1980 My literary era

Chapter 348 You should be the leading actor

In late May, the first draft of the script for "The Wind" was finalized.

Zhijiang, Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe.

The troupe has just received a letter from the CCTV TV Drama Production Center, asking Tao Huimin to be seconded to Beijing to act in a play.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the group, and colleagues talked a lot.

Not counting the year before last when everyone went to the Changying Film Studio to film "Five Girls on Birthday", this is the second time Tao Huimin has been seconded to be an actor.

Last year's "Beautiful Prisoner" was also a film produced by Changchun Film Studio, which was the fruit of "Five Women's Birthday" the year before last.

So what happened when CCTV seconded Tao Huimin to film a movie this year?

In the face of the curiosity and conjecture of her colleagues, Tao Huimin remained calm and composed. She just said that she didn't know anything and let everyone guess, and the more they guessed, the more confused they became.

Tao Huimin is one of the pillars of the regiment. She will be seconded for several months.

She and He Saifei had always been in a relationship with each other. With her gone, He Saifei's task became heavier. The leader of the group specially asked her to talk to He Saifei.

Two days later, Tao Huimin happily carried her luggage and boarded the train heading north.

Studying drama abroad since she was a child has developed her strong independence and adaptability. After staying on the train for more than a day, she was physically exhausted, but as soon as she thought about the man she was about to see, she was filled with joy.

Before getting off the train, she went to the sink next to the toilet to tidy up, then she picked up her luggage and got off the train beautifully.

When she arrived at the exit, she saw the longing man standing there. She rushed towards the man's arms with joyful steps.

After embracing each other, she noticed the eyes of the people around her, and struggled out of Lin Weimin's arms with a blushing face.

Lin Weimin took her to the Crown and loaded her luggage into the trunk. She was still staring at the car.

"Is this your car?"

She had only heard on the phone that Lin Weimin had changed his car.


Tao Huimin looked around before getting in the car.

Lin Weimin got into the car and took out the exquisite watch box from the storage compartment on the right, opened it, took her wrist, took off the Yingnag he had given her before, and put the Longines on her.

The slender and exquisite Longines gold-covered watch, worn on her Hao wrist, complemented each other perfectly. There was a bit of surprise and surprise on Tao Huimin's face.

"This watch is so beautiful!"

"I bought it when I went to Xiangjiang last time. The watch I bought for you before was just average. I'll change it to a better one this time."

Tao Huimin said sweetly: "This piece of Yingnag is also very good."

She didn't care which watch was good or bad, the most important thing was who gave it to her. What's more, the previous Yingnag was Lin Weimin's first gift to her.

She carefully put the piece of Yingnag into the watch box. It was a commemorative thing.

After saying a few words, Lin Weimin started the car and asked, "Are you tired? We will go home to rest first, and then go out to have some food in the evening."

Rest is definitely not a good rest.

After not seeing each other for more than half a year, Teacher Lin wanted to give his girlfriend a good check-up.

The result is: grown up again.

The arrangement for dinner in the evening fell through, but Teacher Lin ate very well. Not only was she very full, but she was also a little full, so much so that she had to hold on to the wall even when walking.

The next day, Tao Huimin had to go to the TV Drama Production Center to meet with director Ren Hao, and Lin Weimin drove her there.

Although he really wanted to be intimate with his girlfriend for two more days, he couldn't help it. Work was important and the days ahead were long!

"teacher LIN!"

"Is this Teacher Xiaotao? Oh, this is really Gu Xiaomeng, just like something out of a novel."

When they met, Ren Hao's behavior was extremely (hen) warm (B) affection (shu).

Tao Huimin was a little embarrassed by his praise. She knew it was all for her boyfriend's sake.

She quickly said that she would work hard to play the role of Gu Xiaomeng well.

"Teacher Xiao Tao has acted in two movies, so it will definitely be no problem to star in one of our TV series."

