1980 My literary era

Chapter 390 Could it be, no?

Another day later, Lin Weimin went to the Barrymore Theater to watch the performance of "The Intouchables" in the evening.

The American version of "The Intouchables" has been performed on Broadway for more than a year, with more than 400 performances. For a drama, both the number of performances and the box office have reached the top level of Broadway dramas.

Arthur Miller predicts that the current box office performance should be maintained for a while, but after half a year, there will be an inevitable decline.

This is an inevitable fate for any play or musical.

After all, there are only so many viewers. Not many people will be willing to pay to watch a work that everyone has already seen twice or three times. The audience also needs freshness.

Arthur Miller has already planned. When the box office revenue really fails, the crew of "The Intouchables" will immediately start a tour plan, make a lot of money across the country, and then return to Broadway to sell it. Feelings, using the lingering warmth of the past to make enough money, then call it a day.

This is not the end of "The Intouchables" on Broadway, just a phased farewell. As with any popular Broadway play, there's no permanent goodbye.

The only difference is when it will return.

Every major drama award has an award for Best Revival of a Drama.

Although the audience likes novelty, they are also nostalgic. As time goes by, the audience is also changing. These are the innate conditions for the revival of the drama.

Unfortunately, this kind of return to the stage is usually calculated in three to five years, or even ten to eight years.

As of now, "The Intouchables" will at least generate income for Lin Weimin and Arthur Miller for two to three years.

After all, the performance at the Barrymore Theater is still in its heyday. If a tour starts in the future, theaters across the United States alone will be enough for the "Intouchables" crew to run for a year or two.

The morning after watching the play, Huang Guangsheng drove Lin Weimin to a shop on West 80th Street.

Sabas is a small shop that is six to seven meters wide and has been open for more than half a century. Unlike the Green Garden Lounge, the owner of this shop has not changed during half a century.

Sabas, which has remained unchanged for half a century, has become a distinctive commercial landmark on the Upper West Side over time. Many Manhattan citizens are loyal fans of this store.

Lin Weimin and Huang Guangsheng found a seat by the window and ordered a cup of coffee, a whole wheat bread, and a box of olives. According to Huang Guangsheng, these are the standard items for many Manhattanites when they come to Sabas.

While having breakfast, Lin Weimin noticed the small green storefront across the street. There was only one word on the sign: Books. It was obviously a bookstore, and the name alone was very personal.

The first thought that came to Teacher Lin's mind when he saw the bookstore was: Why don't we put together a bunch of original books to show off?

Then he shook his head again, pretending to be crazy.

Books are the ladder of human progress, how can they be so vulgar?

After breakfast, Lin Weimin ran into the bookstore. The West Ender Bookstore is very narrow, so narrow that except for the bookshelves on both sides, the aisle in the middle cannot accommodate two people walking side by side. If you want to pass, you have to turn sideways.

The books sold here are all second-hand books, with a wide range of categories, including first edition books, signed books, scripts, and photo albums. They also sell records: rock, pop, and alternative.

Lin Weimin felt like a fish in water when he came here. When he left, he hugged two bags of books and records.

Spending hundreds of dollars, not only can you show off, but you can also give it away, killing two birds with one stone.

After returning the book to the apartment, after lunch, the afternoon sunshine was pleasant, Lin Weimin bought a newspaper and walked into a cafe.

I ordered a cup of coffee and had just taken a sip when I saw the headline on the newspaper.

"A suspected explosion occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Republic of Ukraine."

According to the headline of the New York Times, the explosion occurred on April 26 according to the newspaper's description, but the Soviet Union has not yet exposed it.

April 26 happened to be the day he boarded a plane to fly to the United States. This time, Lao Maozi was in big trouble.

Lin Weimin naturally knew about the Chernobyl nuclear explosion, but he did not know the specific time in later generations. He did not expect to witness the first nuclear leakage accident in human history in this way.

I sigh in my heart, but people are extremely leisurely.

