1980 My literary era

Chapter 610 If you don’t get rich, who will?

At the end of the month, on Friday morning, Yu Hua handed out wedding candies to everyone as soon as he entered the office. His colleagues immediately started teasing him. He joked with everyone a few times, ran to Lin Weimin's office, and told Lin Weimin that he was getting married.

"You are so efficient." Lin Weimin joked.

"It's better to get married sooner rather than later. I'm already so old. Teacher Lin, I'm hosting a banquet in Dong Lai Shun on Sunday morning, so you must come!"

Lin Weimin agreed.

On Sunday morning, Lin Weimin brought Tao Huimin with her. Her belly was slightly bulging now. Today was Yu Hua's wedding banquet. She was making preparations to attend. Especially when she heard that the wedding banquet was held in Donglaishun, she wiped her saliva and held up her belly. Come.

From a ritual perspective, Yu Hua's wedding banquet was very informal. But from the perspective of the guests attending the wedding banquet, it is quite grand.

Dong Laishun did not accept wedding banquets at this time, so Yu Hua's so-called wedding banquet was more like inviting hundreds of people to cook mutton.

Combined with the ice and snow outside, there is quite an atmosphere.

Neither Yu Hua nor Cheng Hong are natives of Yanjing, but there are many guests here today. Except for two tables with Cheng Hong's comrades in the art troupe, the remaining eight tables are all Yu Hua's classmates and friends.

There are faculty and staff from the National College of Liberal Arts, students from the writers class, colleagues from the Chinese Literature Society, and some friends that Yu Hua knows in society, basically from mixed cultural circles.

These guests fully proved that Yu Hua had not been living in Yanjing for nothing in the past few years, and he was not ashamed of his "social butterfly" living status.

Before the wedding banquet started, Lin Weimin was pulled up by Yu Hua and his wife to say a few words and serve as a guest witness.

He muttered a few simple words and then sat down to show off.

It doesn't matter what the wedding is, it's so comforting to have this bite of mutton in the middle of winter.

The couple was placed at the same table as Shi Tiesheng and his wife, along with Mo Yan, Wang Shuo and others.

Shi Tiesheng is a carnivore, but unfortunately his body has not been as good as before in the past two years, so he does not dare to eat more. After eating half full, I sat there and watched Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin eating, swallowing saliva while watching.

Lin Weimin had almost finished eating, put down his chopsticks, and participated in everyone's conversation.

Mo Yan came to Yanjing specifically to attend Yu Hua's wedding. Unfortunately, he was disappointed when he came. He knew that the wedding was just a meal, so he would not waste the more than 200 kilometers away.

He was chatting with Shi Tiesheng about his new novel. He had written two novels in the past two years, but the response was not great. This time he was holding back a lot of energy.

This time he came to Yanjing. In addition to attending Yu Hua's wedding, his other purpose was to deliver manuscripts.

"I have read the manuscript of "Wine Country" and it is well written and has improved."

Lin Weimin's encouragement made Mo Yan's eyes narrow, and he almost couldn't see his smile.

While several people were talking, Yu Hua and Cheng Hong ran over to propose a toast. After finishing the toast, they said to Mo Yan: "You wanted to stay in Yanjing, but you were not determined and didn't stay. I didn't want to stay in Yanjing. Now I stay here, thanks to Teacher Lin!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in his words, obviously irritating Mo Yan.

Not to be outdone, Mo Yan said: "If there is a beauty waiting for me in Yanjing, I will stay too!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Today is Yu Hua's wedding day. Even when Mo Yan quarrels with him, she always says nice things.

After Yi Hua and his wife left, Wang Shuo sighed: "Yu Hua has embraced the beauty this time."

There was quite a bit of envy in the words.

Lin Weimin glanced at him, "Why do I smell like a cat meowing in spring?"

Wang Shuo blushed, "You fart!"

"Look at you, I didn't say anything about you, why are you excited?" Lin Weimin looked relaxed.

Wang Shuo looked at him angrily, with a hurt expression.

