1980 My literary era

Chapter 213 Winner of the First Yanbing Literature Award

Lao Guo is gone, not because he passed away, but because he returned to Xining.

Before leaving, Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei went to the station to see him off. He was thinner than when he arrived.

As the roar gradually sounded, the north wind blew their hair.

Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei jumped on their feet and waved to Guo Yudao. Sitting in the carriage near the window, he tried hard to smile, but his smile was extremely ugly.

Everyone knows that this goodbye will never be seen again.

As the train gradually moved away, Lin Weimin still stood there with a dazed expression. After a long pause, Qu Xiaowei patted him and said, "Okay, stop looking and go back."

Lin Weimin turned around silently.

Qu Xiaowei consoled him: "Lao Guo enjoyed himself this time and sat back in the soft sleeper."

Lin Weimin helped Guo Yudao and his wife buy their train tickets, so it didn't matter. However, finding someone to spend some foreign exchange coupons made the return journey less painful for Guo Yudao and his wife.

Lin Weimin nodded lightly, feeling depressed. After coming out of the train station, Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei separated and went to work.

When he got home in the evening, Han Zhuangzhuang looked excited and said, "Uncle, did you know? The Spring Festival Gala gave our courtyard a call and said they invited me, Guanhua and Dandan to perform a sketch."

Lin Weimin was not in a good mood that day, and he agreed with a bleak expression, "Well, I recommend you to go."

Han Zhuangzhuang was stunned for a moment, "Uncle, what did you say?"

"Uncle, I am now the screenwriter and consultant of the party. I recommended you guys to act in "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren". Otherwise, do you think they can ask you to act in a sketch if they have nothing to do?"

Han Zhuangzhuang finally understood and was overjoyed. I really have to rely on my uncle!

"Thank you uncle..."

Lin Weimin interrupted him, "Okay, okay, just act well, don't embarrass me."

"That is required."

Han Zhuangzhuang closed his hands and patted his chest in assurance.

Lin Weimin said a few words to him and put on his clothes.

"Uncle, why are you going?"

"I'm going to take a walk at your Uncle Shi's house."

Lin Weimin said something, got on his motorcycle and came to No. 26 Yonghegong Street.

"Tiesheng! Tiesheng!"

Walking into the courtyard and shouting a familiar name, Lin Weimin felt inexplicably calm.

It was Shi Lan who opened the door for Lin Weimin, "Brother Lin, are you here?"

"There's someone at home!"

"Well, brothers Shusheng and Shuhua are here."

Lin Weimin entered the door and saw brothers Liu Shusheng and Liu Shuhua chatting with Shi Tiesheng.

"We are here for the people!"

Several people said hello, and Lin Weimin picked up a stool and sat next to them. They wanted him to participate in the conversation, but he waved his hand.

"You tell me what you want, and I'll just listen."

Perhaps sensing that he was not in a good mood, the Liu Shuhua brothers and Shi Tiesheng stopped communicating with him and continued to discuss creative issues.

While several people were talking, Lin Weimin's eyes were fixed on a piece of floral cloth with a white background and dark blue pattern hanging on Shi Tiesheng's bookcase.

Tiesheng told him that this curtain was sewn by his mother herself. In Shi Tiesheng's slightly shabby little house, only this piece of floral cloth revealed simple elegance.

The image of a quiet, middle-aged intellectual woman appeared in Lin Weimin's mind inexplicably. Tiesheng's mother fell ill suddenly and died even more suddenly.

He then thought of the tear-jerking essay "Autumn Memories" written by him and published in "Contemporary".

My thoughts are like smoke, swirling and rising upward until I don't know where to drift, and then fall back into my body. Most of the sadness I felt when I came has dissipated.

While Lin Weimin was dazzling, the Liu Shuhua brothers had already stood up to leave.

Only then did Shi Tiesheng roll his wheelchair and came to him, "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Lin Weimin nodded and told about Guo Yudao.

The two of them talked casually, without any cautious comfort, just like talking about ordinary things like eating and sleeping.

Speaking of his promise to Guo Yudao to write a novel, Shi Tiesheng joked: "Your last work hasn't been published yet, but you already have plans for your next one?"

He was referring to "The Horse Trapper" which has been confirmed but not yet published.

"Originally, I told you about the two themes before. I wrote about friendship first, and then I wrote about love!"

"The hero's name is Guo Yudao?" Shi Tiesheng asked with a smile.

Lin Weimin's face finally showed a smile, "Just call me Guo Yudao, let Lao Guo enjoy a life of drunkenness and dreams."

The theme of love mentioned by Lin Weimin made Shi Tiesheng full of curiosity.

As we all know, Teacher Lin has never been in love.

Shi Tiesheng was very curious about how he, an old bachelor, could write romance novels.

"Can you tell me about it?"

Lin Weimin saw his curious face and said, "Okay, I'll tell you about it."

