1980 My literary era

Chapter 569 Jin Yong’s Works Collection

In 1981, Jin Yong's martial arts novels were "unbanned" in China and quickly became bestsellers.

But in fact, throughout the 1980s, only Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House obtained the authorization to publish Jin Yong's martial arts novels in the mainland in 1985, and the scope of this authorization was only one novel, "The Book of Swords and Enemies".

In addition, Jin Yong's martial arts novels, which have fascinated countless readers over the years, are all pirated.

In the past ten years, more than a dozen domestic publishing houses have published dozens of Jin Yong's works without Jin Yong's authorization.

After private piracy became rampant, many counterfeit works became popular in the book market under Jin Yong's name.

Lin Weimin's second passion is to introduce Jin Yong's martial arts novels into the country.

Jin Yong's martial arts novels have a wide readership base in China. After being introduced, the sales volume will definitely be good, and they may even become a best-seller.

After hearing his opinion, Cheng Wuchun looked thoughtful. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Is it too popular?"

"I'm afraid Liang Fengyi's novels are more popular than Jin Yong's, right? Leader, I actually think you should also know that pure literature is on the decline.

There is no going back to the time when a purely literary work could easily sell tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of copies. We cannot expect the Chinese literature society to bet on an "Ordinary World" every year. Or "White Deer Plain".

Therefore, the compilation and publishing direction of books in the club must be adjusted.

I am not saying that we should completely follow the path of popularization, but we must appropriately balance the publishing ratio of pure literature and popular literature.

To put it bluntly, in the future, the publication of purely literary works in the society will most likely have to rely on the publication of popular literature to support itself.

The introduction of Liang Fengyi's novels and Jin Yong's collection of works is an attempt. "

After Lin Weimin said these words, he looked at Cheng Wuchun firmly.

Cheng Wanchun looked at his expression and naturally knew that this idea should have already taken shape in his mind.

Cheng Wanchun said slowly: "Well, since Liang Fengyi's works have been introduced, and Jin Yong's works are also good, let's give it a try."

After receiving his approval, Lin Weimin's face relaxed, and Cheng Wanchun asked again: "Should you contact Jin Yong in private first, or should he contact us through a letter from the company?"

Lin Weimin thought for a while and said, "For official matters, just write the letter directly. I will call him after he receives it."

Cheng Wuchun nodded slightly, "That's okay."

"Then I'll check with you later."

The Chinese Literature Society has regulations that all letters written to overseas authors must be reviewed and approved by the supervisor.

Lin Weimin is the editor-in-chief, so it stands to reason that he can make the decision, but in order to avoid suspicion, it is safe to let Cheng Wanchun take a look.

After drafting the letter of invitation for manuscripts, he gave it to Cheng Wanchun to take a look at it, then signed and stamped it. After the letter was mailed, Lin Weimin temporarily focused on reviewing the manuscript.

As editor-in-chief, review is still part of his job, but unlike before, he is now only responsible for the final review of key publications in the society.

In addition, grasping the direction of publishing and planning of publishing topics are also the focus of his work. For example, his proposal to Cheng Wuchun to introduce the collection of Jin Yong's works falls into this category.

The work of the chief editor can be summarized as follows: grasp the direction of publishing, be responsible for book quality, participate in publishing operations and management, and lead the editorial team.

The things Lin Weimin has been doing recently, including the final review of book manuscripts, formulating the editorial department's performance appraisal system, and promoting the introduction of Jin Yong's collection of works, are all within the scope of his responsibilities.

When he was about to get off work, Lin Weimin received a call from Yu Hua from Jiaxing.

After the publication of "Alive", the response was good and its influence continued to expand. Yu Hua was very happy. In addition to expressing his gratitude to Lin Weimin, the call had a more important purpose.

"Teacher Lin, if "Alive" is published, can I also get royalties?"

The novel was just published and he was thinking about royalties, which is in line with Yu Hua's personality.

"Okay." Lin Weimin said.

Yu Hua was delighted and asked, "When does the publisher plan to publish my novel?"

Lin Weimin asked: "Are you in a hurry for money?"

"Didn't I tell you before that I plan to settle in Yanjing? I resigned from my job in Jiaxing and the house assigned by my work unit will be taken back. I want to buy a house in Yanjing. The house in Yanjing is too expensive. I may not have enough money, if I had known better I wouldn’t have bought a computer.”

Yu Hua talked about buying a computer with a bit of regret in his tone, but when he mentioned that his house was repossessed by his employer after resigning, he was not reluctant at all. He is now in the Jiaxing Literary and Art Association, and the Literary and Art Association assigned him a three-bedroom apartment. A house of ten square feet.

""Alive" has just been published less than a month ago. It will be published in a few months. Don't worry about the house now. When you come to Yanjing, I can have someone find it for you first. A place to stay.”

All the houses in Lin Weimin's hands were entrusted to Li Guangfu for leasing. It was easy to find a place for Yu Hua to live.

Lin Weimin's words made Yu Hua feel at ease. Having such an acquaintance in Yanjing would definitely save him a lot of effort when settling here.

Two days later, the sample books of Liang Fengyi's three novels "Drunk in the Red Dust", "Oiran Tribulation", and "A Rich Man's Dream" were released and sent to Lin Weimin's desk.

