1980 My literary era

Chapter 331 Glowing Teacher Lin

The first issue of "Contemporary" was released in 1985, and colleagues in the editorial department could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The matter of the book series has been basically finalized. Lin Weimin took the publication slip to the front building to find Yan Wenjing and Wei Junyi to sign, and was encouraged again.

The announcement that he and another comrade were promoted to editor-in-chief of "Contemporary" and "New Literature Historical Materials" has just been posted on the bulletin board in the Chinese Literature Society.

After being busy at the Chinese Literature Society until the afternoon, Lin Weimin ran away for a while.

He had to go to the broadcasting compound today to see the rehearsal results of the sketch.

Today is the rehearsal, and the venue is CCTV Studio No. 1. Meeting many old acquaintances, Lin Weimin said hello one by one.

He sat on a pony under the stage and watched the performances on stage. This year Huang Yihe specially invited several Hong Kong singers.

The most famous among them are Luo Wen, Xi Xiulan and Wang Mingquan.

The sketch show of the eldest nephew and Chen Xiaoer was pretty good. They had already been on it for two years, so they didn't need Lin Weimin to worry too much.

After the rehearsal, I met the director Wang Feng and the two chatted about "A Dream of Red Mansions".

Lin Weimin is a consultant for "Dream of Red Mansions". He has participated in several symposiums and seminars on "Dream of Red Mansions" and helped provide many opinions on the script. Currently, "Dream of Red Mansions" is being filmed in full swing.

During this period, "Dream of Red Mansions" also held two training classes. Lin Weimin's major only involved scripts, so he did not participate in these two training classes.

After finishing "A Dream of Red Mansions", Wang Feng sighed again.

Last year, CCTV was busy with the two TV series "Journey to the West" and "A Dream of Red Mansions", which took up a lot of energy and funds. It didn't even bother to film Lin Weimin's works.

Then, he took the initiative to mention that he hoped to finish filming the last part of Lin Weimin's spy trilogy "The Wind" this year.

Lin does everything he can for the people.

He really didn't care about the royalties for the adaptation of the work. Instead, the fact that the novel was adapted into a TV series expanded the influence of the work and his popularity was more beneficial than the royalties themselves.

The next day, Lin Weimin had just gone to work and was watering the pothos flowers in the office.

He just moved into Tan Chaoyang's office two days ago, and now the office is shared by two people.

We are all editors-in-chief, so we should be treated equally.

There was a knock at the door, and he turned around to see it was Ren Hao.

"Teacher Lin, long time no see!" Ren Hao said hello with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Lin Weimin asked with a smile, "Come, sit down!"

Lin Weimin poured a cup of tea for Ren Hao, and after a few words of greeting, Ren Hao said: "I received instructions from Wang Tai last night to discuss the matter of "The Wind" with you."

"We are all old acquaintances, and you know my habits."

"Yes, yes, we are old acquaintances! I understand."

Ren Hao has read the novel "The Wind" more than once. After hearing Lin Weimin's words, his mind immediately started to work.

Well, the role of Li Ningyu was given to Zhu Lin, and the image was suitable.

Naturally, Ren Hao didn't communicate with Lin Weimin about his little thoughts. They were all old acquaintances and understood each other. Director Ren felt that he had a thorough understanding of Teacher Lin's thoughts.

The two chatted for a long time, and after almost communicating the general details of the adaptation, Ren Hao stood up and left.

At noon, Lin Weimin had just finished eating and was chatting with Tan Chaoyang when someone knocked on the door again.

He turned around and saw that it was Zheng Xiaolong who he had met on the day of Wang Shuo's wedding.

"Hello, Teacher Lin!"

Lin Weimin's face showed a bit of surprise, "Zheng Xiaolong, why are you here? Do you want to see me for anything?"

"Thank you for remembering me!"

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words, and Zheng Xiaolong explained his intention.

He came to Lin Weimin this time to get the rights to adapt the TV series "The Wind".

"The two works "Latent" and "Cliff" have been successful in succession. Your works can be said to be very popular. Our factory has actually wanted to cooperate with you for a long time.

