1980 My literary era

Chapter 462 The Consequences of “Banned Books”

Lin Weimin's "Hunting" was published in the tenth issue of "Contemporary" this year, and sold nearly 1.5 million copies in just one month.

While public opinion continues to ferment, the sales volume of this issue is also rising very rapidly.

Before Lin Weimin submitted an article to "Literary News" for the second time, the sales volume of the tenth issue of "Contemporary" had exceeded 2 million copies.

This kind of sales volume can only be matched by those popular literature publications across the country. In the field of pure literature, no one can beat it, including "Harvest".

What was even more terrifying was that after "Literary News" published Lin Weimin's second article, when readers heard that "Hunting" would no longer be published within ten years, everyone's first reaction was to run to Go to a bookstore or newsstand and buy a copy of "Contemporary."

Even if they have bought and read this novel before, many readers still choose to buy it again.

It will no longer be published within ten years, which means that if you want to see the novel "Hunting", you can only go through the tenth issue of "Contemporary" in 1987, and there is no other channel.

For countless literature lovers in the 1980s, this was like the manuscripts that were popular twenty years ago. Everyone tried their best to get a copy.

But the reality is that the sales volume of "Contemporary" is stable between 1.2 million and 1.4 million copies most of the time, so the printing volume of each issue will be roughly within this range.

After Lin Weimin's work was published, "Contemporary" adjusted the first printing quantity, starting from 1.8 million copies.

Then because the sales were so hot, another 600,000 copies were printed.

After the article in "Literary News" was published, the sales volume of this issue of "Contemporary" has gradually declined to a stable stage. The stocks of bookstores, post offices, newsstands and other sales channels across the country are as high as 400,000 copies. Basically, Satisfied the follow-up sales of this issue of "Contemporary".

But no one expected that Lin Weimin's article would trigger such a huge rush to buy.

In just four or five days, the publications from all channels were sold out. At the same time, readers' purchasing needs were not met and they asked for additional books.

A flood of subscription requests came from all over the country to the Chinese Literature Society. In just three days, the number of subscriptions for the tenth issue of "Contemporary" reached an astonishing 800,000 copies.

And this subscription demand continues to increase, with a six-digit rate continuing to climb every day.

Faced with this sudden situation, the leaderless editorial department of "Contemporary" did not dare to make the decision without authorization, and could only hand over the data to the president Cheng Wuchun.

Cheng Wuchun looked at the demand for subscriptions in his hand and couldn't believe it.

"Contemporary" has been on sale for two months, so how can there be so much demand for it?

"President, it should be related to the article we published in "Literary News" for the people. The current situation is that not only those who have read "Hunting" before want to buy our publication, but also those who have only heard of "Hunting" or not read it, and even Potential readers who had never heard of it were all swept up by these readers who snapped up the book."

He Qizhi is right. The number of subscriptions sent from all over the country has now completely exceeded the readership of this issue of "Contemporary". Among these subscription messages are not only loyal readers of "Contemporary" and Lin Weimin, but also readers who follow the trend and join in the fun.

After all, it is very novel in itself for a writer to voluntarily propose that his novel will not be published or published for ten years.

It is not that there were no "banned books" in the country in the past, but they were all passive in nature. This was the first time for readers to see ordinary people like Lin Weimin.

Readers who have read it want to buy another copy as a souvenir.

Readers who have not read it are curious to see what is so magical about this novel.

There were countless readers who followed the trend, and the trend quickly formed in just a few days.

After hearing He Qizhi's explanation, Cheng Wuchun thought for a moment and said, "Inform the printing house to print an additional 1 million copies first."

"What about the orders that continue to come in?"

"Let's talk in a few days. This trend should not last too long. It should pass in ten days and a half. We will print again in a few days depending on the situation."


After receiving instructions from the Chinese Publishing House, the printing factory worked overtime overnight.

Two days later, trucks loaded with newly printed copies of "Contemporary" came out of the printing plant and were then sent to the railway freight terminal, where these publications would be distributed to cities across the country.


The plane passed through Xiangjiang and arrived in France. After Lin Weimin landed, he met his long-lost old friend Gary Yang.

After the physically uncomfortable kissing ceremony, Galyan's mouth was like a machine gun and he kept talking.

Enthusiasm is real enthusiasm, but noisy is also really noisy.

In addition to Galliyan, an employee of Gallimard Publishing House, there was also Counselor Zhong from the Chinese History Museum in France.

Lin Weimin felt flattered to have the No. 2 person from the History Museum pick him up at the airport.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Counselor Zhong thanked Lin Weimin specifically. His coming to participate in the Goncourt Prize this time will indeed help the cultural exchanges between China and France.

Specific to the details, for example, I was invited to attend the award ceremony of this year's Goncourt Literary Prize. In this way, communication from culture to politics was smooth.

After staying at the hotel, Lin Weimin rested for a few hours and accepted the banquet hosted by the History Museum.

The next day, Lin Weimin, led by Galliyan, visited the headquarters of Gallimard Publishing House, and then discussed publishing matters.

The Goncourt Literary Prize was established by the French naturalist novelist Edmond de Goncourt in memory of his younger brother Jules de Goncourt.

Edmond de Goncourt made a will on July 14, 1874. In order to commemorate his brother, he would use his inheritance as a fund to establish a selection committee for the Immediate Goncourt Literary Prize, and designated Flaubert, Zola, Ten friendly writers including Doude became the first academician and it was officially established in 1903.

