1980 My literary era

Chapter 515 What’s your secret?

The revision of the script for the American version of "Farewell My Concubine" lasted nearly a month and was finally completed. Since there was no need to revise the historical and cultural background, the first draft of the script was completed very quickly.

But it was precisely under this circumstance that Lin Weimin and Arthur Miller were even more cautious and cautious in revising the script. The complete Eastern culture and historical background was an extremely bold attempt, and they had to do so.

The script has been released, but it is far from being finalized. Next, the cast and crew need to go through rough rehearsals on the stage and revise the content of the script word by word before it is finalized.

Arthur Miller did not personally participate in the production of "Farewell My Concubine" this time. He is getting older and less energetic. Spending several hours a day discussing the script with Lin Weimin has already consumed a lot of energy. .

So this time the producer of "Farewell My Concubine" became Arthur Miller's old partner Kermit Bloomgarden. Before the script was released, Kermit Bloomgarden had already started the preparation of the crew. Work.

When setting up the crew, the first problem they have to face is the issue of actors. The completely Orientalized cultural and historical background of "Farewell My Concubine" is destined to require a large number of Asian actors.

As soon as the news came out, it set off the Broadway drama circle in just a few days.

On Broadway, it's not that there are no Chinese or Asian actors, but that there are too few outstanding ones.

Most people can only hang out at the bottom of Broadway. For the sake of their dreams, they rely on part-time jobs to make ends meet and occasionally play marginal roles.

Now there is finally a play with a Chinese protagonist, and it is a work backed by top Broadway playwrights such as Arthur Miller and Kermit Bloomgarden. Countless Asian actors are focusing their attention on " For the play "Farewell My Concubine", resumes are pouring in.

Although the work is written about Chinese people, it is now being performed in the United States. Everyone is of yellow race and speaks English. In theory, the opportunities are equal.

Of course, this equality can only be theoretical.

With Lin Weimin, a Chinese screenwriter, Chinese or Chinese actors will definitely be a priority.

This is not because Lin Weimin is deliberately interfering with the casting of the crew. Even if he does not speak, the other main characters in the crew will subconsciously consider his feelings as the original author and screenwriter.

Lin Weimin did not take care of the preparation and casting of the crew. When he had time, he also wanted to take Tao Huimin on more tours in the United States. Unfortunately, his wishful thinking was interrupted by Arthur Miller before he could implement it.

"Interview?" Lin Weimin was a little surprised.

"That's right. In the interview with "The New Yorker", one of their reporters watched the performance of "The Kite Runner" that day. Knowing that you are in the United States now, they called me to find out about your situation, and then asked me to ask Can you accept their interview?" Arthur Miller explained.

He saw Lin Weimin's expression of embarrassment and knew that he wanted to refuse. The two had known each other for so many years, and he knew Lin Weimin's personality quite well and knew that he didn't like being interviewed.

"Your work has been in the United States for such a long time, so it's time for it to be exposed to the public. "Farewell My Concubine" is in preparation. This can also be regarded as a kind of promotion for the dialogue drama."

Arthur Miller's persuasion made Lin Weimin hesitate. Speaking of being able to promote "Farewell My Concubine", this can be regarded as a kind of responsibility to his partners!

"Okay, but you have to make it clear to them and don't ask any random questions!" Lin Weimin made his request.

Arthur Miller complained: "For a guy as busy as you, you really should find an agent."

“The agent costs money, but you don’t.”

Lin Weimin retorted, and Arthur Miller was speechless.

After communicating on the phone for a long time, Arthur Miller said: "We have already communicated. We will pay attention to the scale of the interview when the time comes. Is it okay to make an appointment the day after tomorrow?"

"No problem, you know, I'm available at any time." Lin Weimin said calmly.

"Reporters don't have time!"

After staying at Arthur Miller's house for a long time, I returned home to rest for a while in the evening, and suddenly there was a doorbell ringing at home.

Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin were both a little surprised. They lived in the Dakota Apartment on rent, and there were very few visitors on weekdays. Acquaintances like Arthur Miller and his wife would call in advance if they wanted to visit.

Lin Weimin came to the door and glanced at the cat's eye. Standing at the door was a middle-aged white woman with blond hair.

He opened the door. This white woman wearing black-rimmed glasses greeted Lin Weimin warmly and introduced herself as Annie Liebowitz, a photographer.

Lin Weimin looked at her and said, "I'm sorry, what can I do?"

"I'm your neighbor downstairs. I recently heard that a new neighbor moved in upstairs. I made some cookies."

Anne Liebowitz gestured to what she was carrying, and Lin Weimin hurriedly said: "Sorry, we are just staying here, please come in!"

After letting Annie Liebowitz into the room, Lin Weimin called Tao Huimin, and she went to make a few cups of coffee.

A few people sat on the sofa in the living room and exchanged a few words. Tao Huimin looked a little surprised when she heard the name of Anne Liebovitz and found a copy of Vanity Fair that she had placed on the bedside.

During this time in the United States, Tao Huimin has been practicing English hard and looking for some English reading materials every day. Her favorites are entertainment and gossip magazines.

