1980 My literary era

Chapter 511 Good News

If we talk about his qualifications in the film industry, Chen Chong became famous much earlier than Gong Li, and the popularity of "Little Flower" even surpassed the "Red Sorghum" that Gong Li relied on to become famous.

But the reality is that Chen Chong gave up her promising future in China and came to study in the United States. Now she is just a nobody in the United States. After so many years, she cannot easily return to China and start over again.

On the other hand, Gong Li acted in "Red Sorghum" at a young age before graduating, and became the leading actress in the Berlin Golden Bear Award-winning film. She also starred in "The Last Emperor" and became the leading actress in the Oscar for Best Picture. International actress.

How could Chen Chong not be envious of such a dreamy acting career?

The biggest driving force behind Gong Li's emergence as an international actress is undoubtedly Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin is Zhang Yimou's top talent in the film industry. This is not news in China.

Chen Chong also heard that when Zhang Yimou chose the heroine for "Red Sorghum", his favorite one was actually Shi Ke from China Drama Theater, and it was Lin Weimin who chose Gong Li as the heroine for Zhang Yimou.

Chen Chong had to admit that Lin Weimin's eyes were very vicious, and Gong Li's performance in "Red Sorghum" was indeed amazing.

Needless to say when it comes to "The Last Emperor", Chen Chong still recalls that Gong Li was chosen as the heroine almost entirely because "Red Sorghum" won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival. Gong Li, the heroine, can give the movie She brings topicality and fits the role of the movie. There is no reason for the film crew not to use her.

All these things made Chen Chong fully understand that Lin Weimin was a golden thigh that could not be thicker.

Not only in the domestic film industry, but also in Hollywood.

If his works can promote Gong Li to become an international actress, then he can also promote himself to that position. The difference lies in whether he can get a role in the movie.

This is the biggest reason why Chen Chong has stayed on Broadway since returning from China and never went to Hollywood again.

If she could find an opportunity with Lin Weimin, it would probably be more useful than her several years in Hollywood.

Chen Chong's thoughts were just fleeting. Lin Weimin only had time to say a few words to her, and Arthur Miller ceremoniously pulled over a young blonde.

"Lin, this is my daughter Rebecca. She graduated from Yale University's art department and is now an actress."

Arthur Miller couldn't hide his pride when he introduced his daughter.

Rebecca Miller flew back from Los Angeles specifically to attend this dinner today. She has always been interested in her father's long-lasting friend Lin Weimin. She has read a lot of his works in the past two years and appreciates him even more.

Rebecca Miller's eyes sparkled when she looked at Lin Weimin, which made Tao Huimin on the side become subconsciously vigilant.

Lin Weimin recognized Rebecca Miller based on the memory of later generations. She later acted in many movies in Hollywood, such as "Night Terror", "The Lost Life", "The Love Song of Jack and Rose" and so on.

However, she is probably best known to movie fans as the wife of British actor Daniel Day-Lewis.

After getting to know each other with the guests, the dinner began and everyone chatted while eating.

Lin Weimin is the protagonist of today's dinner, and the topic naturally revolves around him. Compared with the first time he came to the United States, Lin Weimin now has too many topics worth talking about.

"I heard Steven took over your film adaptation of The Untouchables?" Rex Reed asked.

The filming of "The Intouchables" is no secret in Hollywood. Countless media, peers and audiences are paying attention to Spielberg's latest work, and Rex Reed is just stirring up the topic.

"Yes. This is all due to the producer Mr. Phillips, who has a good personal relationship with Mr. Spielberg." Lin Weimin said.

"I heard that Steven also got the copyright of your "Life is Beautiful No matter what"." Rex Reed asked tentatively.

Compared with the start of filming of "The Intouchables", Spielberg's acquisition of the copyright to "No Matter What, Life is Beautiful" is much more secretive. Rex Reed is obviously concerned about knowing this news. of this matter.

"You are really well informed," Lin Weimin said.

Not denying it means a yes answer.

Rex Reed received this answer and exclaimed: "Lin, your work will probably sweep the Oscars again!"

"The movie hasn't even been made yet! Mr. Reed, your prediction is too advanced!" Lin Weimin laughed.

"No, no, no, this is not a prediction, but an analysis." Rex Reed shook his head and denied Lin Weimin's words. He continued: "I have read your movie "No matter what, life is beautiful" and wrote it. It’s very good and in line with the taste of the Oscars. As long as Steven performs normally, it’s hard to win the award.”

At this point, he paused and said, "Speaking of which, I have actually seen the drama "The Intouchables" that is currently being filmed, and maybe it will win a few awards."

Following Rex Reed's topic, the two naturally talked about the Academy Awards, the highest award in the American film industry.

Senior producers like Rex Reed, who have been around Hollywood all year round, see the Oscars that are completely different from the Oscars that ordinary Americans and foreigners see, with a lot less of the unattainable mystery. It feels more like intrigues and intrigues in public relations.

Rex Reed told some Oscar secrets at the dinner, which stunned several guests who had not had much contact with Hollywood.