It's just that you have always cooperated with CCTV before, and our factory was not ranked. I thought CCTV would be able to produce the TV series "The Wind" this year, but when the Gregorian New Year was over and there was no news, I realized that "The Wind" hadn't been filmed yet.

Our factory leaders are interested and want to cooperate with you. I said that's just right. You and I already know each other, so I volunteered to come. "

After Zheng Xiaolong finished speaking, he looked at Lin Weimin expectantly.

Lin Weimin said: "Oh, this is really unlucky. The matter of "The Wind" was just finalized with CCTV today."

"Ah!" Zheng Xiaolong exclaimed unexpectedly.

He really didn't expect that such a coincidence would happen. He kept patting his thigh and regretted it, "I wish I had come earlier! I wish I had come earlier! It's only half a day, just half a day!"

Seeing his anxious and helpless look, Lin Weimin had no choice but to persuade him.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Xiaolong was disappointed and prepared to get up and leave.

Lin Weimin looked at the sample book of "Selected Novel Series" on the table and suddenly called out to Zheng Xiaolong.

"Teacher Lin, do you have anything else?"

Lin Weimin pointed to the book series on the table and said: "We just happened to have a book series published here, and there is a good novel in it. Would your factory want to consider it?"

Zheng Xiaolong was disappointed when he failed to get the rights to adapt "The Wind". He was not in the mood to pay attention to the new novel. However, because of Lin Weimin's face, he turned around and came back, picked up the sample book on the table and took a look.

Once he saw it, he never let it go.

It wasn't until he was about to get off work in the afternoon that Zheng Xiaolong had only read one-third of the more than 400,000-word "Plain Clothes Police".

"Xiaolong, our editorial department is about to get off work." Lin Weimin reminded with a smile.

Zheng Xiaolong suddenly raised his head, with an embarrassed look on his face, "Teacher Lin, I'm so sorry, I'm too fascinated by the novel."

"It's okay, it's okay. This series of books is given to you. You can take it back and read it. If you think it's appropriate, you can come and talk to me."


Zheng Xiaolong nodded in agreement, put a set of books into his bag, and turned to leave.

On the second day.

Early in the morning, Lin Weimin had just parked his car in the yard. When he got out of the car, he saw Zheng Xiaolong standing at the door of the front building.

"Little dragon?"

Zheng Xiaolong's eyes were bloodshot, his hair was a little messy, his face was excited, and he was holding a book in his hand.

"Teacher Lin, this novel, this novel..."

Lin Weimin glanced at the book in his hand. It was the first volume in the series, "Plainclothes Police" by Hai Yan.

"What? Do you think it's okay?" Lin Weimin said.

"It's done! It's done!" Zheng Xiaolong was so excited that he almost shouted out. The colleagues who passed by with such a loud voice couldn't help but look sideways.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." Lin Weimin pulled him into the back building.

After arriving at the office and pouring a cup of tea for Zheng Xiaolong, Lin Weimin pointed at his hair and asked, "What's going on with you?"

Zheng Xiaolong smiled freely and said, "I was just reading a novel, so I didn't care."

Lin Weimin glanced at the novel again, such a large volume...

"Watched it all night, right?"

"No! I saw the morning, and then I immediately ran to you." When Zheng Xiaolong said this, with a bit of anxiety in his eyes, he asked: "Teacher Lin, no one is fighting for the adaptation rights of this novel, right? "

Lin Weimin laughed and said: "No, of course not. It hasn't been launched yet, so why grab the adaptation rights?"

After hearing this information, Zheng Xiaolong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Weimin asked again: "You still have to discuss the adaptation with your leaders, right?"

Zheng Xiaolong nodded, "That's for sure. But don't worry, I will do my best to convince the factory leaders. Such a good work..."

His eyes were on the cover of the book, "It would be a shame not to take a photo!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

A few days later, Zheng Xiaolong came to the editorial office again and brought good news to Lin Weimin.

"Teacher Lin, the factory has agreed to adapt this "Plain Clothes Police"!"

Lin Weimin was immediately happy when he heard this and asked Tong Zhonggui to go to Haiyan's house to see if he was at home.

It happened that Haiyan was at home after work, and Tong Zhonggui brought him to the editorial department.

