1980 My literary era

Chapter 316 Naoki Award

After breakfast, the news in the newspaper seemed to change the entire atmosphere of Yanjing City.

Young people waved the five-star red flag, walked on the road without hesitation, and sang loudly. The pedestrians on the street also showed knowing smiles when they saw this scene.

Everyone is full of vitality and joy. They walk on the street, dyeing the street like the rising sun.

Lin Weimin drove to the Chinese Literature Society. As soon as he got off the car, he saw Uncle Zhai in the mail room standing at the door of the front building.

"For the people, the Chinese team won the gold medal!"

Lin Weimin responded with a smile: "I know, in the morning there was a child running from beginning to end in the alley with a newspaper."

Uncle Zhai's words resonated with the colleagues who had just entered the hospital. Everyone started chatting while leaning on the car. More and more people gathered at the door, and it was very lively.

"The Chinese team won the gold medal! The company should give us a day off to celebrate, so that everyone can watch the Olympics!" A young colleague shouted.

"Okay, I'll give you half a month's leave, so you can watch enough!"

"That's great! Hey! Half a month..."

As he was talking, the colleague realized something was wrong and turned around to look.

Comrade Lao Yan stood on the doorstep, condescending, with a death ray.

The young colleagues were like a mouse seeing a cat, shrinking their necks and not daring to speak.

The nice standing talk in front of the building came to an abrupt end because of the appearance of Lao Yan.

Lin Weimin joked: "Young people are ignorant. If you want to watch the Olympics, skip work and go home to watch it. Ask the leader to give you a holiday. Doesn't this make the leader make a mistake?"

Yan Wenjing glared at him, "Stop being careless here and don't let me know any of you are absent from work!"

"Boss, look at what you said. In our Chinese literary society, are there any comrades who are more dedicated to their work than me? Whoever is absent from work, I cannot be absent from work!

I just think it’s so shameful for young people today. They don’t think about working hard all day long, they just think about how to have fun.

What does the Olympics have to do with you? What does the Chinese team's gold medal have to do with you?


Lin Weimin spoke in a strange manner. The more he spoke, the darker Yan Wenjing's face became.

"If you have nothing to do, go back to the backstairs. What are you doing here?" Yan Wenjing scolded.

"Okay, boss, you are busy, I will go to work first."

Lin Weimin left amidst the laughter of his colleagues.

Entering the office, Yao Shuzhi joked about Lin Weimin's training just now.

"You don't understand, the leader loves me deeply and takes great responsibility for me!"

"Yes, yes, people like us have no chance to be scolded by our leaders!"

"Jealous, naked jealousy!"

Colleagues were laughing and joking, and the newspapers on the table were being turned over.

The news that Xu Haifeng won China's first gold medal appeared on the front page of "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", and "Sports News".

This morning, no one was in the mood to work. The conversation was all about the Olympic Games and Xu Haifeng's gold medal. At the same time, they were also speculating on which event the Chinese team's next gold medal would be in and which athlete would win it.

Just as we were about to eat, our colleagues who had been away for half a month to attend the PEN Conference in Yantai came back.

After reporting the work and having lunch in the cafeteria, the gang ran away again.

As the name suggests, I finally returned to Yanjing after a half-month business trip. I had to take a good rest for two days. I guess I went home and watched the Olympics broadcast on TV.

Despite what Lao Yan said, he was actually more incompetent and furious.

It is the first time for China to participate in such a big event as the Olympic Games. The people are naturally very excited. It is conceivable that in recent days, there are definitely not a few cases of absenteeism in large and small units and schools in Yanjing City.

Lao Yan is just talking about it, he doesn't blame everyone.

The Olympic Games on the other side of the ocean are in full swing. As the Olympic athletes continue to achieve great results, August in Yanjing is also in full swing.

Amid the frenzied atmosphere in the city, Chinese Literature Society received a call from Ni Hong.

The call came from Xinchao Publishing House, the same publishing house that published the bombshell version of "Farewell My Concubine."

"Winning an award?" Lin Weimin listened to the plastic Chinese on the other end of the phone and struggled to identify the other party's words, "Mother's Award? What award is this?"

After listening to it for a long time, he couldn't help complaining, couldn't such a big publishing house find someone with a better Chinese proficiency to make this call?

On the other end of the phone, the person speaking was a translator, and a person speaking Nihong dialect was also speaking next to him.

Nihongyu says something, and the translator follows up.

It turns out it’s not the Mother Award, but the Naoki Award.

The Naoki Award is the most influential literary award. It is known for its popularity. It never selects the works of famous writers, but pays more attention to the works of newcomers and unknown writers. It always has a special preference for strong stories.

The Naoki Award is very different from many literary awards in the world. It awards awards twice a year, in February and August each year. It relies on frequent awards to attract readers' attention.

This year's Naoki Award is a bit special. There were no winning entries in the first half of February's awards, leaving a vacancy.

"Farewell My Concubine" has been published by Nihong for almost two years, and it is not a novel written by Nihong. Logically speaking, it should not be included in the selection of the Naoki Award.

