1980 My literary era

Chapter 322 The crocodile in the melon field

Chinese Literature Society, second floor of the back building, "Contemporary" editorial office.

The faces of the colleagues were full of curiosity, so they just moved a small bench and sat aside obediently waiting for Teacher Niu to start the class.

After Mr. Lin's gentle temptation, Niu Han sneered: "What did he do? I have been an editor for more than 30 years, and I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Everyone was delighted. This was something Lao Niu had never seen in his more than thirty years of work. How rare was it?

This melon is huge!

"You should calm down and don't be like Old Wu. He is young and ignorant."

Lin Weimin was trying to persuade Niu Han like a peacemaker, but every word seemed to poke a hole in his heart.

"Is he young? Is he ignorant? He is forty years old and has been with our Chinese Literature Society for more than ten years. Are you telling me that he is ignorant?"

The colleagues frowned and looked at Lin Weimin, "Don't talk at this time. It's time for Lao Niu to perform."

Lin Weimin gave everyone a look, you know what a hammer is!

A good melon needs to be split open with just a flick of the finger. How can you cut it by yourself?

"What on earth is going on?"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Teacher Lin asked with a "worried" look on his face.

Niu Han's face was full of anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Wu Shiming, this villain, he took advantage of his job to steal important archival materials from "New Literature Historical Materials" to write articles!"

Stolen information?

Writing an article citing information is not a big deal, but Lao Niu specifically emphasized the word "stealing", which made the nature of it different.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of Wu Shiming. How could this person be like this? After all, he is also an employee of the Chinese Literature Society. Stealing information from publications is a taboo matter. How can this person do it?

At this moment, Niu Han continued: "The most annoying thing is that he actually published this article in another publication before our "New Literature Historical Materials" was published."

When all the colleagues heard this sentence, they could only say "Fuck!"

It's okay to steal the information from your own publication to write an article, but actually publish it first?

Not to mention how bad the nature of this matter is, doesn’t Wu Shiming have any IQ?

Did he think that all his colleagues at the Chinese Literature Society would not be able to read the article he published?

It would be fine if he were an ordinary citizen, but everyone is still doing writing work, so how dare he?

Everyone's minds were filled with question marks, and they really couldn't figure out the reason for Wu Shiming's operation.

Naturally, no one knows what Wu Shiming is thinking.

But after Comrade Niu Han finished explaining the cause of the matter, everyone finally understood the situation.

While everyone was talking, Meng Weizai entered the office, "Old Niu, Old Niu, let me tell you what you want to order. How old are you, and your temper is still so bad?"

Niu Han said stubbornly: "You just stopped me in early spring, otherwise I would have to beat this bastard!"

"Okay, okay, stop scolding. Everyone in the society knows about the trouble you two made. Do you want people to laugh at you?"

"Who are you laughing at? Me or him? This kind of person should be remembered forever!"

Being infamy for ten thousand years is definitely an exaggeration. Wu Shiming's reputation in the Chinese Literature Society will definitely be bad after this incident.

But it is unrealistic to say how he will be dealt with.

Wu Shiming's incident is very bad in terms of impact, but if you want to say that it violates laws and disciplines, it is not considered illegal. The most the company can do is criticize and educate, and ask him to write an inspection.

Besides, if someone dares to do this, it’s not without their feet.

Last year, the company's leadership team was restructured and a young vice president was appointed, who has a good relationship with Wu Shiming.

The next day, the Modern Literature Editorial Office held a meeting to discuss how to deal with Wu Shiming. The director of the editorial office, Cheng Wuchun, attended even though he was sick. He wanted Wu Shiming to admit his mistake and write a review to avoid such self-inflicted crimes. It won't happen again in the future.

As a result, Wu Shiming not only failed to admit his mistake, but actually quarreled with Cheng Zuochun in person, and the meeting broke up unhappy.

Lin Weimin heard the fierce quarrel that broke out on the third floor even on the second floor. When the meeting ended, he walked to the door of the first floor.

I saw Cheng Wuchun standing there alone, smoking a cigarette.

Lin Weimin walked over, lit a cigarette for himself, and said, "Lao Cheng, I'm not telling you, you are too spoiled to the people in your editorial office!"

Cheng Wanchun looked helpless, "You kid, stop talking sarcastically here. A few days ago, Liu Yin said bad things about you behind my back, saying you were using them like donkeys!"

"Ours is a contradiction among the people."

"We are not enemies either | I am contradictory!"

Cheng Wuchun took a long puff of cigarette and blew out the smoke ring, "I really envy your editorial department!"

Lin Weimin chuckled and said, "Your editorial department has so many pricks!"

His words were full of schadenfreude, and Cheng Wanchun couldn't help but glare at him.

After the joke, Lin Weimin said seriously: "What's going on with Wu Shiming? Why do you do such a thing?"

Cheng Wanchun said helplessly: "It's not because of the professional title evaluation!"

Appraisal of professional title?

No wonder then.

Last year, the National Publishing Bureau decided to pilot the professional title evaluation of the editorial series in the Chinese Literature Society. To this end, a review committee was established. Mrs. Wei was appointed as the director of the review committee, and Cheng Wuchun was the deputy director.

As a major player in the domestic publishing industry, the Chinese Publishing House has many talented people, and the professional title evaluation work is unprecedented. Who should be judged and who should not be judged, there is a lot of knowledge here.

At that time, some well-respected old comrades in the society took the initiative not to participate in the evaluation in order to avoid suspicion.

Wei Junyi also proposed that the company leaders should not participate in the evaluation, so as to minimize conflicts in the process of evaluating professional titles.

