1980 My literary era

Chapter 338: Lick the dog and he won’t die

But what impressed the Xiangjiang literary world and readers the most was that Lin Weimin's works could actually be published overseas, such as the United States, Nihong and other markets, and the sales were said to be pretty good.

In addition, last year, the news that Lin Weimin's "Farewell My Concubine" won the Naoki Award, the largest literary award in the literary world, also spread to the Hong Kong literary world, which surprised them even more.

Therefore, when they look at Lin Weimin, it is difficult to compare him with other mainland writers.

Everyone felt Pan Yaoming and Junlin's unique attitude towards Lin Weimin, and they were inevitably envious.

But the reality is that Lin Weimin is indeed unique among the young and middle-aged emerging writers in the mainland. No one can deny this.

The bus was driving on the streets of Xiangjiang, and everyone looked at the city curiously through the windows.

There are many tall buildings and busy traffic.

Except for two or three people, including Cheng Jiangong and Huang Anyi, who had been abroad before, everyone else looked around with curious expressions.

Kai Tak Airport is located in Kowloon City, and the North Point Industrial Building, where the Sanlian Bookstore's office is located, faces each other across the sea. To get there, you have to take the Hung Hom Cross Harbor Tunnel.

The hotel was arranged near the North Point Industrial Building. It was a three-star hotel, with two people sharing a room and a group of thirteen people. Huang Anyi was a lesbian and lived in a single room by herself. There were seven rooms in total. Lin Weimin and Shi Tiesheng lived together.

Put down your luggage and rest for a while, then have a meal in the hotel restaurant and rest for the night.

The entire visit period is scheduled for five days. Except for the free itinerary on the last day, activities are basically arranged at other times.

Early in the morning on the first day, everyone took a bus to Sanlian Bookstore Company to visit and discuss the publication of their works.

The collection and publication of the works of ten people is just the appetizer for Sanlian Bookstore. If it were just like this, Sanlian Bookstore would not need to invite people to Hong Kong. Their approach can be regarded as an investment in the future.

Among all mainland writers, Lin Weimin is undoubtedly the writer that Sanlian Bookstore values ​​most.

Not only because his works are popular and famous, but also because he is the most prolific among these writers.

The volume of his works alone is almost equal to that of nine other people. This is so terrible that there is no reason why Sanlian Bookstore does not pay attention to it.

In the afternoon, Sanlian Bookstore held a small press conference, and three media that were relatively pro-mainland came, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po, and Xiangjiang Commercial Daily.

In the evening, Sanlian Bookstore held a dinner to entertain a group of mainland writers.

Because of Sanlian Bookstore’s reputation, it has invited many people from the cultural circles in Hong Kong.

Among the guests at today's dinner, they are mainly the chief editors and deputy editors of several pro-China media in Hong Kong, as well as some ZY writers, such as Lun Lun, Shu Cheng, He Da, Xia Yi, Hai Xin, etc., as well as Dai Tian. A modernist writer with a relatively neutral attitude. There is also an acquaintance, Liu Yichang.

What surprised Lin Weimin the most was that among the group of people there was an old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Hello, Mr. Cha!"

Lin Weimin's greeting came from the bottom of his heart. He believed that there may be Chinese people who have never read Jin Yong's martial arts novels, but there are absolutely no Chinese people who have never seen the TV series adapted from Jin Yong's martial arts novels.

At this point in popular literature, it’s the end!

"Hello, Mr. Lin!" Jin Yong greeted Lin Weimin kindly.

Lin Weimin wanted to say something to Jin Yong, I grew up watching your martial arts novels, but unfortunately time did not allow it. Jin Yong's martial arts novels were officially introduced to the mainland in the mid-to-late 1980s. Piracy has been circulating during this period, but the scale is not large.

After chatting for a while, Jin Yong mentioned Lin Weimin's "Farewell My Concubine", "Your novel is very well written, I like it."

Lin Weimin was very happy after receiving the old man's praise.

The atmosphere of the dinner was not very lively, but fortunately with the help of seniors such as Pan Yaoming, Liu Yichang and Dai Tian, ​​the atmosphere was harmonious.

