1980 My literary era

Chapter 247 Carrying Tiesheng on his back and riding the train

The PEN Club is probably organized by a publishing house or editorial department. It is best to find a few units with the reception capacity to gather writers in scenic spots and provide them with food, accommodation, and sightseeing tours.

For the organizer, being able to attract powerful authors means being able to book good manuscripts and outperform competitors in the short term.

For the author, being invited to participate in PEN is a very honorable thing, which means that his writing has received attention and recognition, and the probability of his work being published is high.

But for "Contemporary" and the Chinese Literature Society, including the writers they invited, the situation is slightly different.

"Contemporary" has never lacked manuscripts. When it was founded, the Chinese Literature Society mobilized the entire society to run "Contemporary." In the field of domestic literary publications, "Contemporary" belongs to the "rich second generation" who was born with a golden spoon.

In just a few issues, "Contemporary" has established a firm foothold in the field of domestic literary publications and firmly occupied the forefront.

Then, Lin Weimin appeared. This young man was amazing.

Obviously he was not even the editor of "Contemporary" in the beginning, but he had the ability to stir up troubles.

Because of his appearance, the sales of "Contemporary" and "People's Literature" are increasing day by day, and their influence is also growing.

"Contemporary" now receives thousands of manuscripts every day.

The writers invited by "Contemporary" this time, whether they are long-established seniors or rising stars who have been cultivated in recent years, are all well-known for their creative abilities, and there is no need to worry about having no place to publish their works.

The only difference is in which level of publication it is published.

On the platform of Yanjing Railway Station, a group of people were waiting. Wei Junyi looked at her watch with a somewhat impatient look on her face.

"This Lin Weimin, all the affairs in the club have been left to him. It's time to set off, but he hasn't arrived yet."

"It's almost there, it should be almost there."

This time, the "Contemporary" Novel Creation Seminar" was organized by editor-in-chief Wei Junyi, and "Contemporary" was led by editor-in-chief Qin Chaoyang and deputy editor Lin Weimin, and the rest were from the editorial department. Several key editors include Rong Shihui, Zhu Changsheng, He Qizhi, Zhang Zhonge, Liu Yin and Yao Shuzhi.

A large group of troops arrived at the train station early and waited for a long time, but there was no sign of Lin Weimin.

You must know that he is responsible for the management of this PEN meeting. If he misses the train, it will be difficult to handle it.

"Coming! Coming!" Several editors waved at the entrance.

I saw Lin Weimin waving to everyone with one hand and pushing a wheelchair with the other. In the wheelchair was a dark-skinned, tall young man.

Qin Chaoyang said: "The person in the wheelchair should be Shi Tiesheng. Weimin said yesterday that he would be picked up in the morning."

Wei Junyi nodded.

At this time, Lin Weimin pushed Shi Tiesheng up to everyone and introduced Shi Tiesheng to everyone. Several colleagues looked at Shi Tiesheng with interest.

Shi Tiesheng's first association with "Contemporary" was in the second issue after its founding. His article "Law Professor and His Wife" was published in the second issue.

After saying hello, the train was almost leaving. Fortunately, it was not a holiday right now.

Everyone lined up to get on the bus one by one. When it was Lin Weimin's turn, he asked Zhu Changsheng to help tilt the wheelchair forward, and then he squatted down.

"Tiesheng, grab my shoulders."

Shi Tiesheng's hands held Lin Weimin's shoulders tightly. Lin Weimin hugged his thighs with his hands, exerted force on his waist and legs, and immediately carried Shi Tiesheng on his back.

Shi Tiesheng is tall and has a big frame, but he doesn't have much flesh on his body. This is one of the sequelae of his long-term illness.

"All your meat is in vain!" Lin Weimin joked.

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said: "Isn't this just to make it easier for you to carry it!"

The two were joking, and Lin Weimin carried Shi Tiesheng into the car.

Lin Weimin carried Shi Tiesheng to his berth.

"I'll give you this soft sleeper, so just make do with it."

"It's not interesting to stay here. It would be more lively if there are more people." Shi Tiesheng said.

There were a large group of people coming this time. Wei Junyi, Qin Chaoyang, and Lin Weimin were all cadres above grade 12. The tickets purchased by their work unit were for soft sleeper trains, while the others were for hard sleeper trains.

"Then I'll carry you there and come back after you finish talking."

"I'll just be right over there."

"It's more comfortable here. The trip will take almost 20 hours."

Lin Weimin persuaded Shi Tiesheng no longer insisting.

The two of them went to the hard-sleeper compartment where their colleagues were. It was much livelier than the four-person compartment of Lin Weimin and his friends. When the two arrived, everyone was still chatting excitedly.

It's normal for an editor to travel all over the world to compile manuscripts, but it's all hard work and far less exciting than participating in a PEN conference.

This time, nine people from the editorial department came out, and the colleagues who stayed behind in Yanjing were almost crying.

"Come on, come on, let's try our braised chicken feet." Liu Yin enthusiastically took out the food to share with everyone.

"Teacher Yan is such a good man, he can even cook so well!" Yao Shuzhi praised after taking a bite of the chicken feet.

Liu Yin's husband, Yan Gang, is also a colleague and is now an editor at "Literary News".

The manuscript that "Literary News" requested from Lin Weimin at the beginning of this year was made by Yan Gang through Liu Yin.

