1980 My literary era

Chapter 361 You are more handsome than him

Everyone looked at each other and asked, "Is there such a rule?"

"Never heard of it!"

They turned their attention to Lin Weimin again, "Where did you hear this gossip? Why didn't we know?"

Lin Weimin's expression was a bit unexpected, and his basis was of course the memory of later generations.

But looking at everyone's confused looks, he was a little confused. Could it be that his memory was wrong?

"That may be an unwritten rule." Lin Weimin said casually.

Anyway, in his impression, the Yanbing Literature Prize has never been awarded to the same writer consecutively.

With some doubts, everyone continued to discuss the topic, leaving Lin Weimin aside.

Lin Weimin shook his head and returned to his office.

In the afternoon, Haiyan ran over and said he wanted to treat him to dinner.

"It's so good. Why did you remember to treat me to dinner?" Lin Weimin asked with a smile.

Haiyan said: "Teacher Lin, after the filming of "Plain Clothes Police" was finished, Xiaolong and I wanted to treat you to a meal. Without your help, this TV series would not have been completed so smoothly."

"This is all your own fault."

Lin Weimin said politely.

Since everyone had invited him, it was hard for him to refuse.

The place I chose for dinner in the evening was during the barbecue season. It was located by the Yinding Bridge on the Shichahai Sea, a few hundred meters away from Lin Weimin's house, which was very close.

The signature of Barbeque Wan is roast beef, and the signature of Barbecue Season is roast mutton.

The most tender hind legs and upper brain parts of the lamb are selected and stir-fried with green onions and coriander. Although the meat is thin, it still retains the delicious gravy.

The barbecue here can be done by the chef after roasting the meat, or a group of people can gather around the huge grill.

Lin Weimin walked in and saw that in addition to Haiyan and Zheng Xiaolong, there was also a guy with big buck teeth and a round face.

"Hey, Teacher Lin, you're here! Please sit down, please take a seat!"

As soon as Feng Xiaogang saw Lin Weimin's enthusiasm, he pulled him to the main seat.

After pouring a cup of tea for Lin Weimin, he began to arrange dishes again, highlighting his attentiveness.

"Why are you here?" Lin Weimin asked Wang Shuo.

"Why can't I be here?"

As soon as Wang Shuo opened his mouth, he gave people the urge to rape him.

Lin Weimin glanced at Feng Xiaogang, the real Big Dipper didn't flatter him in person, what a bad review!

Zheng Xiaolong explained: "Wang Shuo and I grew up together. We met and chatted a few days ago and found out that the few novels he published were written by you. It sounds like we are all acquaintances."

Several people were talking, and Feng Xiaogang was busy.

"Okay, Xiaogang, stop being busy, sit down and have a sip of tea!" Lin Weimin greeted him when he saw that he had been busy for a while.

Feng Xiaogang just sat down and participated in everyone's topics from time to time.

"I've watched Teacher Lin's "The Ming Dynasty 1566". Hey, my knowledge has improved!"

While chatting, Haiyan mentioned Lin Weimin's novel, and Feng Xiaogang started to praise it again.

"Teacher Lin, when will the second half of your post be released? We readers are anxious to wait!"

Feng Xiaogang's flattery was a bit explicit, but he was more enthusiastic. Lin Weimin smiled and said: "It's almost time. It's time to go in ten days and a half."

"Then I have to take a good look. You don't know, but halfway through this novel, it's really heart-wrenching."

After listening happily to Feng Xiaogang's flattery, Lin Weimin asked about the situation of "Plainclothes Police".

This TV series only has twelve episodes. The filming has been completed a few days ago and is now in post-production. It has been confirmed that it will be broadcast on CCTV.

In 1979, Yanjing TV was renamed CCTV with state approval. But as the capital, Yanjing cannot live without a TV station, so it was reestablished by the Yanjing City organization in 1979.

Later, Yanjing TV Studio was established and soon separated from Yanjing TV Station.

Several units have deep historical roots. We are among you, and you are among us.

So this time "Plain Clothes Police" was moved to CCTV, Lin Weimin was not surprised.

"When is it planned to be broadcast?" Lin Weimin asked.

"Waiting for your "Wind" to finish playing." Zheng Xiaolong said.

Lin Weimin counted the days, "It's almost the New Year."

"Yes, it will coincide with the Chinese New Year after the broadcast."

A few people were chatting while eating, and Zheng Xiaolong mentioned the "Biography of a Female Doctor" that had just been launched.

This large-scale costume TV series, jointly invested and filmed by CCTV and Xiangjiang Wireless TV Station, has been all the talk in the TV circles in Yanjing recently.

Seeing that Zheng Xiaolong was full of interest in "The Biography of a Female Doctor" and TVB, Lin Weimin said: "When I have time later, I will take you to the set."

Zheng Xiaolong was immediately overjoyed. Just as he was about to thank Lin Weimin, Feng Xiaogang said on the side: "Teacher Lin, Teacher Lin, and Xiao Feng, don't forget Xiao Feng!"

Feng Xiaogang is a very flattering person, but he does his job well.

