1980 My literary era

Chapter 499 People who benefit the people

Spending money to heal your mood will probably be called a waste of money by anyone who sees it, but who makes Lin Weimin rich?

In recent years, the most widely circulated rumor about Lin Weimin in the domestic literary world is his wealth, and even many ordinary people are talking about it.

This time, he donated 37 million yuan to the China Youth Education and Development Foundation. After being reported by "Xinwen Lianbo" and many national media, it became the focus of heated discussions nationwide in just a few days.

Suddenly, someone donates tens of millions to support education. The general reaction of the common people to this matter is not only admiration but also appreciation.

Lin Weimin is a well-known writer in China, with tens of millions of readers. Most Chinese people have heard of his name even if they have not read his works.

Especially in the past few years, Lin Weimin has repeatedly won awards overseas for his works. He has brought glory to the country more than once, and has impressed and favored the common people at home.

In the minds of many people, there is only one thing missing between Lin Weimin and those world-famous writers.

He became famous too early. In the words of fans, his brother's flowering period is a bit long.

Other writers live in the hearts of readers. He may very well outlast his readers and still be alive and kicking.

Now that Lin Weimin has spent 37 million to support the country's education, countless people who have seen news reports have more than just a favorable impression of him.

How many children in poor areas can be helped to go to school with this much money?

This is a great deed of immeasurable merit. Everyone who saw the report praised Lin Weimin's contribution.

Buddha is born in every family!

After the initial reports by several national media, various local media followed up and reported. News about the "China Youth Education Development Foundation", "Project Hope" and "Lin Weimin" emerged one after another.

Among them, some media in Shanghai greatly praised Lin Weimin's generosity and called him "China's number one philanthropist." This title was soon reprinted and used by other media, and aroused praise and appreciation from the general public.

In the 1980s, there was no concept of "public welfare" and "charity" in China, and the few foundations were established under the leadership of government departments.

Since the reform and opening up, wealthy people from Hong Kong and overseas have made donations from time to time.

For example, Hong Kong's "Asian Shipping King" Pao Yukang donated 20 million yuan to the mainland through acquaintances in 1979, of which 10 million was used to build a modern tourist hotel in BJ, and the other 10 million was used to build a modern tourist hotel in BJ. Shanghai Jiaotong University builds a modern library.

There is also Huo Dongge in Xiangjiang, which spent nearly 10 million yuan to build the five-star White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou.

Under the official propaganda, ordinary people are no strangers to these things.

But Lin Weimin's situation is very different from these people.

First of all, in terms of status, the vast majority of people who donated money in the past were wealthy businessmen from Hong Kong and overseas, and were capitalists. At that time, whether these people could be asked to donate money was an issue worthy of discussion by the government and the private sector.

In the late 1970s, Pao Yugang wanted to donate 20 million yuan to the country, but he finally accepted it with the approval of the leader.

Lin Weimin is not a wealthy businessman, he is a scholar and a writer. From a purely ideological point of view, his money is much cleaner than that of those capitalists. Chinese people have always been tolerant and friendly towards such wealth.

Then there is the wealth level of both parties. Those wealthy businessmen who donate to the country are all worth tens of millions. The amount they donate is not a drop in the bucket of their own wealth, but it is certainly not something that breaks their bones.

In comparison, Lin Weimin's more than 30 million is likely to be half, or even most, of his net worth. Such a donation can be regarded as a righteous act.

Finally, there is the purpose of donation. Those wealthy businessmen who donate to the country do not rule out patriotism, but if they say that they are purely out of patriotism, it is difficult to convince the public. After all, when the country is in the most difficult time, no wealthy businessman is willing to do so. Reach out.

What is Lin Weimin’s donation for?

The common people thought for a long time that he could just get a roll call.

But isn’t his reputation big enough? Whether it is official recognition, media coverage, or appreciation from ordinary people, these are just the icing on the cake.

A flood of reports swept the attention of ordinary people. One of the reports in Shanghai's "Wenhui Po" quoted words written by great people.

"A person's ability may be great or small, but as long as he has this spirit, he is already a noble-minded person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped vulgar taste, a person who is useful to the people."

Countless people were filled with emotion when they saw this passage. The passage that the old man wrote in "In Memory of Bethune" probably described people like Lin Weimin!

The endless reports from various external media have not had a great impact on Lin Weimin. It is just that people have discussed it more. However, the impact on the China Youth Education Development Foundation and Hope Primary School is huge.

This foundation, which was born less than a month ago, and its upcoming charity projects have been reported by many media across the country and have become well-known to the general public in a short period of time. Many people have seen relevant reports through various media. , contact the foundation by writing letters or calling.

Some people asked in detail about the use of donated funds, some asked about the construction plan of Hope Primary School, and some people directly sent money...

