1980 My literary era

Chapter 234 The style of painting gradually loses its shape

Influenced by movies, TV dramas and various information, later generations believe that the whole country loved literature in the 1980s, and they thought that the 1980s were extremely open in literary creation. However, in fact, Chinese literature in the 1980s can be said to have had a troubled life.舛, I entered a state of nervousness three times.

Some literary magazines have received severe criticism from above for publishing works that are different from traditional novels, including avant-garde novels.

Even a publication like Harvest, with Balao at the helm, faced the fate of reorganizing its editorial department after launching two special issues of avant-garde literature in 1988, and it took a full half-year to turn the corner.

That accident happened to be at a time when the atmosphere was tense, and Lin Weimin chose the right time to bring Ma Yuan and Yu Hua, two avant-garde writers to the forefront in early 1983. The domestic literary world was still in a state of crisis. In an open state, even the "Literary News" sponsored by the Literary and Art Association took the initiative to advocate for Lin Weimin, which can be said to be the right time and the right place.

Lin Weimin's speech at Yenching Normal University today was to implement "humanity and harmony" to the end.

Only by popularizing the concept of "avant-garde literature" as much as possible and giving it a broad mass base can it have strong vitality in the twists and turns that may occur in the future.

Don't underestimate the college students of this era. Without the enthusiastic pursuit of this group of college students, Menglong poetry would never have become the most influential school in the domestic poetry circle in a short period of time despite the suppression of many mainstream poetry leaders.

In an era without the Internet, the ability of Shizhi’s poems to become familiar was largely dependent on the terrifying communication ability of these college students.

Of course, there is a more critical factor. The best way to make a literary type take root among the people at a faster speed is to have more good works.

Therefore, Lin Weimin is also considering writing a work with a certain avant-garde color recently.

Thoughts were only fleeting. Lin Weimin's speech aimed at introducing avant-garde literature gave many students in the audience a great understanding of avant-garde literature, and many students were confused.

But sometimes, the more often people are under such circumstances, the more willing they are to believe in authority.

Today, Lin Weimin is such an authority.

Although some people didn't understand it well, everyone felt that they heard something very powerful and had to write down the content of Teacher Lin's speech. This will be the basis for talking with others in the future.

Lin Weimin finished his speech and handed the microphone back to Zhang Jianjun, who then arranged the students' questions.

After struggling for a few minutes, there was a buzz under the stage, and the students were a little impatient.

Until the microphone returned to Lin Weimin's hand again, and with the signal from Zhang Jianjun and others, Lin Weimin stood on the edge of the rostrum and approached the audience.

"Everyone can ask any questions and communicate with each other." Lin Weimin said, his eyes choosing among the raised arms in the audience.

"That male student wearing a blue shirt and glasses, you can ask the question."

The male student in a blue shirt and glasses stood up with a somewhat excited expression.

"Teacher Lin, in my opinion, the so-called avant-garde literature that you promote so hard is largely a form of mystique, covering up your shortcomings of telling bad stories and creating bad characters in novel ways to glorify them. It's called Pioneer.

I don’t know what you think about this view of me. "

After the boy finished speaking, he still had a slightly provocative expression.

There was a commotion in the audience because of the boy's straightforward question. Obviously, among these students, he was not the only one who had this idea.

Faced with doubts, Lin Weimin had a faint smile on his face and thought seriously for a while before opening his mouth.

“This classmate’s question is very pointed!

You said that some works may have problems with the story not being round enough and the characters not standing up. This kind of problem has nothing to do with whether it is avant-garde literature, but is purely a matter of personal writing ability, just like you ordered this dish, but it doesn’t work. Delicious, this is not a question of the name of the dish, but a question of the chef.

In my speech just now, I mentioned several characteristics of avant-garde literature. I wonder if you still remember them, including the problems you mentioned. Features are not only advantages but also disadvantages.

The reason why I work hard to promote this style is that I think everyone has the right and freedom to choose their own favorite literary works, and you and I are the same.

Avant-garde literature should be regarded as one of the many literary styles in the literary world. Just like when you go to a restaurant to order food, the menu should be as large as possible so that diners can have a wide range of choices. This is also the right and freedom of diners. "

Of course, Lin Weimin's promotion of avant-garde literature had the selfish intention of expanding the influence of "Contemporary", just as "Harvest" protected many avant-garde literary writers such as Yu Hua, Su Tong, Ge Fei, and Ma Yuan in later generations, and enabled them to grow. opportunity to become the mainstay of the Chinese literary world decades later.

What Lin Weimin is doing now is also paving the way for the development of "Contemporary". As long as the group of writers he promotes can grow up as soon as possible, their future "Contemporary" will gain the same status as "Harvest" in later generations.

It's just that such thoughts certainly cannot be expressed openly and honestly to this group of college students.

After Lin Weimin finished answering the question, the boy seemed unwilling to accept it and asked: "So, Teacher Lin, do you admit that avant-garde literature has the problems I mentioned?"

