1980 My literary era

Chapter 311 Maxim

The day after receiving Arthur Miller's letter, Lin Weimin took the time to write him a reply.

In addition to thanking Lao Mi for his efforts in the drama "The Intouchables", the letter also rejected Lao Mi. He had no time to go to the United States, and could only disappoint Comrade Lao Mi who was waiting hard on the other side of the ocean again.

After writing the letter, I sent it off. The next communication will probably be when the performance share is received. Lin Weimin is looking forward to it.

I went to attend Wang Shuo's wedding on the weekend.

Wang Shuo has been very unsatisfied for more than a year, and he has no money to get married.

The invitation was very formal, but the wedding was held in a simple manner, in the courtyard of the bungalow rented by the two.

Lin Weimin took a 200-yuan foreign exchange voucher, which attracted the attention of the guests.

A group of big boys came to the wedding. Lin Weimin was out of tune with them. The only one he knew was Xie Jing.

After some exchanges, we found out that this guy had been in prison for half a year and was just released in the spring. He was completely decadent.

"This time is a blessing in disguise. If we had been selected a few months later, Shuozi and I would have been useless." Xie Jing said this with lingering fear.

The limelight has now passed its peak, but the remaining power is still there, and bullets have been wasted this year.

Xie Jing said a few words to Lin Weimin and took the initiative to introduce several people at the same table to Lin Weimin.

When Lin Weimin sat down just now, he saw a familiar young man. Xie Jing took him and introduced him: "This is Zheng Xiaolong. He works in a TV studio. He is also an editor with you."

When Xie Jing spoke, he asked Zheng Xiaolong specifically, and Zheng Xiaolong hummed.

Zheng Xiaolong took the initiative to shake hands with Lin Weimin, "Teacher Lin, I have long admired you!"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Yanjing TV Studio, you filmed that "Four Generations Under One Roof", right? It was a good film."

Zheng Xiaolong just joined the TV drama production center in 1982 and is still a junior. Hearing Lin Weimin's praise, his face was a little excited, "Thank you for your encouragement."

The big names in the film and television industry of later generations are now a young group.

Seeing Zheng Xiaolong, Lin Weimin couldn't help but think of Feng Pants, and didn't know what this guy was doing now.

Lin Weimin became Wang Shuo's witness without knowing it, and Wang Shuo had to drag him up to say a few words.

Most of these big guys in the courtyard have no future, and even if they do, they can only make ends meet.

Lin Weimin turned out to be the most outstanding one among Wang Shuo's friends.

As soon as Wang Shuo introduced Lin Weimin's name, the guests below became noisy.

In the past two years, no one in Yanjing City did not know Lin Weimin's name.

Last month, this person was reported in the newspaper, saying that he donated 100,000 yuan to the Literary and Art Association to build a foundation.

The guests all stretched their necks forward, wanting to see the "rich thief" that Wang Shuo called.

"Wang Shuo, he dragged me here. Tell me, you are the groom's official today. If you drag me here, aren't you trying to steal the limelight?"

Lin Weimin turned around and teased the groom, and there was a burst of laughter, and Wang Shuo also had a naive smile on his face.

"But now that I'm here, I have to say a few words. What should I say?

Shuozi and I met at the skating rink. I was skating with my friends and met a man who was trying to steal someone. From a distance, I saw a free and unrestrained figure sliding over, and after stopping, I realized that it was a fat man with a round face..."

There was another burst of laughter from below.

"...He is obviously not very courageous, but he is quite nosy. This kind of character is not good and can easily get himself into trouble. But I quite like this kind of character. If the road is uneven, someone will plow it, and if it is not smooth, someone will take care of it. Only in this society can there be justice.

Sorry to go too far, but let’s get back to the main point. Today is the wedding of Comrade Wang Shuo and Comrade Shen Xujia. It is a great honor for me to attend as a guest. Of course, I didn’t attend in vain, I also paid for it..."

While Lin Weimin was speaking, there was constant laughter.

The good witness gave a speech, but he turned it into a stand-up comedy.

"Okay, the jokes are over. I wish the two newlyweds a happy marriage and a son soon. Finally, as a friend, I would like to give Shuozi one more piece of advice.

