1980 My literary era

Chapter 354 Better than

Xie Mingqing looked at Lin Weimin speechlessly, and other people in the editorial department also cast curious glances.

After knowing Lin Weimin for several years, he knew Lin Weimin's temperament very well.

"What's going on? Writer Lin has released another masterpiece?"

"Look at your treacherous look. If you treat me like this, I won't be able to submit this manuscript!"

I have a manuscript in my hand, and what stands out is the arrogance.

"Come, come, sit, sit, have a sip of tea!"

Xie Mingqing assessed the situation and decided to give Lin Weimin some preferential treatment.

"That's pretty much it!"

Lin Weimin took a few sips of tea before taking out a thick stack of manuscripts, "Let's take a look!"

Xie Mingqing picked up the manuscript, looked at it, and sighed: "Is this the novel you spent a year writing?"

"Not even a year!" Lin Weimin emphasized.

It’s almost less than a year.

Xie Mingqing knew Lin Weimin's efficiency. It took a week to write "Farewell My Concubine" with more than 100,000 words, which shocked the Chinese Literature Society for a whole year.

Later, I was the slowest when writing "Horse Trapper", but it only took a little more than half a year.

But the novel in front of me took nearly a year to write.

Xie Mingqing stroked the novel manuscript as if stroking a girl's skin, filled with anticipation and excitement.

""The Ming Dynasty 1566"!"

He read the title of the book on the first page of the manuscript and asked: "Why do you have to name it with a special year?"

This is called Risby!

But if you tell Lao Xie this, he will definitely not understand it. Lin Weimin said: "1566 is the entry point of my novel. You will know it after reading it."

Xie Mingqing nodded and felt the thickness of the manuscript, "It must be 400,000 words at least, right?"

"Four hundred and fifty thousand words!"

Lin Weimin's expression was full of pride. Writing a large book is something to be proud of for any writer.

"No wonder I can write for a year."

"I told you, it'll be less than a year."

Teacher Lin’s reputation as a “fast shooter” cannot be lost!

"Yes, yes, less than a year."

After handing in the manuscript, Lin Weimin was like a living ancestor, and everything he said was right.

"There are so many manuscripts. I'll see you again in two days."

Reviewing manuscripts takes time, not to mention such a long article. Lin Weimin nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your news!"

The novel in his hand was finally finished and handed over to Xie Mingqing. Lin Weimin felt the relief he had not seen for a long time.

A few days later, a piece of news spread from within the editorial department of "People's Literature".

The quality of Lin Weimin's new novel is astonishing, and everyone who has read it is in awe.

The news quickly spread to other newsrooms in the agency, arousing everyone's strong curiosity and wanting to find out.

Unfortunately, since the manuscript was only circulated within "People's Literature", people in other editorial rooms just looked at it and sighed.

Some people really couldn't bear their curiosity. In the past, the editorial staff of "People's Literature" wanted to take a look at the manuscript, but they were invited out.

Since the case of Wu Shiming's misappropriation of publication materials was reported in "New Literature Historical Materials", various editorial offices within the society have been very sensitive to the confidentiality of materials and manuscripts, and will not easily disclose unpublished materials and manuscripts to others.

The colleagues who were interested in Lin Weimin's new novel were seduced and scratched their heads.

Since "People's Literature" couldn't get an opening, a few people went to Lin Weimin to inquire about information and see if they could get the manuscript and take a look.

Early in the morning, Lin Weimin was blocked at the door of his office by several colleagues. His eyes were shining like a goblin seeing Tang Sanzang.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Lin Weimin was frightened.

Everyone laughed and said, "Sorry, sorry, I was just excited!"

"Weimin, I heard that your new novel is about to be published?"

"Well, thank you, sir. It should be soon, right?"

"Do you have a backup?"

"Backup? Why should I back up that thing?" He thought for a moment, then his expression changed, "Lao Xie, he...won't lose the manuscript, right?"

"No, no." Everyone hurriedly denied, "Everyone is just curious. This time your manuscript was rated very high by People's Literature, so everyone wanted to take a peek."

Lin Weimin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then you can find Lao Xie. He has the manuscript, but I don't have it here."

Everyone was immediately disappointed when they heard this.

Unable to see the manuscript, they pestered Lin Weimin to explain the specific content of the novel.

"I have such a busy day at work, how can I have time to tell you these things! Don't make trouble!" Lin Weimin drove away these colleagues who were full and had nothing to do.

And what happened this morning was just the beginning.

In the days that followed, Lin Weimin's new novel became the hottest topic in the Chinese Literature Society.

The last time such a hot topic was "whether Lao Meng can take over as president."

Every colleague who met Lin Weimin had to ask him about the novel.

This unpublished new novel is like a beautiful lady half-covered in gauze, which makes colleagues in the Chinese Literature Society miss her day and night.

The Chinese Literature Society has always kept no secrets. Within a few days, even Jiang Zilong, who was far away in Jinmen, wrote to him asking about the novel.

Lin Weimin, dumbfounded, wrote a letter back to Jiang Zilong, telling him that the novel would be published in the October issue of "People's Literature".

While colleagues were paying attention to Lin Weimin's new novel, Lu Yao, who had lived on the third floor of the Chinese Literature Society for more than two months, finally revised the manuscript of the first part of "The Ordinary World".

Lu Yao handed the revised manuscript to Lin Weimin's hands with a solemn expression, "Comrade Weimin, I will leave this novel to you!"