For more than half a century, the Prix Goncourt has selected a novel every year. The winners include Proust, Malraux, Simone de Beauvoir, and other famous writers. It is not only France’s prestigious literary award, It also has a decisive influence in European and world literary circles.

One thing that people have criticized about the Goncourt Literary Prize is the amount of the prize. Initially, the prize money for the Goncourt Literary Prize was 5,000 francs as stipulated by Edmond. In 1960, it was changed to 50 francs due to inflation. Now in the 1980s , the bonus is still maintained at this standard, but due to inflation, the value of the bonus is lower.

However, the amount of the prize is more of a symbol for the Prix Goncourt. What is more important about this award is its unique influence.

Many works that were originally unknown before winning the award, after being recognized by the Prix Goncourt, not only sell well in France, but are also translated into multiple languages ​​and published in various countries around the world.

According to statistics in recent years, in France alone, these Goncourt Literary Prize-winning works can sell an average of 400,000 copies, and the authors have become world-famous, and their destiny has been completely changed through the Goncourt Literary Prize.

This time Gallimard Publishing House invited Lin Weimin to France, which was certainly not without purpose.

With the influence of their publishing house in the French literary world, they have already locked in the outcome of this Goncourt Literary Prize.

Lin Weimin won the Goncourt Literature Prize for "The Lover", which is naturally of great benefit to the spread of his works overseas.

Because of the movie "Lover", the French version of "Lover" was published in French-speaking areas around the world through Gallimard Publishing House. The sales volume was quite impressive. It has sold nearly 900,000 copies in more than half a year. For a translated work In general, this result is excellent.

Now that "The Lover" has won the Prix Goncourt, with the influence of the award, sales will naturally be greatly increased in the next few years.

Not only that, but the reputation of the author Lin Weimin will also benefit from this.

Naturally, other works created by Lin Weimin will ride on this trend and be expected and welcomed by more readers.

Gallimard Publishing House not only invited Lin Weimin to visit this time, but also to discuss the publication of other works under his name.

This time Gallimard Publishing House was well prepared and put forward a list of books it wanted to publish.

Lin Weimin looked at the last name on the bookstore and smiled: "Your publishing house is indeed very well prepared, even "Hunting" is listed."

As a negotiator, Galliyan felt a little complacent, "This is natural. Lin, our publishing house is very sincere."

Lin Weimin said: "But do you know that I have decided not to publish the novel "Hunting" in a short time?"

Galyan was a little surprised, "Why?"

"The reason is very complicated, and I won't be able to explain it to you for a while."

Seeing that Lin Weimin was unwilling to say more, Galiyang felt a little regretful, "Well, in that case, it seems that this novel will be crossed out from the reading list."

After crossing out "Hunting", there are only four books left on the book list. Among Lin Weimin's works in recent years, they are also the ones with the most overseas publications and the best results.

"Farewell My Concubine", "Horse Trapper", "The Chase" and "Burning".

With the last negotiation experience, Galiyang learned his lesson this time and instead of nagging Lin Weimin, he made a direct offer.

15% royalties, the number of first printing copies of the four novels ranges from 150,000 to 300,000, which is full of sincerity.

Judging from the performance of Gallimard Publishing House, the influence of the Goncourt Literary Prize is indeed extraordinary, and Lin Weimin happily signed the publishing contract.

After the publishing matters were agreed upon, in the evening, Gallimard Publishing House held a welcome dinner specially for Lin Weimin.

Under the introduction of editor-in-chief Andre, Lin Weimin got to know a circle of guests present.

Many of these people are writers who have won the Prix Goncourt, including Michel Tournier who wrote "The Alder King", Yves Navarre who wrote "The Menagerie", and "Anne Marie" 》Lucien Bodart...

These people have a unified sign, that is, they are all promoted by Gallimard Publishing House.

This shows the influence of Gallimard Publishing House on the Goncourt Literary Prize, and those present seemed to be accustomed to such results.

In addition to writers, several directors from the film industry also came to the dinner.

When it comes to French film genres in later generations, many literary and artistic young people may be most impressed by the so-called "New Wave" films and directors.

But in fact, in the French film circle, there are still a group of filmmakers who are more literary and artistic than the New Wave.

This group of filmmakers does not have a core statement, and they rarely appear in groups in the film industry, but they have two common characteristics.

One of them is that this group of people generally live on the left bank of the Seine, so they are also called left bankers by the French.

Another characteristic is that this group of people basically have literary creation experience. Many of them were novel writers or screenwriters before becoming filmmakers. This experience directly affected their film style.

The experience of coming from a literary background destined Left Bank filmmakers to have intensive contacts with the French literary circle. However, after their heyday in the 1960s, Left Bank directors have now lost their glory and have gradually been classified as the New Wave that detonated France. Go among the directors.

Alain Resnais is the backbone of the Left Bank directors and the standard bearer of the New Wave promoted by the French.

In 1959, he directed his first film "Hiroshima Mon Amour" and won the FIPRESCI Award at the 12th Cannes International Film Festival. In 1961, he directed the feature film "Last Year at Marienbad" which won the Golden Lion Award at the 26th Venice International Film Festival. In 1980, he directed the feature film "My American Uncle" and won the Jury Prize at the 33rd Cannes International Film Festival.

Lin Weimin was surprised that Gallimard Publishing House could invite this great director.

When Lin Weimin was studying at the Institute of Literary Studies, he went to Xiaoxitian to watch internal reference films, including Alain Resnais's "Hiroshima Mon Amour".

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