When Chen Chong heard this information, he felt a huge impact in his heart. At the same time, he became more determined to embrace Lin Weimin.

If she really relies on herself, when will she be able to look good in a big dyeing vat like Hollywood?

The dinner ended in a happy atmosphere.

After Arthur Miller's welcome dinner, Lin Weimin took Tao Huimin to Broadway the next night.

"The Kite Runner" was staged at the Nederlander Theater at 208 West 41st Street. It has been two years since the show, and it has gradually passed the peak of this play.

"I've watched a lot of your plays before, but this is the first time I've watched them performed abroad." Tao Huimin said, looking at the ticket stub in her hand.

"The plot is roughly the same, but the language and actors are different."

Today's ticket was specially prepared by Arthur Miller for Lin Weimin. His work has been staged in the United States for two years, but Lin Weimin, the original screenwriter, has not seen it. Now that he returns, the United States will naturally make up for this regret.

The two of them were sitting in the best seats in the theater, and the audience around them was entering the theater one after another. It was bustling with people. For the first time, Tao Huimin truly felt the influence of Lin Weimin's works in the United States.

"So many people came to watch your play!"

"Broadway is the home of drama in the United States, and there are certainly many audiences here."

The two chatted casually, and after a while, the stage curtain opened and the performance officially began.

Tao Huimin's English was not very good, so Lin Weimin translated the plot for her from time to time.

"Hey, is that Chen Chong?" Tao Huimin pointed to an actor on the stage and whispered in surprise. She and Chen Chong had only met yesterday. Seeing each other again on the stage in a foreign country today, there was an inexplicable sense of surprise.

"is her."

The two people's voices were very low, for fear of affecting the viewing of the drama by the people next to them.

After more than two hours, the performance officially ended. The audience in the theater burst into warm applause, and the actors returned to the stage one after another for the curtain call.

Just then, Arthur Miller walked onto the stage.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, hello, welcome to the Nederlander Theater tonight to watch "The Kite Runner". I am one of the screenwriters of this play, Arthur Miller!"

The audience applauded to a climax.

Arthur Miller is the Tarzan Beidou in the American theater world. The audience is naturally familiar with him, and many people came to watch this play because of his name.

"As we all know, "The Kite Runner" is adapted from the work of Chinese writer Mr. Lin Weimin."

At this point, Arthur Miller paused, and then his voice became a little louder.

"Today, on the occasion of the 900th performance of "The Kite Runner", Mr. Lin Weimin, the original author and screenwriter, came to the Nederland Theater. Let us welcome him with the warmest applause!"

Arthur Miller applauded as he spoke, and the applause in the theater became even more grand. The audience was pleasantly surprised by this Easter egg at the curtain call today.

Lin Weimin was equally surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a play at the Nederlander Theater today.

Although he was surprised, he did not hesitate and walked onto the stage from the audience to thunderous applause.

Many of the audience today were shocked to see such a young Lin Weimin on the stage.

In the past few years, Lin Weimin's works have become more and more prominent in the United States, and his reputation as an author and screenwriter has also grown day by day. He is no longer the unknown person he was when he came to the United States a few years ago.

National Book Critics Circle Award, Tony Award, Goncourt Literary Award, Academy Award...

Amidst the bombardment of media reports, more and more American readers and viewers are increasingly impressed by Lin Weimin, a writer from China.

Off the stage, the applause of many audiences lasted for a long time.

"Thank you, thank you all!" Lin Weimin bowed to everyone. Seeing him speak, the applause began to fall.

Lin Weimin continued: "I have been friends with Mr. Arthur Miller for many years. I am honored that my work can be brought to the Broadway stage by him, and even more honored to be loved by the audience. Here, I would like to solemnly express my gratitude to Arthur Miller. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Miller. Without him, I don’t think my work would be seen by so many audiences, let alone receive so many honors!”

Arthur Miller couldn't help but hugged Lin Weimin. Over the years, the two have always cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding, which was a rare harmony in Arthur Miller's decades of drama creation career.

The applause from the audience became even more enthusiastic. This is what the audience likes to watch the most.

Arthur Miller whispered to Lin Weimin: "Lin, can I announce the good news here?"

Lin Weimin smiled and gestured to him.

Arthur Miller suppressed his inner excitement and spoke again.

"In 1983, I was invited by the famous Chinese playwright Mr. Wan Jiabao to visit China, where I met Lin and also appreciated an outstanding drama work, which kicked off my cooperation with Lin.

From "The Intouchables" to "The Kite Runner", our cooperation has achieved great success, which also strengthens our belief in continuing to cooperate.

Over the years, I have been obsessed with that outstanding play.

Today, here, on the stage of the Nederlander Theatre, I would like to solemnly announce good news to you.

Lin has agreed to send his outstanding work, "Farewell My Concubine" to the Broadway stage. In the near future, the audience will enjoy this wonderful art work on Broadway! "

After Arthur Miller announced the news impassionedly, the audience was silent for a moment, and then thunderous applause resounded throughout the theater.

Taking the kids out to play, there are only two updates today.

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