After the wedding banquet was over and they got into the car, Tao Huimin asked Lin Weimin, "Why did you say that about Wang Shuo just now?"

"It's okay, I just want to stimulate him. I heard that he went to Jiang Wen's crew to flirt with him when he was fine."

The main actors of "Sunny Crew" are all in their early twenties, and several actresses are so young that they can pinch their heads. Ning Jing, Tao Hong, Zuo Xiaoqing...

Now Liu Xiaoqing has to go to the set to keep an eye on her even if she has nothing to do, for fear that Jiang Wen might have some evil intentions.

Shi Tiesheng and Cheng Ximi were still sitting in the car. Lin Weimin first sent them back to Shichahai Courtyard.

Lin Weimin planned to see everyone off and leave, but was stopped by Shi Tiesheng.

"For the people, the Cultural Association is going to allocate a house to me." Shi Tiesheng happily shared the good news with Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin said happily after hearing this: "This is a good thing. The Cultural Association has finally gotten back to business."

He then asked about the specific situation of Shi Tiesheng's house division.

Shi Tiesheng joined the Yenching Literary and Art Association very early. He joined the Yenching Literary and Art Association in 1980 and the Chinese Literary and Art Association in 1986. In the same year, he became a long-term contracted writer with the Yenching Literary and Art Association and received a monthly subsidy. In the past two years, the subsidy has increased to five One hundred yuan a month, good treatment.

In 1988, he became a director of the Yenching Literary Council and was regarded as the leader of the Literary Association. This time, he was given a house as one of the benefits.

The house assigned to him by the Literary and Art Association is a newly built building on Jintai Road. According to Shi Tiesheng's current professional title and level, he was assigned a three-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​130 square meters. The apartment can be handed over in mid-December.

When Shi Tiesheng talked about the house, the smile on his face was extremely bright.

Lin Weimin was also happy for him and said, "Okay, we will live in a building in the future, which will be much more convenient than now."

He asked again: "How high is the house? Is there an elevator?"

Shi Tiesheng nodded, "Yes."

"That will be more convenient. When will your house be divided? I will find someone to help you decorate it." Lin Weimin said.

"No, my idea is to simply tidy up."

"Then how can we do it? It's hard to find a house, of course we have to clean it up. Li Guangfu, do you still remember?"

Shi Tiesheng thought for a moment, "Remember, Renyi often helped you in the past."

"Now that his business has become bigger, he no longer wants to be an actor. He has a construction team under him, and they are all acquaintances who can easily handle things. Don't worry, it won't cost much. If you don't believe me, I'll call him here. Ask him."

Lin Weimin said this and did not allow Shi Tiesheng to refuse. He went outside and made a phone call. Within half an hour, Li Guangfu's Dafa stopped at the door of Shichahai courtyard.

Seeing Li Guangfu, they exchanged a few pleasantries first, and then Lin Weimin asked: "Guangfu, Tiesheng has a house that he wants to renovate. A three-bedroom apartment of 130 square meters, please calculate how much it will cost."

Li Guangfu observed Lin Weimin's color. He was such a smart person. His mind changed and his face was full of smiles. "There are different grades of decoration. If Teacher Shi wants to decorate well, he can spend all the money on a house." not enough……"

Shi Tiesheng was about to speak when he heard this, but Li Guangfu continued: "If you want to pretend to be cheaper, you can do it for one or two thousand yuan."

When Shi Tiesheng heard that one or two thousand yuan could be pretended, he subconsciously relaxed. Lin Weimin said at this time: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Who doesn't want to pretend to be cheap!"

Shi Tiesheng asked, "Can you really buy it for one or two thousand yuan? Isn't it too cheap?"

Li Guangfu smiled proudly, "It would definitely not work for others, but for me, I am not bragging to you. If you ask around in Yanjing City, there is no decoration company that is more economical and affordable than mine."

As he said this, he seemed to be afraid that Shi Tiesheng would be worried, so he started to educate him again.

"You know why I'm so cheap?"

