As Mo Yan said this, he took out a thick stack of manuscripts from his bag.

Lin Weimin's face immediately burst into a smile. What editor wouldn't like this kind of author?

"Is it finished?"

There was a bit of a smile on Mo Yan's face, "It's done."

"Red Sorghum Family" is Mo Yan's first attempt at a full-length novel. When he enrolled in military arts last year, he already had the idea. In addition to studying, he spent most of his spare time writing this novel. In the process of creation.

A total of 300,000 words is a very big test for him, a creator who has only written novellas of tens of thousands of words at the longest.

In the creation of "Red Sorghum Family", Mo Yan took a clever trick and divided the entire novel into five chapters, "Red Sorghum", "Sorghum Wine", "Dog Road", "Sorghum Funeral", "Strange" die".

Each chapter is independent, yet closely connected, and each has its own emphasis.

The first of them, "Red Sorghum," was published in the form of a novella in "Bafang" shortly after Mo Yan followed Lin Weimin to visit Xiangjiang.

The smooth publication of "Red Sorghum" gave Mo Yan a lot of motivation, and he returned to military art and wrote non-stop. In just three or four months, he wrote the entire novel.

Lin Weimin spent an afternoon reading half of the novel.

While he was reading the manuscript, Mo Yan huddled on the sofa in the office. Unlike other authors who came to the editorial office, he rarely took the initiative to talk to the editors, so he just sat there quietly.

Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Lin Weimin said: "I won't finish the manuscript for a while. I'll write to you later when everyone has finished reading it. It just so happens that Yu Hua and the others are also on vacation, so I will take you to Tiesheng's house for dinner in the evening. "

Mo Yan nodded and followed Lin Weimin into the car.

I came to the National College of Liberal Arts to pick up Yu Hua. When they met, he set his sights on Mo Yan.

"How could you go to Xiangjiang last time?"

Mo Yan was confused, "Why can't I go?"

"If you can go, I can go too."

Mo Yan looked at Yu Hua speechlessly.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but hit him with words: "Mo Yan studied military arts and wrote a long novel in less than a year. What about you?"

Yu Hua's face was full of shock, "A long story? When did it happen?"

"I just gave the manuscript to Teacher Lin." Mo Yan replied honestly.

Yu Hua couldn't help but cast his eyes towards Lin Weimin, unable to believe that this was true.

"It's the same as going to school. Look at Mo Yan, and then look at you. Your teacher in the School of Liberal Arts told me that there are so many students in the School of Liberal Arts who can't look at you when they are writing. As long as there is an activity, you are more attractive than anyone else. He is proactive and never fails in every game, so he is nicknamed the 'King of Support'!"

Yu Hua pursed his lips, "I...I am also keen on learning. This...these activities are very educational."

Lin Weimin shook his head. Teacher Tang Yuqiu said that he was exactly the same as him. How could he be similar? When I was in the Institute of Literary Studies, I was one of the top three students!

"Stop lying to yourself. Tie Sheng is so inconvenient that he has written more than you. It's been more than half of the year, right? Apart from two short stories, what else have you written?"

Facts speak louder than words, and Yu Hua was speechless by Lin Weimin.

Now I have become more honest, and I no longer shout "Why can't I go to Xiangjiang?"

When I arrived at Shi Tiesheng's house, I heard that Mo Yan had finished writing his long novel, and Shi Tiesheng was also very excited.

“I’ll have to take a good look at it when it’s published!”

When several people visited Xiangjiang, Shi Tiesheng already knew that Mo Yan was writing "The Red Sorghum Family", but he didn't expect him to be so efficient.

A long novel of 300,000 words was actually written in such a short period of time.

"For the people, Mo Yan's efficiency is at least seven times as efficient as yours!" Shi Tiesheng joked.

Lin Weimin patted Mo Yan on the shoulder, "Not just 70%, but 120%. Among the authors I am responsible for, Mo Yan is unique in terms of writing efficiency."

Lin Weimin's compliment made Mo Yan smile so happily that his small eyes were almost blind.

Yu Hua on the side was full of jealousy.

