1980 My literary era

Chapter 549 Freelance Writer

In late July, after a massive special rectification campaign, the domestic book market emerged from a wave of Chinese New Year, and the sales of genuine books in bookstores increased significantly compared with the first half of the year.

The sales of some of the popular best-sellers have been rising all the way to frightening levels.

For example, Cheng Zhongshi's "White Deer Plain" published by Guowenshe was reprinted three or four times within three or four months of publication, and its total sales exceeded 500,000 copies.

There is also Wang Shuo's novel collection "Die Too Much", which was published by Huayi Publishing House in February. The first printing of 300,000 copies was sold out in April, and two additional printings of 400,000 copies were sold out by late July. Light.

The sales volume of "No One Left Behind", which was released just last month, is even more exaggerated. Less than a month after the first printing of 500,000 copies, bookstores and post offices all over the country have been bombarded with phone calls from the Chinese Literature Society, and more than half of their inventory has been sold. , it seems that all of them will be sold out by mid-August, so we are constantly urging the Chinese Literature Society to print more copies.

The sales of "No One Left Behind" are so hot. In addition to the excellent quality of the novel and the extensive discussion and attention it aroused within two months after its publication, there is also another very important reason. Less than a pirated copy of this novel.

Colleagues at the Chinese Literature Society were also shocked by the popularity of this novel in the market.

A crackdown on piracy has such a miraculous effect that everyone feels like they are dreaming back to 1985.

At that time, there were pirated books in China, but they were very rare, and many literature lovers scorned pirated books.

However, as prices have soared in recent years and people's lives have become tighter, many people have become more careful about spending money to read books, which has given pirated books room to develop and grow.

In recent years, as pirated books have occupied an increasing share of the market, many publishing houses, including the Chinese Literature Society, have also felt the pressure.

The difference between a genuine book and a pirated version may be only two or three cents, but it prompts many readers to choose pirated versions.

Many publishing houses are not unaware of this problem, but they really have no room for profit.

Every process of compiling a book by a publishing house has labor costs, and writers have to be paid royalties. It is impossible for genuine books to reduce the quality of printing and binding, so they can only watch piracy continue to erode the market.

Faced with such a situation, no one expected that a special campaign to crack down on piracy would cause the book market, whose sales have been declining, to rise against the wind.

Colleagues in the editorial department chatted about recent changes in the book market after work.

"Weimin has really done a great thing for our publishing industry this time!" Liu Yin sighed.

"I heard that Du's face turned green at that time." Yao Shuzhi gossiped.

Liu Yin said with ridicule in his tone: "How can I not turn green when I complain to the deputy prime minister in front of him? If I were Du Du, I would have to turn him into a polished commander!"

"It would be hard for any leader to have a subordinate like him!" Zhu Changsheng said quietly.

A burst of cheerful laughter erupted in the office.

It's okay to say bad things about the leader, it's interesting to be in this class.

While everyone was talking, Wang Xiaobo came to the editorial office with a smile on his face.

"Xiaobo, are you here to deliver a manuscript? Why are you so happy?" colleagues asked him.

Wang Xiaobo shook his head and said, "I won't send you the manuscript. I'm here today to tell you the good news."

Everyone was curious and asked: "What good news are you reporting?"

"The publishing house in Xiangjiang plans to publish a collection of novels for me." Wang Xiaobo said with a happy face.

Everyone was very happy when they heard it, "This is a good thing!"

Everyone has seen Wang Xiaobo's works, which are unique in style. Some of his works are difficult to publish, let alone published.

Several of his works were previously published in "Contemporary", and the five "Tang Dynasty Stories" received a very average response. "Standing at Thirty" and "Back to Time" sent in the spring did not pass the editors' review due to style issues. After reviewing the manuscript, Lin Weimin recommended it to "Hong Kong Literature" again.

While Wang Xiaobo was talking to everyone, Lin Weimin came to the office to deliver a manuscript. He heard that a publishing house in Xiangjiang wanted to publish a collection of novels for him, and he was happy for him.

Lin Weimin called Wang Xiaobo to the office and talked in detail.

"I have to thank you for this. Without your recommendation, "Xiangjiang Literature" would not publish my works, and the publishing house would not publish my works."

"I told you, there is nothing wrong with the writing of your novel, but the style is a bit trendy. Give it another two years, and there will always be a time when you shine."

Lin Weimin's encouragement made Wang Xiaobo's confidence stronger.

At this time, Lin Weimin said again: "By the way, the market has been good recently. Would you like to publish a collection of your "Tangren Stories"?"

Wang Xiaobo beamed when he heard this, "How many novels can be published?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "The response to your few novels is average, but they are unique in style. You can try publishing them, but the number of prints will definitely not be too many, so don't have too high expectations."

"As long as it can be published, that's fine." Wang Xiaobo smiled so hard that his teeth were exposed, "Teacher Lin, thank you very much."

Lin Weimin raised his hand and said with a smile: "To thank you, I have to thank the recent market. The sales of all kinds of books are picking up, so the company is willing to take advantage of this period to publish more books."

