1980 My literary era

Chapter 32 A novel way of writing

"Lin's story reminds me of Agatha's novels, full of charming suspense and mystery!"

"This story is really good. If it were really written into a novel, it would be very exciting!"

"Friends, do you think Lin's story seems to be based on Agatha? She is also a mystery novelist, equally famous and wealthy..."

Most of the foreign students here today are people who are interested in literature if they are willing to participate in this exchange and dialogue.

Lin Weimin's story style is a very orthodox mystery novel, and you can tell after listening to it that it is of high quality. This is the first time for these people to come into contact with a mystery work in such a novel way.

These people had not come into contact with mystery works from China before, and they were deeply impressed by Lin Weimin, a maverick Chinese writer who lectured on mystery works on the podium.

The comments and concerned looks from the many international students below did not make Lin Weimin's expression change in any way. From the moment he came on stage to the moment he stepped down, he was so calm and calm, making people feel like they were looking up to him.

Even the older brothers and sisters in the class who always treated him like a brat rarely looked at him seriously.

"When will Weimin, this guy, write mystery novels?"

"I didn't listen to what he said. I haven't written it yet. It's just an idea."

"Can you tell the story in your head so smoothly? Do you believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it? I think this guy Weimin was born to eat this kind of rice."

Teacher Tang Yuqiu was very satisfied with Lin Weimin's performance. Students like Lin Weimin were both loved and hated by teachers in school.

What I love is that he has a quick mind and doesn't learn much in class, but as long as he pays attention, he can definitely get good grades in the exam. What I hate is that I am playful, lazy, and idle. I obviously have much better talents than others, but I just don’t want to work hard.

No, as soon as the whip was whipped, it was immediately rubbed several times.

Teacher Tang looked at Lin Weimin with a relaxed look on his face, and an idea suddenly came to his mind. If he could fully unleash all of this kid's talents and potential, what could he achieve?

The half-day dialogue and exchange meeting was over. Lin Weimin didn't know what the other students in the class had gained. Anyway, he was familiar with Mark Meng and Xiao Heiyoko.

Before parting, they also agreed to go out and play together next time.

"Lin, you must write the story you told today, the story of Detective Jack Huang. Oh, it's interesting just thinking about it." Mark reminded Lin Weimin with unfinished dreams.

Jack Huang is the male protagonist of that mystery story and a Chinese detective.

"Maybe, it will have to wait until I have time. Lao Ma, you don't know much about the situation in our domestic literary world. There are almost no publishing channels for genre novels such as mystery novels."

Mark Meng felt disappointed after hearing this, "Oh, that's such a pity."

"However, I think you should still write it. Maybe I can try to help you submit it to a publishing house in our country."

Lin Weimin smiled and waved his hand, "That's too far away. Let's wait until I write it down."


On the way back to the Literature Institute from Yenching University, Cheng Shixu sat next to Lin Weimin, and his eyes would glance at Lin Weimin from time to time.

"What's wrong? Why are you always looking at me?" Lin Weimin asked him.

Cheng Shixu's face flashed with embarrassment, "It's nothing."

His performance made Lin Weimin a little baffled.

Jia Dashan on the other side seemed to see Cheng Shixu's depression. He asked Cheng Shixu: "Why are you always depressed? You should feel like you are young and successful."

Cheng Shixu had a bitter smile on his face and looked at Lin Weimin. When it comes to young success, this classmate is worthy of it, right?

In the dormitory at night, Gu Hua was inspired by Lin Weimin's performance at the exchange and dialogue meeting today, and began to tell everyone the story he had been brewing in his heart for a long time.

Hu Yuyin is a female street vendor in Furong Town. She gets rich through hard work. She thought her good days were coming soon, but unexpectedly she suffered persecution in a series of political movements. During this period, she lived with Qin Shutian, who had a similar problem. True love arose in the process of adversity. The two supported and encouraged each other, and finally came the moment to put things right.

The more Lin Weimin listened to this story, the more familiar it seemed. Isn't this the plot of "Furong Town", and the name fits it perfectly.

Lin Weimin has never read the novel "Furong Town", but he has seen the movie.

It turned out that this is how the story came out, and a subtle feeling of witnessing history arose in his heart.

Cheng Shixu's eyes showed envy when Gu Hua kept telling everyone stories.

He was able to enter the training class of the Literary Research Institute because of the recommendation of "October" and the work he relied on was "The General in a Small Town".

His mentality is almost the same as Huang Anyi's. He feels that when he enters the institute, all he sees are the writers he looked up to like stars before. He feels very inferior, so he always studies extra hard every day.

It had been more than half a year since he won the award, and he hadn't even written a single work, which made his anxiety and inferiority even worse. Especially when he saw people like Lin Weimin and Gu Hua who were born storytellers, he felt filled with Envy and jealousy.

Cheng Shixu's depressed mood was incompatible with the lively atmosphere in the dormitory. He left the dormitory alone and planned to relax in the courtyard.

It happened that Lin Weimin was going to wash clothes in the water room. When the two of them met each other, Lin Weimin heard a sentence: "Weimin, tell me, am I not suitable for writing?"

Lin Weimin stopped while holding a basin of clothes, "What's wrong? Are you still sentimental?"

Cheng Shixu smiled bitterly, "Can I not be sentimental? I have hardly written anything decent this year."

"I don't know what to write anymore." He emphasized again.

Lin Weimin looked at the misery on his face, thought for a while and said, "I don't have much experience in writing, but I can give you a sample."

"How about a sample?"

"Have you read my novella?"

Cheng Shixu nodded, "It's really well written."

"With the same story direction and character background, how about each of us telling the story again?"

"Ah, this...is rewriting a novel?"


Cheng Shixu was speechless. This was the first time he had heard of such a writing method.

"Here, how should I write this?"

"You can write whatever you want. The characters are already there, and the general plot setting is also there. This subject is inherently suspenseful and conflicting, so it is not difficult to write."

"How about it? Do you want to give it a try?"

Lin Weimin asked Cheng Shixu with a smile.

He struggled for a few seconds, but when he thought that Lin Weimin, the original author, was willing to lend him ideas, if he didn't even dare to write this, he might as well give up writing.

"Okay, let's do it." Cheng Shixu said decisively.

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