Tao Huimin pointed to one of the names in Vanity Fair and asked, "Is this you?"

Anne Liebowitz nodded, with a bit of pride on her face.

Tao Huimin said to Lin Weimin: "Weimin, she is a very famous photographer!"

Lin Weimin nodded slightly. A photographer who lives in Dakota's apartment must be famous.

Anne Liebowitz shot for Rolling Stone magazine in her early years and was well-known in the photography world for her celebrity portraits.

In 1983, she became the chief photographer of "Vanity Fair" magazine and has been a contributor to "VOGUE" magazine for a long time. She has photographed almost all the big names in the American film and television industry, as well as political figures such as the President of the United States and the Queen of England. In the lens of her. His works have won numerous awards, been exhibited on tour, and published albums. His reputation and influence in the American photography community are second to none.

"Recently everyone said that an Asian writer lived in Rex Reed's house. I was very curious, so I came to pay a visit." Anne Lipowitz explained the reason for her visit and complimented: " I’ve also seen your work, it’s very good!”


After chatting for a while, Anne Liebovitz said: "Tomorrow I will have a small salon at my home. All my good friends, writers, booksellers and editors, can I invite you to participate?"

Lin Weimin hesitated for a moment. He was coming to visit and couldn't refuse, so he said, "Okay, we will visit on time."

The next afternoon, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin rang the doorbell of Annie Lipowitz's house with prepared gifts.

When the two entered the door, several guests had already arrived at Anne Liebowitz's house. Anne Liebowitz introduced the two parties to each other.

Seeing so many people at once, Lin Weimin felt dizzy just remembering their names.

Anne Liebovitz's family, including herself, includes seven people, two of whom are Vanity Fair editors Sharon Delano and Peter Perron, a young painter from Alabama. Simon Burton, author Susan Sontag and her agent Andrew Wylie, and Roger Strauss, owner of Farrer-Strauss-Giroux.

Lin Weimin was stunned for a moment when he saw Peter Perron. This was one of the two white guys he had met at the West End Bookstore before.

The two smiled and shook hands, and Anne Liebowitz couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of fate.

"It should be said that New York is too small!" Lin Weimin laughed.

He and Tao Huimin sat down. Everyone's eyes were looking at them unconsciously, and Tao Huimin moved a little uneasily.

The owner, Anne Liebovitz, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I told everyone that I invited a talented, young and handsome Chinese writer to participate in our salon. Everyone is very curious about you and your wife."

"We have often seen Lin's name in American national newspapers in the past two years." Roger Strauss was a businessman who spoke very well and complimented Lin Weimin.

Peter Perron said: "I remember when "The Last Emperor" won the Academy Award, we published the screenwriter Lin's name in Vanity Fair. Chinese names are impressive."

The slightly awkward atmosphere became relaxed under a common topic. Obviously, Lin Weimin, a writer from China, became the theme of today's salon.

Everyone here is considered to be in the cultural field. They are no strangers to Lin Weimin, who has frequently appeared in newspapers and magazines for winning awards in recent years, but this is the first time to see him in person.

No one was particularly familiar with Lin Weimin, but they all hung out in the circle and communicated with each other. Within a few minutes, they pieced together Lin Weimin's record in the United States in the past few years.

Writers like Lin Weimin, who have flourished in literature, drama, film and television, are rare in the American cultural world. Especially since Lin Weimin is also Chinese, everyone is even more curious.

The topic revolved around Lin Weimin and gradually became heated.

Susan Sontag is a famous American writer who became famous in the 1960s. She was a writer of the same era as Richard Yates. She has a wide range of creative fields, including novels, literary criticism, and drama.

This year she just completed her commentary collection "AIDS and Its Metaphors". At this time, AIDS has just emerged a few years ago, people are talking about AIDS, and Americans are not very tolerant towards LGBT people. This collection of her commentary Her appearance won her a reputation in the American cultural circle.

Unfortunately, just like what happened to Richard Yates, Susan Sontag's fame did not translate into profits, and sales of her works remained mediocre.

There was a fire in her London apartment the year before last. Susan Sontag didn't even have the money to buy a new apartment. Finally, with the help of friends, she returned to New York to settle down.

The Great Fire in London burned away Susan Sontag's belongings and awakened her desire for money.

As a literary worker, she didn't have a strong desire for money, but she never wanted to experience the dilemma of having no place to stand.

This year she finished publishing the review collection "AIDS and Its Metaphors", and she focused her energy on novels, planning to write a novel.

Among the many genres in literature, novels have always been the best-selling genre in the book market.

Roger Strauss is a bookseller. Others don't know it, but he knows it best. Lin Weimin has published five novels in the American book market, with high and low sales, but even the lowest-selling one, "The Pursuit of Evil", has It crushed the sales of many works by local American writers.

When discussing novels and book sales, Susan Sontag couldn't help but curiously asked Lin Weimin: "Lin, do you have any secrets? You are obviously a foreign writer, but your works are better than most writers in the United States. The sales volume is even better!”

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