The day before the Lantern Festival, Lin Weimin came to Kunlun Hotel.

Every Chinese New Year, people from Haima Studio headed by Wang Shuo always organize gatherings, and this year is no exception.

The protagonists of this year's party are still Lin Weimin and Wang Shuo. Haiyan is now the manager of Kunlun Hotel. He has great power and sponsored the party. He was directly arranged to sit next to Lin Weimin.

It is worth mentioning that today Wang Shuo also called two friends from the music industry, one is Sambo and the other is Tengger.

When he saw Tengger, Lin Weimin couldn't help but think of "Wings of Steel" in his mind.

It’s so magical that I can’t get rid of it even after traveling through time for so many years.

"In the past few years, you have been busy with work and have put aside all your creation." Lin Weimin said to Haiyan.

Haiyan's famous work "Plain Clothes Police" was written in 1984. "Plain Clothes Police" was adapted into a TV series in 1985. After that, he only wrote a novella "Death in Youth" about the Tangshan Earthquake in 1986, which received great response. mediocre.

In the following years, he was busy with work and had no intention of creating.

Hearing Lin Weimin's words, Haiyan felt a little ashamed. He thought back to when he was squatting at the door of the Chinese Literature Society with the manuscript of "Plain Clothes Police" in his arms. If Teacher Lin hadn't picked it up, the novel wouldn't even have a chance to be published.

“In the past few years, I have been busy welcoming and sending people off, and I can’t calm down to create.”

"You won the Golden Shield Literary Award, and you were admitted to the National Literary Association. You haven't published a single work in the past few years, so you don't feel embarrassed?" Lin Weimin joked.

In 1986, Haiyan won the first prize of the Golden Shield Literature Award of the public security system for "Plain Clothes Police", and therefore joined the National Association for Literary and Art in 1987.

Haiyan suddenly felt the pressure, "You have said so. If I don't write something, it really can't be justified."

During the meal, Liu Heng came over to toast. Because of Lin Weimin's recommendation, he participated in the script adaptation of "Wanjia Litigation". Now that the film has started filming, the name has been changed to "Qiu Ju Litigation."

Not only that, Liu Heng was also hired by Zhang Yimou as his literary planner, helping him collect good scripts and plan film projects.

"Mr. Lin and Director Yimou have told me. Thank you for your recommendation."

"Why are you being polite? You used to be a screenwriter for Director Xie, so your ability and qualifications are not issues. I just mentioned it."

In the 1990s, there was no entertainment circle, only literary circles and drama circles. As the upper reaches of the cultural industry, writers and screenwriters were at the top of the biological chain, and no one dared to ignore their existence.

Liu Heng became Zhang Yimou's literary planner and was treated as a distinguished guest.

The climax of today's party is the singing by singers. Tengger studied in the Composition Department of Jinmen Conservatory of Music in the 1980s. After graduation, he was assigned to the Central Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble as a three-string player in the folk band, but he was not willing to just be a performer. .

In 1986, the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe held the first Peacock Cup Young Singer Competition. Tengger signed up to sing "Mongolian", which he wrote and composed himself.

In 1989, he participated in the National Pop Song Outstanding Singer Selection Competition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and won the first place among the top ten singers. He was appreciated by the famous composer Xu Peidong and sang the new song "My Passionate Hometown" composed by Xu Peidong.

After several years of training, Tengger gradually became famous throughout the country.

Last year Wang Shuo released the album "Playing with Heartbeat", and Tengger was asked by Sanbao to sing the song "You Will Die If You Have Fun", and Tengger got to know Wang Shuo.

When I came to the gathering at Haima Studio today, Tengger knew that his mission was to be a singer. Sitting at the main table were Lin Weimin and Wang Shuo. These are the big names in the domestic literary world, and the others are also quite powerful in Yanjing. , in such an occasion, he couldn't even think about not working hard.

Tengger was born in a major and has participated in national singing competitions and won awards. In future generations, he will be regarded as a proper national team, and his singing ability is naturally extraordinary.

After the heroic song "Mongols" was sung, it aroused warm applause from everyone present.

After the party is the Lantern Festival. After the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival officially comes to an end, and the festive festive atmosphere in Yanjing City gradually fades away.

