1980 My literary era

Chapter 30 Foreign Students Exchange and Dialogue

Director Xu Gang never expected that one day he would be blocked in the office by students. Such a bad thing has never happened to the Institute of Literature and Literature since its establishment.

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet and let's talk one by one."

The students expressed their demands in all directions, making Xu Gang's office a bustle. He could only press down with his hands and shout loudly.

After a while, everyone calmed down and recommended Jiang Zilong to come forward to raise everyone's demands.

But when he listened to everyone's appeals, he felt dumbfounded.

When students take the initiative to ask for extended study time, it may only happen in the early 1980s after the buzz.

"Okay, I understand, and I understand everyone's thirst for knowledge. Let's go back and discuss it with several leaders in our institute.

You have to understand that this matter is not something we can decide on our own. Our office strives to discuss a result as soon as possible and then report it to the top. "

Xu Gang was not angry because the students blocked the door recklessly. The institute was extremely fond of the first batch of students after the Institute of Literary Studies resumed its organizational structure.

He understands better why everyone does this, and it is also to learn better.

The students left Xu Gang's office after he made his statement. They were here to make demands, not to cause trouble.

The institute acted quickly and did not disappoint the students.

Director Xu Gang first held a meeting to unify opinions with the comrades in the institute, and then reported the matter to the direct leadership department - the Cultural Association.

After discussion at a meeting of the shoemaking group D, the trainees were agreed to extend the training time.

At the same time, Director Xu Gang did not forget to take this opportunity to propose continuing to hold a minority literature creation class and an editing and criticism class.

After further discussions, the two applications proposed by Xu Gang for running a school were also approved, which later became the sixth and seventh terms of the Institute of Literature and Literature.

So, the old ones are still the wisest. The students in the fifth period fought for their own welfare, but little did they know that the leaders in the institute not only fulfilled their needs, but also achieved their own goals.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, the students in the institute did not know what happened at the Group D meeting of the Literary and Art Association. When they learned from the leaders of the institute that the original three-month training period of the short-term training class had been extended to half a year, everyone was delighted.

This not only proves that their unity is effective, but also proves that the Literary and Literature Association and the Literary Research Institute value everyone and can continue to study in a rare environment like the Literary Research Institute.

The next day is Saturday, and the program the institute has arranged for students this weekend is an exchange and dialogue session with foreign students.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, the students boarded the No. 18 bus, led by several teachers.

The place everyone is going to this time is Yenching University.

Yenching University is one of the top institutions of higher learning in China, and it is also a major provider of international students to domestic universities.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the number of foreign students at Yenching University was relatively small. These international students mainly studied Chinese language and history, and they were basically from socialist countries.

In the 1960s, the international and domestic situation changed dramatically, and my country's work in accepting foreign students was interrupted. In the following years, Yenching University’s recruitment of international students in China was also temporarily suspended.

After 1972, as my country's diplomatic environment eased, the recruitment of international students resumed, the scale gradually expanded, and the categories and countries of students continued to enrich.

In the 1980s, there were nearly 200 international students at Yenching University. There are international students not only from socialist countries, but also from developed countries in the diplomatic honeymoon period such as the United States, Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany and France.

The exchange meeting was held in a lecture theater at Yenching University. The layout of the venue was very simple, similar to most activities of this era. The theme of today's event was written on the blackboard, with a horizontal banner hanging above it and tea on the table. and fruits.

There were more than a dozen foreigners who came to communicate today. As soon as the students from the Institute of Literature entered the classroom, they began to look for the blond and blue-eyed foreigners they remembered. Unfortunately, there was no one with such characteristics among this group of people. Only one American girl reached the age of 10. Although she has blond hair, her eyes are brown.

Nearly half of the dozen or so people are from East Asian countries, and the remaining half are from Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the United States and other countries.

Many people in the class saw foreigners for the first time, and they were excited and whispered in private.

In order to facilitate everyone's communication, the seats in the venue were interspersed, and students and international students were mixed together. Yenching University also specially provided two English translators.

Sitting next to Lin Weimin was a cute girl from Nihong named Xiaohei Yoko.

Xiao Hei Yoko's Chinese is stumbling, but his English is a little better than Chinese. While the teachers from Yenching University and the Institute of Literature were still going through the process on the podium, Lin Weimin had already figured out Xiao Hei Yoko's identity.

She is 24 years old and studied at Yokohama City University before studying in China.

In September 1972, Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei visited China. The two governments issued a joint statement and normalized diplomatic relations. In 1979, the two countries officially decided to send students to each other. This year, there were 140 Chinese government-sponsored students studying in Japan. After that, the number increased rapidly every year, reaching 20,000 in 1988.

At this time, there were far fewer international students sent to China by Ni Honggong. Taking Xiao Heiyoko and her group as an example, there were only 40 students.

There are probably several reasons why these international students choose to come to China.

First, it is a political family. Now that diplomatic relations between the two countries have been normalized, studying in China is a necessary investment.

The second is to be optimistic about China's future development and hope to turn his study abroad experience into future wealth.

The third is opportunists like Xiao Hei Yoko. Her family is poor and she went to college with loans.

She originally wanted to find a good job after graduating from college and pay off the loan quickly, but Yoko Kuro is a girl with goals. Her goals are to hit well-known domestic companies, such as Panasonic, Sony, Mitsui, etc.

But Koguro Yoko sadly discovered that it was not easy to find a satisfactory job with her education from Yokohama City University. She could not compete with those who graduated from prestigious schools such as Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo. those.

Just when she was distressed, Xiao Hei Yoko saw the information that the government was recruiting students to study abroad, and the country they were sent to was China.

After a brief hesitation, she decided to seize the opportunity. If not for anything else, it’s just because the announcement mentioned that students who come back after studying abroad on government assignments can have priority to work in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

These two departments are equivalent to the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China.

It only takes two years to study abroad to work in a ministry with a degree from Yokohama City University. No matter how you think about it, it is a good deal.

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