But during the awards review in the second half of the year, maybe because this year was a bit slow, one of the judges had a headache and nominated "Farewell My Concubine".

Just watch it, everyone. It doesn’t matter.

Damn it, the introduction thing is too damn in line with our taste!

It doesn’t make sense not to give an award, because there just aren’t any decent works this year.

Yes, it’s you!

The muddy language on the other end of the phone was translated into broken Chinese, and the broken Chinese turned around in Lin Weimin's mind again and turned into this.

"Lin Jun, the Naoki Award presentation meeting will be held on the 15th of the middle of this month. Please be sure to attend."

"Number 15?" Lin Weimin pondered.

He was a little reluctant to go, because the translator just revealed a very important piece of information on the phone. The prize money for the Naoki Prize is 1.2 million yen.

Sounds like a lot, right?

But this thing is not valuable. Lin Weimin converted it in his mind and found that it was equivalent to about 20,000 yuan.

You want to invite Teacher Lin to appear for an appearance fee of 20,000 yuan?

I'm afraid it's a bit difficult!

Besides, I just heard the translator say a lot, and I almost praised the Naoki Award as a flower. But if you analyze it carefully, no matter how popular you are, this thing is just a newcomer award.

Going all the way to receive a rookie award?

Anyone who has won the Yanbing Literature Award, go and get the Newcomer Award, you can't afford to lose this person!

"I'm afraid I'm too late in time, so your publishing house should lead me to pick it up!"

Lin Weimin bluntly rejected Xinchaoshe's request, and the devil on the other end of the phone chattered a lot.

The translator begged again, and Lin Weimin said a little impatiently: "If you don't go, I won't go. Just tell him that I am too busy at work and can't get away."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Yan Wenjing asked: "Why did you die?"

He listened from beginning to end and heard everything that needed to be heard.

"Why don't you hang up? Let me go and receive the award, just the Breaking Newcomer Award! It's so far away that I can't do it."

Yan Wenjing said: "What is the Newcomer Award? It is true that the Naoki Award is for newcomers, but not all newcomers can win it. It has a decisive influence in the domestic literary world. All authors who have won this award will later become He became a heavyweight writer in the literary world."

"Two heavyweight writers come out in one year?" Lin Weimin said without mercy.

Yan Wenjing showed a bit of embarrassment, "There are also those who are ineffective. The key is that when newcomers win this award, the manuscript fee will jump threefold, and people will rush to ask you to publish it."

"Then there's no need for me to go all the way to receive the award!"

Yan Wenjing said helplessly: "Everyone is eager to go abroad. Why are you here? Going abroad is like killing you. Why is it so laborious? Lao Meng also told me before that Mr. Arthur Miller from the United States also invited you to come, and so did you. This attitude!”

"Why are you going abroad? You are a cheap person when you leave your hometown. You don't even understand this!"

"It's not like I'm asking you to go and never come back. Isn't it nice to receive an award and experience foreign customs and customs by the way?"

"No matter what you say, this Naoki Award is just a newcomer award. After all, we are also people who have won the Yanbing Literature Award. Isn't it devaluing ourselves to accept the award?"

Yan Wenjing shook his head, "You are really good at fighting!"

"What is strength? What I call self-respect and self-love."

"Yes, yes, I can't help you. If you don't want to go, I won't go. Don't regret it in the future."

"What regrets do you have? It's not like there won't be any opportunities in the future. Hey, old...President, I see what you mean, why do you seem to be eager to send me away?" Lin Weimin looked at Yan Wenjing suspiciously.

"Fart! I did it for your own good. It's obviously a good thing, but when it comes into your mouth, it feels like a big sin."

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "That's not necessary. If we want to go abroad in the future, we have to ask them to invite us there as uncles."

Yan Wenjing looked impatient, "Ganggun, I get annoyed when I see you."

"You old man..."

Yan Wenjing glared, and Lin Weimin said no more and left the office dejectedly.

"Tch, worship foreign things!"

There is no airtight wall in the Chinese Literature Society.

Lin Weimin won the most influential literary award. In just half an hour, word spread throughout the club, and a bunch of people came to say congratulations to Lin Weimin.

This incident quickly spread in the Yanjing literary world.

Lin Weimin regarded the Naoki Award as the Newcomer Award, but others did not see it that way.

These days, the moon in foreign countries is rounder than the moon in China. Moreover, the Naoki Award is indeed the largest literary award in the world. This is irrefutable.

After learning that Lin Weimin and "Farewell My Concubine" won the Naoki Award, newspapers immediately came to interview him.

During this period of the Olympic Games, Olympic athletes won gold medals repeatedly on the field. The common people were as if they had been beaten to death and loved to watch this kind of drama of winning glory for the country.

Lin Weimin did not let the reporters succeed, and directly came to thank guests behind closed doors.

Finally, I have a message for the reporters: It’s just a Newcomer Award, why are you so excited?

Reporters:? ? ?

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