1980 My literary era

Chapter 367 Re-election

Two months after the publication of "The Ming Dynasty 1566", such a high-level work seminar was held, and there were even rumors that it was personally instructed by the great elder.

To some extent, this represents the future status of this novel in the Chinese literary world.

Although many readers who like "Li Zicheng" and "Emperor Kangxi" are unwilling to admit it, the fact is that this novel has become the ceiling of historical novels in the contemporary literary world.

This is not only confirmed by the Cultural Association, ministries and CCTV, but also by the reputation of readers and critics.

Two months after its release, the October issue of "Ming Dynasty 1566" published cumulative sales of more than 2 million copies.

When the editorial board of People's Literature got the news, they were not too surprised.

Because a week ago, the editorial department had just made the decision to print an additional 300,000 copies of the October issue.

This is already the fourth printing of the October issue in the past two months since its launch, with a total printing volume of 2.1 million copies.

Although there was no surprise, everyone in the editorial office was in high spirits.

Breaking such an unprecedented record is something to be proud of for any publication.

After everyone was busy for a while, another key question was posed in front of the editorial department, that is: Do we still need to reprint the October issue?

The editorial department discussed it for a long time, and finally even asked the president Meng Weizai and the chief programmer early spring for instructions.

The final decision was: no printing.

The reason is simple. The total printing volume of 2.1 million has broken the sales record of domestic purely literary journals. If these printed publications can be sold out, even if they can sell more in the future, the potential will not be too great.

Although it feels great to continue to break records, this is a false reputation after all, and you still need to be more sensible. After all, a slow-selling publication will have to sell ten to eight more copies to make up for it.

Another biggest reason is that Lin Weimin's works have always been treasures of the Chinese Literature Society.

Isn’t selling a booklet better than selling a magazine?

Judging from the sales performance of "Ming Dynasty 1566" in the two months since its release, the book sales of this novel may also break records in the future. Forcibly printing more copies at this time is not a wise choice.

After comprehensive consideration, the October issue has not been reprinted, but this does not prevent the November issue from being reprinted.

The sales momentum of the November issue, which has been on the market for more than a month, is not inferior to the October issue, or even better.

After all, with the previous word-of-mouth fermentation, many readers will buy this type of novel even if they don't read it.

The craze caused by "Ming Dynasty 1566" continues.

Apart from the manuscripts and seminars, the direct impact on Lin Weimin was not much.

January is getting closer and closer, and the pace of work in the editorial department of "Contemporary" is getting faster and faster.

The imminent revision of the publication from bimonthly to monthly will be a major test for everyone in the editorial department.

After two months of running in, the new colleagues have gradually adapted to the work rhythm here. The relaxed and harmonious working atmosphere of the editorial department has made everyone familiar quickly.

The atmosphere in the editorial department is inseparable from the relationship between the leaders.

The director of the editorial department is Qin Chaoyang, who is second only to the group of leaders who founded the company. Now he has retired. He does not fight for anything, is a kind person, and has strong professional skills.

Editor-in-chief Lin Weimin, at a young age, is already a well-known writer throughout the country. His works have been read by countless readers, he has won awards frequently, and he has gained both fame and fortune.

In terms of professional ability, he has first-hand discovered new generation writers such as Lu Yao, Yu Hua, Ma Yuan, Mo Yan, and Shi Tiesheng.

In terms of welfare benefits within the company, there is no competition or competition. If anything good happens, we will always stick to our colleagues in the editorial department.

And from time to time, he would invite everyone to dinner and watch a play. Such a leader is hard to find even with a lantern.

When colleagues in the editorial department were chatting privately, they took stock of the interpersonal relationships within the editorial departments of the Chinese Press. They had to admit that the atmosphere in "Contemporary" is the best and the relationships are the most harmonious.

No, Editor Lin is going to treat everyone to dinner again today.

By the way, yesterday the Yan Bing Literature Award jury just announced the winners of the second Yan Bing Literature Award.

Li Zhun's "The Yellow River Flows East", Zhang Jie's "Heavy Wings", Liu Xinwu's "The Bell and Drum Tower" and Lin Weimin's "Horse Trapper" jointly won the award.

