1980 My literary era

Chapter 308 The Grace of Reconstruction

Military Art is located in Weigong Village in the northwest corner of Yanjing City, quite a distance from Chaonei Street where the Chinese Literature Society is located.

Weigong Village is still a suburb at this time. It is very desolate along the way, and the school is surrounded by wheat fields.

Several people entered the school and found the office of the Literature Department. There was only a clerk named Liu, who was sorting his aluminum lunch box and looked like he had just finished eating.

When Mo Yan came to register in the morning, he met him.

"This comrade, is it you again?" Officer Liu immediately recognized Mo Yan.

Mo Yan nodded but said nothing.

When Officer Liu saw him coming this time, with two people following him, he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Zhang Qi took the initiative and said: "Comrade, let's find Director Xu Huaizhong."

"Looking for Director Xu?" Officer Liu glanced at Mo Yan and understood that this man probably brought in reinforcements and wanted to use a back door, "What do you want to do with Director Xu?"

Zhang Qi took out his work ID card and said, "That's it. My name is Zhang Qi, and I'm from the National Association for Literary and Art Circles..."

After listening to Zhang Qi's self-introduction, Director Liu's attitude changed visibly, and he enthusiastically moved chairs for several people.

"Sit down and wait for a while. Director Xu will come back later and I will call you."

Lin Weimin and Mo Yan looked at each other and laughed.

They waited for about twenty minutes. Director Liu heard the movement in the corridor and opened the door. He turned to greet them and said, "Director Xu is back!"

Lin Weimin looked at Zhang Qi. He stood up and walked out of the office. A short and fat old man with gray hair walked towards him.

Zhang Qi stepped forward to say hello to Xu Huaizhong, took the initiative to explain his purpose of coming today, and introduced Lin Weimin and Mo Yan to him.

Lin Weimin said: "Director Xu, I'm sorry, I really caused trouble to you."

At this moment, he looked like a parent bringing his child through the back door. Mo Yan looked at his back and felt moved in his heart.

Xu Huaizhong brought several people to the office, briefly learned about Mo Yan's situation, and then opened the magazines that Mo Yan brought with his own works.

After a long time, Xu Huaizhong raised his head.

"Our military skills almost missed a talent!"

Hearing Xu Huaizhong's words, Mo Yan felt happy, and his small mung bean eyes were filled with the light of hope.

This recruitment of military arts is open to young officers across the country. Mo Yan has published several articles in "Lotus Pond" and two novellas in the country's top literary journals such as "Contemporary". The conditions, even among the candidates who registered nationwide, few could match him.

Of course, what Xu Huaizhong appreciates more is Mo Yan’s creative talent and talent shown in his works.

After reading the manuscript, Xu Huaizhong immediately agreed to Mo Yan's registration.

Several people ran back to Director Liu's office to complete the registration procedures and got their admission tickets.

Looking at the thin admission ticket in his hand, Mo Yan was so excited that he bowed deeply to the people present.

Xu Huaizhong said with a smile: "Don't be too happy. The exam is on July 1st, and it's still half a month before the exam. Your work score will definitely be fine, but if you can't pass the cultural exam, you won't be able to enter the military arts. There’s nothing I can do to help.”

After hearing Xu Huaizhong's reminder, Mo Yan's face became serious.

There isn't much time left for him!

"Director Xu, thank you so much!" Lin Weimin said.

Xu Huaizhong waved his hand, "Comrade Mo Yan's ability to publish his works in your "Contemporary" is enough to prove his talent in creation. If he misses the exam this time because he failed to register, it will also be a loss for our military arts. "

After some thanks, Lin Weimin and others demonstrated their military skills.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Just now, a few people didn't even bother to eat lunch in order to come to the military art. Back in the city, Lin Weimin found a restaurant to treat Zhang Qi to dinner. Mo Yan wanted to pay, but he stopped him.

After ordering the food, several people chatted while eating, mainly Lin Weimin and Zhang Qi.

Mo Yan felt a little dizzy listening to the conversation between the two.

What foundation does Teacher Lin want to donate 100,000 yuan to?

This number echoed in Mo Yan's mind, and even the joy of successfully registering just now was washed away.

My current salary is about 60 yuan a month, which is 720 yuan a year, 7,020 yuan in ten years, and only 72,000 yuan in a hundred years.

The donation that Teacher Lin casually chatted about turned out to be more than my lifetime income?

After Mo Yan finished settling the accounts, he began to feel a little dazed.

He didn't even react when Lin Weimin asked him to leave after dinner.

After coming out of the hotel, Mo Yan expressed his gratitude to Lin Weimin again.

The year before last, Teacher Lin found him, who was still penniless in the army, and gave him step-by-step guidance, so that two of his works were published in "Contemporary". He suddenly achieved a leap in life and became a slightly famous author.

Today, Teacher Lin helped him with going to college.

Even though Teacher Lin told him not to take it to heart, Mo Yan still felt that Teacher Lin was not only a blessing to him, but also a blessing to him.

Mo Yan, who was full of gratitude, was sent away.

Lin Weimin's donation has been finalized, totaling 100,000 yuan.

Zhang Qi planned to go back to hold a donation ceremony, and then call several heavyweight media to interview and publicize the matter. This was what he and Lin Weimin had agreed upon.

According to Lin Weimin's personality in the past, he would have to be as low-key as possible when making donations, for fear of showing off his wealth and being remembered.