During the six months he spent on the crew of "Undercover Police", he not only did art design work, but also took the initiative to work as a photographer, wrote transition scripts for the crew, did chores on set, and helped the lighting engineer adjust the lighting...

Anyway, wherever there is work, Feng Xiaogang will definitely be the first to rush forward. It is precisely with this desperate energy that he was appreciated by directors Lin Ruwei and Zheng Xiaolong, and became a formal employee of Yanjing TV Studio.

This kind of effort not only earned Feng Xiaogang the appreciation of his leadership, but also improved himself. The six months of filming experience on the crew gave him a clear understanding of the process of filming TV series.

When he just heard that Lin Weimin said that he would take Zheng Xiaolong to the set of "The Legend of a Female Doctor", he immediately became interested. This is a rare and good opportunity!

"Okay, let's go take a look together then." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

When he went to work the next day, Lin Weimin flipped through the newspaper for a while.

The first half of "Ming Dynasty 1566" has been released for half a month, and the feedback from readers and critics has been very good.

In fact, this novel is not entirely based on historical facts, but it generally respects history, and is also logically logical in terms of character portrayal and plot direction.

Lin Weimin's operation has won the favor of many historians.

Among the dozens of ancient dynasties in China, the Ming Dynasty has the most detailed and complex historical materials, and the largest number of people have studied Ming history.

Many scholars have recently written to the editorial board praising "The Ming Dynasty 1566", although it is not official history, but it is more like official history than official history.

Some people even took the initiative to contribute articles to newspapers, using this trend to popularize Ming history among readers, which also boosted the popularity of the novel "Ming Dynasty 1566".

In the era before the Internet and mobile phones, newspapers, magazines, radio and television were all public channels for people to learn about information.

In addition to being on the shelves of bookstores and post offices, as well as on newsstands, "The Ming Dynasty 1566" has also begun to appear more and more in newspapers and magazines, letting more readers know about this novel.

After spending the morning reviewing manuscripts and having lunch, Tong Zhonggui knocked on the door of his office.

"What's up?"

Tong Zhonggui walked in, followed by a young man. Judging by his appearance, he was very honest, yet at the same time down-to-earth and at least a bit thief, which made a deep impression on people at a glance.

"Teacher Lin, do you remember the novel I showed you last time? This is Comrade Liu Zhenyun, the author of the novel!"

Tong Zhonggui introduced the young man to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin stood up and shook hands with Liu Zhenyun with a smile, "Your article "Tapu" was very well written!"

Liu Zhenyun said somewhat flattered: "Thank you for the award, thank you for the award."

Lin Weimin asked him to sit down and chatted with him before he learned that he was admitted to the Chinese Department of Yenching University in 1978. After graduating in 1982, he was assigned to work at the Farmers Daily.

He had been writing novels since before he entered college, but he had not published any works at that time. It was not until 1979 that he officially published his first short story "A Night in the Melon Field". In the past few years, he has published a number of novels, all of which are short stories. In his self-effacing words, "no one has read them."

"No one has seen it" is definitely an exaggeration. It should be said that it has no relatively large influence.

This time "Tapu" was accepted by "Contemporary", and Liu Zhenyun came to collect the manuscript fee. He was working in Yanjing, and after receiving the news from Tong Zhonggui, he came directly to "Contemporary".

"Contemporary" usually notifies the author of the payment of royalties in the month when the work is confirmed to be published.

The first time Tong Zhonggui showed Lin Weimin Liu Zhenyun's "Tapu" was in May, but the publication of the manuscript was scheduled for November. This shows the current backlog of manuscripts in "Contemporary".

When Liu Zhenyun was chatting, he mentioned that he came to "Contemporary" today to collect manuscript fees. Another purpose was to meet Lin Weimin. He told Tong Zhonggui about this request, and Tong Zhonggui took him over.

Lin Weimin spread his hands and said with a smile: "There's nothing interesting to see. They're all one head and two hands."

"Teacher Lin's brain is different from ours, and contains great wisdom. I read your book "The Ming Dynasty 1566" a few days ago, and I can see the intrigues and intrigues at my fingertips. The characters in the book have deep intentions in every move, word and deed, which is amazing!"

Compared with Feng Xiaogang's simple and crude flattery, Liu Zhenyun's compliment seemed to be of a much higher level.

The young man can talk and has a bright future!

After chatting for more than half an hour, the time was almost up, and Liu Zhenyun promptly said goodbye.

After he left, Tong Zhonggui felt a little emotional.

He was from the south, but he spoke in a straightforward manner and rarely knew how to beat around the bush. On the contrary, Liu Zhenyun, a native of the Central Plains, spoke with great skill, which made him feel inferior.

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. You can't compare your own shortcomings with other people's advantages."

Tong Zhonggui asked: "Teacher Lin, what advantages do you think I have compared with Liu Zhenyun?"


Lin Weimin pondered for a moment. Whether it is now or in the future, it seems that there is not much difference between the two.

"You're both still young now, so you can't see anything."

Every time Tong Zhonggui heard this, he always wanted to say: You are not very old, but he didn't dare.

"But one thing I'm sure of."

"What?" Tong Zhonggui asked.

Lin Weimin's eyes were sincere and his tone was extremely determined.

"You are more handsome than him!"

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