1980 My literary era

Chapter 380 Peers scolding each other

Wang Shuo felt that Lin Weimin was scolding him, and the evidence was conclusive. Unfortunately, he did not dare to do anything to Lin Weimin. After all, he was waiting for Lin Weimin to pay his royalties.

As everyone knows, what Lin Weimin said was a sincere evaluation.

When Wang Shuo is mentioned in later generations, two words will probably pop into the minds of all literature lovers - ruffian literature.

Wang Shuo's early novels, such as "Stewardess", "Out of the Sea", and "Half Seawater, Half Fire", achieved very good results after being published, making him famous in the domestic literary world.

But what really made Wang Shuo famous and became a popular literary phenomenon is the novella he sent today - "The Stubborn Lord".

"The Stubborn Master" tells the story of three unemployed young people, Yu Guan, Ma Qing, and Yang Zhong, who opened a "three T" company that "solves problems for others, solves problems for others, and suffers hardships for others", and what happened during the operation of the company. A series of absurd, ironic and sad stories.

From the original style that focused on the love between urban men and women to the black humor of "The Stubborn Master", Wang Shuo completed a stylistic transformation. At the same time, it also represented to a certain extent that after entering the mid-1980s, literature was gradually letting go of its influence. The heavy social utilitarian purpose turned into a fierce personal style.

Wang Shuo's writing career has become out of control since then, including "The Stubborn Lord", "The Ferocity of Animals", "Playing for Your Heartbeat", "You Will Die If You Have Fun"...

Each of his works has become popular, and the film and television adaptations of his works have further enhanced the popularity and influence of his works and himself.

From the mid-to-late 1980s to the 1990s, Wang Shuo's name became synonymous with "ruffian literature".

No matter how the mainstream literary world criticizes him, he is popular.

"Look at the royalties..." Wang Shuo smiled broadly.

Lin Weimin said: "Are you so poor that you're crazy? You just got the manuscript and you want royalties?"

"Isn't money tight lately?"

"I really don't know where you spent all your royalties?"

As he spoke, Lin Weimin took out his wallet from his pocket and said, "After reviewing the manuscript, I will ask the finance department to issue you a manuscript fee bill as soon as possible. You can spend the money first!"

Wang Shuo took the money skillfully, without any lag in his movements, as if he had practiced it thousands of times.

"Otherwise it would have been you..."

After getting the money, Wang Shuo rarely had a few good words coming out of his mouth.

"Come on, let's have some food together!" Wang Shuo greeted Lin Weimin.

"What the hell!" Lin Weimin cursed, "Can't you save some money?"

"Money is a bastard!" Wang Shuo spat, counted the money, and said: "If you don't want to eat, then I can leave? Don't regret it!"

"roll roll roll!"

Wang Shuo left the editorial office with Qian Yuanyuan.

He also spends money lavishly, but his style is different from Lu Yao's.

Lu Yao spends money mainly on food, but not in other aspects.

Wang Shuo's way of spending money is much more casual, he spends it as he wants, regardless of whether the money is worth it, he is happy with it anyway.

Time flashed to April, and there was a big event in the domestic literary world. Wang Meng was promoted to a high-ranking official, which caught people off guard.

This incident directly topped the "No. 1 hot search list of Chinese Literature Society" and continued to dominate for several days.

The fourth issue of "Contemporary" this year was also launched at the beginning of the month. After the first three monthly issues, both editorial colleagues and readers of "Contemporary" have adapted to the new changes and rhythm.

The sales volume of "Contemporary" has not declined significantly. This is equivalent to a direct doubling of sales volume and benefits.

The leaders of the Chinese Literature Society couldn't stop laughing and praised Lin for doing a great thing for the people.

You must know that before the revision of "Contemporary", the sales volume of each issue was stable at 12.3 million copies. Occasionally, an issue with a relatively influential work would jump to more than 1.5 million copies, or even 2 million copies. book.

Now that it has been changed to a monthly magazine, the annual printing volume and sales volume have doubled. The price of each issue of "Contemporary" is 1 yuan, which is equivalent to an increase of 7 to 8 million yuan in annual sales.

Seven to eight million yuan in 1986 is an extremely huge figure for any domestic enterprise.

The direct benefit of this incident is that the fee standard of "Contemporary" has been raised again.

Wang Shuo came to the editorial office today to pick up the manuscript fee slip. He was shocked when he saw the standard of 15 yuan for 1,000 words on the manuscript fee slip.

Is my status so high now?

"It's not too high. We gave He Yunlu's "New Star" 20 yuan for 1,000 words," Lin Weimin said.

Wang Shuo was even more surprised when he heard this, "Twenty yuan for a thousand words? You are trying to offend all your colleagues!"

As Wang Shuo said, the Chinese Literature Society's remuneration standard has always been the first in the country. Now "Contemporary" has raised this standard again and is the only one in the country. It is normal for colleagues to have opinions.

His words not only reminded Lin Weimin that the last time he went to the Publishing House for a meeting, "Contemporary" was criticized as a negative example.

The country's remuneration standards are clearly stipulated. In the past, many publishing houses or editorial departments would generally raise the remuneration standards for some famous writers in order to get manuscripts. However, this situation is not common. Everyone turns a blind eye. The eyes passed.

But the approach of "Contemporary" is a bit like throwing the blame at the table. They not only raise the standard of remuneration for famous artists, but also for newcomers.