Compared with the six award-winning works in the first session, there are fewer award-winning works in this session, which proves that the number of truly successful long-form works in the domestic literary world has also been decreasing in recent years.

Among these award-winning works, Li Zhun, Zhang Jie, and Liu Xinwu all won the award for the first time, while Lin Weimin won the award for the second time and won the award consecutively.

Such a result is enough to prove the quality of the work "Horse Trapper".

If the work wasn't absolutely outstanding, who would dare to risk the work and award it to Lin Weimin?

At the age of 25, Lin Weimin has won the Yanbing Literature Award for two consecutive years. His achievements have also shocked his friends and colleagues around him.

Because the award results were just announced yesterday, and only a few newspapers followed up with reports, public opinion has not yet spread.

Lin Weimin took the initiative to treat everyone to dinner, firstly to celebrate winning the award, and secondly because New Year's Day was coming soon.

Next year, the publication will be reorganized, and everyone will be busier. Now, of course, I have to reward everyone.

For a treat in winter, Donglaishun is a unique choice.

The compatibility between this place and Yanjing’s winter is as high as 100%.

In this era, eating is really about eating. People will never start a conversation easily until they are full.

It wasn't until everyone was half full that anyone at the table started talking.

The topic is naturally inseparable from the Yan Bing Literature Award that Lin Weimin just won.

For this Yanbing Literary Award, in addition to caring about Lin Weimin, a member of the family who won the award, the staff of the Chinese Literature Society also focused on the publisher of the award-winning work.

Among the four award-winning works, except Li Zhun's "The Yellow River Flows East" which was published by Yanjing Publishing House, the remaining three works were all published by Guowen Publishing House.

Zhang Jie's "Heavy Wings" was published in "People's Literature", Lin Weimin's "Horse Trapper" was published in "People's Literature", and Liu Xinwu's "The Bell and Drum Tower" was published in "Contemporary".

They are all publications of the Chinese Literature Society, so the publication of single volumes is naturally inseparable from the Chinese Literature Society.

Winning the Yanbing Literature Award is not only beneficial to writers, but also to editors, editorial departments and even publishing houses.

Awards from superior departments, bonuses within the publishing house, and unit welfare policies will all be tilted.

For Lin Weimin, it takes courage to award the new Yanbing Literature Award to the same writer twice in a row.

At the same time, everyone is more concerned about what to do during the next selection.

The Yanbing Literature Award is held every three years. We don’t know what will happen in 1987 and 1988, but we can be sure that in 1986, a single volume of "The Ming Dynasty 1566" will definitely be released.

Even "Li Zicheng" can win the award, and there is no reason why "Ming Dynasty 1566" cannot.

What will the jury do then?

Awarding Lin Weimin the award for the third time? If this trend continues, the Yanbing Literature Award might as well be renamed the People’s Literature Award.

Everyone joked about discussing the hypothetical content, but Qin Chaoyang said seriously: "A third award is unlikely. No matter how excellent the next Wei People's work is, the jury is unlikely to award him an award."

Everyone looked at Tan Chaoyang, their smiles faded, and their expressions became serious.

Yao Shuzhi asked: "Director, since we have already awarded the award twice, what does it matter if we award it again?"

Qin Chaoyang pondered for a moment and said: "I think the award itself represents a certain attitude of the jury. This attitude, first of all, recognizes the quality of the novel "The Horse Trapper" and its creative ability for the people. Secondly, and most crucially, it could also be a signal."

"What signal?" Everyone couldn't help but ask.

"This is the second time I have awarded this award to you. Please don't participate in it in the future."

After Qin Chaoyang said this, Liu Yin couldn't hold back her joy for the first time.

"Old Tan, why are you saying this as if you are sending a message to the god of plague?"

Everyone also laughed and discussed in a hurry.

Tan Chaoyang had a faint smile on his face, "Don't you think this is sending a message to the God of Plague?"

After he finished speaking, everyone's laughter subsided, and some people's faces showed a look of contemplation.

Zhang Zhong'e said: "What Lao Qin said makes sense! Winning two consecutive awards can be said to be due to the author's own strength and the quality of his works, and the jury's courage to serve.

