1980 My literary era

Chapter 497 Thousands of Meters of Knife

"Hope Elementary School? You are indeed a writer. What a great name!"

At around ten o'clock in the evening, a black Mercedes-Benz was speeding down the streets of Yanjing. Zheng Guo was sitting in the passenger seat with a jealous and weird look on his face.

The two arrived at Muxidi after dinner and stayed at Zheng's father's house for almost four hours. The whole time, Zheng's father took Lin Weimin to exchange various ideas about Hope Primary School, so that Zheng Guo, his own son who came to receive praises, was stunned. was ignored.

"Look at how petty you are. What we are doing now is a great thing that benefits the country and the people! When this thing comes true in the future, I will give you an official position, full of majesty!"

Lin Weimin deceived Zheng Guo into his heart. According to what Lin Weimin and his father talked about in the evening, he hoped that if the matter of primary school could really get into trouble, it would be a famous name that would last forever!

He, Zheng Guo, doesn't like to be an official, but it's hard for people to refuse such a thing as leaving his name in history!

"Why don't you be an official? If you can participate in such a great thing that benefits the country and the people, it will be a meritorious deed."

When Zheng Guo got out of the car downstairs, Lin Weimin said, "Let's go!"

"For the people!" Zheng Guo called Lin Weimin.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Weimin lowered the window and asked.

Zheng Guo smiled at him and waved his hand, "It's okay, let's go!"

"Let's go!" Lin Weimin said, and the Mercedes-Benz quickly disappeared into the night.

Zheng Guo looked at the Mercedes-Benz that was no longer visible, feeling filled with emotion.

He and Lin Weimin have known each other since they were young. He likes to take advantage of others, so people like him are naturally disliked.

But ever since he met Lin Weimin, he has never disliked him.

He still remembers the Chinese New Year in 1981. Lin Weimin went to Mr. Wan's house to celebrate the New Year. Shi Tiesheng and his sister came to give him dumplings. Lin Weimin was not here, so he celebrated the New Year alone and couldn't help but eat all the dumplings.

When he told Lin Weimin about this the next day, Lin Weimin not only didn't feel displeased at all, but brought him a bunch of vegetables back in the evening.

There is also his wife Yao Shuzhi, who was also brought together by Lin Weimin.

The past events were vivid in his mind, and when the cold wind blew, Zheng Guo felt his nose sore.

In the past few years, Lin Weimin asked him to do several things, not for himself, but for others. Of course, Zheng Guo was in trouble. After all, this cost people and relationships.

But Zheng Guo never refused, not only because of the friendship in the past, but also because he knew that if the person in need of help one day was himself, Lin Weimin would also lend a helping hand.

How could such a friend not help?

Today Lin Weimin came to ask for donations to build a school. Zheng Guo knew that this was of course not only because of what happened to Mr. Tan. Lin Weimin also wanted to return the favor to their family.

Three favors, thirty million!

Lin Weimin's way of returning favors was unique and extremely extravagant. He had never asked anyone for personal matters, and when he returned favors, he did not use them for personal matters.

For the people, for the people!

In the darkness, Zheng Guo let out a sigh.

When he went to work the next day, Lin Weimin was surrounded by his colleagues as soon as he arrived at the unit.

"For the people, I heard that you want to donate to build 100 schools. Is it true?"

Everyone was talking around Lin Weimin. He glanced in the direction of Yao Shuzhi, and Yao Shuzhi looked away guiltily.

There is no impermeable wall in the Chinese Literature Society, and there is no editor who does not spread gossip. This fine tradition cannot be lost at any time.

Faced with everyone's curiosity and questioning, Lin Weimin did not answer.

This aggravated the curiosity of colleagues, and the news spread throughout the Chinese Literature Society in just half a day.

Everyone is discussing that the name "Lin Wanwan" may not be worthy of the name now given to Lin Weimin.

At the outset, there are 100 primary schools, which is at least 18 million at least, or 20 to 30 million more.

If you call someone Lin Wanwan again, wouldn't that mean you're killing someone?

Just when everyone was discussing whether to call Lin Weimin "Lin Wanwan" or "Lin Yiyi", he was called to the office by Cheng Wanchun.

"What's going on? Everyone in the club is saying that you want to donate to build a school?" Cheng Wuchun asked.

Lin Weimin nodded, "That's the plan."

"Really a hundred?"


It took Cheng Wuchun a while to digest the news and said: "Be low-key in your work from now on, and don't spread the word so loudly. Let's not talk about the impact. What if some criminals target you because of this?"

"It's not like you don't know the old traditions in our club. How can you hide something for two days?"

Lin Weimin's words made Cheng Wanchun a little embarrassed. It was impossible to expect the literati to keep secrets.

"If the news spreads, you should be more careful when you go out in the future!"

Lin Weimin naturally understood Cheng Wuchun's good intentions.

"Thank you for your concern, leader."

A few days later, Lin Weimin was at work when he received a call and was urgently summoned to the sea.

