1980 My literary era

Chapter 571 The Donkey of the Production Team

The term "sub-brand" in the publishing industry refers to a subsidiary publishing house under a large publishing house.

Speaking of popular literature and art publishing houses, it goes back a long time.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a ZY-level publishing house in Yanjing, targeting workers, peasants and soldiers, specializing in various popular readings. It was one of the largest publishing houses in the country at that time - Popular Readings Publishing House.

The books published by Popular Reading Press are divided into five categories: first, popular theoretical readings, political readings and party history and party building readings; second, current affairs, policy readings and rural work readings; third, Chinese knowledge readings, historical and geographical readings and popular science readings. The fourth is popular literary and artistic reading materials such as folk art and rap, stories and legends, historical novels, drama novels, etc. The fifth is comic books, picture albums and New Year pictures.

From the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to 1958, the Popular Books Publishing House was merged into the People's Press for some reasons. This publishing house edited and published more than 1,700 kinds of popular books. Some of these books were printed in the tens of thousands, and some were printed in the dozens. Tens of thousands of copies, up to several million copies.

The number of books planned to be published each year alone was as high as 40 million, which was enough to surpass the entire domestic publishing industry at that time in terms of book sales and influence.

In 1955, the Popular Reading Publishing House was established only two years ago, and its team had expanded to more than 240 people. The office conditions were poor, so the publishing house decided to raise funds to build a five-story office building with an area of ​​more than 6,600 square meters, located at 320 South Chaonei Street Road. No. 166, which is now No. 166 Chaonei Street, where the Chinese Literature Society is located.

What I didn't expect was that the building was built in 1957, but suffered an inhumane dismemberment in 1958. That year, the Popular Reading Publishing House was split and merged into the People's Publishing House.

Most of its political theory, current policy, library, "Current Affairs Handbook", "Political Study" book publishing tasks and editorial cadres, as well as art, publishing, distribution, and administrative cadres were merged into the People's Publishing House;

The publishing tasks and editorial cadres of scientific books were merged into the Popular Science Publishing House;

The publishing tasks and editorial cadres of literary and artistic books and Baowentang Bookstore were merged into the National Literature Publishing House;

Baowentang Printing Factory was taken over by the Ministry of Culture.

To some extent, the People's Publishing House and the National Literature Publishing House are now staying at No. 166 Chaonei Street, which is a bit like occupying the magpie's nest.

The difference between Popular Literature and Art Publishing House and Popular Reading Publishing House is only two words, and they belong to the sub-brand of Popular Reading Publishing House.

After the literary and art publishing house of Popular Books Publishing House and Baowentang Bookstore were merged into the National Literature Publishing House, the Popular Literature and Art Publishing House should naturally become the sub-brand of the National Literature Society.

Sub-brand publishing houses are not uncommon in the domestic publishing industry. For example, the People's Fine Arts Publishing House has two sub-brands: Chaohua Art Publishing House and Chinese Classical Art Publishing House. There is also the People's Education Publishing House and the Cultural Education Press. .

There are many publishing houses and sub-publishing houses that are the same team, with two names, and the people working are still the same, but the names are changed when publishing books, and some have mixed personnel, such as the president of the sub-publishing house. It is very likely that they hold concurrent positions such as the president and vice president of a superior publishing house. The same is probably true for the editorial department. Between the president and the deputy director, there is me and you.

In addition to the popular literature and art press, there are many other sub-brands owned by the Chinese Literature Society, such as Shanghai Lu Xun Publishing House, Times Publishing House, Tianxia Publishing House, Writers Publishing House, Ancient Literature Publishing House, Art Publishing House, etc. Publishing House, Chinese Drama Publishing House, Music Publishing House, Foreign Literature Publishing House, etc.

The fates of these sub-clubs owned by Guowen Society differed from each other.

For example, the Shanghai Lu Xun Publishing House and Times Publishing House were completely merged and completely digested.

There are also publishing houses such as Writers Publishing House and Art Publishing House that have restored independent establishments after the reform and opening up.

