1980 My literary era

Chapter 579 You monk can’t touch it

This year is the third session of the Yanbing Literature Award. It has been more than 10 years since the award was first launched. It stands to reason that the jury already has work experience from the previous two sessions. At this stage, the award rules are becoming increasingly mature and perfect, and the award results should be more authoritative. That's right.

However, the development of things always has pros and cons, and the Yanbing Literature Prize cannot escape this objective law.

When an award is first held, it is mostly fair and just, but as time goes by, interference from all parties will increase, and the biggest interference comes from favors.

In later generations, whenever the results of the Yanbing Literature Prize are released, it will always attract a lot of attention and controversy.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. It is normal to have various discussions.

But we have to admit that the award results are indeed increasingly lacking credibility and authority.

You say that this award has never judged good works, that is nonsense. Among the three or five works produced every year, there are always works that win the award based on real talent and learning.

But why can’t the award results convince the public?

Because some people are adding sand into it for their own personal gain.

I am the leader in power this year, so it’s not too much to include a work by one of my own, right?

I am on the jury for the third time this year. Isn’t it too much to recommend one’s own work?

*The teacher is a veteran and recommends a student. This reputation cannot be refuted and he must be shortlisted!

This kind of thing will be very common in later generations.

Many award-winning activities that were initially vigorous and well-received were suddenly ruined in this way.

Lin Weimin's so-called truths and lies are not actually speaking his own thoughts, but simulating what he might say after he breaks up with the jury.

Others won't care what he thinks in his heart, they will only judge right and wrong according to their own likes and dislikes.

His so-called "truth" is more in line with some people's imagination of this matter.

But Lin Weimin didn't care, because he and Liu Feiyu did have a grudge.

Lin Weimin was not naive enough to think that Mr. Chen's sigh meant that he would stand on his side.

The Yanbing Literary Award's evaluation work is dominated by the Literary and Art Association, and the jury is the executive agency. Although some of them are doing things to undermine the authority of the award, what they are most afraid of is questioning their authority.

This Naizi can be touched by the officials, but you, the monk, cannot!

It's that simple.

Lin Weimin wants to single-handedly change a collective decision, which is tantamount to letting others slap him in the face. Even if the results have not been announced yet, the arrogant bureaucracy will not compromise.

After Mr. Chen’s call, there was no news about the Yanbing Literary Award.

A few days later, Lin Weimin heard a rumor. He shook his head helplessly, knowing who was behind it without even thinking.

Rumors stop at the wise, but unfortunately there are only a few wise people in this world.

Even though he knew who was behind this devious trick, he still chose not to do anything about it, waiting for the future to settle the score.

Lin Weimin didn't take this matter to heart. In addition to working every day, he wrote.

Stimulated by the scandalous incident in the jury, he was bursting with inspiration. It had been several years since he had been in such a state of being in such a state of indigestion.

Time came to the middle of the month, and the sample books of Jin Yong's collection of works came out. Li Xuegang and Yu Hua walked into Lin Weimin's office holding two large sets of books.

The total number of Jin Yong's works exceeds 8 million words, and is divided into two volumes of "Book and Sword Enmity", two volumes of "Blue Blood Sword", all four volumes of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", all four volumes of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Snow Mountain" "Flying Fox", "Flying Fox Gaiden" (Part 1 and 2), "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer" (all four volumes), "The Secret of the City", "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" (all five volumes), "Xia Ke Xing" (Part 1 and 2), "The Swordsman" (all four volumes), "The Deer and the Cauldron" Five volumes.

In addition, "Yue Nu Sword" is too short to be an independent chapter, so it is included in the second volume of "Books and Swords".

The entire anthology has a total of 36 volumes, each of which is held by Li Xuegang and Yu Hua, which is very visually impactful.

Of these two collections, one is a hardcover edition and the other is a paperback edition.

The Chinese Literature Society has always rarely produced hardcover books, but the Tongwen Society has no such scruples. It is the first time that Jin Yong's works have been introduced to the mainland in such a comprehensive way. Lin Weimin believes that there will be many collectors who are willing to pay high prices to buy them for their collections.

"Teacher Lin, look at this! These two sets of books weigh almost eighty pounds, but they are exhausting me and Xue Gang!"

After Yu Hua placed the entire collection of essays on Lin Weimin's desk, he did not forget to ask for credit and reward.

Lin Weimin made a cup of tea for the two of them, and Yu Hua muttered in a low voice: "It's getting more and more stingy."

Normally, a sample book should be printed in multiple sets. This time it is an anthology, and there are hardcover and paperback editions. Printing five sets costs at least two to three hundred yuan. The team has just opened, and Lin Weimin feels sad just thinking about it. .

The sample books produced by the printing house are for final confirmation by the publisher. In addition, after the book is published, the publisher has to produce several sets to send to higher authorities and the National Library for reference.

After drinking tea, Li Xuegang left the office, but Yu Hua refused to leave.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Yu Hua hesitated and said: "Teacher Lin, after you have finished reviewing the book, can you give it to me?"

"Don't you have an editorial sample book in your editorial department?"

"That's different. It has to be returned to the printing house." Yu Hua gave Lin Weimin a look. "The cost is a bit high this time. They won't let you keep it, so you have to keep it with the company for future reference. You don't need this, this is a leadership sample book. "

Lin Weimin was speechless, this guy was waiting for him here.

