1980 My literary era

Chapter 374 I won’t die with my eyes in peace

After leaving the Renyi office building, thinking back on the experience of just over an hour, Musen still couldn't believe it.

Can you enter the art industry now?

Not only that, the script was also valued by Teacher Lin, who helped him smooth out and revise the script?

All this is like a dream to Musen.

When the students waiting outside saw him coming out, they gathered around and asked with concern: "How is it? How is it?"

Mu Sen didn't speak for a long time, and everyone thought there was something wrong with the script.

Think about it, how can Renyi use a script written by a student?

In other words, it takes advantage of Teacher Lin's original work, making it dazzling at first glance.

Zhang Jianjun stopped everyone's chattering questions.

"Don't even ask, let Musen digest it by himself!"

After a while, Musen recovered from the aftertaste of surprise, saw everyone staring at him, and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Zhang Jianjun consoled him: "Mu Sen, it doesn't matter. If you don't need the script, don't use it. This is human art after all, with high standards and strict requirements. There is no shame!"

Musen looked at him in surprise, "Who said the script is not needed?"

Everyone looked back at him in surprise when they heard this, "Did you use the script? Then why are you looking so lost?"

"What does it mean to be devastated? What I mean is to be overjoyed, okay?"

Several classmates were noisy for a while, and everyone asked: "What's going on?"

Musen then recounted what happened in the conference room just now, and everyone's faces were full of envy after listening.

They are all top students of Yan Normal University. College students these days are truly the pride of heaven. No one will be surprised if they are assigned a national prefix or a ministry unit.

But who knows that these people are all drama enthusiasts!

This is human art, the highest palace of Chinese drama.

When everyone heard that Renyi was preparing to rehearse "Jiajing and Hai Rui" and that Teacher Lin, the original author of the novel, would be in charge, they were so surprised that their eyes almost popped out.

"Mu Sen, there is smoke coming out of your ancestral grave!"

Everyone's eyes and voices were full of envy, and they wished they could replace it.

"Hey!" Musen didn't respond to everyone's words, just kept being silly.

Back at Yan'an Normal University, the script written by Mu Sen was adopted by People's Arts. The news that he and Lin Weimin were co-screenwriters spread quickly throughout the campus through several drama club classmates, attracting countless heated discussions.

Everyone is talking about the fact that a few years ago Jiang Wen of China National Theater Company created a production of "Farewell My Concubine", and there were many universities in Yanjing that did not perform it. At that time, China National Opera and Jiang Wen were so awesome.

Isn't Musen's move now more powerful than Jiang Wen's?

I wrote the script directly for Renyi, and worked as a screenwriter with Teacher Lin.

Any student who knows something about dialogue drama will understand the gold content in it.

We at Yan Normal University have a talented person!

Mu Sen originally only had a small reputation within the scope of the Yanjing Normal University Drama Club, but now, his name is quickly becoming known to everyone in Yanjing Normal University, and is still spreading to other universities in Yanjing.


After taking over the job of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui", Lin Weimin's spare time was basically occupied. Fortunately, the Chinese New Year is coming up in the past few days. This drama will not be rehearsed until after the new year. Lin Weimin still has some time before the year. time.

After returning home in the evening and after dinner, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin sat on the sofa and watched TV. There are very few entertainment activities these days.

Summer is okay, the weather is hot and it’s convenient to go out. When winter comes, the most common way of entertainment for everyone in the evening, besides making little people, is to watch TV.

In the past few days, Haiyan's "Plain Clothes Police" has been officially broadcast on CCTV 1, succeeding Lin Weimin's "The Wind".

"How many times of wind and rain, how many times of spring and autumn, wind, frost, snow, rain and rapids..."

The appearance of the familiar title song made Lin Weimin lament the strong inertia of history.

The opening song ends and the TV series officially begins.

After watching it for more than ten minutes, Tao Huimin said: "It's not as good as your movie "The Wind"!"

It is a good opportunity for "Undercover Police" to be broadcast on CCTV One.

But taking over "The Wind" did put me under a lot of pressure.

Lin Weimin's three spy novels have left an indelible mark on readers' minds over the past few years.

Coupled with CCTV's successive adaptations, with a director of Ren Hao's level and striving for excellence, the film quality of "The Wind" is more mature and refined than the previous two works.

Whether it is the script itself or the shooting effects, there is a big gap between "Undercover Police" and "The Wind".

Although Tao Huimin's evaluation is somewhat subjective, there are also objective differences.

"This is Haiyan's debut film, and it's only Yan's second time filming and producing a TV series. It's already great to be able to reach this level."

Tao Huimin said with a hint of anticipation on her face: "For the people, what do you think the effect of "The Biography of a Female Doctor" will be when it is broadcast?"

Lin Weimin looked at her with a bit of ridicule on his face, "Are you thinking about becoming famous before you finish filming?"

Tao Huimin said coquettishly: "Who wants to be famous? I'm just looking forward to the day when the TV series is aired. It's not like you don't know how difficult it was to film our movie."

"The Legend of a Female Doctor" will start shooting close to November, and the shooting cycle spans the entire winter in Yanjing, which is indeed not easy.