"Let's talk about this material. Do you know where the ceramic tiles I entered came from? Have you heard of Buddha Porcelain? We are the first and largest enterprise group in the national ceramic industry.

The ceramic tiles produced by Buddha Pottery are exported to earn foreign exchange. Only a small part will be sold to domestic manufacturers, but a large number of defective tiles are produced every year.

Don't underestimate these defective bricks. That's because Buddhist pottery has to be exported and the control is strict. In fact, most of the bricks have minor flaws. As long as we let the masters deal with them during decoration, they won't be visible at all.

No matter who looks at it, this is a serious brick for earning foreign exchange through export.

Guess what the price of such ceramic tiles is? "

Li Guangfu used his sharp tongue and spoke eloquently, even asking Shi Tiesheng a question.

How could Shi Tiesheng know these things? He hesitated and said, "It must not be cheap, right?"

Li Guangfu smiled and said: "Isn't it cheap for me to buy it? You are a friend of Teacher Lin, and you are my friend. To tell you the truth, this thing is a waste product. It doesn't cost a penny. It's nothing more than giving people some red envelopes. And then it comes from the south." The shipping cost is the biggest expense."

Shi Tiesheng looked at Li Guangfu's face full of pride and determination, thinking that he still had a business mind.

Li Guangfu continued: "Another example is labor. You don't know, in fact, most of the decoration teams in Yanjing City are grass-roots teams. They do whatever work is available, and it is difficult to take a job and cheat customers to death. I am different. , I am a company, the workers work with me, and they are paid a fixed salary every month. I guarantee that they will have work every day, and the wages are much cheaper than those of the grassroots workers outside! And..."

Li Guangfu kept sharing his business experience with Shi Tiesheng, and it didn't take long for him to be confused. He happily handed over the decoration project of the house to Li Guangfu.

"Teacher Tiesheng, you are an acquaintance. Don't worry if you leave the house to me. It will be correct. I guarantee that you will be able to move in during the Lantern Festival after the new year." Li Guangfu promised swornly.

Shi Tiesheng asked in surprise: "So fast?"

"Your house will be handed over in mid-December, and there are still two and a half months before the Lantern Festival. It is enough. Teacher Shi, I am a decoration company, or a full-service contractor. The efficiency is much higher than that of those grass-top teams."

"Okay, okay, thank you very much."

Lin Weimin stood aside the whole time and watched Li Guangfu open his eyes and tell lies, with a smile on his face, "How is it? Did I say it right? Are you relieved this time?"

Shi Tiesheng's smile was bright, "Don't worry, I'm so relieved."

"Tiesheng, Ximi, if you have any ideas on decoration, please tell Guangfu in detail so that he can explain to the workers later." Lin Weimin added.

"There are no requirements, just clean and comfortable."

"It's okay, just talk about it. If you don't explain it clearly to him, he won't have a clue." Lin Weimin advised.

Li Guangfu also said: "Yes, the house is for you two to live in. I have to understand your needs before I can work!"

Shi Tiesheng and his wife then chatted with Li Guangfu about the desired decoration effect, and Li Guangfu wholeheartedly agreed.

"That's it for now. I'll get ready when I go back. Once your house is handed over, I'll immediately arrange for workers to go upstairs to work." Li Guangfu said before leaving.

After he left, Lin Weimin also stood up and said goodbye.

As soon as the car drove out of the alley, Li Guangfu's Daihatsu was parked on the side of the road, and Li Guangfu was standing next to the car.

Lin Weimin stopped the car and walked over, smiling: "Okay, the business these past few years has really been worth it."

"Hey! I'm just doing this based on your looks!"

After joking for a while, Lin Weimin explained: "Everything is useful, but I can't tell that it's good. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, low-key, luxurious." Li Guangfu knew everything, used words accurately, and was very talented as a writer.

Lin Weimin nodded, very satisfied, "Tell me, with such understanding, who will get rich if you don't get rich?"

The smile on Li Guangfu's face became even brighter. Teacher Lin spoke so nicely.

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