But after experiencing the turmoil of "Lover" from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, Lin Weimin finally understood that sometimes you just don't have to keep a low profile.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Only if you are strong enough and have the ability to resist risks and make the other party have scruples, they will not be unscrupulous.

Donate to the foundation prepared by Zhang Qi, not to mention what will happen after it is established.

The immediate effect is the attitude of the Literary and Art Association.

Lin Weimin has been a member of the National Literary and Art Association since he was at the Institute of Literary and Art Research. However, because of his pre-time travel impressions, he has no good impression of the Literary and Art Association, so he never goes to activities held by the Literary and Art Association. They want to hold seminars about his works. Or at the symposium, he didn't even show his face.

Therefore, even though he is now considered the most influential young writer in the country, his presence in the literary association is still very low.

Now with this donation, if there is any negative news about Lin Weimin in the domestic literary world in the future, the Literary and Art Association will not stand idly by like last time, right?

Lin Weimin's original intention of not being involved in the literary circles has not changed, but he believes that the money is necessary to spend, not to gain any status within the Cultural Association, but precisely to break away from the shackles of the Cultural Association to a certain extent and establish a detached world. image.

Being a donor dad is the first step in building your image.

With this donation, when the foundation is established, even if he never donates again, he will still be a guest of the Literary and Art Association and have to support it.

This is the benefit of initiative!

Anyway, it is no secret that he is rich, so why not make a generous donation and gain a good reputation.

In 1984, Lin Weimin donated 100,000 yuan, which was considered a record.

I dare not say it in other fields, at least in the domestic literary world, there is no precedent.

Mr. Shen Yanbing's time is not counted. The donation was to establish the Yanbing Literature Award.

A week later, Lin Weimin was at No. 2 Beach North Street, the seat of the National Association for Literary and Art Circles.

The earliest office of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles was at No. 22 Dongzongbu Hutong. It was a three-level courtyard that combined Chinese and Western elements. Later, various literary and artistic associations were established one after another. Dongzongbu Hutong was insufficient in area, and various associations scattered their offices externally. Among them, Dongsi was in Dongsi. Among the six small buildings in Toutiao No. 5, a three-story building is designated for use by the associations of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

In the early 1950s, Yanjing City was undergoing major construction projects, and the Cultural Association Building was built at No. 64 Wangfu Street. The Cultural Association moved there in 1956.

The Association ceased its activities in 1969 and resumed its activities in 1978. The office of the Association was moved to No. 2 Shasha North Street.

This is also the office location of "Red Flag" magazine. After the Literary and Art Association moved in, they built several rows of wooden houses as temporary office space.

When Lin Weimin came in, he was slightly surprised.

Isn't this a little too shabby?

Zhang Qi, who came out to greet Lin Weimin, enthusiastically pulled him into one of the wooden rooms. As soon as he entered, he saw a room full of people, making the already small room even more crowded.


Everyone looked at Lin Weimin with smiles on their faces. Zhang Qi took Lin Weimin and introduced them to him one by one.

"This needs no introduction. You must know Mr. Zhang Guangnian." This is the former editor-in-chief of "People's Literature", and Wang Meng succeeded him.

"This is Secretary Bao Chang, this is Secretary-General Yang Zhimin..."

Lin Weimin recognized a circle of people, and it felt like he was going home to meet relatives during the New Year. After the introduction, no one clicked except for the people he knew before.

Zhang Qi said: "Except for Balao who is far away in Shanghai, all the comrades from our Cultural Association are here today, just to witness your donation ceremony."

Lin Weimin said helplessly: "Teacher Zhang, are you doing this too grandly?"

Zhang Guangnian smiled and said: "There is something more grand..."

As he spoke, he pulled over a few unfamiliar faces that Zhang Qi had not introduced just now. "These two are comrades from the People's Daily. These two are comrades from our Literary Newspaper. You will have to wait for a while." Being interviewed!”

After Zhang Guangnian finished speaking, everyone laughed.

After the joke, there were many people, but the informal donation ceremony officially began.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Lin Weimin opened the briefcase he carried with him, and then shook out the contents like taking out trash.

Stacks of neatly wrapped banknotes fell one after another, hitting the desk of the literary association and hitting the hearts of everyone present.

The visual impact of cash far exceeds people's expectations.

In later generations, when many real estate companies discussed demolition with ordinary people, the most common thing they did was to use cash instead of violence.

Open a torn bag, and dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of red banknotes are placed in front of you. The smell of copper instantly crushes the backbone of the family.

Today, Lin Weimin acted as a notorious real estate developer, using money that smelled like copper to bring disaster to the most elegant place in the country.

"Teacher Zhang, what is our process?"

Lin Weimin saw a group of people looking at the pile of money on the table and there was no reaction, so he took the initiative to speak.

Only then did Zhang Qi react, "Look around, come on, come on, stand still, stand still!"

In fact, the donation ceremony was very simple, just pose for a photo, and then everyone thanked Lin Weimin.

The most important thing is the interviews with the two media.

The "People's Daily" represents a national media, which was invited by the Cultural Association.

One is "Literary News", which represents the literary and art association's own voice channel.

The combined influence of the two media is enough to cover most urban and rural areas across the country.

The Literary and Art Association not only wants to publicize Lin Weimin's donation, but also does a good job in publicity for the Chinese Literature Foundation they are preparing to organize.

The donation ceremony was over, and Lin Weimin sat by the window in the wooden house of the Cultural Association and accepted interviews from two reporters.

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