Now, even a newcomer who publishes his work in "Contemporary" for the first time can get the lowest standard of 8 yuan per thousand words, which is a whole lot higher than other publications.

Recalling that at the end of the previous year, the government issued a document requiring journals to be responsible for their own profits and losses, the domestic journal industry was in mourning.

If two years have passed, domestic publications will close down almost every month.

Times are hard, and everyone is tightening their belts to live a hard life.

Only this "Contemporary", this "Contemporary", does nothing, and it actually goes against the wind and increases its price.

Isn’t this going to pull the pants off all my colleagues?

If there are too many people reacting, it will be difficult for the higher authorities to handle it. Regulations are regulations, and they are not violations of laws and disciplines, but what "Contemporary" did in this matter was not authentic after all.

The only choice was to bring out editor-in-chief Lin Weimin at the conference to scare the monkeys. After the meeting, Director Bian Chunguang called Lin Weimin to the office.

On the one hand, it was to appease Lin Weimin, and on the other hand, it also meant to understand the people's sentiments.

During the meeting, Teacher Lin was criticized for pretending to be a grandson. You have to let the leader have face and let the colleagues vent their anger, right?

When he got to the office, he started pouring out his frustrations.

"Leader, you have to be considerate of us!"

"You don't know that since our "Contemporary" revised its edition, the demand for manuscripts has doubled!

Can I do it without adding any royalties? Who will contribute to us?

Besides, how fast prices are rising now! In the past, if the prices of tobacco and alcohol increased, we ordinary people would not feel anything.

But in the past two years, how can needles, threads, clothing and department stores not increase in price? As for manuscript fees, they have not increased. Not only have they not increased, some publications have even declined. The authors can’t stand it either!

Our "Contemporary" is now selling well and generating good profits. The reason why the standard of manuscript fees is raised is also to increase the enthusiasm of authors and friends for submitting manuscripts. After all, manuscripts are the basis for our publication! "

Bian Chunguang felt helpless after hearing this. This was indeed an antinomian problem.

"You guys, it's better to keep a low profile and don't make excuses so that you don't have to ask me to roll your name every time we have a meeting." Bian Chunguang finally said.

"Yes, yes, what you said, leader, we must pay attention to in the future and never cause trouble to the leader!"

If nothing else, can you find fault with Teacher Lin's attitude?

I admit all my mistakes, but it’s impossible for me to change it!

The full text of "The Unruly Lord" is 45,000 words. Wang Shuo received a one-time royalties of 675 yuan, and he immediately felt the benefits of the increase in royalties. Previously, he published "Stewardess" with a word count similar to that of "The Unruly Lord", but the royalties were higher. More than half missing.

He first went to the post office to collect his royalties, and then returned to pay off the money he owed Lin Weimin. Wang Shuo counted the money in his hand and found that there was still 150 yuan left.

He smacked his mouth, feeling something was wrong.

"What the hell! Why do you feel like I'm working for you for nothing?"

Lin Weimin collected the money and said, "Why don't you just say that you worked for nothing when you spend money? You bastard! You call it debt repayment. It's only natural. Do you understand?"

After exchanging a few "friendly greetings", Wang Shuo left the editorial office.

After get off work in the evening, Lin Weimin had a casual meal and came to Renyi.

"Teacher Lin!" Mu Sen came to the rehearsal venue early and greeted Lin Weimin politely.

In Renyi, any play with Lin Weimin's name on it is a bit special.

What's special is that most of the rehearsal time for these plays is in the afternoon and evening. Mu Sen only learned about it after he came to Renyi.

It is understandable if you think about it. Teacher Lin is the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary" and is so busy with work. It is already rare to be able to participate in rough arrangement and revision of the script.

Sitting next to the director's chair, Mu Sen habitually observed Lin Weimin's expression. This was a habit he had developed during this period.

When watching actors perform, Teacher Lin usually has a serious expression. Director Lin Zhaohua is responsible for the quality of actors' performances, and he rarely comments.

But once he feels that the lines are inconsistent with the plot, or there is something unsatisfactory, he will frown, then lower his head and record it in detail in his notebook.

Then wait until the actors have finished their performance, and then communicate and sort it out with the director and actors.

Every time Teacher Lin raised a question, he hit the nail on the head, and the effect after the modification was even more outstanding.

The rough rehearsal of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui" has been going on for a month now, and the revision of the script has also come to an end.

Musen sometimes couldn't help but flip through the script, and the dense markings on it were all traces of changes.

He used to be a director at Yan Normal University, telling plays and revising scripts for everyone. He thought he had some experience. But when he read through the changes in the scripts, he realized how far he was from becoming a truly excellent screenwriter. , and I admire Teacher Lin’s ability and vision in drama creation even more.

After the rehearsal, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Lin Weimin and Mu Sen walked out of the rehearsal venue together, chatting while walking.

Musen mentioned that Renyi had just sent him the royalties for "Jiajing and Hai Rui" two days ago, which was as stable as 300 yuan.

Muson's face couldn't restrain his joy when talking about such a low royalties.

He hasn't graduated yet, and he hasn't even received a salary. Naturally, he feels like a lot when he gets a royalties of 300 yuan.

"Teacher Lin, when are you free, I would like to treat you to a meal!"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "There is no need to treat guests. Let's wait for the performance. Then call all the crew and let's have fun together!"

Musen felt a little regretful and said, "Okay, then it's up to you!"

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