"I have confidence in the script, the production team is also very good, and the broadcast platform is CCTV and Wireless, so the effect will definitely be good, don't worry!"

"Will it be as effective as "Axin"?" Tao Huimin looked up at Lin Weimin.

A few months ago, "Axin's Story" had just finished airing on CCTV. This popular TV series set a historic ratings record when it was broadcast in China the year before last.

From last year to this year, it was successively broadcast in various countries and regions in East Asia. It also received extremely high ratings and reviews, causing a strong sensation, and the same was true for domestic broadcasts.

Lin Weimin hesitated, "It's hard to say this!"

In this era, the output of domestic TV series is small, but any TV series of decent quality will cause considerable repercussions.

But for a phenomenal TV series like "Axin", sometimes it is not only determined by the quality of the TV series itself.

Will the later TV series "Ming Dynasty 1566" be considered a classic?

It can be called the ceiling of domestic costume historical dramas and is regarded as a divine drama by countless audiences.

But when it first aired, the ratings were less than 0.5%, and the TV station didn't even give it a chance to finish airing, and directly canceled it.

Hunan Satellite TV, which led the production of this drama, has never touched the field of historical dramas since then.

Of course, this situation is a special case.

Tao Huimin was slightly disappointed.

Lin Weimin continued: "To judge the achievements a TV series can achieve, we cannot estimate the upper limit it can create, because that requires the right time, location, and people. But the lower limit can be guaranteed, and the results of this TV series will definitely not be Worse than "The Wind"."

"The Wind" was only aired last month. With the blessing of the original novel and two TV series of the same type, "Insidious" and "Cliff", it received a warm welcome once it was aired.

Now, just a few days after it was aired, the uproar of public opinion it triggered still has lingering power.

Tao Huimin immediately became happy again after hearing this.


Yanjing, Xibalizhuang.

Yanjing TV Studio was split from Yanjing TV Station and rented several bungalows here.

It was fine in the evening. Feng Xiaogang and Zheng Xiaolong, two older single men, did not go home. After dinner, they chatted in the work unit and waited for "Plain Clothes Police" to be broadcast. They wanted to see the effect of the TV series.

Feng Xiaogang sat on the chair, chewing melon seeds, staring at the TV, and said with some regret: "Our TV series will suffer a lot after "The Wind"!"

Zheng Xiaolong also held a handful of melon seeds in his hand, looking relaxed.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who made the factory a step slower?" He looked at the pictures on the TV and sighed: "If I had gone two days earlier, we would have filmed "The Wind"."

After sighing, he added: "Actually, our TV series has been filmed very well, and some things are innate.

"The Wind" is the original work of Mr. Lin, and director Ren Hao is also an old acquaintance of Mr. Lin. His previous "Latent" and "Cliff" were both good, and this time it is even better.

This is the first time we have tried a TV series with this type of theme, and it is already very good to be at this level. "

Feng Xiaogang threw a bunch of melon seed rinds into the ashtray on the table, "That's true. I don't know if it's because I went to the set of "The Legend of a Female Doctor" to watch it, but I always feel that our TV series is not interesting."

"I feel the same way. Our production level is still a bit low."

"I really want to try what it's like to make a big production like "The Biography of a Female Doctor"!" Feng Xiaogang said with an imaginative look on his face.

Zheng Xiaolong joked: "Then you go ask Teacher Lin for help and put you into the crew to experience it."

"I was just talking casually!"

Feng Xiaogang realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed his words.

He had just joined Yanzhi and had not secured his job yet, but he could not look at the heights of the mountains.

"Are we really filming "Triumph at Midnight" for the next TV series?" Feng Xiaogang asked.

"Well, it's basically decided." Zheng Xiaolong nodded.

Feng Xiaogang said a little worriedly: "Really? Then we have to go deep into the mountains and forests!"

Zheng Xiaolong smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way, there are too few good scripts. If you can get Teacher Lin's novel, I will suggest to the leader that you be the director."

Yanjing TV Studio sounds nice to say that it is the first professional TV drama production unit in China, but only the people in the unit know how hard the lives of the people are.

Who is a good person making TV series these days?

Just look at the conditions of the unit. Even the office space is rented. There are only 30 people in the whole unit and one camera. The conditions cannot be said to be poor.

Yan Film Factory, Shanghai Film Factory, Xi Film Factory, and Changying Film Factory often have thousands of employees and produce at least ten or eight films a year. How can Yan Film Company compare with these big brothers? Almost all beggars.

Just one script alone was very difficult for Yan Zhi.

Nowadays, when writers hear that they are going to adapt it into a movie, they send it to their doorstep.

But when I heard that it was adapted into a TV series, everyone was attracted by Qiaoer, "The style of my novel is not suitable for TV series."

This sounds so irritating. Your novel is not suitable to be adapted into a TV series, but it is suitable to be adapted into a movie?

Every time Zheng Xiaolong thought about the bad things he encountered when asking for a script, he felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Feng Xiaogang spat out the melon seed rinds in his mouth, "He~tui! I have to film Teacher Lin's novel once in my life! Otherwise, I will die in peace!"

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