Lin Weimin nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

He put the manuscript up and said seriously to Lu Yao: "But you have to be mentally prepared for this novel. It may not be as popular as "Life" as soon as it is published."

"Why?" Lu Yao asked.

Lin Weimin did not answer his words, but turned around and took out two manuscripts.

"This one is "Red Sorghum Family" written by Mo Yan. This one is "You Have No Choice" written by newcomer Liu Sola."

Lin Weimin didn't say much, but Lu Yao understood what he meant. He couldn't take away unpublished manuscripts, so he could only read them in the office.

In a whole day, Lu Yao could read one novella and one full-length novel.

But after reading the first tens of thousands of words, he fully understood what Lin Weimin meant.

Lin Weimin saw his disappointment and said: "You should have noticed that compared with the popular writing methods, styles and contents, the content of "The Ordinary World" is too old and too vulgar. It is not bad, on the contrary. , it's very good.

But its goodness is not the most popular and popular nowadays. It needs time to settle and readers to grow and understand. I say this, can you understand? "

Lu Yao nodded silently.

Lin Weimin added: "I know you have high hopes for this work and have put a lot of effort and energy into it. The reason why I tell you these things in advance is that I don't want you to be affected by the response after the publication of this novel. We writers are like cooks. After the food is cooked and served, all comments about it are the diners’ business.”

Lu Yao lit up a cigarette. Lin Weimin's words were not pleasant. It was like you were very happy after giving birth to a daughter, but your friends said that your child will be ugly when he grows up.

But he also understands Lin Weimin's good intentions. With the gems of "Life" at the forefront, it has become popular all over the country. If "The Ordinary World" does not achieve corresponding results after its publication, it is certain that there will be a gap in his heart, and it may even affect his future success. The mentality of writing down the work caused difficulties in producing the follow-up content of this novel.

After figuring this out, Lu Yao put out the cigarette and said, "I understand what you mean. I will pretend that this first novel has not been published yet. When I get back, I will just write the second one. No matter what the outside world's evaluation is, I must finish this novel."

Lin Weimin laughed at this time, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. What I'm saying now is just to give you a vaccination."

"I see!"

"Your novel, when I read it, I thought of Liu Qing's "History of Entrepreneurship". Maybe on the day you finish it, it may surpass "History of Entrepreneurship" and become the highest achievement of contemporary literature in Shaanxi literary circles. . Perhaps it will be the highest achievement not only of Shaanxi literary circles, but also of contemporary Chinese literature."

Lin Weimin's words were filled with sighs and thoughts, which cheered up Lu Yao's originally depressed mood.

"For the people, is my novel okay?" Lu Yao asked unconfidently.

"Why not?" Lin Weimin looked at him and said, "I said that your novel may not be widely welcomed after it is published, just out of judgment about the current reading environment, but readers' interest will not always be so excited. And restless. When they are tired of those charming and sentimental people with colorful flowers and heavy makeup, you, the soilless mountain dandelion on the Loess Plateau, will bloom one day!"

After listening to Lin Weimin's words, Lu Yao finally felt completely uplifted.

"I will definitely write the second and third parts as soon as possible when I get back. When readers have read my entire novel, they will give me a fair evaluation."

Teacher Lin was very satisfied when he saw Lu Yao's motivated expression.

This KTV was very successful!

After talking about "The Ordinary World", Lu Yao talked about Lin Weimin's novels again.

"Is it called "The Ming Dynasty 1566"?"


"I heard everyone said that the writing is very good! Even better than Yao Xueyin's "Li Zicheng"!"

Lin Weimin was shocked, "Don't talk nonsense."

"What's the point? The shortcomings of "Li Zicheng" are so obvious. Everyone knows it, but they just don't want to talk about it. On the contrary, I chatted with several editors of "People's Literature" and I didn't hear them say anything about your novel. Obvious shortcomings. At your level, the competition is based on who has fewer shortcomings."

Lu Yao was a bit arrogant, but his words were not rude. The two chatted in private, and Lin Weimin did not stop him.

When we talked about getting off work, Lin Weimin said, "When are you going to go back?"

"Tomorrow. The manuscript has been revised. I have to go back and write the second part quickly."

Lu Yao's initiative made Lin Weimin very happy, "I'll treat you to dinner that night."

Lin Weimin pulled Lu Yao into the car, went to Yanying Factory to pick up Tao Huimin, and drove to Maxim's on Chongwenmen Street.

"Why are you here again? Didn't you agree not to come?" Tao Huimin asked.

Lin Weimin smiled, nuzzled at Lu Yao, and said, "Give him confidence!"

Lu Yao laughed and said, "It's better for the people to understand me!"

Arriving at Maxim's again, Manager Song Huai Gui Song, who still retains his charming charm, stood at the door of the restaurant to greet and send him off as usual.

She recognized Lin Weimin at a glance, but because of the experience of running into trouble last time, she never took the initiative to find trouble. She just smiled and nodded to Lin Weimin.

One meal consumed more than half a year's salary of Lu Yao. After walking out of Maxim's, Lu Yao sighed: "The food is really delicious, but it's just so damn expensive!"

Lu Yao, who has always been willing to spend money on food, can't help but burst out, which shows Maxim's consumption level in this era.

He turned to Lin Weimin and said, "Weimin, I appreciate it this time. I am more motivated to go back and write the manuscript!"

Lin Weimin laughed, this was the effect he wanted.

"Okay. If you need anything when you get back, just write to me. If it's too late, just call me. I'll be waiting for your manuscript!"

Lu Yao said solemnly, "Okay."

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