1980 My literary era

Chapter 429 A bit unfair

What ideas can Lin Weimin give?

Of course it's "Longing."

In the early 1990s, "liberating the mind" was a hot word, and Chinese people who were going through great changes were extremely eager for a rich spiritual life. "Longing" came into being under such circumstances.

As the first long-form TV series in China that focuses on family ethics, "Desire" can be said to have pioneered the trend. Once it was broadcast, it quickly formed a scene where "the whole country mourned Liu Huifang and everyone lamented Song Dacheng."

Lin Weimin told everyone the general plot of "Desire", and everyone listened with some rapt attention.

"What do you think of Xiaolong?" Lin Weimin asked.

Zheng Xiaolong nodded, "This story has a good foundation. If it is really written into a script, it will definitely not be bad."

Lin Weimin asked Wang Shuo again, "How's it going? Shuozi, I've told you all the ideas. What should I do if I can't write them down?"

Wang Shuo's face turned red as soon as he said this, which was even more uncomfortable than when Shen Xujia pointed at his nose and said he couldn't do it.

"Isn't it just a broken script? Just wait, I'll have a job in a month!" Master Shuo was as unruly as ever.

Lin Weimin nodded, that's right, I still can't control you?

At this time, Zheng Xiaolong raised his glass: "Mr. Lin, I'd like to toast you and thank you for your advice!"

"Why are you so polite?" Lin Weimin said and drank a glass of wine with him.

The script "Desire" was originally talked about by later generations Wang Shuo and Zheng Xiaolong while having dinner at Jimen Hotel. Later Wang Shuo also wrote a novella "Liu Huifang" based on this script, which received bad reviews Like the tide.

If you were to write a story like "Longing" as pure literature, it would be really vulgar.

But if you regard him as a pastime to arouse emotions, it is a stroke of genius.

Giving this idea to Zheng Xiaolong was just a favor.

"Teacher Lin, you came up with this idea. You have to have a name in the script, right?"

For many screenwriters, it is a great honor to be signed, but for "Desire", it is an honor for this TV series to have the name "Lin Weimin" signed in the screenwriter column.

Zheng Xiaolong asked Lin Weimin for his opinion. He waved his hand and said, "Forget about the signature, it's just an idea. You can just look back and see how to save the script."

Feng Xiaogang advised: "How can that be done? Teacher Lin, without you there would be no this script. You have to have a name, otherwise how can Xiaolong feel so good?"

He and Zheng Xiaolong persuaded each other, and finally gave Lin Weimin the title of "Chief Screenwriter". Chief Editor Lin had three younger brothers under him, namely screenwriters Wang Shuo, Haiyan and Ma Dudu.

Lin Weimin, the editor-in-chief, doesn't have to do any work. He has already come up with an idea, and the rest can be left to his three younger brothers.

Ma Dudu was very happy that he could get a reputation as a screenwriter.

After talking about the script, Zheng Xiaolong toasted to everyone again.

With the idea of ​​a new script, Zheng Xiaolong's passion was ignited again and he couldn't wait.

He asked Feng Xiaogang and Zhao Baogang to do a simple calculation. If according to what Teacher Lin said, "Desire" can be made into a chamber drama, the cost of a single episode will be relatively low.

But if it is made into a long-running TV series, the total cost will increase a lot. Based on past experience, it will cost almost 1.8 million, which is not a small amount of money for the center.

Dong Laishun's party came to an end in a bustle.

Everyone was happy, except Wang Shuo, who looked depressed and depressed.

He really couldn't be happy.

In just one meal, he had two more after-school assignments, a novel about life in the compound and a script for "Longing".

Before leaving, he looked at Lin Weimin with a very unkind look.

Lin Weimin didn't care. Except for his tough mouth, this coward was soft in every aspect. He was easy to bully!

When he went to work the next day, Lin Weimin accompanied Tao Huimin to the vehicle management office.

In the 1980s, there was no such thing as a driving school. If you wanted to get a driver's license, you had to go through the procedures. Tao Huimin's procedures were done by Yan Film Studio. She was filming "Dream of Red Mansions" in Yanjing, and she was also from Yan Film Studio. Half a staff.

The driver's license test these days was not as complicated as that of later generations. When she arrived at the vehicle management office, Tao Huimin drove her car around the venue for a few times and successfully obtained her driver's license.

Lin Weimin repeated his old tricks, stamping seven or eight stamps on a pack of cigarettes, and Tao Huimin had no problem switching careers to driving a truck.

After getting her driver's license, it was now legal to hit the road. Tao Huimin was a little excited.

After sending Tao Huimin to the crew, Lin Weimin went to work at the Chinese Literature Society and hung out for a day.

At noon the next day, Lin Weimin was called downstairs. Cheng Wuchun and the Yanjing 212 in the company were already waiting here.

"Boss, why don't you drive my car!" Lin Weimin suggested with a bitter look on his face.

"It's only a few hours away, so bear with it. I'm going to a meeting this time, so don't be so fussy and keep a low profile!" Cheng Wuchun warned.

Lin Weimin muttered: "I've made clean money, what are you afraid of?"

