1980 My literary era

Chapter 599: Fierce Fire Cooking Oil

The KFC Hometown Chicken store located at the front door has a large facade, a three-story building, and the decoration is similar to that of later KFCs. It is indeed very attractive to today's consumers.

Lin Weimin brought Tao Huimin to the store and ordered a standard set meal, which included two pieces of finger-licking original chicken, one mashed potato with chicken sauce, one cole slaw, and a small meal bag.

At first, KFC's menu was very monotonous. When it first opened, the restaurant only sold eight products: original chicken, chicken mashed potatoes, cole slaw, bread, cola, 7-Up, Mirinda, and beer. It was not until 1989 that the menu was available. Burgers, 4 yuan and 5 each.

Tao Huimin finished her portion and set her sights on Lin Weimin's. He had no choice but to order another hamburger and original chicken.

"Isn't pregnancy always caused by vomiting and dizziness? Why do you have such a good appetite?" Lin Weimin asked curiously.

Tao Huimin's mouth was full, "I don't know, I just feel greedy. I like to eat things I usually don't like to eat."

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "If you love eating so much, you must be a fat boy."

"Are girls bad?" Tao Huimin slowed down her chewing speed and stared at Lin Weimin.

He was immediately alert, this was a proposition.

"Girls are good, of course. I like girls best. When they grow up, they will be my caring little cotton-padded jacket."

Tao Huimin nodded with satisfaction and continued to eat.

After a while, she raised her head again and said, "Actually, the boy is pretty good too. He looks like his mother."

"Like you, I will definitely be handsome when I grow up."

Can’t it be like me? I am not handsome?

After almost having enough food, Lin Weimin specially ordered a few set meals to take with him.

The couple did not go home directly, but drove to Shichahai Courtyard.

In the evening, Shi's father and Cheng Ximi were preparing dinner, and Lin Weimin took the things he brought to the kitchen.

"Stop cooking for now. I happened to go out to eat and brought you a few portions. Let's have this tonight."

The meal bag Lin Weimin brought had the name and logo of KFC Home Chicken on it. Cheng Ximi said, "Why do you spend money on this?"

“Try something new, try something new!”

With the things Lin Weimin brought, Cheng Ximi had no choice but to stop preparing dinner, put the things on dishes and put them on the table.

"Huimin is pregnant, and she loves eating meat very much recently. You guys should try it, KFC food is quite good once in a while."

The couple sat aside and watched Shi Tiesheng's family eating KFC, which was a bit weird no matter how they looked at it.

In particular, the two of them were staring at Shi Tiesheng, which made Shi Tiesheng feel uncomfortable.

"Why do you two always look at me like that?"

"It's nothing. Tiesheng, eat it, eat it quickly!" Lin Weimin urged.

Shi Tiesheng held the burger in his hand and said hesitantly: "You won't put drugs in it, right?"

"You don't know a good heart. This is what I brought to you specially." Lin Weimin said displeased.

Shi Tiesheng looked at the burger, helplessly stared at Lin Weimin's concerned eyes and continued to eat.

"Fried chicken really has a unique taste. No wonder so many young people love it."

"Yes, this thing is particularly in line with the tastes of young people."

Lin Weimin finally felt at ease when he saw Shi Tiesheng taking a few bites of the burger.

You also ate the burger, but you can't say that I cursed you.

At work the next day, Lin Weimin was working, and a colleague led someone to his office.

"Liberation? Why are you here?"

Lin Weimin was very happy to see Er Yuehe and pulled him to sit down.

"I'm here to deliver the manuscript." Er Erhe said and took out the manuscript of "Emperor Yongzheng".

Lin Weimin took the manuscript and turned it over, "Just finished the first volume?"

"Yes, I plan to write three volumes."

Er Erhe was originally picked up by Lin Weimin from the door of CCTV. His "Emperor Kangxi" received a lot of praise from readers after it was published in "Contemporary", and it also gained him a certain reputation in the literary world.

The four volumes of "Emperor Kangxi" contain 1.6 million words, which took several years of Yuehehe's time and effort.

This time it took him three years to write "Emperor Yongzheng" into one volume, which shows his piety and hard work in his creative attitude.

After talking to Lin Weimin about the process of writing "Emperor Yongzheng", Yue Erhe said: "The next two volumes should be written faster."

Lin Weimin knew that "Emperor Yongzheng" was the artistic pinnacle of Yuehehe's creative career. In criticizing the hypocrisy and decadence of the feudal system and official politics, this work surpassed most previous works, including his own. "Emperor Kangxi" was written.

After chatting with Er Erhe for more than half an hour, Lin Weimin called He Qizhi and called him to the office.

He Qizhi was also very happy to see Yue Erhe, especially when he saw the manuscript he brought.

After the experience of "Emperor Kangxi", Yue Erhe has matured in creation, and He Qizhi's expectations for "Emperor Yongzheng" have also been raised.

After getting off work in the evening, Lin Weimin saw a familiar figure as soon as he arrived at his door.

"Why don't you go in even though you're here?"

"I just got here. I thought you were about to get off work, so I waited at the door for a while." Feng Xiaogang said.

Lin Weimin led him into the living room, and Feng Xiaogang was slightly surprised to see Mother Tao and Sister Sun.

"This is Huimin's mother, and this is Sister Sun."

"Hello, Auntie! Hello, Sister Sun!"

Feng Xiaogang said hello, Sister Sun poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and Feng Xiaogang said thank you.

"how's the work going recently?"

"It's very fulfilling. There is no idle time every day."

After chatting for a while, Feng Xiaogang took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and took out an envelope from his bag.

"Teacher Lin, I am here to pay you back."

"Do you have enough money? You don't have to pay back the money in a hurry!" Lin Weimin said.