But the reality is that wherever there are people and interests, there will be contradictions. Even though the Chinese Literature Society is a place where cultural people gather, it is also inevitable.

The situation within the Guowen Society can be described as "involution" in later generations.

Because everyone's conditions are so superior, the threshold for professional title evaluation is high.

Undergraduate students who started working before and after liberation could only be rated as editors. Some well-known editors and translators in China could only be rated as deputy editors or deputy translation reviewers.

In short, there was chicken feathers all over the place.

Considering Lin Weimin's time in the company and his qualifications, he couldn't even be rated as an assistant editor, so naturally he didn't care much about this aspect.

Wu Shiming has been in the company for more than ten years, and the conditions in the modern literary editing room are considered outstanding. Naturally, he has some ideas about professional title evaluation.

But his qualifications are really not enough among the big guys in the Chinese Literature Society.

In desperation, he did what he did this time.

After hearing what Cheng Wanchun said, Lin Weimin shook his head and said, "It's just a professional title!"

Cheng Wuchun said with a wry smile on his face: "My dear brother! Who do you think is a great writer like you who is famous all over the country? Although our Chinese Literature Society is full of famous writers, after all, the majority are editors who are not famous and have no works.

We are all colleagues in the same building and have worked together for decades. Why can you be rated highly and I cannot? Also, assistant editor, editor, associate editor/reviewer/associate translation reviewer, and editor reviewer, these professional titles are equivalent to the first-level salary and benefits. Can they be the same? "

Lin Weimin put out his cigarette butt, "This thing is really a headache!"

"Then what should we do with Wu Shiming?" he asked again.

Cheng Wuchun spread his hands, "There is nothing we can do! The best we can do is to prevent him from accessing the archives of "New Literature Historical Materials" in the future."

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "It's quite frustrating for you to be a leader!"

"If you do this job, you have to worry about it. There's nothing you can do about it!" Cheng Wuchun sighed.

Lin Weimin, both young and old, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay. Comrade Lao Cheng is enlightened and will be the material to be the president in the future."

Cheng Wuchun slapped his hand away, "Don't talk nonsense. After hearing this, Lao Meng won't fight you to the death?"

Lin Weimin immediately perked up when he heard this, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Cheng Wuchun showed a somewhat mysterious smile on his face, "You can figure it out yourself, little comrade!"

Lin Weimin looked at Cheng Wanchun's back and cursed in his heart: Damn, I hate you Riddlers the most!

He naturally knew that Cheng Wanchun meant that Lao Meng might succeed as president, but there had to be some time, right?

Then Lao Yan must be retiring, but what about Mrs. Wei? It stands to reason that she should be a strong candidate for president when Lao Yan retires. Does it mean that Mrs. Wei also wants to retire?

According to Mrs. Wei's age, there is no problem in retreating with Lao Yan.

Lao Yan and Mrs. Wei retired together, and the positions of two big leaders were suddenly vacated in the club. Lao Meng was definitely a strong competitor for the president, so who would be the editor-in-chief?

Lao Cheng belongs to the young group and seems to have hope. No, deputy editor-in-chief Li Shuguang is older than him, so it seems more suitable. It's a pity that Lao Qin was re-employed from retirement, and he also bears the title of deputy editor-in-chief.

When Lin Weimin learned the news unexpectedly, he felt like a squid in the melon field. He took a bite of this watermelon, but before he could taste it, he took a bite of another watermelon.

The melon field was so big, but he touched his round belly and pushed it back with both hands. He really couldn't eat anymore.

Back upstairs, Lin Weimin became more and more itchy as he thought about it, so he simply went to Tan Chaoyang's office, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face but he hesitated to speak.

"If you have any farts, hurry up. It's hard to see how moral you are." Tan Chaoyang said angrily.

"After all, he is a leader, vulgar!" Lin Weimin said quickly after Tan Chaoyang glared, "What, I heard that Lao Meng is going to be promoted?"

Tan Chaoyang glanced at him unexpectedly, "Who did you listen to?"

"Don't worry about who I heard about it, just tell me if this happened, right?"

Qin Chaoyang shook his head, "No."


Lin Weimin looked at him in surprise.

"What are you looking at? Even if you look at it a hundred times, you still won't hear what I said."

Lin Weimin thought he knew Lao Tan well, so he naturally noticed the subtle changes in his expression.

"I know that you, the leader, are very enlightened and cannot reveal the secrets of the club. This is just a chat. Do you always think that after Lao Yan retires, who in our club has the best chance of becoming the great treasure?"

Qin Chaoyang waved his hands impatiently, "Go away! You're still on the throne, so you're not afraid of making mistakes? As a deputy editor, why do you worry about these things? It's not your turn to be the president!"

"It's not my turn, why shouldn't I care? I'm also pursuing progress!"

Lin Weimin made wisecracks and was kicked out of the office by Lao Tan.

After coming out, he smacked his lips.

Through Lao Qin's performance, he can be sure that Lao Meng is very likely to be promoted!

Although I am not a fan of officials, it is definitely a good thing that my direct leader can be promoted. At least I will have a stronger backer in the company in the future.

The only thing worth worrying about is whether his successor as director will be promoted in place or transferred outside after Lao Meng leaves.

Seats have always been like a radish and a hole. If you move a radish, a bunch of radishes have to move.

With promotion in place, colleagues in the editorial department can make a move.

If it is an external transfer, everyone will remain in place, but there will be a new leader, and colleagues will have some opinions.

Was it transferred from other editorial rooms within the Chinese Literature Press, or from other fraternal units?

Lin Weimin scratched his head.

It's really uncomfortable to eat this melon, neither up nor down.

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