With chicken feet in his mouth, Rong Shihui took out a bottle of Erguotou from somewhere and clinked it with He Qizhi's beer bottle.

"Lao Yan is very clever and handy. He helped make the sofa in our office!"

While everyone was chatting, Shi Tiesheng asked Lin Weimin to take out the things he was carrying from his bag. Lin Weimin put the things away, "My uncle brought you a lot of things!"

"From a poor family to a rich man, you must bring some solid food along the way!"

Lin Weimin was carrying a bag of tea eggs, at least twenty of them. "What do you call this?"

"Isn't there everyone else here?"

Shi Tiesheng smiled and distributed the tea eggs to everyone, and Lin Weimin also got one.

Yao Shuzhi gnawed on the tea eggs and asked, "For the people, you didn't bring anything?"

"What to bring?"


Lin Weimin shook his head, "Why are you bringing that thing? Just buy some when you're hungry."

Lin Weimin, who was accustomed to taking high-speed rail in later generations, did not have the habit of bringing food with him when taking the train. Yao Shuzhi tutted, "Other than saying that I am a rich person, I just need to bring a wallet when I go out."

Lin Weimin said: "You, you, you have really learned bad things from Zheng Guo. Now you know how to make plans by digging and searching all day long."

Everyone laughed, and Yao Shuzhi rolled her eyes fiercely at Lin Weimin.

The train gradually left the city of Yanjing. Looking at the open world outside the window, everyone couldn't help but feel refreshed and chatted all the way.

"Just now I saw someone on the train watching the movie "Chasing the Murderer" that Wei Min published in "Youth Literature"!"

"Changsheng, your eyes are so good, aren't you? Can you see clearly when you walk by?"

The topic unknowingly jumped to "Chasing the Murderer". After several days of fermentation, the impact of "Chasing the Murderer" has been initially revealed. Colleagues in the editorial department have already watched it under the guidance of Zhu Changsheng and Yao Shuzhi. This novel, but we have not discussed it publicly yet.

Just when everyone was chatting in full swing, two girls knocked on the side door of the carriage, and everyone looked over.

The two girls looked a little shy, "Hello teachers, we are in the next car. I accidentally heard what you said just now. Is Teacher Lin Weimin here?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Weimin. He stood up helplessly and said, "I am Lin Weimin. What can I do?"

The two girls suddenly became excited and asked in disbelief: "Are you really Teacher Lin Weimin?"

Lin Weimin looked at everyone and said, "That's probably it. That's what everyone calls me anyway!"

His joke made the two girls laugh, "Teacher Lin, it's so nice to see you. We would like to ask you to sign for us, can you?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "Of course."

The girls immediately handed out the books they were holding in their arms, "Thank you, Teacher Lin!"

It can be seen that the two of them are indeed readers of Lin Weimin. There are four books in total handed over, one is "Youth Literature" just published this month, and the other three are "Farewell My Concubine" and "Farewell My Concubine" previously published by the Chinese Literature Society. "The Sound of the Wind" and "The Horse Trapper".

"Teacher Lin, these novels you wrote are really good!" When Lin Weimin signed, the round-faced girl complimented.

Lin Weimin joked: "Oh? What if we pick the best one?"

The round-faced girl thought for a moment, "I think it's Farewell My Concubine."

"What about you?" Lin Weimin asked another girl.

Another girl replied: "I think "Chasing the Murderer" is the best!"

Lin Weimin was slightly surprised, "Why is "Chasing the Murderer" the best? In the past few days, I have been hearing from people around me that this book is too difficult to understand."

"It's just because it's difficult to understand. Some writers will also make mystique in pursuit of the so-called style in their writing, but this is not the case with Mr. Lin's "Chasing the Murderer". All the narratives in this novel are for the sake of the novel and also constitute the novel.

Every time I peel off the cocoon, no one is redundant. Only readers who have truly read and understood this novel can understand the shock and despair contained in the novel.

This overwhelming feeling is something I have never experienced while reading other works of yours. Of course, your other works are not bad either.

It's just that I feel that, relatively speaking, the sensory and psychological stimulation brought by "Chasing the Murderer" left a profound impression on me. It is a feeling that can be remembered for a lifetime. I remember the last time I had it When I felt this way, I still read Maugham's "The Moon and Sixpence". "

The girl talked endlessly about her views on "The Pursuit", which shows that she really likes this novel.

Lin Weimin was happy in his heart and said with a smile: "Put me and Maugham together, you are too proud of me!"

"In my heart, Teacher Lin, your talent is no less than Maugham."

Lin Weimin was a little embarrassed to be praised by girls, mainly because there were so many colleagues and friends behind him.

"And... I think the greater role of your novel is to set an extremely standard and classic example for the new style of avant-garde novels. I have read your speech on avant-garde novels at Yenching Normal University before. Your works not only cover the characteristics of avant-garde novels you mentioned, but also raise the pattern of avant-garde novels to a new level.

Although Ma Yuan's "The Temptation of Gangdise" precedes it, I still think that your "Chasing the Murderer" should be called the pioneering work of avant-garde literature! "

Yo ho!

This is really a chance to meet a die-hard fan. Lin Weimin really blushed when he was praised this time.

The little girl is young, she is really bright and has a unique discernment.

The second one will be later. Just when I wanted to take a breather, the child had a fever, alas.

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