Cheng Wuchun was right. This meeting was organized by the Ministry of Rites, and there were also leaders attending the meeting. Driving Lin Weimin's Mercedes-Benz there, it was really too eye-catching, and it was easy for people to gossip.

With the road conditions of this era, driving a 212 on the road would probably break your waist.

But who is the leader? Lin Weimin got into the car helplessly.

All the way to the government guest house in Zhuozhou City, Lin Weimin felt as if his butt was no longer his own when he got off the bus.

When he was complaining to Cheng Wuchun, he heard someone calling his name, "For the people!"

Lin Weimin turned around and saw Jiang Zilong.

"Brother Zilong? Are you here too?" Lin Weimin said in surprise.

"It's not just me, there are many acquaintances coming back here!" Jiang Zilong said.

The theme this time is "Adhere to the Four Basic Principles and Oppose Bourgeois ZYization." Those invited to participate were all famous domestic writers, literary theorists, and cadres from the literary and art management departments.

When Lin Weimin heard this theme and thought of some recent trends in newspapers, it made sense.

The atmosphere of this meeting was completely different from the previous meetings that Lin Weimin had attended. Lin Weimin felt it from the moment he entered the guest house.

There were indeed a few acquaintances attending the meeting, but they only exchanged brief greetings and did not communicate much.

It is worth mentioning that this time Lin Weimin also saw the old writer Liu Feiyu who criticized him a lot during the wave of criticism of "Lover".

Cheng Wanchun originally planned to take Lin Weimin to say hello to Liu Feiyu, and the quarrel would be a quarrel. In reality, it was always the most common scene in the literary and art circles to stage a "smile and forget the grudge" scene when they met.

But Lin Weimin had no such plan, and it was considered polite not to curse a few times when they met.

It is important to distinguish between constructive criticism and getting on the line. Some people’s criticism is more than just criticism, and it will not stop until something big happens.

After giving Liu Feiyu a cold look, Lin Weimin turned around and left without any courtesy.

Faced with this situation, Cheng Wanchun could only smile awkwardly and deal with it.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very serious. At the meeting, "Show Your Tongue or It's Empty", which "People's Literature" just published in the January and February issues of this year, was criticized by name.

Correspondingly, Lin Weimin's "Burning" was named and praised by the leader.

"Comparing the novel "Show Your Tongue or Empty", we can see that "Burning" clearly stands on the opposite side of the bourgeoisie in its conception, portraying the decadence and ugliness of capitalist society. Incisively and vividly.

Such works are worthy of careful reading and appreciation by all of us, rather than works that blindly cater to or even flatter capitalist values..."

When the second in command was talking, Lin Weimin glanced at Liu Xinwu, and his face turned black.

Teacher Liu has become a scapegoat today.

Today's strong trend is obviously criticizing the Literary and Art Association, but why is there no one from the Literary and Art Association? Teacher Liu can only take the blame for it.

In the afternoon, the smell of gunpowder at the meeting became stronger and stronger. Cheng Wanchun was a little scared. He came from that era and was very sensitive to these things.

During the break, he actually asked to run away.

Lin Weimin looked at him in surprise, "Old Cheng, you're not that bad, are you? It's just a meeting, let them scold you!"

Cheng Wuchun complained: "Of course you are not afraid of being praised so well."

"You had to drag me here in the first place, but now you want to run away."

"The situation is different. How could I have imagined that the smell of gunpowder would be so strong."

"Then you're not afraid of someone wearing small shoes while running?" Lin Weimin asked curiously.

Cheng Wuchun cursed and said: "What a fright! We are not the counterpart unit."

Lin Weimin was really upset when he saw this, and the good-tempered old Cheng was not happy.

Anyway, Cheng Wuchun is the leader. If he wants to run away, then he should run away.

"Then run away?" Lin Weimin asked.

Cheng Wuchun and him looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Lin Weimin asked again: "Do you want to call Teacher Liu?"

Cheng Wuchun hesitated for a moment. Although "People's Literature" was owned by the Chinese Literature Society, it was also under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Literature Association, so the criticism this time by Teacher Liu was not unjust.

Lin Weimin and Cheng Wuchun ran away first unkindly.

On the third day after returning to Yanjing, Jiang Zilong called Lin Weimin. It was said that he and Cheng Wuchun ran away, which made the leader a little unhappy.

The main reason is that Lin Weimin ran away as soon as he praised Lin Weimin on the front foot, which was really a bit of a slap in the face.

Lin Weimin didn't care. If he wasn't happy, he wouldn't be happy. He didn't write "Burning" to make his leader happy, but purely out of his heart.

Jiang Zilong gloated to Lin Weimin on the phone again. This meeting was to criticize the bourgeois ZYization of the domestic literary world. His "Burning" had been criticized quite harshly by people in the cultural circle.

This time, he was set up as a positive example by his leaders. It is estimated that after the content of the meeting was published in newspapers and magazines, he would definitely be scolded even more fiercely.

After listening to Jiang Zilong's words, Lin Weimin was also a little depressed.

If I get scolded this time, it seems a bit unfair.

But there are people who are more unjust than him. Teacher Liu was criticized at the meeting and had to write a review when he came back.

Thinking of this, Teacher Lin became happy again.

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