After dinner at Shi Tiesheng's house, he sent Yu Hua back to the School of Liberal Arts, and then sent Mo Yan back to Weigong Village.

Lin Weimin returned home, and Tao Huimin was sitting on the sofa reading the script.

Under the light, the ice muscles and jade bones look like a giant.

Teacher Lin is very happy to see his girlfriend loves studying so much.

But studying alone is still a bit lonely after all. With Teacher Lin here, how can Tao Huimin be allowed to study alone?

We should learn from each other and teach each other.

What Teacher Lin likes most is to teach by words and deeds, especially for good students like Tao Huimin who have a very serious attitude towards learning.

That night, Teacher Lin not only popularized the length and thickness of the golden hoop in "Journey to the West" to Tao Huimin, but also explained to him the correct way to use the golden hoop.

For example, on the question of how many sticks Sun Monkey used to kill the Bone Demon, Teacher Lin explained it very vividly and even tried it himself, allowing Tao Huimin to quickly master the correct use of the golden cudgel.

The golden cudgel in her hand could be big or small, soft or hard, and the changes were endless.

The next morning, Tao Huimin was still a little uncomfortable when she got up. She studied so hard last night that she neglected her body.

She had to go filming today, so she could only struggle to get up, finish her meal, and ask Lin Weimin to drive her to the set.

After seeing Tao Huimin off, Lin Weimin came to work at the Chinese Literature Society.

When he saw Lu Yao coming back from outside with his arms swinging, Lin Weimin asked, "Are you going out for breakfast again?"

Lu Yao quickly explained: "I eat tofu curd and fried dough sticks."

"Why are you nervous? I didn't tell you anything else."

Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is the revision of the manuscript going?"

"Hurry, hurry!"

As soon as Lin Weimin heard this, he knew that he still didn't believe it. He knew Lu Yao's temper and temperament very well, and he also knew that urging him would be useless.

Although Lu Yao is usually unreliable, he is still very self-disciplined when it comes to writing.

In the afternoon, Gu Hua, Lin Weimin's classmate at the Institute of Literary Studies, came to the editorial office of "Contemporary".

"How did you come?"

Lin Weimin was extremely surprised after not seeing Gu Hua for a long time.

Gu Hua, who was tired from all the work, said: "Director Xie Jin is going to adapt my "Furong Town" and is planning to hold a symposium tomorrow."

Lin Weimin said happily: "I've heard about this a long time ago. This is a great thing!"

Gu Hua nodded, his face full of joy, and he said, "Can you go over and help me stand up during the symposium?"

"Shall I go? Isn't it appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate? You are also the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary" after all. You don't know that the standards of this symposium are very high. The official representatives are Mr. Chen and Xu Sangchu, director of Shanghai Film Studio.

Representatives from the literary and art circles include film critics Zhong Diaonre, Li Tuo, Hong Kong director Xu Anhua, and general manager of Hong Kong Southern Film Company Xu Dunle..."

Lin Weimin was very happy to hear it. There were quite a few acquaintances here.

After Gu Hua repeatedly requested, Lin Weimin said, "Okay, then I'll go there tomorrow. Where is the address?"

"Jingxi Hotel."

The next day, after Lin Weimin sent Tao Huimin to the crew, he drove to the Jingxi Hotel.

As soon as I entered the hotel courtyard, I saw Ah Cheng supporting an old man climbing up the stairs.

"A Cheng!" Lin Weimin shouted.

"teacher LIN!"

Acheng looked surprised and introduced him: "This is my father, Zhong Dianyan. This is Lin Weimin, the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary". He published all my novels."

"Thank you, Editor Lin!" Zhong Dianyan said kindly.

"Uncle Zhong, you're welcome. Cheng's work is very good, and it is our honor to publish it in our publication."

Father Zhong was very happy to hear others praising his son, and they chatted and walked into the conference room where the symposium was held.

The conference room on the third floor of Jingxi Hotel is very large, with an area of ​​over a hundred square meters. There is also a banner of "Symposium on the Adaptation of the Movie "Furong Town"" hanging on the wall. The long conference table in the middle of the conference room is separated by twenty or thirty people. A chair.

At this time, there were several people sitting in the conference room, led by a very capable man. Director Xie Jin stood up to introduce them.