After chatting for a long time, Lin Weimin proposed to treat Ren Hao to dinner, and also invited the screenwriter Tang Peilin. This was considered a visit to the dock.

After a delicious meal, Tao Huimin returned home and rested her head on Lin Weimin's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Lin Weimin asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel very safe." Tao Huimin replied softly.

Teacher Lin narrowed his eyes, "Don't you know that the safest times are the most dangerous?"

As soon as Tao Huimin finished speaking, she was picked up before she could react.

"Ah!" Tao Huimin only had time to let out a short exclamation.

Push-ups are an exercise that emphasizes body coordination.

First of all, your arms must be able to support your upper body, and occasionally you must be able to free one hand to untie your clothes. This is called one-handed push-ups.

Then you have to exert strength on your waist. The gravity is too strong and the suction is severe. You must have good waist strength. Moreover, if you do too many times this time, the speed will inevitably be too fast, which is a test of waist strength.

Then there are the lower limbs, which must be well coordinated and rhythmic. No matter whether you are three long and one short or nine shallow and one deep, the stuck points must be stuck.

Otherwise, not only can I not do push-ups well, but I will also be very tired.

After finishing the front push-ups, turn over and do some hip bridges. This exercise exercises the waist and abdomen, and weight-bearing exercises are the most effective.

When exerting upward force on the waist and abdomen, you must pay attention to precision. Each thrust must be precise and cannot be biased, otherwise it will be empty and uncomfortable.

Finally, there are a few sets of lunges and sprints. This action was created by Teacher Lin.

After exercising for such a long time, these are my thoughts and feelings.

Accompanied by sweat and panting, this exercise entered the sprint phase.

For fitness people, protein supplementation is very important. It can not only quickly restore physical strength, but also increase chicken weight. Teacher Xiao Tao supplemented it in a timely manner, but Teacher Lin was a bit out of stock.

My girlfriend has been in Yanjing for a few days. Teacher Lin worked hard and yawned from time to time when he went to work, which made Comrade Lao Qin across the way look unbearable.

"When you're tired, go lie down on the sofa for a while." Tan Chaoyang said.

He knew that Lin Weimin had a lot of work on his hands. He had already rushed out two scripts before. He was always yawning and looking bad at work these days. He must have written too much at night.

He is also a writer, so he naturally understands that once a literati outputs too much, it will be a great test for the body and spirit. He must rest when it is time to rest.

"It's okay, I'm just a little sleepy."

Lin Weimin stood up and made another cup of tea, when Tong Zhonggui walked in with the manuscript.

"Teacher Lin, I would like you to take a look at this manuscript."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "It's not your own manuscript again, is it?"

"No, no, this is not my manuscript. I think it is very well written, and I want you to give it a review."

Lin Weimin took the manuscript, frowned when he saw the author's name on the home page, and then settled down to read it.

More than half an hour later, he returned the manuscript to Tong Zhonggui.

“It’s really well written!”

Tong Zhonggui was secretly happy when he heard his evaluation.

"What's wrong? Are you so unsure of your own vision?" Lin Weimin noticed Tong Zhonggui's look and asked.

Tong Zhonggui was a little embarrassed, "A little bit."

"It doesn't matter, it will get better slowly."

Tong Zhonggui nodded and was about to leave when Lin Weimin asked, "Have you contacted this author?"

"No, this is the first time I've seen his manuscript."

Lin Weimin said: "Write him a letter and tell him that the manuscript has been accepted. By the way, ask him if he has any other manuscripts. If so, you can send them for review. This person is of good quality, so you can use some snacks."

Tong Zhonggui has followed Lin Weimin for two years, so he naturally understands what Lin Weimin means.

Teacher Lin never makes a mistake, and the author he likes will definitely be right.

At this moment, Tong Zhonggui felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment. He might have discovered a piece of jade.

In early June, Yang Meng returned to Yanjing from Xiangjiang.

She has received the script for Lin Weimin's "Lover" and has found a director. The next step is to prepare for the formation of the team.

