1980 My literary era

Chapter 392 Tea Master

Zhang Yimou's distress was actually very common in the 1980s.

In 1980, when Lin Weimin was still immersed in typing at the Educated Youth Center, "China Youth" published a letter from a lesbian named Pan Xiao.

The editor gave this letter a title, "Why does the road of life become narrower and narrower?" 》.

This letter uses a heavy and resentful writing style to describe the depression of contemporary young people facing a difficult life. As soon as it was published, it triggered a nationwide discussion on the outlook on life.

From May 1980 to the end of that year, "China Youth" magazine received tens of thousands of letters from readers, and all walks of life, especially universities, held numerous special discussions on this issue.

The issues discussed in "Pan Xiao Discussion" are very grand, such as the meaning of life, the value of life, etc.

Zhang Yimou's troubles are inconspicuous among these propositions, but they are equally important.

For many people in this era, a job lasts a lifetime.

If you do this, are you destined to do only this for the rest of your life?

Zhang Yimou's answer is no, and he is luckier than "Pan Xiao" in having Lin Weimin as his guide.

That night after making the call, Zhang Yimou got on the train to Xi'an.

If the factory leaders don't support it, then I will find another factory.

I have to do this movie making thing!

Lin Weimin didn't know Zhang Yimou's inner stubbornness, but he admired Zhang Yimou's personality and his talent in movies.

If you ask such a person to be a photographer for the rest of his life, aren't you going to kill him?

While Zhang Yimou was taking the train to pursue his dream, Lin Weimin was still writing the script without sleep or food.

"The Kite Runner" is a big drama, and the script capacity is much larger than the average script.

Lin Weimin continued to create and stayed in the apartment for several days. Lin Weimin went to Broadway to relax and planned to watch a musical or a play.

However, he went out early and ran to Broadway after lunch. There were still five or six hours before the evening performance, so Lin Weimin could only wander around the streets of Broadway at will.

West 44th Street, between Eighth Avenue and Seventh Avenue, is home to five theaters. The first thing you see when walking across from the theater is the conspicuous ghost mask. The poster is attached to every street lamp, in a long row. , the building behind it is spread out with the golden color of time.

The King's Theater, opened in 1927, has 1,645 seats and is one of the largest theaters on Broadway. It has hosted a series of classic musicals such as "Carousel", "South Pacific", "Camelot" and "The Wizard of Oz". It became Broadway's most iconic theater.

Lin Weimin walked into a small coffee shop diagonally opposite the King's Theater. He ordered a cup of coffee and sat by the window.

The coffee was served, and as soon as I took a sip, I heard a grumpy voice coming from the side.

"Cameron, I really can't go on. Richard is done with his talent now, and what he writes is not worthy of my music!"

Lin Weimin looked to the side. A middle-aged man with light blond hair and slightly buck teeth was complaining.

The man sitting next to him wears a neat suit and has a shiny hairdo. He is a typical elite white man.

"Andrew, you need to calm down. When Richard worked with you on "Starlight Train", didn't you have a great time working together?" The man named Cameron advised.

Andrew said impatiently: "That's different. "Starlight Train", I don't have such high requirements for this work. Frankly speaking, Cameron, you also think "Starlight Train" is not excellent, right? "

Cameron fell silent in the face of Andrew's question. Andrew then said: "But this time things are different. I can't let Richard ruin this work."

"It's not that serious, Andrew!" Cameron's retort seemed lacking in confidence.

Andrew said angrily: "Cameron, you are the producer of this show, can you show some of your responsibilities? Sarah you don't agree with me using it, Michael you don't agree with me using it, and now Richard is forcing it I do! Do I still have the right to speak in this drama?"

Seeing his old friend furious, Cameron quickly said: "Of course, you have the right to speak. You are the soul of this show."

After some persuasion, Cameron added: "But, Andrew, you have to understand me. Sarah is a dancer and Michael is a comedian. How can investors trust them to play such an important role? Richard Unlike the two of them, he has cooperated with you once, and you have a tacit understanding with each other..."

"Fuck the tacit understanding! The tacit understanding like shit!"

Andrew swore, and Cameron's face didn't look good. He stared at Andrew and said stiffly: "Andrew, this is a big movie with an investment of more than 3 million yuan. You can't be so willful. Everyone has already made trouble before. It's very unpleasant, and unless you want to make this show pornographic, you have to control your temper."

After saying these words, Cameron stood up and said to Andrew: "You need to calm down. Let's talk tomorrow!"

Andrew looked at Cameron's leaving figure and slapped the table hard, still feeling upset.

At this time, he finally found Lin Weimin who had been staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Andrew asked in an unhappy tone.

"Nothing, handsome guy!" Lin Weimin replied leisurely.

Andrew originally planned to vent, but he didn't expect the other party to actually say such a sentence. His momentum instantly felt like a balloon punctured by a needle.