The publication of Liang Fengyi's novels was brokered by New H Press. After the novel sample book came out, Lin Weimin immediately contacted Liang Fengyi and New H Press to inform them that these three novels would be on the shelves of bookstores across the country in half a month. .

The Chinese Literature Society has collected subscriptions for the three novels in advance, and the first printing volume is 50,000 copies.

Liang Fengyi is not famous in China, but this number is already very impressive.

Lin Weimin called just to inform him, but he didn't expect that New H Agency paid more attention to it than he imagined.

Within an hour after his call, leaders from relevant units contacted him.

"Comrade for the people, Ms. Liang Fengyi's new book is published. We hope that the Chinese Literature Society can come forward to hold a grand new book launch. We will invite some highly respected leading comrades from the Literature Association to attend. What do you think?"

Everyone said so, so Lin Weimin naturally couldn't refuse.

The introduction of Liang Fengyi's works itself has some political overtones, otherwise Lin Weimin would not have gone to Xiangjiang to interview Liang Fengyi a few months ago.

"There is no problem in holding a new book launch conference. We will arrange it here and you can arrange for people to connect with you."

Holding a book launch is not a complicated matter. You just need to determine the time and location of the launch, prepare materials, contact guests and the media, and just do these things well.

Guests and the media will be contacted by relevant departments, and the preparations for the press conference will be handled by the Chinese Literature Society.

Lin Weimin discussed the matter with Cheng Wuchun, and then handed the matter over to his subordinates in the chief editor's office for preparation.

A week later, the book launch conference for the three novels "Drunk in the Red Dust", "Oiran Tribulation", and "A Rich Man's Dream" was grandly held at the Yanjing Hotel. Liang Fengyi, the author of the novel, was notified and came to Yanjing from Xiangjiang in advance to attend the conference.

In addition to her, leaders of relevant units, including Chen Huangmei, Feng Mu and Wang Meng from the Cultural Association, all came to attend and spoke, congratulating Liang Fengyi.

Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin also came to the press conference today. Although they were the organizers of the press conference, they were supporting roles. After the brief press conference, Liang Fengyi and the guests were all being interviewed. The two slipped aside and whispered. .

"The battle today is a bit big!" Lin Weimin sighed.

Cheng Wuchun looked at the reporters who were interviewing. Today, all the heavyweight national media came. There were even reporters from CCTV filming during the press conference. It was said that they were to be used as material for "News Network".

"It should be regarded as setting an example." Cheng Wanchun said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Weimin and joked: "When will you get such treatment when your new book is released?"

Lin Weimin said helplessly: "You are just making things difficult for me. I have no value as a barrel station!"

Cheng Wuchun glanced at the leaders of relevant units not far away and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Didn't you tell the nonsense first?"

Lin Weimin added: "You should be happy this time, right? This press conference has saved us so much publicity expenses!"

Although Liang Fengyi’s works introduced by Chinese Literature Society have political overtones, the relevant departments have now given Liang Fengyi a big scene in order to set an example, and they have also played a great publicity role. I believe these novels should be able to achieve good sales. .

Cheng Wanchun had a relaxed smile on his face, "It's all about cooperating with each other!"

That night, "News Network" reported on Liang Fengyi's new book launch and the Hong Kong writer's new book launch. This should be the first time in the history of "Xinwen Broadcast".

Early the next morning, the major print media immediately followed up with reports. Under the operation of relevant departments, the news that Liang Fengyi's works were introduced for domestic publication became household news among ordinary people across the country in just a few days.

Lin Weimin put a newspaper on Cheng Wuchun's table with a smile on his face, "Why do I think we should hurry up and print more?"

While the books were still on their way to bookstores across the country, Lin Weimin began to discuss printing with Cheng Wuchun. Cheng Wanchun also smiled, flipped through the newspaper, and said, "Don't worry, we'll wait for a few days before selling."

"You are just too conservative." Lin Weimin teased.

Cheng Wuchun glared at him, "This is called playing it safe and steady."

After a few words of bickering, Lin Weimin said: "There is a letter from Jin Yong, saying that he wants to discuss it in detail."

"Then it's up to you to come forward for the interview. You two have dealt with me before."

Lin Weimin picked up the phone and said, "Then I'll lend you this phone to make a call."

He said and started to make a call. After waiting for a long time, the call was connected.

"Mr. Cha, long time no see!"

A few years ago, when Lin Weimin was invited to visit by the Hong Kong Joint Publishing House, he had contact with Jin Yong and even raised money from Jin Yong for the Chinese Literature Foundation.

Lin Weimin chatted with Jin Yong for a while, and specifically talked about Liang Fengyi, who has been widely publicized these days, "Ms. Liang is not well-known in our country, but the publication of her works can receive such welcome and attention. If your works can be published, they will definitely become The focus of national attention.”

"And I think you should also know that countless copies of your novels have been pirated in China over the years. Not only private piracy, but also many publishing houses are involved. If you can authorize your works in the mainland to us, nothing else will happen. I dare say that what our Chinese Literature Society can guarantee is that piracy by publishing houses will definitely disappear in the future.”

It is nothing new for Jin Yong's martial arts novels to be pirated in the Mainland. He also knows it in Xiangjiang. Now that the Chinese Literature Society has come to him hoping to introduce his novels, it is beneficial and harmless to Jin Yong.

Lin Weimin's words spoke to his heart, and Jin Yong readily agreed to introduce the work on the phone.

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