You are easy to drift off. But at any time, you must never forget the woman who has shared the joys and sorrows with you. Don’t forget or break the old promise! "

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, everyone felt his heartfelt blessings to the newlyweds, and the slaps were loud.

After eating, Lin Weimin left directly.

Wang Shuo recently got married and has a weak waist. He probably won't be able to write any decent articles. Teacher Lin doesn't plan to waste time on him.

A few days later, the PEN conference was about to begin, and the editorial office was half empty.

On the afternoon before leaving, Tong Zhonggui seemed particularly excited.

Lin Weimin specifically talked to him, and said to Tong Zhonggui in a serious voice: "The task of this PEN meeting is entrusted to you. Do you have the confidence to complete the tasks assigned to you by the organization with high quality and quantity?"

"Yes!" Tong Zhonggui replied loudly.

Teacher Lin nodded happily, children can be taught.

Young people just need to bear more burdens so that they can grow faster.

Teacher Lin, you have good intentions!

The day after the editorial team left, Teacher Lin ran to the train station and picked up his girlfriend.

Tao Huimin wore a red dress today. She looked gentle and charming.

The young couple embraced each other passionately in public, making passers-by look at them sideways.

After saying a few words, Lin Weimin took Tao Huimin back to Shichahai Courtyard.

When she came to Shichahai courtyard again after half a year, Tao Huimin looked at the plants and trees in the courtyard and was sighing when she felt someone hugging her from behind.

"I haven't seen you in half a year, you have grown up!" Teacher Lin was always concerned about her health.

Tao Huimin looked shy and just wanted to speak, but she felt her body suddenly lost its center of gravity.

The July showers came very unexpectedly. The sky was clear just a moment ago, but now it was covered with dark clouds.

The wind blew the leaves, making a rustling sound. It was a bit cold. The wind before the rain was always like this. Not only was it cool, but it was also a bit strong. It accidentally blew the corners of my skirt open.

After a while, the raindrops fell, crackling on the tiles, walls, and glass, and finally fell to the ground, forming a wet patch.

The rain in Beijing is really heavy!

When you're done, turn over and light up your cigarette!

Teacher Lin was performing a set of operations smoothly, with his little girlfriend in his arms, and the two were whispering.

After resting in bed for more than an hour, I looked at the time and saw that it was already past four in the afternoon.

Teacher Lin picked up his girlfriend at ten o'clock in the morning and returned home at eleven o'clock. Before I knew it, time flew by so fast!

It rained heavily at noon and I didn’t have any food. Now that I’m dressed, Teacher Lin is going to take his girlfriend out to eat something good to replenish his energy.

Maxim opened in September last year, and Lin Weimin still wanted to take Tao Huimin to have a meal.

The last time I caught up with her, it was winter. Lin Weimin moved to the Tuanjie Lake Apartment again and failed to make ends meet. This time he just made up for it.

Riding a motorcycle to No. 2 Chongwenmen West Street, I knew just by looking at Maxim’s front door that this place was not cheap.

Climbing up the stairs, the maple and chestnut leaf-shaped chandeliers and wall lamps in the restaurant exude a dark light, reflecting the gilt rattan pattern on the wall, which is copied from the decorative murals of the Louvre and the Forbidden City. There are countless crystal glass mirrors and colorful colorful lights all around. Painted glass windows make the place as luxurious as a palace.

Tao Huimin held Lin Weimin's arm nervously, "Weimin, isn't it expensive to eat here?"

Lin Weimin wanted to say it was not expensive, but saying so seemed to be pretentious.

Even though Maxim has just opened less than a year ago, it has already redefined what Yanjing people think of "Western food."

A cup of coffee costs five yuan, and the per capita consumption of a meal is one hundred and fifty yuan. This place even charges a service fee. What a rotten capitalist habit.

Teacher Lin must give a good criticism today!

Since its opening in September last year, Maxim's business has been booming. A large part of the customers who come are foreign guests, and the number of Chinese is relatively small.

When Lin Weimin entered the restaurant, most of the people he saw were foreigners, and a few Chinese were dressed very formally. Men generally wore suits, while women wore short black skirts and short tops, which looked particularly deliberate.