The novel and script of "Lover" are both set in old Shanghai, so the filming location was set in Shanghai. Yang Meng specifically contacted the Shanghai Film Studio for this purpose.

But before going to Shanghai, she specially brought the director to Yanjing to talk to Lin Weimin about the filming of the movie. The meeting place was arranged at the Yanjing Hotel.

When they met, Yang Meng first introduced the female director with short hair to Lin Weimin.

"This is Xu Anhua, Director Xu. She directed the movie "Journey to the Wrath" that we had previously filmed at Jade Bird.

This is Mr. Lin Weimin, the original author and screenwriter of "Lover". "

After introducing each other, Xu Anhua looked at Lin Weimin, and Lin Weimin also looked at Xu Anhua.

When future generations talk about female directors in the Chinese film industry, Ann Hui is one who has to be mentioned.

After decades of working in movies, the quality of his works has always been guaranteed, regardless of the box office.

This is extremely difficult for someone who has been a director for decades.

Awesome people like Lao Mouzi also had "Three Guns"; Kaizi had "The Promise"; Trousers had "If You Are the One", not to mention the famous directors in Xiangjiang who had many overturns in the second half of their careers.

Xu Anhua's series of works also includes "Return to the Angry Sea", "Love in a Fallen City", "Woman at Forty", "Man at Forty", "Days and Nights in Tin Shui Wai", "The Thief of Time", "Sister Tao", etc. Series of great films.

To sum up, this should be a very dedicated and talented female director.

Because of the good impression of future generations, the dialogue between Lin Weimin and Xu Anhua was very smooth. This was of course his own idea.

In fact, Xu Anhua was very uncomfortable before coming.

When she read the script of "Lover", she was very happy because she had received another excellent script.

But Yang Meng then took out part of the script, which immediately made her feel humiliated, and asked Yang Meng what he meant.

Yang Meng told Lin Weimin's request to her, and Xu Anhua was speechless.

This writer is a little too arrogant!

You don't have to worry about writing a literary script. You also have to write a storyboard script and ask the director to film it according to your wishes. So why not just let you be the director!

She read the storyboard of "Lover" with great enthusiasm and remained silent for a long time.

Finally, under Yang Meng's questioning, she had to admit it.

This writer really has something.

However, Xu Anhua still felt unhappy when she thought of making a movie based on the ideas of such a person.

Yang Meng had no choice but to continue persuading her, and even produced another work by Lin Weimin, "Farewell My Concubine" to seduce her.

"Think about it. As long as "Lover" is filmed, he will probably give us "Farewell My Concubine" as well.

As far as I know, this novel is currently selling very well in English-speaking countries. If it can be filmed in the future,

Maybe we can win a foreign award and maybe be screened in various countries around the world..."

Xu Anhua thought along Yang Meng's words, and she had to admit that this future was so wonderful.

In the end, under Yang Meng's persuasion, she chose to take over the direction of the film "Lover".

Before meeting Lin Weimin, Xu Anhua planned to give him a blow.

But after she saw Lin Weimin in person, this idea was forgotten in her mind.

She likes to read Zhang Ailing's novels. When writing her own scripts, she often fantasizes about the male protagonist in Zhang Ailing's novels.

Lin Weimin's appearance is fresh and handsome, the kind of handsome that makes people feel comfortable at first glance. Xu Anhua then thinks of the talent revealed in his works.

Such a man is simply perfect!

"Will you be the leading actor in "Lover"?"

While Lin Weimin was talking, Xu Anhua suddenly said something.


"I want to use you as the leading actor in "Lover"." Xu Anhua repeated it again.

Lin Weimin laughed and said: "Director Xu is just kidding, I'm just a screenwriter, I can't act!"

"How will you know if you don't try it? Your appearance is so good, there must be no problem!"

Xu Anhua's tone does not sound like a director, but more like a girlfriend fan who wants to promote Geigei.

Lin Weimin was speechless for a moment and looked at Yang Meng asking for help.

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