"This is Director Xu Sangchuxu of Shanghai Film Studio!"

When introducing Lin Weimin, Xu Sangchu greeted him and said, "Writer Lin is one of our own people at Shanghai Film Studio!"

"Oh? Director Xu, where did you start talking about this?" Xie Jin asked.

Xu Sangchu said: "Writer Lin's brother-in-law Han Dingbang is an old director of our factory."

Xie Jin smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to have such a fate."

Several people chatted and laughed, and introduced several other people in the conference room.

Li Tuo was a writer by profession, but in recent years he has been doing everything but his profession.

Screenwriter, editor, literary critic, film critic, he should be regarded as a mixed person now, and he is very influential in the literary circle of Yanjing.

The middle-aged man sitting next to Li Tuo looked familiar to Lin Weimin. Xie Jin introduced him as Huang Jianzhong, and Lin Weimin immediately remembered, isn't this a good partner for "Mountain Eagle"!

There is also Dong Dingshan, an American essayist who is known as the "Ambassador of Chinese and American Literature".

After a group of people exchanged greetings, Lin Weimin found a corner to sit down.

A few minutes later, Xu Anhua walked into the conference room and was slightly surprised to see Lin Weimin. She took the initiative to sit next to Lin Weimin.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?" Xu Anhua asked.

"I should ask you this. Aren't you preparing for "Lover"?"

"The preparation of "Lover" relied on the efforts of Shanghai Film Studio. I happened to be in Shanghai, and Director Xu asked me to come over to support it." Xu Anhua explained.

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "I'm about the same. Gu Hua and I are classmates at the Institute of Literature, so we came here to help support the scene."

The two whispered a few words, and then someone pushed the door open and came in.

Everyone in the conference room stood up and shouted, "Mr. Chen," "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Because there were too many people, Mr. Chen did not say hello to everyone. He just smiled and waved to everyone and sat in the seat prepared for him in advance.

After sitting on his seat, he just said a few words to Xu Sangchu. When he saw Lin Weimin huddled in the corner, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, waving to Lin Weimin and said: "Xiao Lin, sit forward! Don't act like this." It’s not like your character to act like a doormat!”

When Lin Weimin heard his shouting, he stood up and moved forward to a few seats. He said with a smile: "Today is the home court of Director Xu, Director Xie and Gu Hua. I am here to support them."

"Then just stand back for a moment!" Mr. Chen joked.

"Look what you said. We've already called people over, so there's no point in pushing them back."

Lin Weimin joked with Mr. Chen unscrupulously, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the conference room was lively.

The juniors on the side looked at it with jealousy.

After a while, the symposium officially began.

People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places were full of people wearing clothes. Mr. Chen first set the tone for this symposium: to make a film that profoundly reflects the past era and is both historical and artistic.

"Furong Town" was invested and filmed by Shanghai Film Studio. Xu Sangchu opened the show as the host, and then the novel author Gu Hua gave a talk about the background of the creation.

In the second half of Gu Hua's talk, he mentioned his experience when revising the draft of "Contemporary" and asked Lin Weimin to give a talk.

Everyone applauded, but Lin Weimin could only say: "Then I will just say a few words."

"What Gu Hua just said is right. When we were both studying at the Literary Research Institute and he went to "Contemporary" to revise the manuscript, not only me, but also Lu Yao, we all gathered together to talk about literature...

Sorry, that's a bit far.

Let’s get back to the novel I just mentioned. By the end of the novel, Gu Hua obviously hasn't run out of energy yet.

He also needs to complete the personality of Qin Shutian, the male protagonist, and he must be restored to his original position. I think this is unnecessary.

When the movie ends, Qin Shutian does not need to be reinstated. He helps the heroine Hu Yuyin sell rice and tofu. This is a relationship established in line with the morality they destroyed, rather than after destroying it, they just walked out and entered another moral order. Gone in...

My opinions on these two points are just a family opinion, and I hope you will not hesitate to criticize and give me advice. "

Lin Weimin came just to join in the fun, and after a brief conversation, he chose Ah Cheng.

"A Cheng, please tell me."

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