There is also a situation like the Literary and Ancient Books Publishing House, which went through many twists and turns in the past few decades, but in the end it was still the vice-president of the Chinese Literature Society.

When Lin Weimin went to the office to seek justice, he said that he wanted to restore the Popular Literature and Art Publishing House. In addition to giving leaders a step down, he also had his own small calculations.

After he became the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society, he planned to expand the publication of popular books in the society.

But in the final analysis, the Chinese Literature Society is a publishing house that specializes in pure literature. It publishes too many popular books. Not to mention the opinions of the outside world, I am afraid that there will be opposition voices within the Chinese Literature Society itself.

Restoring the popular literary and art publishing house as a subsidiary company will kill two birds with one stone. It not only solves the immediate troubles, but also solves the troubles that may arise in the future.

I specialize in setting up a publishing house to publish popular books. No matter whether it is a member of my own staff or an outsider, it would be unreasonable to find faults, right?

Lin Weimin confessed his thoughts to Cheng Wanchun, and Cheng Wanchun agreed after thinking about it.

Now that Lin Weimin had taken care of everything, Cheng Wanchun didn't show any pretense and took the time to ask someone to make a report first.

With one more sub-brand publishing house, the Chinese literary publishing house will have more momentum in its development process. The sooner the popular literature and art publishing house can recover, the better.

"You must grasp the publishing direction after the resumption of the Vice Publishing House, including planning the book list, and implementing it as soon as possible. You cannot have all the brands erected but leave them empty." Cheng Wuchun warned.

"Don't worry, since it was my idea, I definitely can't let it sit idle."

Cheng Wanchun added: "Since Popular Literature and Art Publishing House was proposed by you, I think it would be better for you to serve as both the president and editor-in-chief."

"You want to exhaust me to death?" Lin Weimin yelled.

Cheng Wuchun frowned and looked at him, "What? You made a mess yourself and you still want others to clean it up for you?"

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "Look at what you said, if others heard it, they would think it was some kind of hard work. I can just be the editor-in-chief, and the president will let others do it."

"A sub-brand club, how many resources do you want to take up in the club?"

Lin Weimin looked at Cheng Wuchun with some depression, "Boss, the donkeys in the production team don't have such control!"

"I'll give you an extra subsidy."

I owe you this subsidy?

"Leader, you are making a speech. I request that this matter must be discussed in a meeting." Lin Weimin argued hard.

Cheng Wuchun looked normal and nodded: "Yes, we will have a meeting tomorrow to finalize this matter."

There is naturally a reason why Cheng Wuchun is so determined.

The sub-brand club has just been restored. Since Lin Weimin is also the chief editor, the position of the president must not be lower than him.

Looking at the Chinese Literature Society, there is no one except the president and secretary.

The secretary is pragmatic and definitely doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. If Cheng Wanchun doesn't do it, who else is suitable to be the president of this sub-brand club besides Lin Weimin?

Moreover, leading cadres who hold concurrent positions are paid according to the high principle. Whichever position has a higher salary will be paid.

If Lin Weimin were to concurrently serve as the president and editor-in-chief of the Popular Literature and Art Publishing House, it would not be as big as the editor-in-chief position of the higher-level publishing house of the Chinese Literature Society. His salary would not change, so Cheng Wanchun would offer him an additional subsidy.

It's like doing more work, but not much more money. This kind of work is really something that can be achieved but not appreciated, and those that are worthy of it cannot be reached.

Lin Weimin was a little depressed and felt that he had dug a hole for himself.

"Don't be stressed first. You are the leader after all, and the specific work can be left to the people below. Go back and think about the development path after the establishment of the Vice Club, write a document, and wait until the superiors approve our application. We need to have a meeting to discuss!”

Cheng Wuchun comforted Lin Weimin while sending him out of the office, turning around with a bright smile on his face.

I finally tricked this Monkey King, oops! What a joy!

