1980 My literary era

Chapter 565 Writing a manuscript is a matter of human nature

The editorial department performance appraisal system has become more and more perfect after Lin Weimin has been busy for several days.

That afternoon, Lin Weimin reviewed the documents again and realized that he couldn't see any problems. After getting off work, he drove to Dongzongbu Hutong.

"old lady!"

Lin Weimin walked into a house and called out politely at the door.

Wei Junyi was reading a book on the sofa. She looked up and saw Lin Weimin with a smile on her face.

She suffered a cerebral hemorrhage a few years ago and suffered a stroke last year. Now she has difficulty moving and her expressions are not so vivid, which is in line with her usual personality.

"Why are you here free?"

Wei Junyi has always been indifferent to people and sophistication. Whether at work or at home, she never takes the initiative to say hello when guests come, does not ask for seats, does not ask for tea, and talks about something when they have something to say.

Lin Weimin came today, and she asked a rare question.

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "Come and see you!"

He sat next to Wei Junyi and asked a few words about her physical condition.

Wei Junyi's current physical condition is not very good, and her family wants to take her to Shanghai for treatment and recuperation after the New Year.

After chatting for a while, Lin Weimin took out the document he compiled. Wei Junyi pretended to be unhappy and said, "Is this what you said about coming to see me?"

"Don't delay, I'm here to learn from you, the old editor."

Lin Weimin said and handed the document to Wei Junyi. Wei Junyi took the document and glanced at it. Instead of reading it in detail, he asked: "Are you going to be the editor-in-chief?"

Lin Weimin trembled and felt proud, "Isn't this inheriting your old glorious tradition?"

Wei Junyi teased: "You are blind in early spring."

"You old lady, you don't expect me to order anything better."

All joking aside, Lin Weimin is about to take up the post of editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society at a young age, and Wei Junyi is happy for him from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Weimin has not been a good and honest student since he joined the Chinese Literature Society, but at the same time he has outstanding creative talents and has done an impressive job in the editorial position. Wei Junyi looks at him differently.

The two bickered for a while, and Wei Junyi carefully picked up the document and read it.

After more than half an hour, Wei Junyi put down the document.

"Help me up and move." Wei Junyi said.

Lin Weimin helped Wei Junyi get up with difficulty and moved in small steps in the room.

"Performance appraisal..." Wei Junyi said in a deep tone, and Lin Weimin looked at her.

"The document you wrote is quite good, but some old comrades may have some opinions."

"There are definitely opinions, but most people should support the implementation of this system."

Wei Junyi glanced at him and saw that he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, so she reminded him: "Don't forget, a fish can make a pot of soup fishy."

Lin Weimin laughed and said, "I have thought about it. When this matter is about to be implemented, I will find Lao Yan, Lao Meng, and Lao Qin in the club. If you have trouble with your legs and feet now, I won't call you!"

Wei Junyi snorted: "Most of my body bones are buried in the earth. If you torment me, you won't be afraid of thunder from the sky!"

"I didn't call you. Don't say weird things."

After a few words of bickering, Wei Junyi said seriously: "You can take care of this matter. If there is any need for my help, just drive to pick me up."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Old lady, you are still interesting!"

After chatting for a while, Lin Weimin said goodbye and left.

The next day, Lin Weimin handed over the drafted editorial department performance appraisal system to Cheng Wuchun.

Lin Weimin had not yet taken office, so this document was given to Cheng Wanchun to familiarize him with it first and to provide him with comments.

In the afternoon, Wen Neng came to the Chinese Literature Society as a guest and found Lin Weimin.

He had been in Yanjing for a week, and the drafting work had been basically completed. The party was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and Lin Weimin agreed to attend.

The next day, Lin Weimin worked all morning and left in the afternoon.

The party organized by Wen Neng borrowed the space of the Yanjing Cultural Association. As soon as Lin Weimin entered the room, all he saw were familiar faces.

"If I had known you were coming, I would have picked you up."

Lin Weimin first greeted Shi Tiesheng, and then the little old man Wang Meng.

Tang Kangmei and Huang Anyi sat together, holding hands and chatting. When they saw Lin Weimin, Tang Kangmei immediately lowered her face and turned around to pretend not to see him.

"An Yi, why are you here too?"

Wen Neng came to Yanjing to compile a manuscript and organized a gathering of Yanjing writers. Huang Anyi was from Shanghai, so when she appeared here, Lin Weimin was naturally curious.

"I was invited to go to northern Shaanxi to collect stories, and I wanted to come and see Tiesheng. He said that "Flower City" was organizing a writers' gathering and invited me to come."

"That's it. If Wen Neng hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have known about it. Your little gang can't isolate me!"

Tang Kangmei snorted, Huang Anyi pulled Tang Kangmei, Lin Weimin smiled and said nothing.

Tang Kangmei, Huang Anyi, and Lin Weimin were classmates at the Institute of Literature. Logically speaking, it was inevitable to have some intimacy when they met. However, when a group of writers visited France in 1988, Tang Kangmei was one of them.

Lin Weimin was very unhappy with the Association for Literary and Art Circles at that time, so he even quit the Association for Literary and Art Circles, forming a feud with this group of writers visiting France.

Tang Kangmei and Lin Weimin were classmates. Afterwards, they sent a message to explain a few words through their classmates, stating that the writers in France at that time did not deliberately slander it, but just couldn't help but complain a few times after the conversation got there.

