1980 My literary era

Chapter 229 I just want to hold a cup

"Okay!" Lao Meng clapped his hands and shouted, "Where do you guys come up with all these fantastic ideas?"

"Hey, it's all for work!" Lin Weimin said modestly, with simplicity and kindness written all over his face.

"Let's do this. We will discuss it with Lao Qin later and come up with a charter, and then report it to the club."

"Ah, report it to the agency? That's not necessary, right?"

There was a bit of fear in Lin Weimin's tone. He was not afraid of anything else but being criticized.

Lao Yan probably still remembers the previous hardcover edition of the book series. If he gets hit by a gun this time, won't he have to write a check?

Meng Weizai said: "It's okay. In fact, not only our editorial department is short of manpower, but the agency is also short of manpower. We have discussed it later and I will go find Lao Yan. Let's find a louder name. What name should we choose?"

Seeing Lao Meng thinking hard about what to do, Lin Weimin came over and asked, "Cultivating ladder-type editorial talents?"

"Here you go!" Lao Meng clapped his hands again, "You are still a quick-thinking, step-level editorial talent. You can be regarded as a reserve of our Chinese Literature Society, right? Anyway, a group of college students are admitted to the club every year, so let them advance in advance. Came here for an internship.”

Lin Weimin gave a thumbs up at the right time, "Leader, that's great!"

The two looked at each other and smiled like two chicken thieves.

The editorial department quickly came to a consensus, and the "Big Three" conspired in the office for a few minutes before Lao Meng walked cheerfully to the front building.

He came back more than half an hour later with a cheerful expression, "Lao Yan agrees in principle, but this matter still needs to be discussed at the meeting."

Lin Weimin said excitedly: "Then it's not a big problem!"

Meng Weizai's face sank, "You are talking nonsense, you must pay attention to the democratic atmosphere!"

Lin Weimin is asking for trouble. You leaders, you really don't mean what you mean.

A few days later, Lin Weimin's proposal was discussed and passed smoothly.

However, the club is still much more kind than Teacher Lin. Teacher Lin proposes to recruit a group of college students and provide them with a daily subsidy.

After discussion in the club, Teacher Lin’s idea was changed. The club would contact the universities that had sent college students to the club before, and then the school would appoint a group of student volunteers. These volunteers would come to the Chinese Literature Club to help. In addition to getting If you receive the subsidy, you will have a great chance to stay and work in the Chinese Literature Society in the future.

Although jobs are allocated by the state these days, the possibility of joining a Chinese literary society is still a very good choice for many students majoring in liberal arts.

I don’t know how the majority of college students would feel if they learned that Teacher Lin, who was deeply loved by them, came up with such an idea to reduce the burden on themselves and their colleagues.

At the same time, in a courtyard in Yanjing.

A group of college students were sitting together with serious expressions. The boy standing at the head was Zhang Jianjun, who had previously "attacked" Yang Lixin.

He was admitted to Yenching Normal University last year, and as expected, he will become a glorious people's teacher in four years.

At this time, he was holding the freshly released "Literary News" and said in a low tone: "Dear students, what I want to share with you today is the latest commentary article published by Teacher Lin Weimin in the "Literary News" - "We Literary creation needs a hundred flowers to bloom.”

Immediately afterwards, he read the article in his hand with a powerful voice. The expressions of the students around him gradually became solemn. It was not until Zhang Jianjun read the middle part that everyone began to have fanaticism on their faces.

“Literary creation has just been liberated from a huge shadow, and we don’t want it to fall into another shadow.

Nowadays, the new generation of author friends are no longer satisfied with the single narrative form of novels, and have begun to pursue diversity and multiple possibilities of narrative.

My colleagues in the editorial department unanimously believe that we should face up to the new changes, new requirements, and new directions of literary creation in the new era..."

Zhang Jianjun read a 2,000-word article for more than ten minutes, pausing several times because of emotional excitement.

After reading the article, he excitedly waved the publication in his hand and said impassionedly: "Students, a new era of Chinese literature has arrived! Teacher Lin's article is a call to arms for the old literature! This is an unprecedented In this war of gunpowder, Teacher Lin is our commander-in-chief. Now he has taken the lead in blowing the clarion call for counterattack against the old forces that are decadent and rigid. We must follow Teacher Lin's footsteps and charge forward with determination to win!"

Zhang Jianjun's speech was perfect, but no one present had any strange expressions. They all became equally excited after listening to Zhang Jianjun's speech.

"Teacher Lin is truly worthy of being the first person in the new generation of Chinese literary circles, so courageous!"

"I have decided that the novel I just wrote yesterday will be submitted to "Contemporary"!"

"Yes, we will also vote for "Contemporary". It would be best for Teacher Lin to be our editor."