Lin Weimin left the office with a sad face. He felt melancholy for a while and let go of his emotions.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Let’s forget about these troublesome things for now and have fun for a few days.

During this period, he had just taken over as editor-in-chief and had been focusing his time and energy on work. Seeing that the Spring Festival was less than a week away, it was time to relax.

The next day was the weekend. Lin Weimin planned to take Tao Huimin to Wangfujing for shopping in the morning and to watch a play at Renyi in the evening. When he got up early, he received a call from Wang Shuo, asking him and Tao Huimin to have dinner.

"I'm not free in the evening, so I'd like to ask for lunch." Lin Weimin said politely on the phone.

"Beat me! I'll treat you to Western food. What's the mood in having it for lunch?"

Lin Weimin joked: "Hey, Mr. Shuo is bleeding, and we are going to serve foreign meat today!"

"Maxim, it's seven o'clock in the evening, love is coming or not!" Wang Shuo said and hung up the phone.

Lin Weimin was not worried. This was his usual way of getting along with Wang Shuo. He turned to Tao Huimin and said, "I can't watch the drama anymore. Wang Shuo will treat me to dinner tonight at Maxim."

"It doesn't matter. I haven't eaten Western food for a long time. It's just the right time to satisfy my craving." Tao Huimin said with a smile.

The two of them laughed and packed up, then went out.

According to the plan, we first went to Wangfujing for shopping.

As the Spring Festival approaches, any place in Yanjing that is related to shopping and entertainment is bustling. Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin went into Wangfujing and experienced the huge crowds of people.

When I came out again, I had a bunch of New Year's goods in my hand and was covered in sweat.

The reason why there are so many people in the mall is not only due to the approaching Chinese New Year, but also to the sharp rise in prices in previous years.

In the past few years, there has been a wave of panic buying from time to time, and ordinary people have been frightened. If there is any disturbance, they will immediately rush to the shopping mall, eager to spend all the money in their bankbooks.

It doesn’t matter if you run out of money, as long as you have the stuff. After all, if you buy stuff late, it’s really going up in price!

After finishing their shopping in Wangfujing, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin went to Quanjude for lunch and then went to Friendship Store in the afternoon.

In the morning, I bought some ordinary New Year's goods in Wangfujing. I went to the Friendship Store to buy some New Year's goods for gifts. The things here are a bit expensive, but giving gifts is a face-saving thing. Lin Weimin has become accustomed to buying them in the past few years.

While browsing the Friendship Store, Lin Weimin asked Tao Huimin, "When will parents arrive?"

"They say we're leaving tomorrow, and we should be able to arrive the day after tomorrow."

During the New Year this year, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin do not plan to return to their hometown in Ruian. Instead, they invite Tao Huimin's parents to come to Yanjing to celebrate the New Year. After the New Year, Tao Huimin will take Tao's father and Tao's mother to play in Yanjing for a while.

Tao's mother had just retired this year, and Tao's father still had two years to retire. Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin discussed the idea of ​​bringing them to Yanjing to settle down.

Tao's father and Tao's mother had only one daughter. She was getting older and older after retirement, and there was no one around to take care of her. Lin Weimin asked Tao Huimin to take this opportunity to persuade her parents.

After spending a day shopping outside, at around five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin first sent home all the New Year's goods, and then drove to the Maxim Western Restaurant at No. 2 Chongwenmen West Street.

Maxim's opened in 1983 and became the leader among Western restaurants in Yanjing. In the past few years, it has become more and more popular.

A few years ago, Bertolucci liked to come here when he was filming "The Last Emperor" in Yanjing. He had a heated relationship with the restaurant manager Song Huaigui, and even let Song Huaigui play a cameo role in the movie. Lin Weimin once suspected that there was something unspeakable between the two. , it’s a pity that he has no evidence.

When I came to the restaurant today, I didn't see Song Huaigui standing at the door to greet guests. Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin entered the restaurant and saw Wang Shuo standing in the corner of the restaurant, waving to him. In the waving hand, there was a black "board" Brick" is particularly conspicuous.

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