After spending a leisurely day on the streets of Manhattan, Lin Weimin began to calm down. He did not forget the serious business of coming to the United States.

The writing of the script for "The Kite Runner" began the next day.

English is not Lin Weimin's native language, so communication is no problem, but he is a little less proficient in writing. Fortunately, Arthur Miller is there.

Lin Weimin just let go of writing and leave it to him to polish it when the time comes.

When entering a creative state, Lin Weimin rarely goes out except for three meals a day.

After staying in the apartment for three days, the phone in the room rang.

Since Lin Weimin moved into the apartment, only Arthur Miller or Huang Guangsheng had called. Lin Weimin answered the phone.

Lin Weimin recognized the name of the person who came to him from the girl at the front desk's uneven pronunciation.

"Let her go upstairs." Lin Weimin said on the phone.

The Dakota Apartments are the oldest apartments and also the most luxurious.

The entire apartment building has 65 residences, each with four to twenty rooms, all with high ceilings, patterned roof friezes, mahogany paneling, sliding glass doors, chandeliers, fireplaces, and carvings everywhere possible.

From the moment you enter, the luxury here is evident everywhere.

Chen Chong felt a little groggy from the moment she entered the apartment, until she stood in front of Lin Weimin's apartment door.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she forced down the anxiety and nervousness in her heart and pressed the doorbell.


Lin Weimin opened the door, said something to Chen Chong, and let her into the house.

After Chen rushed through the door, he looked around the room unconsciously.

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "I borrowed it from a friend!"

I want friends like this too!

"What do you want to drink?" Lin Weimin asked Chen Chong.

She stood cautiously at the door and said, "No, I'm here to pay you back."

Lin Weimin poured a glass of water and handed it to her and said, "It's only two hundred meters, so there's no need to be in a hurry."

Chen Chong was a little frustrated. To you, two hundred meters is nothing, but to me, it takes a week of working and eating and drinking to save.

Chen Chong handed him the money, and Lin Weimin took it helplessly.

After paying off the money, Chen Chong seemed to have no reason to stay here anymore. She stood there in an awkward atmosphere.

After a while, he said: "Mr. Laurentiis called me and asked me to audition for the heroine of "Taipan"."

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

"I refused!"

"Why?" Lin Weimin asked.

Chen Chong looked into Lin Weimin's eyes, "I think you are right. If "Taipan" is really what you said, it will indeed be a heavy blow to my image in the hearts of the Chinese people."

The little girl’s acting skills are a bit poor!

There are only four words "ambitious" written in his eyes.

But no matter what, it is a good thing not to play this role.

Lin Weimin nodded, "I'm glad you can understand this!"

Hearing what Lin Weimin said, Chen Chong looked like a primary school student who was rewarded with a lollipop by the teacher for listening carefully in class, with a bit of joy on his face.

"However, have you ever thought that if you want to make a career in Hollywood, you may never be able to avoid this type of role, because Westerners will not change their arrogant nature."

Lin Weimin's words solidified the smile that had just appeared on Chen Chong's face.

Before Lin Weimin said this, she had never considered this issue.

Yes, this is the habit of Hollywood. Do you have to refuse this type of role for the rest of your life? Then why should I come to the United States?

Lin Weimin's words hit Chen Chong's heart like a heavy hammer, causing him to be confused and his mind was in chaos for a moment.

Lin Weimin looked at Chen Chong's performance and nodded secretly. Although his CPU power is used less and less, it is still as good as before!

After a long silence, Chen Chong raised his head and looked at Lin Weimin again, with a bit of stubbornness on his face.

"I'm going to stay in Hollywood."

I really love the United States.

But since Chen Chong rejected "Taiwan", if "The Last Emperor" starts filming in the future, he can help recommend her.

Chen Chong's various conditions are very suitable for the role of "Wanrong". With Teng Jinxian as the director of the film bureau, it should not be a problem to win the heroine.

When Lin Weimin didn't speak, Chen Chong looked at him with a complex expression, and then said, "Teacher Lin, can I treat you to a meal?"