Last year, Feng Xiaogang's daughter needed an operation, and Lin Weimin lent him 10,000 yuan.

With Feng Xiaogang's current income level, if he had to pay back the 10,000 yuan, he would probably have to go without food or drink for two or three years.

"You haven't spent all the 10,000 yuan, and you still have 4,000 yuan left. In the past six months or so, Master Shuo, Xiaolong and I have taken on a few jobs, helping to write scripts and lyrics, and we have made a small profit. "

"That's good. If that's the case, then I'll accept the money."

"Teacher Lin, thank you!" Feng Xiaogang said sincerely.

"It's pointless to say these things. It just so happens that you are in trouble, it happens that we know each other, and I happen to have a lot of money in my hands. I have to help if I can. More friends means more paths."

Feng Xiaogang nodded sincerely. Others would think Feng Xiaogang was hypocritical when he said this, but when Teacher Lin said this, Feng Xiaogang fully agreed with him.

The two chatted for a few more words. Feng Xiaogang was about to leave, but Lin Weimin said: "You are here, let's have a meal before leaving."

Feng Xiaogang was ecstatic, but his reason told him that he couldn't agree immediately, "No, it's too much trouble for you. We've already prepared food at home."

"It's okay, it's just a pair of bowls and chopsticks." Lin Weimin said and stood up, ready to eat.

Over there, Sister Sun was already setting out the food, bowls and chopsticks. Feng Xiaogang said a few more polite words. Seeing that Lin Weimin's attitude didn't seem to be fake, he came to the table.

Having dinner at Lin Weimin's house for the first time, Feng Xiaogang was happy and excited, but also a little cautious. The scope of his chat with Lin Weimin was limited to the Art Center and Haima Studio.

"Some time ago, I helped director Xia Gang work on a script. Xiaolong and I worked on it together. The leaders of Yan Film Studio were very optimistic about it. It was originally called "Unfamiliar Faces Have Sweet Danger", but later it was changed to "Big Sa" during the final draft. ". The male lead is Yuko, the female lead is Xu Fan, Wang Zhiwen's girlfriend."

Lin Weimin knew Xia Gang. When he bought the apartment in Tuanjie Lake, he took him there.

"Is that Xu Fan an actor in Renyi?" Tao Huimin, who had been silent during the meal, suddenly asked.

"Yes, she was just transferred to Humanities this year."

"I have met her several times. That girl is so beautiful and has a good personality! In your Yanjing language, she is called Da Sa Mi."

Feng Xiaogang smiled and said: "She is indeed beautiful, just like a fairy daughter. Yuko and I stood in front of her, just like two monsters who became spirits."

His words made several lesbians at the table laugh, and they all had a much better impression of him.

"This is a good opportunity for you. Maybe you can step into the film industry." Lin Weimin said.

Feng Xiaogang waved his hand, "You praise me too much. I don't dare think about it. It would be nice to get some royalties. Besides, we don't know what the future of the film industry is yet."

Since the 1980s, the domestic film market has been experiencing rapid growth. A large number of outstanding films are produced every year, and the best of them will win awards overseas and bring glory to the country.

In the past two years of the 1990s, a very strange scene occurred in the film market.

The box office has been growing year by year, and last year it exceeded the 2 billion yuan mark, but the number of moviegoers has been declining.

The number of moviegoers has dropped, but the box office has increased, naturally because ticket prices have become more expensive.

The impact of severe inflation is all-round, and movies, as one of the industries, are not immune.

The increase in ticket prices seems to be good news for cinemas, film crews, and studios, but the problem is that studios still make a living by selling copies.

Before the 1980s, there was a saying in the domestic film industry: "Whether you watch it or not, it costs 700,000!"

It means that under the unified purchasing and marketing policy, Chinese film companies will purchase films produced by major film studios across the country at a price of 700,000 yuan for each color film and 600,000 yuan for black and white films. As for the profit and loss of the film, it has nothing to do with the studios. relation.

There was no problem with this method before it was reformed, but by the end of the 1970s, studios across the country could no longer handle it.

In 1980, leaders of the eight major film studios in the country met at Yanying Film Factory to discuss with China Film Company the feasibility of selling high-quality films at a good price to replace the then-current model of China Film purchasing films at a one-size-fits-all price regardless of cost or quality.

After this meeting, the price of each film rose to 900,000 yuan. Although the purchase price has increased, the quality and price that the studios hoped for have not been realized.

As prices get higher and higher, the average cost of each film produced by studios has become higher and higher. By the end of the 1980s, the cost of each film produced by domestic studios was close to 1 million yuan. Many studios They are all in a prisoner's dilemma of losing every movie they make.

And there is another problem under this policy, that is, the payment settlement is not the contract payment. The studio's film income must be advanced by the China Film Company first, and then settled based on the actual copy order quantity.

To put it bluntly, China Film Company takes the studio's copies and sells them to movie theaters all over the country. Everyone is happy if the movie copies are sold well, but if the movie copies are not sold well, the studio has to refund China Film. This situation is even more embarrassing. The unfavorable business conditions of studios across the country have only worsened.

And the most bizarre thing is that the copy money collected by the studio includes the copyright fee of the movie. When the distribution company purchases the copy, it also obtains the copyright of the movie. The movie that the studio worked hard to produce, the copyright It's simply ridiculous that it has to be given to the publishing company.

Therefore, in the past two years, although the box office of the domestic film market has soared and it seems to be blooming, in fact it is just a fire cooking oil. Various hidden dangers have reached the point where they must be corrected. Even a layman like Feng Xiaogang can clearly see it.

"Haha, talented people never need to complain about the environment. I have confidence in you!"

Lin Weimin's compliment made Feng Xiaogang a little excited. He raised the teacup in his hand and said, "Teacher Lin, let me offer you tea instead of wine!"

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