1980 My literary era

Chapter 454 I’m looking forward to it

Lin Weimin was caught off guard by Cheng Kaige's sudden sincere question.

When you ask that, it sounds like I know you very well!

This is Cheng Kaige's first shortcoming, he is too narcissistic and assumes that others must pay attention to him.

Lin Weimin's second shortcoming flashed into Lin Weimin's mind: he was too superstitious about the power of text.

He always felt that Cheng Kaige might be better off as a writer or poet, and he himself did have some attainments in literature and poetry.

It is precisely because of these attainments that he often falls into his own mindset when creating and treats his works as literary works rather than as film and television works.

Since Cheng Kaige asked questions sincerely, Lin Weimin also said everything he knew.

After all, he is the "younger version" of the poetry-reciting master, so teasing and teasing is still a bit fun.

Lin Weimin's words were very objective and pointed directly at Cheng Kaige's core issue. After speaking, he looked forward to Cheng Kaige's reaction with great interest.

After hearing these two shortcomings, Cheng Kaige didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

Calling him narcissistic is of course a criticism, and Cheng Kaige felt a little unhappy.

Then Teacher Lin said that he was too superstitious about the power of text and lyricism, and was more suitable to be a poet or writer. He was originally a literary youth, and after hearing this, he felt a little happy.

After holding back this conflicting mentality for a long time, Cheng Kaige said: "You...see it really accurately!"

Lin Weimin observed him for a long time and could probably guess his inner activities.

It's really interesting to play this kind of vomiting after eating. No wonder Liu Zhenyun likes to chat like this. It is indeed easy to show his superiority in IQ.

"According to you, what I lack is not skills and abilities, but attitude?" Cheng Kaige asked.

Lin Weimin said bluntly: "I have told many people that a creator must have the ability to look beyond himself and examine his works. At present, you do not have this ability."

This was a bit ruthless, but Cheng Kaige asked: "Then do you have any good ideas?"

Cheng Kaige was a literary youth and was very familiar with the young writers discovered by Lin Weimin.

If one method can be used, a hundred methods can be used, maybe we can get some panacea from Lin Weimin?

Lin Weimin spread his hands and said, "What can be done? If a seed wants to grow fruit, it needs to grow. The only thing we can do is probably to apply some chemical fertilizer to it."

Hearing these words, Cheng Kaige's eyes lit up instantly.

This statement coincides with his recent thoughts!

Not only that, he came to the set of "The Last Emperor" to make a guest appearance today, and watching Bertolucci command a huge crew of hundreds of people worked hard, which further strengthened his inner thoughts.

"Teacher Lin, do you think I should go abroad to further my studies?"


Did I say this?

Lin Weimin scratched his head and looked at the pious look on Comrade Kaige's face.

Okay, just take it as what I said.

Teacher Lin nodded meaningfully, which immediately strengthened Cheng Kaige's belief.

"I came to ask you, and it turned out that I asked the right person."

Teacher Lin smiled kindly and said, "The most important thing is that you can figure it out yourself!"

Cheng Kaige pulled Lin Weimin and talked for a long time. The failure of "King of Children" was a big blow to him, but the bigger blow came from Zhang Yimou winning the Golden Bear Award.

Although Cheng Kaige didn't say it directly, that was what he meant. After all, Zhang Yimou was working as a photographer for him.

As a result, now that he has won the grand prize, he broke his promise and broke the contract with the film festival, but he ended up with nothing.

Cheng Kaige also knew that he had now become a big joke in the domestic film industry. He was under a lot of pressure and felt a lot of energy in his heart.

At this time, he was in a relationship with Hong Huang, a daughter of a famous family. Hong Huang fell in love with his talent in "Yellow Earth" and pursued Chen Kaige.

It is said that men chase women across a mountain, and women chase men across a veil. This is absolutely true. Cheng Kaige was soon captured by Hong Huang.

Hong Huang comes from a well-known family. He studied abroad in 1980. After graduation, he worked for Gan Weizhen Consulting Company invested by the American AIG Insurance Company. The company's main business is to provide consulting services to foreign companies in China.

At this time, Hong Huang's salary was 7,000 meters a month.

Before "King of Children", whether it was "Yellow Earth" or "Military Parade", Cheng Kaige received countless attention and praises, becoming the most promising person among the new generation of domestic directors.

Therefore, he could maintain his image as a talented person in front of Hong Huang.

But the failure of "King of Children" completely shattered Cheng Kaige's pride.

Especially against the backdrop of his girlfriend Hong Huang, who has such superior conditions, he seems like a complete loser.

After learning from the pain, Cheng Kaige finally made a decision.

Study abroad.

This is a bit inaccurate. In fact, he visited the United States at the invitation of the Asian Cultural Exchange Foundation and New York University.

Lin Weimin listened to Cheng Kaige talking like Xianglin's wife for a long time, and suddenly he understood him a little bit.

It's not easy for this guy to maintain his personality as a talented person. He usually has to be patient with everyone, so that no one can see his vulnerability. Now that he met him, it was probably because he was not familiar with him that he was willing to follow him. Talk to yourself.

After listening to what Cheng Kaige said, Lin Weimin patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "You, don't put too much pressure on me. Yimou won this Golden Bear Award because of his luck. You all patted him on the shoulder." Film lovers should understand that there is no formula for winning an award, the key is that the work must be good!”

Cheng Kaige nodded vigorously, "Teacher Lin, you are right!"

Lin Weimin nodded slightly, the boy can be taught.

"Teacher Lin, I really hope that when I return from studying abroad, I can have the opportunity to cooperate with you!"