He tried to make himself look more fierce, but it had no effect at all. Instead, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

"I really have you, man!" Andrew showed a kind smile to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin also smiled and said: "Of course, I have tried this trick repeatedly."

"It sounds like you are a musical composer." Lin Weimin asked.

Andrew nodded, "As you can see!"

Seeing that Andrew did not reject communication, Lin Weimin sat at his table.

“I happen to be a screenwriter too.”

Andrew pointed to the sign of the King's Theater outside and joked: "It's not a coincidence that a musical composer and a screenwriter met by chance on Broadway."

"Okay! Maybe this would work better if you were a blonde."

Andrew laughed, "Man, your humor really attracts blondes more!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to Lin Weimin seriously, "Andrew Lloyd Webber."

"Lin Weimin, you can call me Lin."

Andrew asked: "Mud Bomber?"

In the United States in the 1980s, when people saw a yellow person, they would subconsciously think they were a bastard, just like when they met a Chinese thirty years later.

"No, Chinese."

Andrew nodded, "You said you are a screenwriter? Are you planning to write the lyrics for a musical for me?"

"If this is your request, I can consider it." Lin Weimin said easily.

Andrew frowned, "Man, do you know who I am?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "Andrew Lloyd Webber, the composer of Cats and Evita, is the top musical creator in London's West End and Broadway."

"Then do you think I need to ask you to write the lyrics?"

"But don't you have a suitable lyricist now?"

Lin Weimin choked on his words and Andrew was speechless. The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Andrew muttered: "My work is not something that any screenwriter can have a hand in."

"Have you heard of "The Intouchables"?" Lin Weimin asked.

Andrew's eyes lit up, "The one currently being performed at the Barrymore Theater?"

There is nothing new on Broadway. People who have worked here all year round are familiar with the plays here.

Lin Weimin nodded.

Andrew frowned again, "Isn't that written by Arthur Miller?"

"My original work, he brought the United States."

"I see."

Andrew looked at Lin Weimin again with a bit of appreciation in his eyes, "The play is well written. But this is a musical, so I'm afraid you can't get involved."

"I didn't say I wanted to write lyrics for you."

Lin Weimin's words once again made Andrew's breath stagnant, and then he heard Lin Weimin say: "Put the lyrics aside in advance. It seems that you are very dissatisfied with the investors' instructions?"

"What do you mean?" Andrew became alert.

"Don't be nervous!" Lin Weimin smiled kindly, "I just think it's really sad that a top composer like you still has to look at investors' faces. They are stifling your creativity!"

After hearing what Lin Weimin said, Andrew's face immediately burst into a smile.

"You're right. Those son-of-a-bitch investors are good for nothing except spreading money and pointing fingers."

"Completely agree. Letting those businessmen who smell like copper to invest in musicals is completely tarnishing your talent."

"That's right! Oh, Lin, there is indeed a spiritual connection between artists."

Lin Weimin smiled even more kindly, "Andrew, I completely understand how you feel. We must not let those damn businessmen control our destiny."

"You are so right, art is priceless."

"My friend, I am more than willing to support your music career if you need it!"

Andrew finally woke up from Teacher Lin's flattery and looked at Lin Weimin with wary eyes again, "Do you want to invest in my musical?"

"No, no, no, Andrew, I support your music career. Art is priceless. You are a born artist and you must not be influenced by money."

Andrew looked at Lin Weimin with suspicion.

Teacher Lin looked innocent.

"Stop playing tricks on me, you are just like that group of people." Andrew lied.

"No, no, no, I'm totally different from those people. Can they let you use Sarah as the heroine? Can they let you use Michael as the hero?"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Weimin smiled harmlessly, "That's what it means literally. If I were to be your investor, then I would completely respect your opinion. Because I fully understand that you are the soul of this musical, and for everything about you I fully support the decision.”

Although he realized that Lin Weimin must have ulterior motives, Andrew had to admit that his words and attitude made him too comfortable.

This guy is so professional!

"Damn it! You guys are so good at talking!" Andrew suddenly cursed.

Lin Weimin shook his head, "No, no, Andrew, this is a sympathy between artists!"

He wears a lot of clothes but doesn't wear anything to flatter him. In order to make money from Lao Mi, Teacher Lin doesn't even need to wear his underwear!

"Cameron should really hear what you have to say."

"Are you talking about the gentleman just now? It seems that he should be your producer. You should understand him. He is a producer after all. He must not only consider your feelings, but also the feelings of investors."

Teacher Lin’s tea talk class has started!

"But he's my producer!" Andrew said, getting angry again.

"Forget it, Andrew, don't talk about these unhappy topics. I have no other intention, I just don't want a talented artist like you to be dragged down by money." Lin Weimin said kindly.

Andrew's face showed a touch of emotion, "Lin, Cameron should really listen to you, he is such an ungrateful guy!"

In the cafe opposite the King's Theater, Teacher Lin is conducting an NTR exercise.

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