"The background of the story is in Shanghai in the 1920s. My father was transferred because of his job, and the family traveled across the ocean from France to Shanghai. In the end, they found nothing. My father died in a foreign land, and my mother could only support me and me by opening a French school. Two brothers..."

Lin Weimin's story is very long, and the setting is intended to be a long one. This novel was born out of a very interesting movie he watched in his previous life.

After he finished telling the story, Shi Tiesheng asked: "Why must this story be told from the perspective of an old French woman?"

Lin Weimin said: "I want to create a handsome... Chinese man with a heart-throb image in the novel. I can't praise myself for being handsome, right? It would be different if it were an old French woman. This Chinese man has become her most important character in her life. It’s quite exciting to think about someone who can’t be forgotten by anyone from young girls to old women, right?”

Shi Tiesheng understood Lin Weimin's thinking, but had deep doubts about his ability.

"You are a bachelor and have never even touched a woman's hand..."

Lin Weimin was anxious, "Who said I haven't even touched a woman's hand?"

"Look, I'm just going to state a fact." Shi Tiesheng's expression was relaxed, even a bit joking.

"Rumors! These are all rumors! Not only have I touched a woman's hand, I even have a girlfriend."

"Huh?" Shi Tiesheng's eyes narrowed, "You have a girlfriend? When did it happen? Why didn't I hear you mention it?"

Lin Weimin said proudly: "It's just that I don't want everyone to know about it. You also know how many girls regard me as a literary idol. If they knew that I had a girlfriend, they would probably be willing to die."

Shi Tiesheng suppressed his desire to give him a big dick and asked: "How do you know each other? Tell me quickly."

Lin Weimin finally felt proud when he saw his expression, and told the story of how he met Tao Huimin in Zhijiang.

In order for Shi Tiesheng to feel the "beauty of love", he had to do some clever processing.

Encounter at West Lake, coincidence of marriage...

For no other reason than to make this old bachelor with no self-awareness envious and jealous!

Unexpectedly, after listening to Lin Weimin's embellished narrative, Shi Tiesheng looked at him with a bit of caution.

Jealousy really changes people beyond recognition. Tiesheng was such a kind-hearted person before!

Seeing that my old friend had a partner, he actually became disgusting.

After Lin Weimin left, Shi Tiesheng looked at his sister who was still looking at her back at the door.

I was indeed on the right track when I guarded against this boy. How old was his partner? This boy really liked younger people.

Now that Lin Weimin has a girlfriend, Shi Tiesheng is relieved.

"Don't look at it, your brother Lin's girlfriend is pretty."

Shi Lan turned back and looked at his brother with eyes filled with disgust, "I want you to tell me!"

Shi Tiesheng smiled bitterly, it's true that women are not allowed to stay in college!

In December, after a long period of selection, the Yanbing Literature Award finally announced the list of award-winning works and writers. The names of "The Wind" and Lin Weimin were prominently listed.

The work "The Wind" has won many heavyweight awards for the original author Mai Jia in later generations. Lin Weimin is not too surprised to win the first Yanbing Literature Award.

In addition to Lin Weimin and his "The Wind", the winners this year include Zou Keqin's "Xu Mao and His Daughters", Wei Wei's "The East", Mo Yingfeng's "The General's Song", Yao Xueyin's "Li Zicheng", The works of six writers including Gu Hua's "Furong Town" and Li Guowen's "Spring in Winter" won this year's Yanbing Literature Award.

In addition to announcing the list of winning works and writers, the jury also announced that the award ceremony for the first Yan Bing Literature Prize will be held at the People's Hall on the 15th of this month.

As China's first literary award named after an individual, the Yanbing Literature Award has been destined to become one of the highest awards in the field of Chinese novels since its birth.

As soon as the names of the winning works and writers were released, they immediately aroused heated discussions in the domestic literary circles and among literature lovers.

There was a heated discussion among the literary circles and the public about the Yanbing Literature Prize. At the same time, Lin Weimin also received a call from the jury, informing him to be prepared to go to the People's Hall to receive the award.

The seven award-winning writers were notified by phone and had sufficient time to prepare for the award ceremony.

"Congratulations to the people!"


Since the list was released, Lin Weimin has not been idle in the editorial office. Colleagues in the front and back buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after rain to congratulate him.

Lin Weimin thought of a sentence inexplicably, when you stand high enough, you will be surrounded by smiling faces.

The congratulations among colleagues reached a climax when editor-in-chief Wei Junyi arrived. Wei Junyi, who always showed seriousness, rarely showed a smile today.

"Weimin has brought glory to our Chinese literary society this time!"

"It's all thanks to your teachings, the editor-in-chief." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

"What did I teach you?" Wei Junyi couldn't see the way his pigtails were raised, and one sentence left Lin Weimin speechless.

The colleagues around him laughed when they saw this.

"Okay, okay, don't be proud of your achievements. Prepare well for the award ceremony in a few days."

"Yes." Lin Weimin responded seriously.

