1980 My literary era

Chapter 407 Standing on the Opposite of the Elite

Huang Anyi has always felt that Lin Weimin has a unique kind of self-confidence. This kind of self-confidence is very special, at least she has never seen it among the writers of the same generation that she knows.

A full six years have passed since the days of the Institute of Literature.

Although Huang Anyi has very little contact with Lin Weimin, she is still unconsciously attracted by Lin Weimin's temperament every time they meet.

Her eyes were focused on the novel, but her spirit had long been empty.

She recalled her visit to Xiangjiang last spring.

After arriving in Xiangjiang, fellow writers and friends were all amazed at the prosperity and wealth there. Only Lin Weimin seemed to be disapproving of it.

Whenever everyone chatted, Lin Weimin always spoke very little. He never belittled Xiangjiang's achievements, but he also never praised Xiangjiang. Huang Anyi was keenly aware of the confidence in his heart.

Huang Anyi suddenly thought of a word Lin Weimin mentioned when he was at the Institute of Literature a long time ago - national self-confidence.

The more than 200 years of Manchu rule and the history of national humiliation from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China have destroyed the Chinese people's national self-confidence. This loss of national self-confidence is comprehensive.

"It will take a long time for our nation to regain this confidence."

She still remembers Lin Weimin's heavy tone and expression when he said this.

When she was at the Institute of Literary Studies, Huang Anyi didn't actually understand what Lin Weimin meant. It wasn't until she got older and experienced more and more things in the past few years that Huang Anyi gradually understood what Lin Weimin was referring to.

Going back to the novel "Burning", anyone who reads the novel will see Lin Weimin's naked hatred and criticism of capitalism, including those who have gone abroad. Although the criticism is not so harsh, his writing is not light.

The design of the character "Overseas Student Zhou Weiguo" in "Burning" is very interesting. He is first of all a cultural person, and he studies Chinese, but he wants to go to the United States to study abroad. This is almost a naked irony.

But as far as Huang Anyi knows, there are indeed such people around her. Even though their major has nothing to do with studying abroad, or it is better to stay at home, they choose to study abroad.

Of course, Lin Weimin's "Burning" actually contains far more than just criticism.

The novel touches on issues such as racial conflicts in Western society, the disorderly expansion of capital, and the alienation of people by capital, all of which demonstrate Lin Weimin's understanding of Western countries and his speculations on social contradictions.

Looking at the whole story, the novel "Burning" may be ranked last among all Lin Weimin's novels in terms of readability, but its ideological and literary quality have reached a peak.

In Huang Anyi's opinion, such a work should win a grand prize and be mounted on the laurel crown of the literary world.


Huang Anyi couldn't help but think narrowly that she heard that Lin Weimin went to the United States this year.

What exactly happened to him in the United States that he actually wrote a novel like "Burning" after returning to China?

Huang Anyi couldn't help but sigh when she thought of this.

This time, he might be scolded again!


The novel "Burning" has a clear-cut attitude. Every reader who reads the novel can immediately understand what Lin Weimin means.

As Huang Anyi understands, in terms of plot arrangement, this novel is inferior to Lin Weimin's previous works, but this is exactly what Lin Weimin wanted.

It was Lin Weimin's choice to give up a certain readability and pursue the literary and ideological nature of his works.

After all, his purpose in writing this novel was not pure. In order to bring in his own personal belongings, there was no harm in making some choices.

But Teacher Lin calculated everything and missed something.

There are large sections in his novels that describe the extravagant and decadent lives of the rich second generation of the United States, including many descriptions of ordinary middle-class and lower-class people in the United States. Lin Weimin's original intention when writing was of course critical.

But for readers in this closed era, it has become a rare encyclopedia that allows ordinary readers to understand contemporary American society with zero threshold.

In this era, it is true that ordinary people look forward to the West when they talk about it, but after decades of education, they can distinguish between big issues of right and wrong.

The content of "Burning" is certainly unfriendly to Western society and capitalism, but what we have received over the years is unfriendly propaganda and education, and friendship has only happened in the past few years.

Therefore, within half a month after the publication of "Burning", there was no large-scale criticism from readers as Lin Weimin imagined.

On the contrary, the sales volume of the September issue of "People's Literature", which published the novel, hit new highs.

It's rare for a Chinese writer to describe American society to the Chinese people in every detail. Doesn't this mean free science popularization?

How can you not read such a novel?

The reputation of "Burning" continues to ferment among readers as time goes by, and sales continue to rise in a strange trend.

Of course, this novel is not without criticism.

It has been on the market for more than half a month. Among the letters from readers of the editorial department of "Contemporary", the most criticized ones are certain intellectuals in domestic universities. Many of them are public celebrities of this era.