Wang Xiaobo looked at Lin Weimin, and when he talked about this matter, he seemed to have more to do with Teacher Lin.

In the past two months, there has been a lot of rumors in Yanjing City that Lin Weimin bought a fake book of his own at a bookstall and went to the deputy prime minister to complain to the emperor out of anger. It can be said that everyone knows about it.

When everyone heard the news, they all sighed at Lin Weimin's hands and eyes, and no one doubted the authenticity of the news.

What kind of character is Teacher Lin?

What's so hard about complaining to the deputy prime minister in anger?

With this in mind, Wang Xiaobo discussed publishing matters with Lin Weimin in detail.

This year the government issued new regulations on royalties. The standard of royalties offered by the Chinese Literature Society is also much higher than before. The basic royalties are thirty-five yuan per thousand words. Because the print run is very low, the royalties for each print run are only a few hundred yuan. The total increase is Together they cost more than 9,200 yuan.

Wang Xiaobo was delighted when he heard this figure. He teaches at a university and his monthly salary is only over 100 yuan. Including the royalties from previous publications, these "Tangren Stories" have brought him more than 15,000 yuan in income. money.

In addition to these royalties, Wang Xiaobo, through Lin Weimin's recommendation, has so far published three works, "The Golden Age", "Standing at Thirty" and "Homecoming", in "Hong Kong Literature", earning nearly HK$50,000 in royalties.

This time, Heung Kong Prosperous Publishing House will publish a collection of novels for him, and the royalties will be paid per word. He can earn about HK$100,000 in royalties.

Converting all royalties into RMB, Wang Xiaobo has earned more than 50,000 yuan in royalties through publication of his works in the past two years.

This number was already a very large amount of money in 1990.

When Wang Xiaobo thought about the upcoming royalties from publishing in both places, Wang Xiaobo's heart was ready to move, and he could no longer control the idea that had been brewing for many years.

"Teacher Lin!" Wang Xiaobo looked at Lin Weimin, with hope shining in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you think, if I resign and become a freelance writer?" Wang Xiaobo asked Lin Weimin expectantly.

Lin Weimin pondered for a moment, "Are you sure? Is it a spur-of-the-moment idea, or has it been planned for a long time?"

Wang Xiaobo answered truthfully: "I have had this idea for a long time. It's just that I couldn't publish my works before, so I didn't dare to take action. Now it's different..."

Wang Xiaobo looked excited, "The royalties I get from publishing now are more than I have earned in twenty years of work. Qian Zhuang is very timid, so I plan to try to see if I can do this."

Lin Weimin laughed, "With your current writing skills, you will definitely have no problem doing this kind of business. The problem lies in your style. You have to think carefully. If you maintain your current style, you may not be able to publish it in a short time." work."

Wang Xiaobo nodded and said: "You are right, but don't I have royalties now..."

Having said this, Wang Xiaobo couldn't help but smile again on his face, "The royalties I earn now are enough for me to write and not publish any works for ten years. I don't believe it. I won't be able to publish any works for ten years."

"In less than ten years, domestic readers will gradually get to know you. By the way, have you discussed it with your family?" Lin Weimin asked.

"No. I told Yinhe about this idea before, but at the time it was just a whim. This time, Mr. Liu put me in touch with the publication. After I got the news, I came to the editorial office as soon as possible to report the good news."

Lin Weimin warned: "You should discuss it with your family when you get home. You must devote yourself to your writing career wholeheartedly. You can't do it without the support of your family."

"Yes, I know."

"in addition……"

Lin Weimin hesitated for a moment, then said: "Since you are a full-time employee, you must pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and don't neglect your body..."

Lin Weimin told Wang Xiaobo Lu Yao's example. Feeling Lin Weimin's concern, Wang Xiaobo nodded heavily, "Thank you for your concern, I will definitely pay attention."

After leaving the editorial office of "Contemporary", when Wang Xiaobo returned home, his wife Li Yinhe was cooking.

He took Li Yinhe's hand and told her about publishing novels in both places. Li Yinhe was in a daze.

"Do they all need to be published?"


Li Yinhe seemed to need some time to digest the news, but Wang Xiaobo did not give her time and continued: "The total fees for these publications and publications are tens of thousands of yuan. I plan to resign and focus on writing. Do you agree? "

Her husband had already had this idea, and Li Yinhe knew it.

When she was in the United States, she had to work to support him. Now that her husband's works can earn royalties, what reason does she have to disagree?

The next morning, Li Yinhe took Wang Xiaobo to the department to resign.

"I'm causing trouble for you!" Wang Xiaobo said after entering the door, and then he stayed silent and smoked alone.

The rest was left to his wife Li Yinhe to explain to the department chair for him.

After communicating for half an hour, we successfully agreed to resign. The next step was to go through the formalities.

After leaving the department director's office, Wang Xiaobo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He has never been good at interpersonal relationships, which means he feels more relaxed when he is with friends who are engaged in literature.

Wang Xiaobo thought of Lin Weimin, whom he had met yesterday. Especially when chatting with Teacher Lin, he always felt particularly relaxed and not at all restrained.

It's fine now, he will resign soon, so he won't have to worry about these useless things in the future.

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