"Look at your potential!" Lin Weimin scolded him, and then said, "Take it away after the trial is over!"

Yu Hua was overjoyed when he heard this, "Thank you, Teacher Lin."

Yu Hua is a senior fan of martial arts novels, but what makes him happy is not only the value of Jin Yong's complete collection, but also because it is the first batch of printed products after Jin Yong's works were published in the mainland, which is of great significance.

After getting Lin Weimin's permission, he happily prepared to leave the office, but heard Lin Weimin say: "Have you prepared the sample booklet for Mr. Cha?"

"It's ready. It's sitting in the editorial office. It's too heavy, so I didn't move it here."

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "There's no need to move it. I'll give you that set. I'll give this set to him after I review it."

Yu Hua laughed happily again, Teacher Lin is still kind to me!

The review of the sample book is not as energy-consuming as the review of the manuscript. It seems to be a quick glance. The main thing is to confirm whether the printing and binding are correct, and the content review is second.

After spending several days reviewing a set of sample books, Lin Weimin asked Yu Hua and others about the review results.

After confirming that it is correct, sign and print.

The first printing of Jin Yong's collection of works is divided into hardcover and paperback editions. The first printing set of the hardcover edition is 10,000 copies, and the first printing set of the paperback edition is 100,000 copies.

The scale of the first printings of the Chinese Literature Society has always been higher than this time. Each printing of Lin Weimin's novels is hundreds of thousands of copies.

But the difference this time is that it is an anthology of essays, a single volume worth dozens of volumes.

When a normal publishing house publishes an anthology, 10,000 copies is already a very high print run. After all, the printing costs are there. If it fails to sell, the loss will be so great that even my own mother will not recognize it.

Wang Shuo has become famous all over the country in recent years. The first printing of his collection published by Huayi Publishing House was only 100,000 copies.

What gave Lin Weimin and Tongwen Society the confidence to make the decision to print an initial print of 110,000 copies was naturally the readership that Jin Yong had accumulated in the mainland over the years.

When the book is signed and printed, it is considered to have entered the final process of book publishing.

Next, the most important thing is the promotion of the novel.

For ordinary books published by the Chinese Literature Society, the book advertisements will usually be published in the journals of the society, and then they will cooperate with the bookstores to produce some promotional materials. It is best to find one or two journalists who are familiar with the book to write two articles and publicize it widely.

But Jin Yong's works are different from the past. As a literary man, Jin Yong has many shortcomings, but it is undeniable that he has a lofty status as Taishan Beidou in martial arts novels, so the Chinese Literature Society will promote it with great fanfare this time.

The specifications this time will definitely not be as good as the last time Liang Fengyi released a new book. After all, relevant departments are fully assisting, but the momentum must not be weak. In the past few days, Lin Weimin has started asking colleagues in the agency to contact major media.

At the same time, he contacted Jin Yong again.

It has been thirty-six years since the birth of Jin Yong's first martial arts novel, "Book, Sword and Enmity". Now it is published in the mainland for the first time in the form of a collection. It is a happy event worth celebrating. After Lin Weimin found Jin Yong, he readily agreed came to Yanjing to attend the press conference.

While Lin Weimin was busy with the issuance and listing of Jin Yong's collection of works, he also took time to participate in a seminar on Yu Hua's "Alive" works.

It has been three months since "Alive" was published, and it has had a broad and strong impact on domestic critics and readers.

Critics also highly recognized Yu Hua's transformation and believed that he had written a rare and good work.

In addition, among the readers, "To Live" was published just after New Year's Day, during which the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival were also experienced. In a festive and cheerful winter, such a healing work as "To Live" suddenly appeared, and countless people have read it. The novel leaves an indelible impression on readers of the novel.

The works seminar was held as scheduled in the conference room on the third floor of the front building of the Chinese Literature Society, and many invited writers, critics, and scholars were present.

Yu Hua is the protagonist today. He has never closed his mouth since he entered the conference room and greets people everywhere.

When Lin Weimin came in, many people present turned their attention to him.

There is no airtight wall in the world. In the past half month, rumors about Lin Weimin and the Yan Bing Literary Award have been spreading in the domestic literary world.

The news that came out at the beginning was that the two works submitted by the Chinese Literature Society to Lin Weimin did not win the award. Many people in the literary circle were a little surprised when they heard the news. Lin Weimin has a high output and the quality of his works is not bad. The two works he submitted did not win the award. Everyone has seen this work, so it should not be a big problem to get a place for the award.

Just when everyone was surprised and confused, news came out from nowhere.

It is said that after Lin Weimin learned that his work was not selected for this year's Yanbing Literature Award, he was extremely dissatisfied and even contacted the jury to put pressure.

His colleagues in the literary world who originally sympathized with him were immediately filled with disgust and despised this act, and even more despised Lin Weimin's character.

A few days ago, the list of winners of this year's Yanbing Literature Award was just announced in the media. As expected, Lin Weimin's work was not selected, which further confirmed the authenticity of the rumors.

Wang Meng was invited to attend the seminar today. He sat next to Lin Weimin and asked in a low voice: "What are the recent rumors? Why is it that judging an award has caused such a stir in the city?"

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