Lin Weimin and Jin Yong only chatted for a while when they saw Comrade Liu leading an elegant female comrade into the banquet hall, which immediately caught Jin Yong's attention.

Lin Weimin started chatting with his old acquaintance Liu Yichang.

"Mr. Liu, long time no see!"

"Hello, Mr. Lin!" Liu Yichang greeted Lin Weimin with a smile.

The dinner was held in the small banquet hall of the hotel. There were three tables in total. There were twenty or thirty people present. The scene was noisy and lively. Lin Weimin and Liu Yichang were standing in the corner of the banquet hall chatting casually.

"Hong Kong Literature" has been in existence for more than two months and has published two issues. It has received considerable attention in the Hong Kong literary world. Lin Weimin's "If You Have Something to Say" was published on it, and it also aroused some response, but it was not as big as when "Sing Tao Evening News" serialized "Lover" and "Farewell My Concubine".

After Lin Weimin and Liu Yichang chatted for a while, they saw Comrade Liu leading the female comrade over.

"For the people, let me introduce to you, this is Ms. Yang Meng."

Yang Meng is over fifty, but her appearance gives the impression that she is still under forty. She is gorgeous but not charming, elegant and generous.

Naturally, I have heard of this famous name Lin Weimin. She is one of the "Three Princesses" of Great Wall Pictures of ZY Film Company in Hong Kong. In later generations, she should be better known as Mr. Jin Yong's dream lover and the fairy in "Dragon and the Eight Parts". The prototype of sister Wang Yuyan.

No wonder the old man was so distracted when he saw her just now that he ran over in a hurry.

Licking a dog doesn't kill him, he just gets old.

"Hello, Ms. Yang!"

The two shook hands, and Yang Meng said with a smile: "I have admired your name for a long time, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to meet you. I heard that you came to Xiangjiang today, so I came here specially."

Comrade Liu said: "For the people, Ms. Yang Meng is here specifically for you today!"

The old comrade's face was as happy as the iron tree blooming.

As a movie star, Yang Meng was popular all over the country in the 1950s and 1960s, so Comrade Liu's state of mind is understandable.

Seeing that Yang Meng had something to do with Lin Weimin, Liu Yichang left Comrade Liu with interest.

"I wonder what you want from me?" Lin Weimin asked.

"That's right. I formed my own company as an independent producer a few years ago. Before that, I filmed a film called "Journey to the Furious Sea" in 1982, and last year I filmed a film called "Homecoming." There haven't been any good scripts recently. , I saw the play you wrote for them at Renyi when I went to Yanjing, and it was very good.

So I wanted to ask you if I could get the film rights to your work. "

After Yang Meng finished speaking, he looked at Lin Weimin quietly. The beauty was late, but it did not hinder the charm. Lin Weimin couldn't help but look away.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Ms. Yang, my work has not been adapted into a movie yet."

Yang Meng nodded, "I know this."

"It's not that no one has approached me. It's just that I'm a bit stubborn about movies. If the production team and the script don't satisfy me, I can't give away the rights to adapt the work."

Lin Weimin pretended not to notice Comrade Liu winking at him.

He knew that Yang Meng's identity was very special and that she was a business card of the pro-China faction in the Hong Kong cultural circle. Lin Weimin also knew that her self-organized Blue Bird Pictures had been approved by the elders.

Yang Meng smiled softly and said, "Then you write the script."

"But the director may not shoot according to what I wrote." Lin Weimin said.

He knew very well the virtues of these grandsons.

Yang Meng shook his head and said firmly: "With me here, this situation will not happen."


Lin Weimin was suddenly choked.

The biggest difference between Yang Meng and the studio directors he met before who came to ask for adaptations is that she is truly her own boss, so she naturally has the confidence to speak.

"I admire your courage, but people say that movies are the director's art after all. You want to make a movie according to my ideas as a screenwriter, and you are not afraid of the quality of the film?" Lin Weimin couldn't help but ask.

"I think Mr. Lin, what you want is the director's absolute implementation of the content of your script, but it does not mean that you completely abandon the director. As long as there is sufficient communication and a common pursuit of art, I believe this is not a problem."