The appearance of Wei Junyi put an end to the congratulations of colleagues. Colleagues left the editorial office in twos and threes, whispering to each other.

The evaluation of the Yanbing Literature Award has been going on for some time. The topic of whether Lin Weimin can win the first Literature Award has always been one of the focuses of everyone at the Chinese Literature Society. Now the dust has finally settled.

The twenty-two-year-old winner of the Yanbing Literature Award!

Everyone found it a bit unbelievable when they heard it. Many people's children are the same age, but when they look at their own children and then look at Lin Weimin, they instantly feel how different the world is.

After all his colleagues left, Lin Weimin finally had some private time, and he ran to Tan Chaoyang's office.

"Boss, let me make a call."

"let's hit!"

Lin Weimin stared at Tan Chaoyang, and the old comrade reacted, "What do you mean? I still have to go out of my office?"

Tan Chaoyang went to the editorial room to chat with everyone and made room for Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin held the phone receiver, feeling a little uneasy. He didn't know if his little girlfriend was in school at this time.

"Hello, I'm looking for Tao Huimin."

"I'm her cousin. There's something at home that I need to tell her."

"Okay, then I'll wait for a while."

The phone hung up and it rang after more than twenty minutes. Lin Weimin quickly picked up the phone.



The soft and soft voice came, making Lin Weimin's heart itch.

Tao Huimin's voice was filled with excitement, "Weimin, why did you call me?"

Cousin and cousin were the secret codes Tao Huimin and Lin Weimin had agreed on. They were afraid that teachers or league leaders would be present when they called.

Now that Tao Huimin doesn't call Lin Weimin cousin, she must be safe around her.

"I miss you!" Lin Weimin said casually.

The breath on the other end of the phone stagnated, and Lin Weimin could even feel the sound of his little girlfriend's shy and rapid breathing on the phone.

"Don't talk nonsense!" After a few seconds, Tao Huimin's coquettish voice came out.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. I'm calling you today to share the good news with you. My novel won the first Yanbing Literature Award."

"Yan Bing Literature Award?" Tao Huimin was stunned for a moment, "Is it the award established with Mr. Shen Yan Bing's royalties?"

"That's right."

Tao Huimin was immediately delighted and said: "For the people, you are really great!"

Joy is doubled when shared. Feeling Tao Huimin's sincere joy and excitement, Lin Weimin's heart was filled with warmth.

After a while, the two of them calmed down.

"When I called just now, I was worried that you weren't in school!" Lin Weimin said.

Tao Huimin: "Originally, we performed in other cities in the province. Later, the troupe received a notice that someone from Yanjing was coming to inspect, so we hurried back."

"People from CCTV have already arrived at your place?" Lin Weimin said in surprise.

"CCTV?" Tao Huimin's voice was full of surprise. The troupe did a very good job of keeping the actors confidential and didn't let any news out.

"How did you know?" she couldn't help asking.

Lin Weimin laughed on the phone, "Silly girl, that's why I recommend you go there!"

"You?" Tao Huimin became more and more confused as she listened.

Lin Weimin could only explain: "CCTV is preparing for this year's New Year's Gala, and they found me as a scriptwriter and consultant for the sketch program. By the way, I recommended your troupe to participate in this year's gala. They will first send someone to inspect your troupe. Let’s check the situation of the program, and if it’s suitable, you will go to Beijing.”

Tao Huimin, who was immersed in the joy of love, didn't care about the party. She only filtered out the word "entering Beijing" from Lin Weimin's words.

"Are we going to Beijing?"

She asked excitedly, her heart beating rapidly at the thought of meeting her lover soon.

"Not necessarily, it depends on the inspection situation."

When Tao Huimin heard this, she began to feel uneasy again, "Is it possible that I won't be able to choose?"

"There is a chance, but it doesn't matter. Even if you can't come to Yanjing for the time being, I still want to find you during the New Year."

"Really?" Tao Huimin's voice was filled with excitement.

"Of course it's true. So relax, behave well, and try to get into Beijing."


The phone call lasted for nearly ten minutes. It was not until an urging voice appeared on the other end of the phone that Tao Huimin and Lin Weimin hung up the phone reluctantly.

"Cousin, I'll hang up then. Please tell uncle not to worry about me."

Lin Weimin knew that there must be someone around Tao Huimin.

"okay, I get it."

Tao Huimin hung up the phone and smiled flatteringly at the leader, "Captain, it's my cousin calling."

The group leader nodded, "Hurry and go to the small auditorium. Rehearsal will begin soon."

The news of the rehearsal in the small auditorium was just announced in the afternoon. Tao Huimin immediately realized that this must be for the party inspectors her boyfriend Lin Weimin said.

Thinking of the news her boyfriend revealed in advance, she couldn't help but feel a little secretly happy in her heart.

In order to be able to meet her, he actually recommended the troupe to CCTV. For the first time, Tao Huimin felt the benefits of having a writer boyfriend.

Three updates and ten thousand words.

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