1980 My literary era

Chapter 526 Abnormal Sales Volume

Lin Weimin is busy importing the works of American writer Richard Yates, and others are also busy importing his works.

One day in mid-August, Lin Weimin was working in the office. Cheng Wuchun called him to the front office with a phone call.

As soon as he entered, Lin Weimin saw a bloated old man sitting in Cheng Wuchun's office besides him.

Cheng Zuochun stood up and introduced: "Weimin, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Guo Feng from Wandao. Mr. Guo, this is Comrade Lin Weimin."

Guo Feng stood up and shook hands with Lin Weimin enthusiastically, "I have heard about Mr. Lin's name for a long time. It is rare to see him today, and it is even better than the rumors."

Lin Weimin didn't know what was going on and exchanged polite words with Guo Feng.

After he sat down, Cheng Wuchun asked: "Weimin, have your works been published in Bay Island in the past few years?"

"Yes. Together with several other writers, we published a collection, which was published by Lindbergh Publishing House."

In 1985, Pan Yaoming of Hong Kong Joint Publishing House took the lead in publishing a collection of works by ten mainland writers, including Lin Weimin, for Lindbergh Publishing House in Bay Island.

Unfortunately, the ban on Bay Island had not yet been lifted at that time, and Lindbergh Publishing House did not dare to publicize it in a big way. The publication did not arouse much response on the island at that time.

Cheng Wanchun smiled and said: "Mr. Guo Feng came here this time to fully introduce your works to Wandao. Do you know about the "Contemporary Mainland Chinese Writers Series" published by Wandao in 1987?"

"heard about it."

Cheng Zaochun said: "The "Contemporary Chinese Mainland Writers Series" was obtained by Mr. Guo Feng with his personal financial power, and he obtained the authorization from our writers to collect and publish their works on the Bay Island. At that time, the ban on the Bay Island had not been lifted, and Mr. Guo dared Be the first in the world and create a sensation in the publishing world of Bay Island."

Lin Weimin nodded. The "Contemporary Chinese Mainland Writers Series" published by Wandao in 1987 was two years later than the collection published by Lindbergh Press, but it was not the same sensation. In the past two years, more and more Mainland writers were introduced to Bay Island through the series, setting off a wave of mainland fever in the island.

"A few years ago, Mr. Lin's works were first published in Bay Island, which impressed me deeply. In the past few years, Mr. Lin's works have won many awards overseas, and we readers in Bay Island also feel very honored.

"Contemporary Mainland Chinese Writers Series" has been published for two years now. We hope to publish a special volume about your works this time to comprehensively introduce your works to Bay Island readers. "

Lin Weimin was a little surprised when he heard this. "Contemporary Mainland Chinese Writers Series" is a series of books. In two years, it has introduced the works of more than 20 domestic writers, and it is still being introduced.

The types of imported works are classified by volume, including seven categories: classic literature, female writers' literature, ethnic minority literature, poetry, prose, short stories, and literary criticism.

Guo Feng said that a special volume of a series about his works was published, and this treatment was naturally unusual.

Guo Feng smiled again and said: "I should have contacted you earlier, but in the past two years, most of my contacts with mainland writers have been through the Literary and Art Association..."

When Guo Feng said this, he stopped talking.

There is no need to go on. Lin Weimin already understood what Guo Feng meant. In the first half of 1988, he withdrew from the Association for Literary and Art Circles because of the incident that occurred during a writers group's visit to France, and he has not gone back to this day.

The Literary and Art Association was slapped firmly in the face by Lin Weimin, but due to Lin Weimin's current status in the country, it did not dare to do anything.

Now Lin Weimin maintains superficial harmony and respectability with the Literary and Art Association, but it is impossible for the Literary and Art Association to contact him to help him publish in Bay Island.

This time, Guo Feng, on behalf of Wandao Xindi Literary Publishing House, planned to cooperate with the Chinese Literature Society to publish the "Selected Collections of Bay Island Writers". Taking advantage of the opportunity to cooperate with the Chinese Literature Society, he and Cheng Wuchun proposed the idea of ​​publishing Lin Weimin's works. .

Guo Feng was a distinguished guest from the relevant departments and had made great contributions to cultural exchanges between the two sides. Cheng Wanchun naturally would not refuse his request, so he called Lin Weimin over.

If you say a few words to Cheng Wuchun and Guo Feng, if he says a few words, Lin Weimin will almost understand the ins and outs of the future.

He pondered and said: "Mr. Guo wants to publish my works on Bay Island, which is of course a good thing for me personally..."

Guo Feng continued: "Mr. Lin's works are sold well overseas. In terms of remuneration, our publisher can settle the payment in the form of royalties in accordance with international practice, and the royalties are divided into 13%."

For several years, Wandao has published works by mainland writers, and the royalties have mostly been settled in accordance with the mainland's method of settling based on the number of words, because the regional economy is developing relatively well.

Mainland writers can receive relatively high royalties when their works are published in Bay Island, usually around 10 to 20 US dollars per thousand words, which is three to four times higher than domestic standards when converted into RMB.

And the treatment Guo Feng gave Lin Weimin was among the best in the industry.

Lin Weimin was surprised by Guo Feng's generosity and cheerfulness. In fact, he did not understand the public opinion atmosphere in the island.

Regardless of the fact that the relationship between Bay Island and China has been breaking through in recent years, the relationship has become increasingly harmonious.

However, Bay Island has a history of being pro-rice for decades, and its internal culture of worshiping rice and the West is even greater than that in the mainland. Lin Weimin's works have won awards in Western countries many times. After several years of continuous publicity by the news media, he In the hearts of Bay Island people, he is already an internationally renowned writer.

Therefore, Guo Feng did not hesitate when it came to treatment.

