1980 My literary era

Chapter 591 The Shame of the Literary World

When we had dinner together today, Yu Hua did not hide anything. He contacted Cheng Hong after arriving in Yanjing, and then quickly established a relationship. Now the relationship is stable. From the tone of the two, they are basically rushing to get married. went.

"If you have the idea of ​​​​getting married, you should save some money. The conditions of the houses allocated by the work unit are relatively poor. It is best to buy a house. After buying a house, you have completely settled in Yanjing." Lin Weimin said.

Speaking of houses, Yu Hua became interested and said in an exclamatory tone: "The house prices in Yanjing have risen too much in the past two years. I read reports that some new houses were sold for 2,000 yuan per square meter! This time I The royalties are just enough to buy a toilet.”

"Yanjing is the capital, so rising housing prices are inevitable."

Yu Hua couldn't help but admire him: "Mr. Lin, you still have the foresight. The houses in your hands have increased two or three times in recent years, right?"

"It's just to fight inflation, money goes away too fast in the bank." Lin Weimin said casually.

Fight inflation? Do you always have any misunderstandings about these three words? Yu Hua thought.

"Mo Yan is really lucky. The house he bought should have gone up a lot."

A few years ago, when Mo Yan was studying at the School of Liberal Arts, he used his royalties to help Lin Weimin buy a house. Logically speaking, he was not qualified to buy a house in Yanjing, but he could do anything. His house has indeed gone up in price. Quite a few.

Yu Hua said and sighed again, "Oh! I haven't seen him for so long, I still miss him."

When Mo Yan was in the liberal arts college, he had planned to stay in Beijing after graduation. He also revealed it to Lin Weimin at that time, and Lin Weimin also made plans to help him clear his job.

Unfortunately, he backed down when graduation came.

Mo Yan was a soldier. During the years when he studied in military arts and liberal arts colleges, he had been receiving army subsidies. He had to be discharged from the army after graduation. This was somewhat unethical. Before graduation, he thought about it and finally decided Still didn't do that and returned to the army honestly.

Of course, when he returned to the army, his treatment was not bad. On the contrary, because he had been plated twice, his treatment was even better than before.

"With his temperament, it will be a matter of time before he leaves the army." Lin Weimin said.

Yu Hua nodded in agreement.

Mo Yan's character is a bit off-kilter, probably due to his early life environment, so he has a cynical streak in his writing, as evidenced by novels such as "The Song of Garlic Sprout in Heaven".

In the past two years, he has written two more novels, "The Thirteen Steps" and "The Herbivore Family", which received relatively average responses.

In contrast, the reputation and response of "Shouting in the Drizzle" and "Alive" are very good. Yu Hua has been a bit of a latecomer in the past two years.

While eating, Yu Hua suddenly asked: "Mr. Lin, the novel you got from the editorial department is really good. I feel it is no worse than the novels of Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng. There are still such powerful martial arts in our country." A novelist?"

Lin Weimin paused while picking up the food and said with a smile: "If the quality is not good, I won't take it back as the headline work in the first issue."

Seeing that Lin Weimin didn't answer his question in this way, Yu Hua asked: "Who is this 'Little Zhuanfeng'?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? The author doesn't want to reveal his own information, so don't ask blindly. You are the editor, don't you know this taboo?"

Lin Weimin's tight-lippedness made Yu Hua even more suspicious. Writing a martial arts novel was not a shameful thing, unless...

"This novel wasn't written by Tiesheng, was it?" he said suddenly.

Lin Weimin glared at him, "Don't guess!"

Lin Weimin refused to tell whether he would live or die, and Yu Hua was even more curious. He had already judged from Lin Weimin's attitude that the person who wrote this novel must not be a traditional martial arts novel writer, but maybe one of their group of pure literary writers.

As far as he knew, there were quite a few writers who liked reading martial arts novels, and he himself particularly loved reading them. Not only did he love reading them, he also tried to write them and published them.

Therefore, it is not impossible for a writer who is good at writing martial arts novels to emerge from a group of pure literary writers.

In this way, Teacher Lin's caution makes sense.

These days, if a pure literary writer writes martial arts novels, it will be regarded as a shame in the literary world.

This person must be very close to Teacher Lin. Who could it be?

Tie Sheng? Mo Yan? Wang Shuo? Lu Yao?

Yu Hua guessed something in his mind, so he never ate Ansheng again during this meal. He kept thinking about who the author could be.

A few days later, in the editorial office of Tongwen News Agency.

Yu Hua and the others were a little absent-minded after they arrived. Today is July 15th, the day when the first issue of "Heroes of Kyushu" goes on sale.

The four people in the editorial department have been preparing for four or five months for this first pure martial arts publication in China, and now the day has finally come for the results.

The publication subscription process was carried out for more than 20 days, and the final feedback result was more than 86,000 copies, far exceeding everyone's estimate. This result gave everyone great confidence.

The subscription volume of the publication is only a reference. The first issue of "Heroes of Kyushu" has an initial printing of 100,000 copies and goes on sale today.

The issuance of publications is different from that of ordinary books because the sales cycle is relatively short, so the feedback time is naturally short. If nothing unexpected happens, feedback should be available within a few days.

The whole morning was spent in everyone's absent-mindedness and fishing in troubled waters.

In the afternoon, just as everyone was about to concentrate on work, Lin Weimin walked into the office.

"Xue Gang, I talked with Mr. Liang Yusheng through an intermediary. He plans to hand over the publishing rights of the novel in the mainland to our Tongwen Press. You can make preparations in the past few days and go to Xiangjiang to sign a contract with him on behalf of the publisher.