Tao Huimin's eyes were always a little nervous. Lin Weimin joked with her a few times, and she gradually adapted to the environment here.

The table next to Lin Weimin was composed of two Chinese women and one man. They were chatting. The man kept introducing Maxim to the two women.

The Mud Engineering Team decorated the decorations, the decorations were imported from France and Italy, the tableware was all made of sterling silver, and the chefs and waiters were all sent to France for further training...

The young man in a suit told some specious rumors with a certain pride on his face, as if this matter had something to do with him.

Tao Huimin asked Lin Weimin in a low voice: "Is everything he said true or false?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "Really."

Maxim has been one of the hottest topics in Yanjing City in the second half of last year. The decoration alone cost 3.5 million meters.

The old man Pierre Cardin invested so much, of course, not only hoping that the restaurant could make back his money, he also wanted to build his reputation in China.

With the fashion show at Yanjing Hotel in 1981 and the opening of Maxim Western Restaurant in 1983, Pierre Cardin became the most famous foreigner in China. Once he is famous, business will be much easier. Facts have proved that Old Man Pi is indeed a marketing genius.

The waiter handed Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin a menu each. Tao Huimin took a look at the menu and asked, "Why don't I have a price?"

Lin Weimin knew the tone of the foreigner. Before he could speak, the waiter said with a proud face: "Madam, the menu you are taking is the women's menu, and there is no price. Only the men's menu has a price, and it is clearly marked on it. Includes dish price and service charge.”

Lin Weimin felt disgusted and joked with a smile: "'Women hold up half the sky', how come you have changed Maxim's rules now?"

After he said this, the waiter's expression changed instantly.

Just a few years after the crisis, people's nerves have just relaxed, and any sensitive topic will cause some stress reactions.

Obviously, Lin Weimin's words irritated the waiter. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

Lin Weimin shook his head. If you have nothing to do, don't do things like PUA customers. I won't irritate you.

After ordering and waiting for the food to be served, the sound of a piano came from the small stage at the end of the restaurant. Many diners glanced in that direction, wondering when there was a pianist there.

Such an atmosphere is too lethal for women, Tao Huimin looked happy.

After the food was served, while the two were eating, there was a sudden noise at the door of the restaurant.

As night falls, the lanterns come on.

Maxim was lively, and the commotion at the door quickly spread to the restaurant.

"It's Liu Xiaoqing!" Several Chinese diners in the restaurant were a little excited, and even the waiters were a little excited.

While everyone was talking, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup on her face, long black hair, and an evening dress walked into the restaurant with Liu Xiaoqing in her arms.

Liu Xiaoqing was a superstar in China in the early 1980s, the kind who would attract onlookers wherever he went.

"Liu Xiaoqing!"

"Liu Xiaoqing!"

The two women at the table next to him were a little excited, but the man looked unconcerned and started to explain at the right time, "Who is Liu Xiaoqing? Did you look at the woman next to Liu Xiaoqing? She is the manager of this restaurant. Madam Song, western style, right?”

The two women looked at Madam Song with envy on their faces, "So fashionable! What she wears is so beautiful."

Lin Weimin looked at the Madam Song they were talking about. Well, ordinary people like Teacher Lin who only look at faces cannot appreciate this kind of beauty.

It took Maxim one year to gain a huge reputation in Yanjing, and a large part of the reason was his marketing skills.

When Liu Xiaoqing came today, of course he had to make some noise, so Madam Song went out to greet him in person. It seemed that he would also accompany him to the meal and take care of him all the way.

Liu Xiaoqing was almost surrounded into the restaurant. When he walked halfway, he saw Lin Weimin. He was slightly surprised and asked with surprise: "Teacher Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Weimin stood up and said politely: "My girlfriend and I are here for dinner."

While the two were talking, Madam Song beside Liu Xiaoqing looked at Lin Weimin curiously, "Xiaoqing, this is..."

"This is Teacher Lin Weimin Lin!"

When Madam Song heard the name, her eyes suddenly lit up, she smiled brightly, and stretched out her hand towards Lin Weimin.

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