1980 My literary era

Chapter 585 Disgusting people have skills

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "Of course. If I contact you proactively, can I still joke with you? Why would you ask that?"

"To be honest. Some time ago, my friend actually recommended my prose to a publishing house, hoping that they would publish it. However, the publisher rejected it after reading my work, saying that I did not write the prose this way.

Later, a publishing house contacted me and said it could be published. But I had to revise the manuscript according to their requirements, and the changes were huge. Basically, my prose was treated as a pamphlet similar to a travel guide. "

Yu Qiuyu couldn't help but smile bitterly when she said this.

I see.

Lin Weimin said: "Those essays of yours were published in Harvest. There is no doubt about their quality. We will publish them in a collection and they will have to be reviewed by the editor, but there will definitely be extensive changes."

Hearing what he said, Yu Qiuyu felt relieved and said happily: "That's great."

The two discussed for a while, and Lin Weimin invited Yu Qiuyu to come to Beijing to discuss specific matters about publishing, and Yu Qiuyu readily agreed.

After calling Yu Qiuyu, Lin Weimin went to Cheng Wuchun's office and communicated with him what he had just discussed with He Qizhi.

After listening to Lin Weimin's words, Cheng Wuchun nodded and said: "Shi Tiesheng's "The Temple of Earth and Me" has indeed triggered a prose craze. Let "Contemporary" investigate first. If readers accept it well, it will be easy to write one. Yes, we will discuss it later when the results come out."

He asked again: "When are you going to launch the martial arts novel publication you mentioned before?"

"I recently asked them to contact some authors. The style of most martial arts novel authors still does not escape the scope of the works of Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng, and their level is limited. I want to save more manuscripts. This publication must not only be an instant hit, but also have stamina. That’s all.”

"Okay, you can take care of it yourself."

A few days after the two chatted, Yu Qiuyu came to Yanjing from Shanghai, and Lin Weimin met him in person.

For domestic writers, the Chinese Literature Society is a glorious palace. If their works can be published or published here, it means that their works have reached the level of being famous.

When these writers come to the Chinese Literature Society to talk about things, they usually meet the editor-in-chief, but they rarely meet the editor-in-chief.

Those whose works are particularly outstanding and receive attention may even meet the deputy editor-in-chief.

But like Yu Qiuyu, the editor-in-chief called and contacted him in person, and then interviewed him in person, but it was very rare.

Although Yu Qiuyu is now a famous scholar and still has an official status, he is still new to the literary world, and he is simply flattered to receive such treatment.

When talking about the royalty sharing, Lin Weimin, on behalf of the Chinese Literature Society, gave a royalty rate of 8%, and explained: "You don't have any masterpieces in the literary world, so the royalties can only be this standard for the time being. If the collection of essays is published and sells well, , we can adjust the royalty share after a period of time."

It was Yu Qiuyu's first time publishing a book, and he had only received royalties before. Now he could receive royalties, which he had never thought about before, so he never thought about calculating royalties. Everything was arranged by Lin Weimin.

After the two discussed it, Lin Weimin asked again: "After some time, our club may publish a prose publication. How about providing us with a few works?"

Yu Qiuyu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said happily: "This is what I want."

The Chinese Literature Society has run three publications so far, one is "People's Literature", the second is "Contemporary", and the third is "New Literature Historical Materials".

That publication is not famous in the domestic literary world. The works published in "People's Literature" and "Contemporary" represent the highest level of domestic literature, just like "Harvest".

"New Literature Historical Materials" focuses on recording the history of modern literature. It is the only historical material publication that records the modern and contemporary literary world.

These three publications represent the height of domestic literary publications. If the Chinese Literature Society wants to publish a new publication, the level must not be much worse than these three publications, right?

For Yu Qiuyu, an amateur author who has only written some prose and has never even been published, how valuable is the opportunity to contribute to the new publication of the Chinese Literature Society?

Naturally, he hurriedly agreed.

Lin Weimin looked at Yu Qiuyu with a smile. He would not comment on this buddy's character, and his work also had some shortcomings, but it was undeniable that it was literary and popular. It was a perfect appointment to escort a new prose publication.

Publish a collection of essays and book some manuscripts on the way, killing two birds with one stone.

Yu Qiuyu's prose is getting thinner and thinner. If he doesn't squeeze it out now, he won't have a chance to squeeze it out in the future.

After sending Yu Qiuyu away, Lin Weimin had a few short days of leisure from his busy work.

His new work "Promotion" was published in the fifth issue of "Contemporary" in May. As Lin Weimin's new work published more than a year later, "Promotion" has attracted countless attention since its publication.

Domestic readers have become accustomed to reading Lin Weimin's new novels in "Contemporary" every year. Regardless of whether the novel is in line with everyone's reading taste, buy it first.

The first issue in January released Yu Hua's "Alive", with sales exceeding 2 million copies.

This issue contains Lin Weimin's "Promotion", and sales have once again reached a peak.

As more and more readers read it, "Promotion" has aroused huge repercussions among the broad readership group in less than half a month after its publication.

Many readers wrote letters to the editorial board of "Contemporary". In addition to praising Lin Weimin's novel, some of them also described similar incidents they had experienced in their letters, which made people feel itchy after reading it.

Compared with readers' simple welcome and love for this novel, the literary world's perception of this novel is a bit complicated.