Lin Weimin looked at Cheng Kaige's grateful face and burst into tears. He complained in his heart and said for a long time that he was waiting for me here.

"Haha, there will be a chance!" Lin Weimin laughed.

Hearing Lin Weimin's words, Cheng Kaige's eyes lit up.

Teacher Lin's level is obvious to all. He has made three films in the film industry, including "The Lover", "Red Sorghum" and "The Last Emperor".

"The Lover" won an award in Cannes, and "Red Sorghum" won an award in Berlin. Although "The Last Emperor" has not yet been completed, with the blessing of a great director like Bertolucci and an investment of 25 million US dollars, it has already been completed. It is destined to be shortlisted for major film festivals, it is just a question of how many awards it will win in the end.

Counting on his fingers, Mr. Lin has never missed a beat in the film industry in the past few years.

Simply terrible!

If we can cooperate, doesn't it mean we have a golden opportunity?

After chatting with Cheng Kaige, it was already afternoon, and the crew ended work early today.

"The Last Emperor" is a big production crew, and it will take more than a day just to pack up the belongings and move them. Bertolucci and others are preparing to leave the day after tomorrow, and there will be no announcement tomorrow.

Thomas held a special banquet in the evening and entertained Teng Jinxian, Zhang Zhongpei, Lin Weimin and others. Cheng Kaige accompanied the last person and was mainly responsible for pouring the wine.

Even so, Comrade Kaige was happy with it.

World-class directors, directors of film bureaus, literary figures, not everyone has the opportunity to attend such a high-end dinner.

During the dinner, Teng Jinxian heard that Cheng Kaige planned to go to the United States to study, and he specially encouraged him.

Frankly speaking, Cheng Kaige's reputation in the domestic film industry has now been established. Even the failure of "King of Children" actually had no big impact on him. It was just more gossip.

Teng Jinxian was very supportive of him letting go of his burdens and choosing to study abroad.

After the banquet, "The Last Emperor" officially moved to Changchun.

The next morning, Lin Weimin did not go to work directly, but drove to Haimenkou first. Today is the award ceremony of the Taofen Publishing Award.

Lin Weimin showed his work permit and invitation card, and then entered the sea after some inspections.

The standards of the Taofen Publishing Award are very high. Three departments and organizations including the Ministry of Rites, the Press and Publication Administration, and the National Publishing Association came forward, and the award ceremony was held directly in the People's Hall.

Lin Weimin is very familiar with this place. He used to come once or twice a year, but in the past two years there have been fewer visits.

The layout of the venue was full of the characteristics of the 1980s. All the heavyweights in the domestic publishing industry were present, and the people sitting on the rostrum were also senior officials and leaders.

Lin Weimin sat with several leaders of the Chinese Literature Society, as well as today's awardee Wang Yangchen. The old comrade's face was rosy and he was full of emotions.

When it was time to award the award, Wang Yangchen stood up quickly when he heard his name.

He has waited too long for this honor!

A group of winners came on stage one after another. There were almost no young winners on the stage. They were all old comrades who were over fifty years old.

This is also normal. The Taofen Publishing Award itself rewards senior people who have been involved in the publishing field for many years. If a young face suddenly appears, there will definitely be a shady story.

National Literature Publishing House, Zhonghua Book Company, Sanlian Bookstore, CC Xinhua Bookstore, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Children's Publishing House...

The organizations where the award-winning comrades work are all well-known domestic publishing institutions and bookstores. This also reflects the professionalism and limitations of the Taofen Publishing Award.

After the award ceremony, there were interviews and greetings. The Publication Department is the agency in charge of the Chinese Literature Society. Lin Weimin chatted with several leaders, and then several leaders from the Etiquette Department came over.

After the greetings, the leader looked at Lin Weimin with a smile on his face and said, "Comrade Weimin is really young and promising. We heard a lot about you winning the award some time ago. You bring glory to the country! You bring glory to the country!"

Since the beginning of this year, there have been many awards related to Lin Weimin, including the Golden Bear Award for "Red Sorghum", the National Book Critics Circle Award for "Burning", and the Tony Award for "The Kite Runner".

In just half a year, he was able to win so many honors overseas, which is also very helpful for the government's internal propaganda.

"The leader gave me the award, it was just a fluke." Lin Weimin said politely.

The first waved his hand, "Hey, being too modest is pride. We in the Ministry of Etiquette have records of your awards abroad in the past few years. I wouldn't know if you didn't check them. I'll be shocked when I check them! You are a big award-winner in our domestic literary and art circles. !”

When the top leader said this, the people around him couldn't help laughing. The border officer said: "Weimin is the treasure of our publishing system!"

The leader pretended to be unhappy and said: "Comrade Chunguang, are you trying to stop me with your words in advance? Are you afraid that I will abduct your precious baby?"

"Hehe, this is called nip in the bud!"

It looks like a joke, but it's actually half true.

The Press and Publication Administration is now directly under the State Council, but it is still inextricably linked to the Ministry of Rites. If the Ministry of Rites really wants to pry Lin Weimin away, there will be many suitable positions, and this must be guarded against.

After the joke, the leader encouraged him again: "I read the previous film "Burning". It was very well written and profoundly criticized the corruption of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. When will the new work be published? I would also like to read it! "

After the top leader said this, before Lin Weimin made a statement, Cheng Wuchun's face looked a little unnatural.

Are you still looking forward to his new works?

I'm afraid that when you see it, you won't smile so brightly.

"It's coming soon, it will be published within two months!" Lin Weimin said with a smile.

"I am looking forward!"

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