But as the saying goes, there are only three things that can be done. If awards continue like this, even if the industry has no objections, readers will get tired of it. We serve the people every time. Isn’t this award monopolized in disguise? So what’s the point of awarding awards? "

Tan and Zhang's words were a little incomprehensible at first, but they touched people's hearts. The more everyone thought about it, the more they felt it made sense.

Yao Shuzhi asked at this time: "So, let's interview Comrade Lin Weimin, the winner of this year's Yanbing Literature Award. What are your comments on the words of Comrade Lao Qin and Comrade Lao Zhang?"

Lin Weimin couldn't help but pulled Yao Shuzhi's hand away and said, "What can I say? If you award it to me, I will accept it. If you don't award it to me, I can't ask for it. Awards are just the icing on the cake. Gold cups and silver cups are not as good as those of ordinary people. Word of mouth.”


Just as Lin Weimin finished speaking, Tong Zhonggui clapped his hands excitedly, which shocked everyone.

Tan Chaoyang smiled and praised: "You still have a high level of consciousness for the people!"

Colleagues also followed up by flattering me. As soon as the filming was finished, they ordered a few more plates of mutton.

What leaders focus on is spiritual enjoyment, and it is enough for comrades to have physical enjoyment.

It's the coldest month of winter outside, the house is filled with steam, the smell of meat is overflowing, and there is laughter and joy.

A few days later, as Lin Weimin expected, news spread that he had won the Yanbing Literature Award for the second time.

Various media reported it one after another, and interview invitations came one after another.

In December of this year, Lin Weimin once again became a celebrity in the Chinese literary world.

According to past habits, Lin Weimin mercilessly rejected the media's interview invitation. Even if his old acquaintance Li Xiangyang came to him, he did not accept the interview.

"I'll treat you to a few more meals later, but the interview won't be necessary." Lin Weimin said to Li Xiangyang.

There are too many media outlets that want to interview him, and this hole cannot be opened, otherwise there will not be enough time.

On the New Year's Day holiday, Lin Weimin made an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Qu Xiaowei and Mr. and Mrs. Zheng Guo to have dinner with their children at his home.

In the past two years, because of having children, everyone has rarely gotten together like this.

Early in the morning, Lin Weimin went out to buy groceries with Tao Huimin. The crew of "The Biography of a Female Doctor" was also on holiday today.

Not long after the two came back from shopping for groceries, Qu Xiaowei's family and Zheng Guo's family also came.

While everyone was cooking, the door of the house rang.

Tao Huimin went to open the door and saw a weathered face.

"For the people, Brother Yimou is here!"

This is how Tao Huimin calls Zhang Yimou on the set. Just looking at this face makes her call him "Yimou" like Lin Weimin. She really can't say it out loud.

Lin Weimin came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and asked with a smile: "Yimou, why are you here?"

Zhang Yimou was a little surprised to see so many people at home, "Teacher Lin, I'll come back another day!"

"It's okay, it's okay, we're all our own people."

Lin Weimin took off his apron, pulled Zhang Yimou into the room, who was about to leave, and introduced him to everyone.

"It's better to be in time than to be early. We have a dinner at home today, and you can have some here later. Everyone else is a friend."

Everyone continued to be busy, Lin Weimin poured a cup of tea for Zhang Yimou, and the two sat on the sofa in the living room.

"It's rare that the crew has a day off today!" Lin Weimin said casually.

Zhang Yimou nodded and said, "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have time to come to you."

Lin Weimin looked at Zhang Yimou, with a hint of meaning in his smile, and asked, "What are you here for today?"

Zhang Yimou took out the book "Contemporary" that Lin Weimin gave him during the meal.

"Teacher Lin, this magazine..."

Zhang Yimou's honest face showed a bit of embarrassment.

"To be honest, I have read this book "Contemporary" at least ten or eight times, but I still don't understand what you mean."

Lin Weimin couldn't help laughing when he heard this, making Zhang Yimou confused and confused.

"This is not some martial arts secret book. I am showing it to you. It is just for you to read the novel on it!

How about it? Is there any one you particularly like? "

Only then did Zhang Yimou realize that he had thought too much.

At the same time, he was a little disappointed in his heart, thinking that Teacher Lin had some profound intentions to teach him!

"There are some novels I like." Zhang Yimou replied, suppressing the disappointment in his heart.

Lin Weimin suddenly became interested and asked, "Oh? Which one?"

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