They not only wrote letters to criticize, but also wrote articles to newspapers and magazines to criticize.

These days, intellectuals in colleges and universities receive unprecedented courtesy, so it is not difficult for these people to speak out in the media, and it is much easier than ordinary people.

In addition to colleges and universities, there are also many people in the cultural circles who criticize Lin Weimin. The point where everyone focuses on attacking Lin Weimin is the "left" he showed in his novels.

These people used the current trend of reform and opening up in the country as an argument to criticize Lin Weimin, and each one slapped them with harsher words.

While criticizing Lin Weimin, they also did not forget to sell their point of view, which is to comprehensively learn from the West and even Westernize.

Therefore, as time goes by, there are more and more negative comments about "Burning" and Lin Weimin himself in various media.

Although the evaluation of the novel "Burning" by the vast majority of readers is positive and praiseworthy, due to the narrow information dissemination and stagnant information exchange in the 1980s, a small number of cultural people have the right to speak in the media, and they have The criticism of Lin Weimin and "Burning" has a tendency to become mainstream in the media industry.

This time, Lin Weimin completely stood on the opposite side of certain elites in society and became the target of everyone's shouting.

Apart from the above people, there were very few criticisms of him by literary figures in this wave of criticism, and they only appeared in sporadic forms.

This phenomenon occurs firstly because the mainstream of the domestic literary world has not yet completely moved closer to the West. Therefore, even if some people are dissatisfied with Lin Weimin and the novel "Burning", they will not criticize him directly without restraint, but in private they are sure A scolding is inevitable.

Another reason is that Lin Weimin now has an additional identity, the vice president of the Chinese Literature Foundation.

This identity may seem inconspicuous, and he is usually inconspicuous, but in terms of the literary association, he has a vague aloofness.

Many people within the system learned about Lin Weimin's status and were a little more scrupulous about their evaluation of him.

In any case, "Burning" has a good reputation among readers, which is a gratifying thing for Lin Weimin.

As for whether the descriptions in the novel would increase some readers' yearning and favor for the United States, Lin Weimin gave up after wrestling with it for a moment.

If a person, after watching "Burning", not only does not have negative emotions or comments about the United States and capitalism, but instead feels longing for it, then Lin Weimin does not think it is a problem with his own work.

This can only prove that that person is a worshiper of foreigners and is hopeless. This kind of person is not within the scope of Teacher Lin's consideration.


"Hey, look, look! The portion is enough this time, Professor Mizuki. This scolding is so harsh!"

Liu Yin flipped through the newspaper, and the expression on his face couldn't be said to be one of schadenfreude, but it couldn't be described as "watching a good show".

"Sister Liu, why are you so happy when Teacher Lin is scolded?" Tong Zhonggui asked.

Other colleagues in the office smiled after hearing this.

Liu Yinyu said earnestly: "Xiao Tong, you are still young, but don't be deceived by the leader's usual sweet talk. These people have dark hearts!"

Tong Zhonggui said nothing, Liu Yin became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and the others had subtle expressions and suppressed smiles on their lips.

Lin Weimin patted Liu Yin's shoulder helplessly.

"Sister Liu, can't you restrain yourself?"

Liu Yin turned around and saw Lin Weimin. She instinctively felt guilty, and then said plausibly: "What's wrong? Outsiders can scold us, but we ourselves can't?"

Lin Weimin was speechless for a moment.

Colleagues burst out laughing at Liu Yin's wit, and even after laughing they did not forget to tease Lin Weimin.

"That's right, outsiders can say it, but we can't?"

"Weimin, you don't regard us as your own!"

Lin Weimin stood there, calmly waiting for everyone to finish laughing, telling jokes and teasing.

Then he said to everyone with a smile: "It has been a year since the last time we launched a series of books in "Contemporary". From the next period until the beginning of next year, in addition to our monthly magazine, the most important thing for everyone is The task is to finish compiling a series of selected short stories. I discussed it with the publisher and initially decided to release it in January next year. Is this okay with everyone?"

The happy atmosphere is always short-lived. In the editorial department, which had been cheerful just now, it suddenly felt like mourning after Lin Weimin finished speaking.

"What am I talking about? It's definitely not good for him to come to the office!"

"This is about to catch up with the real world news!"

"Editor Lin, let's each take a step back. If everyone takes back their jokes, you will also take back your work. How about that?"

Lin Weimin shook his head and said with a serious face, "Don't say that, everyone. I don't assign tasks just as I say. This is all for the good of our editorial department!"


Everyone spat inwardly.

Liu Yin whispered to Tong Zhonggui: "What am I telling you? These leaders are just maggots with evil hearts!"

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