Now that the matter has passed, it can be regarded as an old case.

Lin Weimin didn't mind, but it seemed that Tang Kangmei was a little bit worried about it.

Huang Anyi explained to the two of them, and Tang Kangmei reluctantly said a few words to Lin Weimin, and the atmosphere became harmonious.

In addition to these people, there are also Li Guowen, Chen Rong and Zhang Jie at today's gathering.

Li Guowen is the author of "Spring in Winter". This novel and Lin Weimin's "The Wind" won the first Yanbing Literature Award.

Chen Rong's name is not familiar to many people, but when it comes to her three children, many people are familiar with it - Liang Zuo, Liang Tian, ​​and Liang Huan, all of whom are celebrities in the film and television industry in later generations.

"From Liang Tian's point of view, I have to call you aunt." Lin Weimin said to Chen Rong with a smile.

Chen Rong smiled and said, "Everyone has his own opinion."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

There is also Zhang Jie, one year younger than Chen Rong, but still over 50 years old. Her "Heavy Wings" was published by the Chinese Literature Society and won the second Yanbing Literature Award.

The line-up of this year’s writers gathering is brilliant, and Wen Neng can bring this group of people together only because of the famous name of "Flower City".

There are so many writers present. If we insist on dividing them, Wang Meng, Chen Rong, Li Guowen, and Zhang Jie should be regarded as the older generation writers, and the remaining few can be regarded as the new generation writers.

At a writers' gathering, what everyone talks about most is not only literature itself, but also various anecdotes and gossip about the literary world.

Everyone naturally divided into small groups in twos and threes. Occasionally, this small group and that small group would be disrupted and regrouped.

Shi Tiesheng and Wang Meng were talking about the books they had read recently, and Zhang Jie and Huang Anyi were talking about raising cats.

Lin Weimin could chat with anyone. He changed places for a while, and now he was sitting with Li Guowen. The two had a common friend, Liang Xiaosheng, and they were chatting with Liang Xiaosheng.

At first, because Yan Film Factory wanted to promote him to the director of the literary and art department of the factory, Liang Xiaosheng consulted Lin Weimin specifically about this issue. In the end, at Lin Weimin's suggestion, he gave up the promotion opportunity.

But the year before last, Liang Xiaosheng was transferred to China Children's Film Studio as deputy director of the art committee.

The reason is also very simple. China Children's Film Studio can solve his housing problem.

A group of people chatted enthusiastically all afternoon, and in the evening Wen Neng organized a dinner party. This behavior clearly showed that he was an old writer.

Assembling a manuscript is not just a matter of requesting a manuscript, it is a matter of human nature and sophistication.

How can I get fresh manuscripts from writers if I don’t have a good relationship?

During the meal, Huang Anyi asked Lin Weimin, "Are you familiar with Lu Yao?"

"Well, did you go to northern Shaanxi to meet Lu Yao this time?"

"He was the one who received me." Huang Anyi said.

Huang Anyi went to northern Shaanxi to be invited to collect works. The Cultural Association was responsible for the reception, so it was reasonable for Lu Yao to come forward.

"I had a little trouble with him!" Huang Anyi said.

Lin Weimin asked: "What's wrong?"

Huang Anyi then talked about the situation in northern Shaanxi. In fact, there was no big conflict.

Huang Anyi has lived in a place like Shanghai since she was a child. She has never been to northern Shaanxi. Even the place where she went to the countryside was much poorer and the natural conditions were even worse.

Huang Anyi was surprised and said to others: "This place in northern Shaanxi is really desolate. It's hard to imagine how people can live here! Why not move people away from the high loess slopes?"

I didn't want to say this, but I offended Lu Yao. Lu Yao had lived in northern Shaanxi since he was a child. From his words, we can know his feelings for this land. After hearing Huang Anyi's words, Lu Yao felt that she disrespected her hometown, so He scolded Huang Anyi very unhappily.

Huang Anyi recalled the scene at that time, with a distressed look on her face. Lin Weimin smiled and said: "What do I think it is? There is no malice in what you said. You don't understand him and have a bit of pride. I'll give him a call later." Enough."

"It's best if you can speak openly. I didn't mean to look down on Northern Shaanxi when I said that."

Lin Weimin nodded. Of course he knew that Huang Anyi did not mean to belittle, but she had lived in the city since she was a child and had a good family background. Sometimes her careless words would hurt others unintentionally.

When "Contemporary" held a pen conference in Yantai, Huang Anyi teased Mo Yan, "Why does "Transparent Carrot" have to be a carrot? Red potato can also be used!

Because of this joke, Huang Anyi offended Mo Yan.

Northern Shaanxi is Lu Yao's hometown where he grew up. "Transparent Carrot" incorporates Mo Yan's real experience. The only reason to blame is that Huang Anyi didn't understand the details.

"It was just a misunderstanding. It was explained after a few words." Lin Weimin comforted Huang Anyi.

After the party held by Wen Neng, Lin Weimin went to work normally the next day. As soon as he arrived at the office, the phone rang.

"For the people, come to my office."

On the phone, Cheng Wuchun's voice was serious and urgent, and it sounded like there was something urgent.

Lin Weimin put down the phone and hurried to the front building.

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