He believes that as long as he can get the publishing rights of Lin Weimin's works in Bay Island, the price will be worth it!

"Since Mr. Guo is so happy, I won't be pretentious."

Lin Weimin and Guo Feng discussed publishing matters in detail for a while, and finally agreed that Lin Weimin's works could be published with a 13% royalty, and the print run should be no less than 200,000 sets.

Except for a few of Lin Weimin's works that involve sensitive content, the rest of the works are planned to be packaged and published by Xindi Literary Publishing House. The two hundred thousand sets are actually at least one hundred to several hundred thousand copies, which is definitely a big deal.

It took several days to discuss and sign a specific publishing contract. Before Guo Feng left, he proposed that he planned to hold an international academic conference on cross-strait literature and invited Lin Weimin to attend.

Lin Weimin decisively rejected his invitation. This kind of place where literati gathered has been a place of right and wrong since ancient times, and he did not want to join in the fun.

After Guo Feng left, Cheng Wuchun said to Lin Weimin: "Mr. Guo has spent a lot of money this time!"

"What's the meaning?"

Cheng Wanchun smiled and said: "You don't know yet, right? He has published the works of so many domestic writers, and is now considered a well-known figure in the domestic literary circle. There are rumors that he is very shrewd, and he is shy when meeting writers who are shy about negotiating remuneration. , he can push it as low as he can, and if he encounters someone who won’t let go, he will push it up.”

"After all, he is a businessman!" Lin Weimin smiled and didn't care.

It is true that Guo Feng is enthusiastic about cross-strait exchanges, but in the end he is not working in vain, the purpose is still to make money.

Of course, it’s not right to say that people’s purpose is only to make money. It’s called making money and communicating at the same time.

August 1989 belongs to "The Dust Has Settled". Since the launch of "Contemporary" at the beginning of the month, "The Dust Has Settled" has enjoyed the top publishing treatment in this magazine, which seems to have heralded the success of this work.

In just one month, tens of thousands of readers' letters poured into the editorial office of "Contemporary", and there were endless comments and impressions about "The Dust Settled" in newspapers across the country.

A month after its publication, reviews of the novel began to appear in various literary review magazines.

Most literary works always receive some negative reputation and evaluation after they are published, and even Lin Weimin's works are no exception.

But whether it is in the mouths of readers or in the evaluation of critics, "The Ashes Has Settled" is surprisingly good.

Such excellent reputation has also boosted the spread of "Dust Settled" among the public. The eighth issue of "Contemporary" in August set a sales peak this year.

"Another two million copies have been sold!" He Qizhi said happily.

It has been a month since the eighth issue of "Contemporary" was released. Looking at the previous issues, the printing volume was generally 1.5 million copies. At this time, the sales of the publication have basically entered the long-tail sales stage. There are approximately 200,000 to 300,000 copies left in the channel, and they will be sold out within two months of digestion.

But this issue of "Contemporary" is due to the sudden appearance of "Dust Has Settled". The first batch of 1.5 million copies of the publication has been sold out. "Contemporary" is printing more copies based on feedback from bookstores and post offices in various places. There are 600,000 copies, which should be enough to meet the needs of readers.

Zou Changyi suddenly said: "Do you feel that something is wrong with the market this year?"

Many colleagues in the editorial department looked at him, and He Qizhi asked, "What's wrong?"

"This is the eighth issue this year, and only one issue of our publication has sold more than 2 million copies," Zou Changyi said.

Yao Shuzhi disagreed and said: "The quality of this year's manuscripts is good, but there is a lack of influential works, and there are no top students. Naturally, our grades in this class are not outstanding."

The others nodded, feeling that what Yao Shuzhi said made sense.

But Zou Changyi did not speak, but frowned.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

At this time, Lin Weimin walked into the office and saw a bunch of colleagues focusing on Zou Changyi, while he had a serious look on his face.

Yao Shuzhi said: "Everyone just mentioned the sales problem of our publications. Changyi may think that our sales volume is a little abnormal."

Lin Weimin smiled and asked, "Why is this abnormal?"

Yao Shuzhi did not answer his question and looked at Zou Changyi.

After Zou Changyi thought deeply, he said: "I feel that the overall sales volume this year is still low, and it was not until August that the first issue of the publication exceeded 2 million sales, which is not normal."

Other colleagues looked disapproving and believed that the reason for this phenomenon was the quality of the manuscript.

Lin Weimin's tone was normal and he said: "It is a fact that sales are low. The most important thing is to find the reason for this situation."

When everyone heard what he said, they looked at him unconsciously.

"What's the reason?" Yao Shuzhi asked what everyone was thinking.

Lin Weimin said: "You can count the sales trends of "Contemporary" in the past three years, and then count the sales of "People's Literature", "Harvest", "October", "Zhongshan" and "Flower City" in the past three years and you will know."

After Lin Weimin said this, he left the office, but his colleagues were intrigued by his words.

Lin Weimin must have known the reason for what he said just now. Since everyone is asked to do statistics, there must be a reason.

A few people couldn't restrain their curiosity, and they didn't even bother to review the manuscript, and started to make statistics.

The data editing department of "Contemporary" has it. The difficulty is the data of several other publications. We can only shamelessly call each one to ask.

After all, they are all in the same circle, and several publications occasionally have links with each other. The editors do not know all of them, but they always have acquaintances. After a day of struggling, I finally got the sales data of each company in the past two years.

When it was time to get off work, all the old comrades shamelessly ran away, leaving this glorious task in the hands of Tong Zhonggui. Even after everyone left, he was still working overtime.

After spending half an hour, Tong Zhonggui finally compiled the sales data of these major domestic literary publications in the past three years. After comparing them, he couldn't help but stare.


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