1980 My literary era

Chapter 604 It’s all my fault

If you just look at the names of "The Official Promotion" and "The Thief of Officials", readers may think that the contents of the two novels are related, but in fact the styles of the two novels are completely different.

What is the content of "The Thief of Officials" about?

Excluding all the metaphors in the novel, "The Thief of Officials" actually tells the story of G's fate, a story of one boss using violent means to overthrow another boss, and a story of conquering the country.

The Story of Promoted Officials tells the story of becoming a powerful person. Who can become a powerful person?

Those with G orders cannot be in power, only bureaucrats can be in power.

"The Promoted Official" is not as violent and bloody as "The Stealing Official", but the content shown is chilling.

Such a work with an extremely strong flavor of satire and condemnation may not be the most popular literary work, but it must be the most favored by the literary world and critics.

After signing the contract, the publication of "Promotion" was put on the agenda.

Because it was a work published in our own journal, and the author was Lin Weimin, the editor-in-chief, the review of "Promotion" was basically a formality, and the typesetting started within a few days.

Over the years, Lin Weimin's novels have become the best-selling novels of the Chinese Literature Society.

When publishing his novels, Guowen Publishing House has never worried about sales. Basically, the first printing starts with 500,000 copies, and this publication of "Promotion" is no exception.

After the calculation method of royalties was changed to royalty sharing, the originally insignificant royalties became considerable.

Before the first printing of "Promotion" went on sale, Lin Weimin received 140,000 yuan in royalties.

Although it is still not comparable to the income from overseas publishing, at least it has made great progress.

Lin Weimin was calculating the royalties for "Promotion" when Yu Hua walked into his office.

"Teacher Lin, the fourth issue of our "Heroes of Kyushu" will be released soon. You have to tell Xiao Zhuanfeng that the manuscript must be sent over as soon as possible!"

Lin Weimin looked surprised when he heard this.

Urgent! Urgent! You’ll know the reminder in one day! Urgent? I don’t need time to write something?

"I know. Isn't it still more than a month away? What's the hurry?"

Yu Hua looked helpless, "Can I not be in a hurry? If he doesn't finish the manuscript in a day and send it to the editorial department, I won't be at ease for a day. Can't you discuss it with him and ask him to finish it quickly? If he can finish it, , I immediately asked someone to remit the royalties."

Do you think I'm a printer?

Lin Weimin planned 500,000 words of content for "No. 1 in the World", but now he has only finished writing 200,000 words. Thinking that there are still 300,000 words of content, he feels extremely painful.

This pit is too deep to jump over.

"No." Lin Weimin firmly refused.

"You didn't even ask him, how come you knew it couldn't be done?" Yu Hua asked, looking at Lin Weimin with a suspicious look on his face.

Lin Weimin realized that he had let something slip, and added: "He also has a novel in hand, and he has to find time to write "Heroes of Kyushu". Now fifty thousand words a month is the limit."

"That's it!"

Yu Hua said, but the suspicion on his face did not dissipate. Seeing Lin Weimin staring at him, he couldn't ask any more questions and left the office.

After he left, Lin Weimin became more and more angry as he thought about it in the office, and suddenly slammed the table.

Go against Tiangang!

I think that I, Lin Weimin, have been in the literary world for so many years, and I have always been the only one to push others. Who dares to push me?

Especially since Yu Hua was excavated by him alone, this is simply deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor!

Lin Weimin came to the "Contemporary" editorial office in the back building, called Tong Zhonggui out, and asked him if Yu Hua had any new works recently. Tong Zhonggui shook his head, "No."

Lin Weimin couldn't help but sigh, "Alas! This is all my fault. The original intention was to find him a job, but unexpectedly it delayed his creation. It seems that it has been almost a year and not even a single work has been written."

Tong Zhonggui said: "Mr. Lin, how can I blame you for this? You are doing it for his own good."

Lin Weimin waved his hands, his face full of self-blame, "Okay, you don't need to comfort me. I will go back and persuade Yu Hua to put his mind on creation. He should be good at work and diligent at work, and not just think about it. Keep working.”

Tong Zhonggui nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I will persuade him well."

"Okay, I believe you."

After saying that, Lin Weimin left the back building with a heavy expression.

Tong Zhonggui looked at Lin Weimin's back and sighed.

This is Teacher Lin. He thinks about these young people all the time and breaks his heart for them.

No, I can't let Yu Hua sink like this anymore, I have to cheer him up.

Thinking of Teacher Lin's back full of guilt, Tong Zhonggui decided to take action immediately.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

In the office of Tongwen News Agency, Tong Zhonggui looked at Yu Hua who had just returned from outside and asked.

Yu Hua felt guilty subconsciously, "I'm not doing anything. Why are you here?"

"Come here and see you. You've been busy with work recently and haven't even written a single novel!"

"Isn't this busy!" Yu Hua said, spreading his hands.

"Before the publication of "Kyushu Heroes" was not launched, you said you were busy, so forget it. Now that the publication has been published for several issues, you can't continue to be so busy, right?"

Yu Hua argued: "You don't know how difficult it is to get manuscripts nowadays. As an editor, my hair is almost turning gray every day."

"I talked to Xiao Qin just now. Your backlog of manuscripts is almost enough for three issues."

Tong Zhonggui exposed Yu Hua's lie in one sentence. He looked a little embarrassed and could only say: "Oh, I haven't had any inspiration lately!"

"How can you get inspiration if you don't write? It's been almost a year, and you haven't even written a short story. Yu Hua, you can't continue to degenerate like this!" Tong Zhonggui said sadly.