Lin Weimin had to admit that Yang Meng was really good at talking, and he could hardly find a reason to refuse her request.

"Which work do you want the rights to adapt?"

"Can I have them all?" Yang Meng looked into Lin Weimin's eyes and said.

Good guy!

This is really a big opening for a lion!

"Ms. Yang, not all of my works are suitable for adaptation into movies." Lin Weimin said.

Yang Mengdao: "I think Mr. Lin's works have great potential for adaptation."

Lin Weimin shook his head and said, "You'd better not have this idea."

"Then I want the rights to adapt "Farewell My Concubine" and "Lover"."

It seemed that Yang Meng's lion's mouth was just a test. Seeing Lin Weimin's refusal without hesitation, she revealed her favorite target.

Lin Weimin frowned, "Too many."

"Two more is more?"

"You have to let me see the effect of the cooperation, right? Well, we can try the waters with "Lover", what do you think?"

Yang Meng smiled and said: "Okay, then it's settled!"

When Yang Meng turned around and left, Comrade Liu appeared next to Lin Weimin.

"Writer Lin, Ms. Yang Meng is one of our own. If possible, please support her work."

Lin Weimin said: "Of course."

There was also this reason why he agreed to Yang Meng so happily just now.

However, Yang Meng suddenly wanted the rights to adapt the two works "Farewell My Concubine" and "Lover", which made him feel a little sad and worried about the effect of the adaptation.

After all, in his memory, the adaptations of these two works were quite successful. If the filming fails, I will be sorry for the original work.

The banquet continued, and Liu Yichang pulled Dai Tianlai to chat with Lin Weimin.

After chatting for a while, Dai Tian and Lin Weimin talked about "Bafang", "I heard from Brother Yi Changwen that before, deputy editor Cheng of "Sing Tao Evening News" compiled articles for you through "Bafang", which caused some unpleasantness."

"Because of the issue of royalties, I am indeed a little unhappy!" Lin Weimin said bluntly.

Dai Tian was one of the founders of "Bafang". He laughed and said: "If you want to blame, just blame that Cheng Yiqiu. Don't be angry with us at Bafang. Cang Wu doesn't mean to disrespect you, it's just because of the face of his friends. "

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "It's all in the past."

Dai Tian, ​​a kind-hearted person, chatted with Lin Weimin for a long time. During the chat, he mentioned the situation of "Bafang". It was not easy to establish this publication, and it was even more difficult to run it.

In the mid-1980s, "Bafang" published many works by mainland writers, and it was instrumental in popularizing mainland writers among readers in Hong Kong.

The arrival of the Mainland Writers Group in Hong Kong was an opportunity for Octagon. Dai Tian knew that Lin Weimin was the editor-in-chief of Contemporary, and hoped that when he returned, he could publish mainland works for Octagon.

"Of course this is a good thing, as long as the manuscript fee is appropriate." Lin Weimin said with a somewhat joking tone.

Dai Tian couldn't help but smile and point at him, "You don't look like a scholar!"

"Literati also have to eat, they are not immortals." Lin Weimin responded to his words and looked to the side, "Mo Yan, come here!"

Mo Yan heard Lin Weimin's shout and came over, "Teacher Lin!"

Dai Tian glanced at Lin Weimin unexpectedly, "Why do you call him teacher?"

"Teacher Lin is my editor-in-chief at "Contemporary", and several of my influential works were published in "Contemporary"." Mo Yan explained, and he pointed to Shi Tiesheng who was chatting with others about the mountains. " Not only me, but Tiesheng’s several influential works were also published by Teacher Lin.”

Dai Tian smiled and said to Lin Weimin: "No wonder you are the editor-in-chief!"

Lin Weimin waved his hand towards him and said to Mo Yan: "Tell Mr. Dai a brief introduction to the "Red Sorghum Family" you are currently writing."

Mo Yan didn't know what Lin Weimin meant by doing this, but he did it anyway.

After listening to Mo Yan's narration, Dai Tian sighed: "What a story!"

Lin Weimin added: "His novel is about to be finished. Let me show you the manuscript later. If you think it is appropriate, you can send it to Octagon."

Dai Tian nodded, "Okay!"

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