Regarding the "Hope Primary School" initiative, Zheng's father gave a report and received great attention from the leaders. After careful study, he believed that this proposal was feasible.

"Comrade Weimin, your initiative is great! There are areas where our government is not doing its job well, and we need the help of enthusiastic people like you. This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

ZY has decided to establish the China Youth Education Development Foundation. You are the initiator of this Hope Primary School project. I wonder if you will serve as the president of this foundation? "

The elder smiled kindly and extended an invitation to Lin Weimin.

A nationally renowned foundation invited him to be the president. Lin Weimin knew how much he was worth and said, "Boss, you have given me the award. All I can do is make an initiative. More important tasks must be done by capable comrades." implement."

The elder smiled and said: "Yes, I forgot. You are the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary", the deputy editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society, and a great writer. You are very busy on weekdays!"

Lin Weimin smiled modestly, and the leader said: "Well, how about becoming an honorary president?"

"Is this...appropriate?" Lin Weimin asked.

There are not many foundations in China nowadays. Most of them are established under the leadership of the government, and the honorary presidents are basically elder-level leaders.

The elder joked: "Young people should not be hesitant when doing things. You are the initiator and initiator of this foundation, and you are also the comrade who has made the most donations. Being an honorary president is more than enough in my opinion!"

Lin Weimin laughed and said: "Since you always say that, then I will do my part!"

"That's right, young people must have such momentum!" the big leader encouraged.

After talking about the business, the elder took another photo with Lin Weimin. Lin Weimin smiled and said, "If you take this photo out later, you will be able to brag about it."

The senior leader also smiled and said: "I can also brag about taking a photo with Lin Weimin, a famous writer at home and abroad!"

The conversation ended in joy and harmony, and the establishment of the China Youth Education Development Foundation was also put on the agenda.

To establish a foundation, the first most important thing is naturally funding.

Appointed as the honorary president by the elders, Lin Weimin donated 10 million yuan with a wave of his hand to the account just opened by the foundation.

Now the exchange rate of rice knives to renminbi has reached 1:3.7, and these 10 million knives are equivalent to more than 37 million yuan, not to mention foreign exchange.

Of course, the establishment of the foundation was not only funded by Lin Weimin, but also 3,500 yuan from various units involved in the matter.

In addition, the first wave of fundraising for the foundation had already started quietly before it was established. The elders first donated 5,000 yuan in the name of "an old Communist Party member", and then civil servants from various government agencies in Yanjing The crowd gathered in Jingcong and poured out a lot of blood, raising millions of donations in a short period of time.

After nearly a month of preparation, and with the approval of the civil affairs department, the China Youth Education Development Foundation was established in Beijing. The press conference was held in Haili that day. Lin Weimin and a group of ministry leaders were interviewed.

At about 7 pm on December 23, "Xinwen Lianbo" broadcast the news.

"At 10 o'clock this morning, the my country Youth Education and Development Foundation was established in Beijing. The foundation was initiated by Lin Weimin, a famous Chinese writer and screenwriter, and led by Tuan ZY. It was jointly established by many ministries of education, culture, publicity, science and technology, etc. It raised a total of The donation amounted to more than 75 million yuan.

The establishment of the China Youth Education Development Foundation aims to improve the quality of school running in some poor areas through social assistance funds and materials and other activities.

Under the initiative of Lin Weimin, founder of the foundation, the foundation will launch the "Hope Primary School" project, planning to build 200 hope primary schools across the country in three years to help underdeveloped areas improve school conditions and help out-of-school children return to school.

Anyone who is willing to donate money to aid the construction of Hope Primary School or fund the renovation of dilapidated school buildings can remit the donation to the China Youth Education Development Foundation. The contact information and address of the foundation are as follows. We hope that the public will actively participate. "

In the TV screen, Lin Weimin sat in the same row with a group of ministry leaders and was interviewed by reporters, firmly sitting in the C position.

The news of "Xinwen Lianbo" spread to thousands of households along with the TV screen. Many people did not realize the specialness of the establishment of the China Youth Education and Development Foundation, but everyone paid attention to Lin Weimin's name.

It's not that Lin Weimin has never been on "Xinwen Lianbo" before, but it was mostly because his works won awards and brought honor to the country, but this time his image and name appeared in "Xinwen Lianbo" which makes people feel very unusual.

China Youth Education and Development Foundation, the name sounds like a national-level foundation.

In the news footage, Lin Weimin was among the leaders of the ministry, and he was also the founder of this national foundation. This seemed a bit strange no matter how you thought about it.

Many people were murmuring while watching the news. It was only when many heavyweight media began to report on the China Youth Education Development Foundation and the Hope Primary School Project the next day that everyone understood what was going on.

Thank you for your concern. I feel a lot better today.

Back pain is an old problem. I have time to go to the hospital to take a X-ray, but I don’t have time to treat the disease.

What can be done? We have to make money, so treatment can only be discussed after the book is finished.

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