Yu Hua didn't expect that now that Teacher Lin had finally stopped urging him to write manuscripts and shut up in the dark room, he didn't expect that another Tong Zhonggui would come out.

"I know, I know, I'll write it in two days, as soon as possible." He said perfunctorily.

But Tong Zhonggui shook his head and said: "When is the soonest possible date? Don't be perfunctory with me, and be more serious when it comes to writing. In this way, you come to my house in the evening, and we will have a good discussion about your next work."

"Going to your house?" Yu Hua looked embarrassed, "No need? I have something to do in the evening."

"Is there anything more important than creation? Yu Hua, I'm not talking about you. Yes, "To Live" has achieved good results now. But you can't be complacent about it. Look at Mr. Lin. Which novel After it was published, the results were no better than "Alive". Are you slacking off? Teacher Lin has been writing non-stop for so many years..."

Yu Hua didn't expect that he would be criticized by Tong Zhonggui with just one sentence. He was urged to write in front of so many colleagues in the office, and Tong Zhonggui had a heartbroken look on his face. Yu Hua really couldn't bear it anymore and could only submit obediently.

"Okay, okay, let's go to your house tonight. Let's go to your house and have a good discussion about the new work."

Tong Zhonggui nodded with satisfaction, "That's right."

Yu Hua invited Tong Zhonggui out of the office as if sending off the plague. When he came back, he saw everyone looking at him with mocking faces.

Yu Hua's face was full of annoyance. This Tong Zhonggui, he had not learned the good things from Teacher Lin. He had learned the essence of urging manuscripts and closing the small black room.

Sitting back in his seat, Yu Hua complained to Tong Zhonggui a few times in his heart, but couldn't help but think about the scene in the finance department just now.

Before "Heroes of Kyushu" was founded, he had not yet been promoted to the editor-in-chief position, so Teacher Lin was responsible for all matters of the publication.

In the past, he only knew that Xiao Zhuanfeng's standard manuscript fee was sixty yuan per thousand words, and he had never cared about the payment of manuscript fees.

Until he went to Teacher Lin's office just now and noticed the abnormality of Teacher Lin's attitude, he was suspicious and kept a cautious eye.

After going to the finance department and asking around, I found out that it turned out that Teacher Lin had been collecting Xiao Zhuanfeng’s royalties on his behalf.

The manuscript only goes through Teacher Lin’s hands, but is it too cautious to ask Teacher Lin to collect the royalties for the manuscript?

Moreover, Teacher Lin received the royalties on his behalf. What does this mean? He must be in Yanjing, and he is very close to Teacher Lin.

Shi Tiesheng's face popped up in Yu Hua's mind again, but he immediately rejected his idea.


He had already asked Tiesheng once before. If he was really a kid, he wouldn't have been able to hide it from him like this. Moreover, his body does not support him to engage in such long-form writing, even if it is a martial arts novel.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Yu Hua's mind.

There is only one truth in this world. Excluding all impossible answers, the remaining one, no matter how unbelievable it is, is the truth.

——Sherlock Holmes

At that moment, Yu Hua realized.

All the clues in his mind were completely connected, forming a complete chain, allowing him to see through the fog and see the truth.

Teacher Lin is Xiao Zuanfeng.

Yu Hua sat in his seat, his heart full of excitement. He stood up and planned to go to Lin Weimin to verify, but then he was pressed down on the chair by reason.

Why is Teacher Lin so secretive? Don’t you want people to know?

A great master of Chinese literature went to write martial arts novels, but it really didn’t sound good to people.

Yu Hua thought he knew Teacher Lin well and knew that he always cherished feathers. He definitely didn't want this kind of news to spread.

Yu Hua had never thought about spreading the news, but the problem now is that he didn't get the manuscript in his hands, so he still felt uneasy!

Teacher Lin has no experience in writing martial arts novels across different genres. What if "The Best in the World" ends with a crotch stretch?

"Heroes of Kyushu" is on the rise right now, so it would be a shame if this happened.

Novel has to be written anyway, and if I finish it earlier, I can feel at ease earlier. The longer it takes, the more likely it is that problems will arise.

Yu Hua writes novels himself, and he is very aware of the twists and turns in it.

Don't believe the nonsense about slow work and careful work. If a writer can write good things through slow work, he or she will become a great writer.

It’s over whoever writes slower.

As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. A well will not produce oil without pressure, and a person will be light and airy without pressure. Now the situation has changed. I am the editor-in-chief, and Teacher Lin is just an author. I must push him hard to write his manuscripts.

When Yu Hua thought that he could stand in front of Lin Weimin and urge the manuscript arrogantly, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, which made other colleagues in the office confused.

After getting off work in the evening, Yu Hua waited at the door of the building early. When he saw Lin Weimin coming down from upstairs, he immediately approached him.

"Teacher Lin, hehe..."

Yu Hua's lewd smile stung Lin Weimin so much that he frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Xiao Zhuanfeng, you have to hurry up and urge him. I think his writing efficiency is actually very high. If you put some thought into it, it shouldn't be a problem to finish the novel in a few months."

Lin Weimin looked at Yu Hua up and down with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Yu Hua's face didn't turn red, his heart didn't beat, "What about that? You can tell me what I said, and I'll leave first."

After saying that, he was about to run away.

Unexpectedly, a voice came from behind, "Yu Hua, wait for me!"

Yu Hua turned around and saw Tong Zhonggui running towards him, waving his hands.

He was in a good mood just now and suddenly fell into depression, and an inexplicable sentence came to his mind.

When will the injustice be repaid?

This disease is so painful that even taking medicine is useless. I can only fight hard.

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