment I wrote for my nephews before, that's "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren", and the remaining three are all written now."

Huang Yihe looked at Lin Weimin as if he had been shot from behind, his eyes full of shock.

Lin Weimin said: "Director Huang, it doesn't seem to be an important thing how long it took me to write the script, right? You and Director Deng have also read the script, what do you think? Is there anything that needs to be modified?"

Huang Yihe and Deng Zaijun looked at each other in confusion. They looked at each other for a long time. Just reading the script... it seemed that there was really no need to modify it!

Teacher Lin’s text is so powerful!

After thinking for a while, Huang Yihe said: "Let's leave the script as it is for the time being. We will contact the actors first to make them familiar with the script, and then rehearse it before reading it."

At this time, Lin Weimin said again: "Director Huang, Director Deng, now that we have talked about it, I happen to have something to ask you two."

"Teacher Lin, please tell me." Huang Yihe looked at Lin Weimin quietly.

"My nephews have arranged this skit of "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren" before. Several of the actors are talented in the arts and can be used directly."

Huang Yihe smiled and said: "That will save us time in finding actors. Teacher Lin, you can be considered a favor to our directing team."

"In addition, I actually created the script of "Eating Noodles" based on my friend. If you are looking for an actor, can you choose him first? Don't worry, my friend is also a professional actor, a film actor from the Bayi Film Studio. It was released the year before last. Have you seen "Look at This Family"? The character he plays in it is called Jiaqi, and Chen Xiaoer in the script is based on his image."

"Look at This Family" received a very good response after it was released that year, and Chen Xiaoer's role also left a deep impression on many viewers.

Huang Yihe thought about it for a moment. He had actually seen this movie, and the image of Chen Xiaoer immediately came to mind.

"This actor did a really good job. Since Mr. Lin created this script based on his influence, I think the fit between the character and the character should be very high. I can ask Mr. Chen to give it a try later."

Lin Weimin made two requests in succession, both of which were mutually beneficial to the director team. Huang Yihe was in a good mood and felt that he had found a good helper for the director team.

"Director Huang, don't we have a drama program at our party? I have a friend who is from the Yue Opera Troupe over there in Zhijiang..."

Huang Yihe said at this time: "Yue Opera? I remember there was a new Yue Opera troupe called Xiaobaihua in Zhijiang this year? It seems to be quite popular."

The Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe has been touring Zhijiang Province in the past few months since its performance in Xiangjiang. The performances were unprecedented wherever they went. Both the media and fans praised the Yue Opera as a successor.

Recently, "Drama News", "Drama Review" and other publications have published articles recommending the Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe to the capital and the country, saying that the opera actors Mao Weitao, He Ying and Dong Kedi performed outstandingly in the play "Five Daughters Pay Birthday" , He Saifei, Fang Xuewen" are the "Five Golden Flowers".

Lin Weimin's little girlfriend Tao Huimin is unfortunately not among the "Five Golden Flowers".

"That's right. What I want to recommend to you is Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe. Their troupe has put on a play called "Five Daughters' Birthday Wishes". It is very good. It should be regarded as one of the few high-quality plays that have appeared in the field of Yue Opera in recent years. I I think this play is very suitable for the stage of our party.”

Lin Weimin's proposal was purely a whim. He had originally planned to use his vacation to go to Zhijiang to find his girlfriend, but there was something about Lao Guo before and something about the Spring Festival Gala later. With such a delay in the two things, he basically didn't want to go to Zhijiang a year ago. It is very possible to leave Yanjing.

Since you can't go out by yourself, you might as well ask your little girlfriend to come!

Lin Weimin came up with this idea after Deng Zaijun found him.

For this reason, he had to take the initiative to recommend Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe to Huang Yihe, and even had to specify the program.

If this was placed in the Spring Festival Gala in future generations, you would never dare to think that the director could throw it in your face.

But in the first few Spring Festival Galas, what stood out was the randomness.

If Lin Weimin remembers correctly, the Spring Festival Gala in 1983 seemed to have been an on-demand program that viewers called to request. How outrageous that the live broadcast of the gala was actually on-demand.

Lin Weimin vaguely remembered that he had watched a documentary in later generations, and even the film clips were played as a program on the Spring Festival Gala of 1983.

I recommend "Five Daughters' Birthday Wishes", isn't it too much?

The opera programs that appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage in later generations are basically the roots laid by the first few Spring Festival Galas. Peking Opera is the main one, followed by several major operas such as Ping Opera, Huangmei Opera, and Yue Opera.

Yue Opera is now considered the second largest opera genre in China, and it is normal for it to appear on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

The scene in the play "Five Daughters on Birthday" is a bit awkward. The Spring Festival Gala stage usually consists of opera solos or duets, but "Five Daughters on Birthday" is an ensemble play.

But no matter what, let’s fool around first.

I haven't seen my little girlfriend for several months. I can't miss such an opportunity to serve others for personal gain, Lin Weimin thought to himself.

""Five Daughters on Birthday"?" Huang Yihe's expression was a little hesitant. He didn't know much about Shaoxing Opera, and he had never seen "Five Daughters on Birthday", so it was difficult to make a decision at the moment.

"Let's do this. I'll have someone contact the Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe first. Once we've made contact, we'll see if our preparatory team sends someone to inspect it, or if we ask them to come to Yanjing."

Huang Yihe's method is the most commonly used method when planning a party. It is impossible for the directing team to arrange so many wonderful programs out of thin air in just two or three months.

Most of the programs have been arranged by folk art troupes, song and dance troupes, and drama groups from all over the country, and are then actively or passively recommended to the party's directing team, who then sends people to inspect or recruit people to Beijing. .

There are very few programs that directly recruit people to Beijing. This is usually only possible if the members of the directing team have a full understanding of the program.

Huang Yihe said that it would at least prove that Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe's program had been considered by the director team.

"Thank you so much, Director Huang."

Huang Yihe smiled and said: "Teacher Lin, you are so polite. I should be the one to thank you. Our directing team is worried that there are no good programs, so you have helped us recommend three alternatives in a short time. In Jun really found a good helper for our program team!"

Deng looked a little proud in his military appearance: "I have a good sense of inviting people, right?"

"It's not bad, it's quite good! Haha!"

The two of them laughed as they talked.

Lin Weimin came back to organize the meeting and gained a lot. He recommended Chen Xiaoer and his eldest nephew to the party. He wasn't too worried about Chen Xiaoer's ability. He was mainly his nephew. Although he didn't know that he would actually be able to attend the party in the end, it was at least an opportunity.

As for the matter of pushing my little girlfriend to Beijing, just think of it as a personal matter. At worst, I won't find her again during the New Year.

First update, today’s day is tens of thousands, there are still more.

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