In the first half month of the media bombardment, the China Youth Education Development Foundation raised a total of more than 3 million yuan in donations.

Although this number is not much compared to the previous fundraising figures, it is of great significance because all these donations come from ordinary people, which to a large extent represents a kind of public opinion and the people's support for the foundation and the Hope Project. recognized.

After receiving recognition from the public, the foundation couldn't wait to hold its first formal meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to formulate various regulations and standards for the construction of Hope Primary Schools and to determine the locations of the first batch of Hope Primary Schools in the country.

Lin Weimin attended this meeting as the honorary president of the foundation. During this period, the foundation has drafted a set of standards for the construction of Hope Primary School. The more important significance of today's meeting is to set a tone for the future construction of Hope Primary School. .

In addition to Lin Weimin and the cadres and staff of the foundation, journalists from many newspapers such as "People's Daily", "Farmers Daily", and "China Youth Daily" will also attend the meeting. These reporters will witness China's first The whole process of the birth of Batch Hope Primary School.

At the meeting, everyone had a heated discussion about the location principles of Hope Primary School.

China has a land area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers and a population of 1.1 billion. The economy of a large part of this area is still below the poverty line, and a considerable number of people are still worried about food and clothing.

The donations raised by the foundation are considerable, and it is impossible to flood the area. If that were the case, no matter how much money there was, it would not be enough. Therefore, the location and construction of the Hope Primary School must be targeted.

Many comrades involved were divided on two lines regarding the choice of Hope Primary School.

One group believes that resources should be directed as much as possible to truly poor areas, because these areas are the most lacking and in need of education.

The other group believes that limited resources should be directed as much as possible to those places that can afford to send children to school, because only in this way will the establishment of primary schools be worthwhile, otherwise it will cost the hard-earned money of the people to build them. The Hope Primary School is vacant because there is no money to attend it. That would be a joke.

Both sides had their own reasons for arguing, and the debate was red-faced.

In the end, with the support of honorary president Lin Weimin, the first batch of sites for Hope Primary School was officially determined.

There are a total of 10 Hope Primary Schools in this first batch, all of which are concentrated in the "Three West" areas where economic development is obviously backward and poverty-stricken people are concentrated. In GS Province, there are central arid areas represented by Dingxi, Hexi area and Ningxia Xihaigu arid area.

"I know some comrades don't understand. They think we should choose schools in areas with relatively better conditions. People have a high willingness to send their children to school, so the construction of our Hope Primary School will be more valuable.

In the places we have chosen, the people are so poor that they can hardly afford to eat, and they still have to go to school! How can I have money to go to school? "

In his final concluding remarks, Lin Weimin's words were slightly vulgar, and there was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

Lin Weimin also had a light smile on his face, and then his face gradually became serious.

“But, my comrades, it is because we are so poor that we must develop education even more.

Without knowledge and culture, can one get rid of poverty and become rich simply by relying on strength? Can you live a good life just by working hard?

Is it possible that China has been poor and weak for hundreds of years because our ancestors were not strong enough and industrious enough? Is there a nation in this world that is more industrious than the Chinese people? "

Lin Weimin's questions were so inspiring that the smiles on the faces of the participants disappeared and were replaced by dignified and depressed emotions.

“The worse the conditions are and the poorer we are, the more we need to engage in education. We want those children in the valleys who have been worrying about having enough to eat for generations to learn useful knowledge and use knowledge to broaden their horizons.

Only in this way will they have the opportunity and ability to change the poverty in themselves and their hometown.

Our Hope Primary School is to give hope and a future to those children who don’t even have enough to eat!

Comrades, no matter how poor you are, you cannot afford education! "

Lin Weimin's voice was impassioned and impactful. As soon as his words fell to the ground, everyone in the conference room spontaneously burst into uniform and warm applause. Everyone looked at him with excited faces and excited eyes.

That’s right, no matter how poor you are, you can’t afford education!

This is the significance of the birth of Hope Primary School!

The emotions of the foundation staff were completely aroused by Lin Weimin's impassioned speech. This group of people can't wait to go to the poorest and most difficult areas of the motherland to build their ideal Hope Primary School.

The reporters were equally excited. They ignored the applause and wrote furiously to record Lin Weimin's inspiring speech. These words must be published in newspapers so that all people in China can see them.

The applause lasted for a long time, and everyone wanted to clap their hands red and bruise them to show their approval and recognition of these words.

Lin Weimin waved his hands several times and finally stopped everyone's applause. Waiting for everyone's emotions to gradually calm down, his eyes swept across the crowd, and then he spoke slowly.

Everyone present looked at him in shock, and the conference room that had been lively and noisy just now fell silent for an instant.

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