"This classmate, literary creation cannot be generalized. Writing has always been a personal matter. You can't say that all novels by Yao Danpai are good works, right?

I would not say that all works of avant-garde literature are good works, nor would I say that all avant-garde literature is bad. Whether it is good or bad needs to be tested by readers and friends. It is not for me to say, and it is not for you to say. "

Lin Weimin's eloquent conversation and modest gentlemanly style are in sharp contrast to the boys' aggressive style.

When he said that "it must be tested by readers and friends," the students in the auditorium felt a sense of respect and sincerity from the bottom of their hearts.

They are all college students in the new era and have their own thoughts and judgments. The quality of avant-garde literature should be evaluated by themselves, instead of being like the boy just now who wanted to beat avant-garde literature to death with a stick. , making decisions for others.

Many students felt uncomfortable with the boys' extreme behavior. Some of them had a bad temper and were ready to chase after the boys, so they interrupted: "Okay. Don't embarrass our Normal University. Teacher Lin said It’s so clear, yet you still want to mess around!”

"Who's causing trouble?" The boy's expression was displeased.

"Okay, okay!" Lin Weimin on the stage acted as a peacemaker, "Don't get angry, everyone, and communicate calmly."

Although they were dissatisfied with Lin Weimin singing praises for avant-garde literature, the boys had to admit that Lin Weimin was indeed very personable.

He's so handsome, so damn jealous!

Next, a female college student with braids asked, "Teacher Lin, do you think the public can adapt to the novel writing style of avant-garde literature? After all, our view of novels has long been based on stories, and novels must Pursue ideas, pursue profundity and connotation.”

In comparison, the girl's attitude was much calmer than that of the boy just now.

"It takes a certain amount of time for any literary form to be accepted by the public, and the same is true for avant-garde literature. Avant-garde literature does not need to become the mainstream of the literary world. What I am doing now is just to provide a little soil, water and sunshine for this novel literary type. The rest is It’s up to the readers to decide.”

Lin Weimin's answer satisfied the girl, and she nodded and sat back.

Lin Weimin then asked two more students to ask questions, mostly related to avant-garde literature.

Then, with a little click, the questions took on a different flavor.

"Teacher Lin, what were your thoughts on writing the novel "Farewell My Concubine"?"

"At that time, I actually had no inspiration. It happened that a friend with poor writing skills was still writing. I held back my energy and finally wrote it."

"Teacher Lin, can you talk about the story behind the novel "The Horse Trapper"?"

"I had an idea for this work first, and then I talked about it with my friends before I decided to write it. I just wanted to write a story about friendship."

The style of painting gradually changed.

Lin Weimin was dealing with questions from many college students. The questions he asked after his speech became more and more like a fan meeting. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. Seeing that the questions had been going on for nearly an hour, he gestured to Zhang Jianjun and others.

"Okay, students, I won't ask any more questions. The time is almost up, and I am very happy to have this face-to-face communication with you today."

At this time, Zhang Jianjun and the others came on stage to take the microphone and prepared to end today's speech activity.

Lin Weimin walked down the podium from the side, but found that the students were swarming forward again, and he quickly stopped.

"Everyone, don't worry! Don't crowd!"

Zhang Jianjun shouted loudly through the microphone on the rostrum.

But his words were far less powerful than those of Lin Weimin. Many college students in the audience put forward their demands. It was not easy to see Lin Weimin, a literary idol, and everyone wanted to have more contact with him.

"Teacher Lin, tell us more."

"Teacher Lin, can you sign for us?"

“My girlfriend wants a picture of you!”

"Teacher Lin, do you have a girlfriend?"

Lin Weimin listened to the students' increasingly outrageous demands with a wry smile on his face. Seeing that he couldn't get off the podium at all, he could only walk back to the stage.

He said to Zhang Jianjun: "It's not an option to surround everyone like this. Go organize it first and evacuate some people. Those who have signature requirements can be satisfied. Don't take photos or group photos. We don't have this condition on site."

Zhang Jianjun and the others nodded in agreement and immediately went to organize the students in the audience.

In this way, a good speech turned into a fan signing event in the end.

Lin Weimin sat at the table in the center of the rostrum. The students lined up under the stage, took the books to the stage one by one to ask Lin Weimin to sign, and then went down the other side of the rostrum and left the auditorium.

Time passed slowly, and the number of students in the auditorium decreased little by little until it finally became empty.

Lin Weimin finally put down his pen and shook his sore shoulders and hands.

"Gu~" There was a long abdominal rumble, and Zhang Jianjun scratched his head in embarrassment. The students who organized the speech, like Lin Weimin, had not eaten lunch.

Lin Weimin raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was the Swiss plum blossom watch given to him by Tao Huimin.

"It's already past three o'clock, how fast!" He raised his head and smiled, "Everyone has suffered because of me today. Come on, I'll treat you all to a meal."

Several students cheered!

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