1980 My literary era

Chapter 328 Tiesheng, you have changed

"Hope" is an on-campus comprehensive literary magazine founded by Grade 7 students in the Chinese Department of Northwest University at the end of 1978. It publishes works in a variety of genres, including novels, poems, essays, reportage, essays, scripts, essays, movie stories and reviews. , translations, reviews of foreign writers and works, etc. are all available.

The magazine only produced four issues and lasted only one year in Northwestern University's 100-year history.

It happened that that year, Shi Tiesheng's "The Destiny of Love" was invested here. At that time, Cheng Ximi saw this article.

"I know!" Cheng Ximi replied with a smile after Shi Tiesheng said the first sentence.

The smile on her face was as bright and bright as the sun, and she looked completely different from when she stopped them from entering the classroom just now.

Shi Tiesheng didn't expect her to say this, "How do you know?"

Cheng Ximi glanced at the wheelchair, and Shi Tiesheng burst into laughter.

Lin Weimin complained, "Such an obvious feature, probably only a man like you who is blinded by love can't notice it, right?"

Seeing that the two of them stopped after saying a word, the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Although we have been pen pals for five years, this was the first time we met.

Teacher Lin was very self-aware and said: "What, Tiesheng, I have something else to do, you two will chat for a while. You will go downstairs later, call me!"

As he spoke, he released the wheelchair with both hands and closed the classroom door.

It has to be me!

He turned his head proudly and was startled.

A group of students had surrounded him at some point.

"Lin Weimin?"

Lin Weimin felt bad, stepped forward and looked towards the stairs. Students who had just finished class were swarming in this direction, and the corridor was crowded.

He and Shi Tiesheng had talked to someone since they entered the building. Lin Weimin thought of the middle-aged teacher with a loyal face on the first floor.

How come you intellectuals are as unreliable as literati?

"Is it Teacher Lin?"

"Lin Weimin? Is it really Lin Weimin?"

More and more students who heard the information rushed to the door of the classroom on the east side of the second floor, blocking the corridor.

Lin Weimin shouted helplessly: "Students, calm down! Calm down!"

The moment they heard Lin Weimin's voice, the crowd gathered around him even tighter, looking at Lin Weimin with surging hearts.

"Teacher Lin, Teacher Lin, I am your reader!"

"My favorite is your Farewell My Concubine!"

"Teacher Lin, why did you come to our school?"

The college students surrounded Lin Weimin enthusiastically. He was like a small boat in the sea, swaying in the wind and rain.

"Don't be crowded, don't be crowded. It's not convenient to talk here. Everyone listen to me and retreat in an orderly manner. Can we find a spacious place outside the teaching building to talk again?"

"Come on, come on, everyone, stay back, stay back!"

Lin Weimin shouted loudly, and pulled the students at the front to shout with him, stopping the team from rushing forward.

After more than ten seconds, the crowd began to retreat, and Lin Weimin breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned and glanced at the closed classroom door.

Tiesheng, Tiesheng, you have to live up to your expectations!

The crowd receded and came to the front of the building.

The 1980s was an era of literature. If there is a group in this society that has the most literary young people, it would be college students.

Teacher Lin stood on the steps in front of the teaching building, hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at him eagerly.

It would really be inappropriate not to drink some chicken soup at this time.

In Xi'an in January, the cold wind was howling, but it could not resist Teacher Lin's enthusiasm in preaching to the students.

He thought about it for a moment, then opened his mouth and started talking, full of witty words.

The students listened mesmerizedly, with brilliant eyes.

Standing by the window on the second floor, Cheng Ximi listened to Lin Weimin's speech with admiration on his face, "He is indeed a great writer!"

Shi Tiesheng felt uncomfortable listening to Cheng Ximi praising Lin Weimin. This boy was too much in the limelight.

This is exactly what it is: I am exposed to the cold wind because of you, and you are holding my girl in the classroom!

The strange thing in front of the building of the Department of Mathematics attracted the attention of the leaders of the Department of Mathematics. After asking about the situation, the head of the department found out that the young man standing in front of the building giving a speech was actually the great writer Lin Weimin. He quickly called in a few guards to maintain order. .

After finally waiting for Lin Weimin's speech to come to an end, the students below suddenly became excited and watched as more students continued to come here.

There are more and more students gathering together. If one of them fails, it will be a big problem!

It is impossible to forcefully drive them away. Today's college students are not like the sheep-like college students of future generations who can be driven away by others.

The head of the department could only step forward to discuss with Lin Weimin, "Teacher Lin, what do you think about changing places?"

Lin Weimin looked apologetic, "I'm really sorry. I originally came to your school to find friends, but I didn't expect it would turn out like this and cause trouble to the school."

"It's okay, it's okay. It's not too late for the school and students to be happy to see a great writer like you."

The dean of the department was shameless in order to invite this living ancestor away.

In today's situation, it is impossible for the students not to get what they want and have a close encounter with Teacher Lin.

The head of the department proposed to change the venue of the exchange to the school auditorium. Lin Weimin readily agreed, and the head of the department breathed a sigh of relief.

After the dean of the department announced the news to the students on the steps, and with Lin Weimin's persuasion, the students embraced Lin Weimin and walked towards the auditorium.