The numerous discussions caused the room to fall into a brief period of noise. After everyone's emotions were almost vented and they reached a consensus that "submissions will only be submitted to "Contemporary" in the future, the next girl stood up.

She also held a volume of book in her hand, "Dear students, what I want to share with you today is the novella "Latent" published by Teacher Lin in "Zhongshan". The paragraph I chose is the one I wrote in this article. The most touching passage in the work is the scene in the novel in which Yu Zecheng excitedly reads the article "Serving the People" after Zuo Lan, the lover and comrade of the male protagonist Yu Zecheng, sacrifices his life to protect him."

The girl obviously loves the novel "Latent" very much. Just talking about this plot makes her eyes turn red.

She gathered her emotions and a soothing voice sounded in the room.

"In the living room, Yu Zecheng held the article and read it over and over. At first his tone was calm, then gradually became excited, and then became intense and tragic. He thought of Zuo Lan's death.

‘People are always going to die, but the meaning of death is different. In ancient China, a writer named Sima Qian once said: Death is inevitable for all people, and it may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. To die for the interests of the people is heavier than Mount Tai; to work hard for France, Spain, and die for those who exploit and oppress the people is lighter than a feather. Comrade Zhang Side died for the interests of the people, and his death was heavier than Mount Tai. ’


The girl finished reading this passage with tears in her eyes, and then said with a choked voice: "When I read the old man's article before, I couldn't understand the meaning contained in it, until I saw Teacher Lin's use of Yu Ze in "Latent" Only when Cheng Cheng read this passage did I understand how profound the old man’s thoughts were.”

When the girl was talking, the students around her were all affected by her, their expressions were solemn and sad.

They are all in their early twenties, and the death of the old man is an indelible memory in their hearts.

The gloomy atmosphere lasted for a few minutes. After the girl sat down, another classmate stood up and read aloud the same works by Lin Weimin.

This group of people are all students from major universities in Yanjing. They gathered for only one purpose, and that was because of Lin Weimin.

Obviously, this is a book club organized by Lin Weimin's fanatics. In the words of later generations, these people are all Lin Weimin's only fans.

I just don’t know, will this group of college students who regard Lin Weimin as their spiritual mentor still love him so much after learning about the temporary job that Teacher Lin found for them?

Probably maybe maybe still.

After all, Teacher Lin is an idol!

As time goes by, Lin Weimin's article "Our literary creation needs a hundred flowers to bloom" published in "Literary News" has aroused more and more responses.

"People's Literature", which also belongs to the Chinese Literature Society, quoted Lin Weimin's words in articles many times in the March issue of the publication in the preface and editor's note, fully demonstrating its support for his family.

Then came Wen Wei Po, a newspaper far away in Shanghai. This newspaper should be regarded as the first major newspaper to stand up and clearly support Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin's works have always been very popular around Shanghai. After the reform, the degree of openness between the north and the south is gradually showing differences. Now the direction of "literary creation needs to let a hundred flowers bloom" advocated by Lin Weimin just caters to the concept of openness and immediately attracts attention. It attracted a lot of attention from the media and interested people, and praised it highly.

The voice of "Wenhui Po" was like a clarion call. More and more media outlets joined the discussion sparked by Lin Weimin's article. Among them were newspapers from the capital such as "Yanjing Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Guangming Daily" There are national newspapers such as China Youth Daily, local newspapers such as Liaodong Daily and Jinmen Daily, and publications focusing on literary criticism such as The Critic and Literary Review.

More and more newspapers and magazines participated in this discussion, and gradually formed a nationwide collective discussion among local literary associations, newspapers and magazines and other publications as well as literature lovers.

The last time there was such a national discussion was in 1980.

Pan Xiao, a female worker in a textile factory, wrote a letter to "China Youth" titled "Why is the road of life getting narrower and narrower?"

Once this letter was published, it immediately aroused an uproar among the majority of young people, kicking off a national discussion about the outlook on life that had never been seen in history.

Lin Weimin's article this time triggered even more discussion than before.

After a long period of almost cruel repression, the domestic literary world has been silent for too long. Even in the past few years, literary figures have frequently made important speeches at conferences to boost morale and boost spirits, and the atmosphere has also improved. .

But the damage that has been done cannot be easily erased. The most important thing is that the conservative atmosphere cannot be reversed in a short time.

Zhang Jianjun’s breathy speech hit the mark, and Lin Weimin’s article in the Literary Journal really sparked a nationwide discussion on the direction of literary creation.

As the instigator, Lin Weimin looked confused when he saw everything that happened suddenly in a short period of time.

I just wanted to have a cup after finishing my work. Do you guys want to make it so big?

Second update.

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