"Invite me to dinner? Why?"

"When we meet an old friend in a foreign country, shouldn't we have a meal together?" Chen Chong put down the burden in his heart and spoke in a brisk, playful tone.

Lin Weimin had seen her in the most embarrassing state. Now that he had put down his psychological burden, Chen Chong felt a sense of intimacy with Lin Weimin.

"Of course you can eat, but I'll treat you to it." Lin Weimin said.

It happened to be dinner time, so Lin Weimin asked Huang Guangsheng to help find a good restaurant nearby and treat Chen Chong to dinner.

During the meal, Chen Chong asked Lin Weimin intentionally or unintentionally the ins and outs of coming to the United States.

Lin Weimin realized that she had rejected "Taiwan" and wanted to find something out of herself!

Girl, you chose the wrong direction, you might as well have picked up "Big Class"!

However, Lin Weimin did not hide the circumstances of his visit to the United States. When Chen Chong heard that Lin Weimin said that his work was being performed on Broadway, his eyes were filled with incredible expressions and full of wonder.

"Teacher Lin, if...I mean if there is a suitable opportunity, can you consider recommending me to play a Broadway role?" Chen Chong asked with courage.

"You? Don't you want to break into Hollywood?"

Chen Chong's face showed a bit of embarrassment, "I am just an unknown person in the United States. It is good for me to have the opportunity. Whether it is Hollywood or Broadway, it is a rare opportunity."

She came to the United States to study, and after graduation she wanted to work in Hollywood.

But in fact, the performance opportunities that can be obtained are extremely slim, and I usually spend more time working part-time.

If you can really get Lin Weimin's recommendation, getting a chance to perform on Broadway would be a good choice.

Firstly, it can solve life problems, and secondly, it can be regarded as a disguised approach to Hollywood. You must know that there are countless Hollywood stars who have stepped out of Broadway in the past few decades.

Just now, Lin Weimin mentioned his friend Arthur Miller. He is a famous American drama master, and his ex-wife is Marilyn Monroe.

The relationship between Broadway and Hollywood can be seen from the relationship of this former couple.

"That's it!" Lin Weimin pondered for a moment, "I'm writing a drama script, which should be produced soon. If you are willing, you can come and interview for a role."

Chen Chong said in surprise: "Really?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "There are not many female characters in this drama, and the roles are not heavy."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a chance!" Chen Chong said excitedly.

Her heart was filled with joy. She rejected "Big Class" partly because of the national sentiment factors that Lin Weimin said, but also because she saw another possibility in Lin Weimin.

I didn't expect that I would actually get the role just by asking.

For Chen Chong, Hollywood movie heroine auditions are like a mirror, but Broadway drama roles are more real, not to mention the help of compatriot Lin Weimin?

For Lin Weimin, giving Chen Chong a role was effortless, which just cut off the possibility of her starring in "Taipan".

Chen Chong finished his meal happily and said goodbye to Lin Weimin.

After getting in the car, Huang Guangsheng glanced at Lin Weimin from time to time through the rearview mirror.

"Why do you always look at me like this?"

Huang Guangsheng said hesitantly: "Actually, the young lady just now was quite beautiful."

Lin Weimin joked: "Would you like me to introduce you?"

"No, no, no!" Huang Guangsheng waved his hand quickly, "I mean, you don't have a partner in New York. This kind of thing is normal on Broadway, and Hollywood is even more chaotic than here..."

Lin Weimin waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Stop thinking about these messy things!"

Huang Guangsheng stopped talking, and occasionally glanced at Lin Weimin.

Could it be Mr. Lin?

The purpose of designing this plot: 1. To prevent well-known domestic actors from playing roles that insult China and promote the United States; 2. To return to China to promote the country and set an example for future actors and not to take such roles; 3. To prepare for the future Contact with Hollywood and competition for voice pave the way. That’s all the explanation. Please forgive me for any inconsiderate writing.

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