Less than two months have passed since the Yanbing Literature Award, and the public case is still before everyone's eyes. How can everyone not see who the content of the novel is satirizing?

But the problem is, even if you satirize Liu Feiyu and the Yan Bing Literary Award, are we provoking you?

The novel "Promotion" was born out of a domestic movie Lin Weimin watched in his previous life.

Speaking of this movie, we have to mention a director-Huang Jianxin.

In later generations, many moviegoers will be familiar with this name.

Peach news, Shanye's little follower, and main theme professional, these are probably the three labels that are attached to Huang Jianxin.

But older moviegoers, to be precise, those who watched movies in the 1990s, should still have fresh memories of Huang Jianxin.

The movie "Black Cannon Incident" shocked the Chinese film industry. It can be said that before Zhang Yimou emerged, among the young domestic directors, Huang Jianxin was probably the only one who could compete with Cheng Kaige.

Taking stock of China's fifth-generation directors, Huang Jianxin should be the most lamentable one.

Huang Jianxin is an anomaly among the fifth generation directors. Every film he made in the early stages of his directorial career can be regarded as a mark of the times in the early days of domestic reform and opening up.

His film expressions always show the characteristics of realism and the humor of seeing the big from the small. He can often hit the mark with irony in real and ordinary stories, analyze the hearts of small people in the context of the grand era, and reflect strong humanistic care.

"Movie World" once put Zhang Yimou, Cheng Kaige and Huang Jianxin together for comparison——

To a certain extent, Zhang Yimou and Cheng Kaige are both fabulists. They both pursue the sense of having a commanding view and a sense of hit-and-miss success. Relatively speaking, Huang Jianxin is more like a sociologist. He pays attention to the details of the internal operation of a system. His films are like a kind of sociological fieldwork.

Huang Jianxin does not have the talent of Zhang Yimou and Cheng Kaige in terms of film graphics and lens scheduling, but his films take a different approach. If he keeps persisting, he may become a famous director of his generation.


"Promotion" written by Lin Weimin was born out of the movie "Back to Back, Face to Face" shot by Huang Jianxin in 1994.

The story of "Back to Back, Face to Face" is not complicated. It is the story of Wang Shuangli, the deputy director of a cultural center in a certain city who has never been allowed to become a full-time official.

During this period, there were arm wrestling with the official curator, intrigues with colleagues, and trivial matters between parents.

Lin Weimin's "Promotion" focuses on workplace struggles. In his novel, the protagonist works hard and is responsible as a deputy director. He wants to become a full-time official, but because there is no one above him, he has to endure the defeat of one director after another, but he never succeeds. Unable to become a regular, he reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​becoming the curator, thinking that only by fighting off the new curator would he have a chance to become a regular.

For the position of the curator, the protagonist and the new curator engage in various intrigues, and also involve his colleagues and family members.

The climax of the novel is that the new director will hold a literary awards event, and the final winner will be able to work in the cultural center and receive a cash reward of 500 yuan.

The protagonist inquired and learned that the new director wanted to take this opportunity to arrange for his nephew to enter the cultural center, so he made a plan to destroy the new director's wishful thinking and made the new director's plan public. The new director was disgraced and was soon transferred.

The protagonist went to the leader in advance to give a gift, thinking that this turn of events was a sure thing, but it turned out that a few days later the new director took office, and he turned out to be the secretary of the director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

After fighting for a long time, the protagonist had nothing but chicken feathers on the ground.

"The Promoted Official" continues the character names and place names in "The Official Thief", allowing people to know at a glance who Lin Weimin's connotation is.

Especially the literary awards event set up at the climax, one can immediately think of the Yanbing Literary Award that ended some time ago and is still discussed by many people in the literary world and readers.

The 1990s was the era when realist themes exploded in Chinese literary works, film and television works, and a series of excellent works that satirized intellectuals, bureaucracy, formalism and corruption were born. The birth of these works naturally has its own reasons. development rules and internal logic.

In the more than ten years of reform and opening up, the pace has been getting bigger and bigger, the atmosphere has become more and more loose, and corruption and bureaucracy are rampant, which has created this batch of literary and artistic works.

In the novel, Lin Weimin vividly demonstrated the hypocrisy, treachery, scheming, and pettiness of intellectuals. At this point in 1991, many places were already in decline. Readers were indifferent to the bureaucracy, bureaucracy, and bureaucracy that Lin Weimin satirized and criticized in his novel. I feel the same way about formalism and petty corruption.

In "Promotion", Lin Weimin not only scolded Liu Feiyu and the Literary Association who were not dealing with him.

The sanctimonious intellectuals, literati, and bureaucrats were scolded bloody, and the scope of the attack was simply outrageous.

Many literary colleagues and university scholars read the novel and wanted to praise it, but when they thought that the novel was criticizing people like them, they felt more uncomfortable than eating flies.

This Lin Weimin is really a disgusting person!

In the past few days, my illness has not improved, but has worsened, and my condition is very poor.

I went to the hospital for a review today and was a little speechless.

The last time I checked, I spent almost a thousand dollars. They told me that I had methylene inflammation and that if it didn’t heal within a week, I would need to change the treatment method.

As a result, I went there today and asked for an examination to confirm whether it was subcutaneous methylene inflammation.

I'm so fucking...

The examination still requires an appointment, and it will take half a day tomorrow. I am really afraid that it will take another two days for my disease to be cured.

What a fucking magical reality!

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