The crowds were gathering more and more along the way, and it was huge. Lin Weimin walked in the lead, put on a black suit, it was a gangster movie.

When they arrived at the entrance of the auditorium, students filed in, and Lin Weimin said to the department chair: "Director, I have a friend upstairs!"

"I heard it, I heard it, Comrade Shi Tiesheng, I'll go back and ask two teachers to help."

Lin Wei, the director of the Civil Dynasty Department, nodded, "Thank you, director!"

After that, he walked into the auditorium and slowly closed the door of the auditorium with both hands, his face solemn and solemn, his eyes firm.

For my brothers, I will do whatever it takes to protect my brothers.

In the evening, the restaurant in front of Northwest University.

Shi Tiesheng and Cheng Ximi sat opposite each other. The girl's smile was still so bright, and Lin Weimin next door looked so redundant.

After eating, Lin Weimin created conditions for the two of them to walk on the road outside for more than an hour.

He didn't show up until Shi Tiesheng sent Cheng Ximi back to the dormitory.

"How was the chat?" Lin Weimin looked gossipy.

"Very good." A hint of shyness flashed across Shi Tiesheng's face.

Lin Weimin nodded happily, "It's not in vain that I made such a big sacrifice for you two."

"Continue to work hard tomorrow and strive to bring Comrade Ximi to Yanjing!"

Lin Weimin set an ambitious goal for Shi Tiesheng.

"Nonsense, she works here, how can she go to Yanjing?"

"It depends on people. You two talk first, and I will help you handle the rest!"

Shi Tiesheng was moved.

When it got dark, Lin Weimin pushed Shi Tiesheng to the guest house of the SX Provincial Cultural Association.

On this day, Lin Weimin was so exhausted that he fell on the bed and fell asleep for a while.

Feeling the need to urinate, he got up to go to the toilet and saw Shi Tiesheng sitting at the desk, writing with a silly smile on his face. Without even thinking about it, he knew that he was writing some sour poems or love letters.

He made a slight movement, and Shi Tiesheng was like a frightened quail, covering the table with both hands and motionless.

Lin Weimin got up and passed by, taking a look. It was covered so tightly that he couldn't see it at all.

After going to the toilet, Shi Tiesheng repeated the same operation.

Lin Weimin sighed helplessly, "Tiesheng, you have changed!"

The next day, Cheng Ximi specially asked for leave to accompany Shi Tiesheng.

Lin Weimin did not become a light bulb, but came to the Provincial Cultural Association to find Lu Yao.

"How did you end up like this?"

Lin Weimin was a little surprised after not seeing Lu Yao for more than a year. At only thirty-six years old, he was already a little hunched, his temples had turned white, and he couldn't hide the fine wrinkles on his face.

Lu Yao enthusiastically pulled Lin Weimin to talk about the manuscript he was writing.

Lu Yao told Lin Weimin in his letter that in September he took two large boxes of materials and books, a dozen cartons of cigarettes and two cans of Nescafe coffee to experience life in the Chenjiagou Coal Mine. He just returned last month. This side of the Literary and Art Association.

"After the New Year, I still have to pass. You don't know, I was there, and the writing was very touching."

Lu Yao was very excited when he talked about the novel.

"Then you have to pay attention to your health." Lin Weimin said worriedly.

From the time he had this idea to this year, it only took more than a year to get himself into this state. If he really waited until the novel was finished, Lin Weimin really didn't dare to think about what he would do to himself.

After listening to Lin Weimin's concern and worry, Lu Yao smiled silently.

"For the people! Brother Cheng is right, a writer must have a head start. I don't know if my novel will be worthy of such an evaluation, but I have to write it. do my best!"

Lin Weimin pondered and said, "Why don't you go to Yanjing to write, and I will find you a place with a better environment."

Lu Yao shook his head and said firmly, "Without that environment, I wouldn't be able to write!"

Lin Weimin sighed helplessly. In fact, when he said that sentence, he already knew Lu Yao's answer.

"Then you can finish writing the first draft before going to Yanjing. Is that okay?"

Lu Yao nodded hesitantly, "That's okay."

At noon, the leaders of the Provincial Cultural Association came forward to treat Lin Weimin to a meal, and Lu Yao accompanied him.

After dinner, Lin Weimin borrowed a car from the leader of the Cultural Association. This time Shi Tiesheng planned to go back to the place where he joined the queue in northern Shaanxi. The leader of the Cultural Association readily agreed and not only borrowed the car, but also sent a driver to Lin Weimin. Xiao Li.

The next day, Xiao Li drove Lin Weimin and the proud Shi Tiesheng back to northern Shaanxi, where he had been dreaming.

The real name of "Qingping Bay" in the novel is Guanjiazhuang.

The river in front of the village is called Qingping River, and the river formed by the erosion and siltation of Qingping River is called Qingping River, so Shi Tiesheng called this place "Qingping Bay".

The local commune has long been informed by the Provincial Literary and Art Association that the educated youth who jumped in their queue has now become a nationally famous writer and wants to come back for a visit.

When Lin Weimin's car arrived at the commune, they were led to Guanjiazhuang by people from the commune.

The trip went smoothly. Shi Tiesheng met many old acquaintances and talked about old times.

I just felt a little disappointed when I left. I lamented that I was polite to everyone when I came back this time and was not as affectionate as before.

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