When you arrive in Xiangjiang, Mr. Liu Yichang will send someone to pick you up. Under his leadership, you will visit a few more Xiangjiang martial arts writers and try to sign over the publishing rights of their works. This is the list. "

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, Li Xuegang became a little excited, not only because he was going to Xiangjiang on a business trip, but also because he could meet several famous martial arts novelists in Xiangjiang. If he didn't like martial arts novels, he would not be transferred to Tongwen Society.

Li Xuegang took the list given by Lin Weimin, took a look at it, and wrote down the names of four or five people. The only one that looked familiar was Wen Ruian's. In the past two years, Wen Ruian's pirated martial arts novels had just appeared in the mainland, and they had attracted a lot of attention from readers of martial arts novels. Most of the names of writers he had never heard of.

"Wen Ruian and Huang Ying are traditional martial arts novel writers, Huang Yi writes fantasy martial arts, and Nangong Bo specializes in historical novels. Their works have different styles. You can buy a few of their works after you go to Xiangjiang. Take a look and be prepared when you meet." Lin Weimin warned.

"Okay, I understand." Li Xuegang agreed.

Several others looked at Li Xuegang with envy. They could not only go to Xiangjiang on a business trip to see the colorful world, but also meet various famous martial arts novelists. This was the business trip life that everyone dreamed of.

Lin Weimin looked at the other people and said: "Xuegang will be away for more than a week. The three of you will keep the stall at home. The first issue has just been released. Please pay attention to collecting market feedback. Yu Hua, Xuegang will not be here for the past few days. Editorial department, please Call the shots.”

"Okay, Teacher Lin."

"In addition, the content published in the next issue of the magazine must be reviewed carefully and carefully. There must be no mistakes in the previous issues." Lin Weimin explained again uneasily.

Yu Hua responded and complained to Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin, just after Xue left, there are only three people left in our editorial department. These people are really short. When can we be assigned a few more people?" ?I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to make it by then.”

"We have applied to the company for a new batch of college students to join us at the end of this month. The batch of students who will be interning in the proofreading department will be divided among the three of us."

As soon as Lin Weimin finished speaking, smiles suddenly filled the faces of several people.

Finally there is a new animal power!

It has been half a year since the Tongwen News Editorial Department was established, and the work has not been too busy.

But things are a little different starting from this month. With the launch of "Heroes of Kyushu", one issue per month will become the daily work of the editorial department. In the future, it will also be responsible for the publication of popular books. The staff has indeed begun to change. Stretched.

"After the people arrive, your editorial department will be split into two editing rooms. One is the popular readings editing room, and the other is the "Kyushu Heroes" editing room."

Lin Weimin's words before leaving got everyone involved in discussions.

The editorial department has more staff, and the publishing house's business has begun to expand. Splitting the editorial office is inevitable.

Li Xuegang is already the editor-in-chief of the editorial department and will definitely be in charge of the popular readings editing room.

There are only four people in the editorial department. Teacher Lin had previously given Yu Huaan the title of deputy editor-in-chief of the editorial department. This will make sense. If nothing else, he should be in charge of "Heroes of Kyushu".

Liu Maowen and Qi Xianghua were slightly disappointed, but then they cheered up.

Tongwen News Agency has only been established for half a year. It now has two editorial offices and will have more departments in the future.

Teacher Lin is the fairest person, and they are both veteran founders of the society. As long as they perform well, are they worried about not being promoted?

While several people were discussing, someone from the second editorial office of Contemporary Literature next door ran over. We were all colleagues in the past and we were very familiar with each other.

They heard Lin Weimin's words just now, and congratulated Li Xuegang when they arrived. Going to Xiangjiang for a business trip was a good one.

"It's better for you to go to Tongwen Club. In just half a year, you will have the opportunity to go on a business trip to Xiangjiang."

"Xue Gang, hurry up and exchange some foreign currency. You can buy more things when you go to Xiangjiang!"

Half a year ago, it would have been impossible to say that everyone envied these young editors at Tongwen News.

If he went to work as an editor in a subordinate agency and was still engaged in popular literature, many people in the agency would be puzzled by the choice of these young people.

But now, the collection of Jin Yong's works has been published and sold more than 1,000 yuan in two months. Although it is in the name of the Chinese Literature Society, everyone knows that this is the performance of the Tongwen Society.

The martial arts publication "Heroes of Kyushu" has been put on sale for many months, with more than 80,000 subscriptions. This is a pretty good result. Based on the subscription volume alone, this publication is not only alive, but also very nourishing. The key point is that you still don’t know what kind of development they can develop in the future. Maybe it will be better?

You know, the sales volume of general popular books these days is very good, often hundreds of thousands or millions, which is much better than purely literary publications.

Now Li Xuegang is going on a business trip to Xiangjiang. This kind of opportunity usually comes once every two years in the Chinese Literature Society. But in the past, only the old leaders and experts in the society were qualified to go. At Li Xuegang's age, only a few people could go. Not much.

Just because of this treatment, Li Xuegang's job as editorial director was not in vain.

Colleagues were chatting happily, and Li Xuegang slipped into Lin Weimin's office.

He and his wife have always wanted to buy a computer, but now it costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan to buy a computer in Zhongguancun, which is not something their family can afford. They took advantage of the opportunity of a business trip to go to Xiangjiang to buy a computer.

After Li Xuegang finished speaking about his request, Lin Weimin smiled and said, "What do I mean? I will bring you some foreign exchange tomorrow."

"Thank you, Teacher Lin!" Li Xuegang said happily.

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