Lin Weimin introduced Zheng Xiaolong to Haiyan, and then said: "I asked you to come here today for two things."

"First, the selected novel series will be officially put on sale tomorrow. Second, Yanjing TV Studio plans to adapt your "Plain Clothes Police" into a TV series."

After Lin Weimin finished speaking concisely and concisely, Haiyan was stunned.

He was not surprised when the novel was published. The editorial department had already informed him.

But where to start with this adaptation?

My novel hasn’t been published and sold yet!

Facing Haiyan's confused expression, Zheng Xiaolong smiled and said, "You have to thank Teacher Lin for this..."

Zheng Xiaolong told Haiyan what happened a few days ago, and Haiyan realized that it was all because of Teacher Lin's recommendation.

"Teacher Lin, thank you!" Haiyan bowed to Lin Weimin excitedly.

Lin Weimin quickly pulled him up and said, "No need, no need, it just happens at the right time. Xiaolong is the one responsible for communicating this matter, and it is the leaders of the TV studio who make the decision. It is their credit."

Lin Weimin was not greedy for credit at all and picked himself out. The more he did this, the more grateful Haiyan was to him.

The status of writers in the 1980s was very high, so when it came to adapting works, writers often had a lot of say, but that was for writers who already had masterpieces.

Haiyan, on the other hand, has never published even one serious article.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. After holding it in for more than a year, I wrote a long novel. Teacher Lin discovered it and got the chance to publish it.

Now, even without waiting for publication, I have even helped to connect people about adapting the TV series.

Haiyan looked at Lin Weimin and heard the teacher's voice sincerely and from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Weimin brought Zheng Xiaolong and Haiyan together, and by the way, he expressed the hope that Haiyan could participate in the adaptation of the TV series and be named as a screenwriter.

Zheng Xiaolong knew that Haiyan was a complete newcomer and did not have any experience in this area, so he was a little hesitant.

Lin Weimin smiled again and said: "It doesn't matter. You can let him try it first. His home is opposite the Chinese Literature Society. If there are any problems, you can ask him to communicate with me."

Zheng Xiaolong rolled his eyes and said, "Otherwise, Teacher Lin, please put your name on it and help us check it!"

Lin Weimin didn't understand his little thoughts and pointed at him with a smile. Zheng Xiaolong smiled tacitly.

Lin Weimin pondered for a moment, "Okay, then I'll put my name on it! But let's agree first that Haiyan still has to do the specific compilation work, and I will help."

"No problem, no problem!" Zheng Xiaolong agreed with a smile.

Lin Weimin is well-known as a novelist, but in Zheng Xiaolong's view, his greater ability is in drama creation.

Not every dramatist's works can be performed on the art stage for several years, and every one of them is praised and sat down!

It was an unexpected surprise to get Lin Weimin to agree to be named as a screenwriter. How dare he make excessive demands.

Besides, with him checking the script, the quality of the script is guaranteed. No matter how unreliable a newbie Haiyan is, Teacher Lin is still there to take care of it!

After agreeing on the matter, Lin Weimin sent Zheng Xiaolong away. He and Haiyan stood in front of the building and looked at Zheng Xiaolong's back.

"Teacher Lin!" Haiyan shouted.

Lin Weimin turned his head and saw Haiyan's body bent at 90 degrees.

Lin Weimin quickly helped him up, "What are you doing?"

Haiyan's waist was bent so low that Lin Weimin couldn't pull him up.

"thank you!"

Publish novels, adapt TV series, and work as screenwriters.

Haiyan never thought that his life would usher in so many major turning points in such a short period of time.

And all of this is thanks to the young man in front of him who is younger than him, but whom he calls "teacher".

Haiyan raised his head and looked at Lin Weimin.

At this moment, Teacher Lin's body seemed to be glowing.

Just two updates today. I should have updated more at the end of the month so I could ask for votes, but I got stuck.

It’s very uncomfortable. I will try to finish the outline as soon as possible and check all the information. I will resume the third update tomorrow.

In addition: The previous article mentioned that Zheng Xiaolong’s workplace is the TV drama production center. There is an error here. It should be Yanjing TV Studio. This is corrected.

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