At the first editorial meeting in the club after the holiday, Lin Weimin dropped a bombshell.

He asked the Chinese Literature Society to plan and publish the "World Literature Masterpiece Library". In his description, this series of books would summarize the essence of world literature and reflect the highest achievements of world literature.

As soon as he finished his proposal, there was an uproar in the conference room.

According to Lin Weimin, this "World Literature Masterpiece Library" series will probably create a history for the Chinese Literature Society.

With its high standards, large scale, strong authority and profound representativeness, it is unparalleled in the history of Chinese literature and publishing.

However, high-standard, large-scale planning and publication of content is also a huge challenge for the Chinese Literature Society.

Such a series of books cannot be produced in half a year or one year. The Chinese Literature Society will spend huge energy and financial resources on this.

When they think that the book series is likely to span several years, or even more than ten years, and be hundreds of volumes in size, many people begin to tremble, especially the directors of the foreign literature editorial office and the classical literature editorial office.

The Chinese Literature Society is going to compile the "World Literature Masterpiece Library". According to Lin Weimin's request, the foreign literature section should include works from Homer's epics to the end of World War II, and the Chinese literature section should include works from the Book of Songs to the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China. .

It can be said that such a request is equivalent to placing the burden of the World Literature Masterpiece Library entirely on these two editorial rooms.

The two directors struggled for a long time, and finally looked at each other and felt that they could not just sit there and wait for death.

"Editor-in-Chief, are we taking too big a step? We are planning to build a world-wide library all of a sudden, and our one or two editorial offices alone are really unable to do it!" said Chen Jiangen, director of the Classical Literature Editorial Office. .

"Yes, editor-in-chief, this project is too huge. It has been launched all of a sudden. I am afraid that comrades will not be able to adapt to it for a while." The director of the foreign literature editorial office also agreed.

“I know this is a very difficult matter, but I think it is an unshirkable responsibility and obligation of our Chinese literary society.

In the 40 years since its establishment, our Chinese Literature Society has enjoyed unique innate conditions in the Chinese literary world. With so many years of accumulation of human, financial and literary resources, our Chinese Literature Society has the foundation to do this well.

Of course, the most important thing is the determination of our entire society.

The editing and review of "World Literature Masterpiece Library" is by no means an overnight success; it is a long and arduous task.

But at the same time, the achievements that completing this work can bring to our Chinese literary society will also be unprecedented.

Everyone should see that a series of books in the form of the World Library can only be developed in developed countries in the world, and it is the first time in our country.

"World Literature Masterpiece Library" will become the "Great Wall" of our Chinese publishing industry, and all editors who participate in the compilation and review of this series of books will surely leave their names in the history of Chinese literature and publishing. "

At this point, Lin Weimin looked at the two directors of the classical literature and foreign literature editorial offices.

"I know that to complete this work, our two editorial offices have a very heavy task. Don't worry, since the agency wants the horses to run, they must be well fed.

I have already communicated this matter with the president and secretary. I will spend two months first to demonstrate the feasibility of the project, and then I will need money and people to start construction. "

Chen Jiangen said: "I think it is still too risky. For such a large-scale project, the investment may not be able to return."

His words represent the aspirations of some people. The biggest problem with Lin Weimin's plan to build the "World Literature Masterpiece Library" is that the investment is too large. If everyone is tired, if the project is not as popular as everyone thinks, the gains will outweigh the losses.

“Comrade Jiangen, you can’t just look at things at face value.

Let me give you an example. The American Library in the United States has been published since 1979. It costs a lot to build a library, and the publishing house will definitely lose money in the early days. But they still insisted on doing it, and they did not hesitate to go to the foundation to raise funds for this purpose.

The United States is different from ours. It is a capitalist society and pursues interests in everything. However, they made a breakthrough when building a library and completely ignored the issue of efficiency.

China is a socialist society. Isn’t it worse than Americans?

The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Soviet Union... one by one, each of these countries has completed their respective "World Library" projects sooner or later.

Everyone should have heard of Seven Star Library in France. It has been in business for half a century and the profits are meager, but it still persists.

Why? Don’t the French know that it’s not that profitable to do this?

Of course they know that it is not that profitable to do this, but they also know that this "World Library" project is the embodiment of a country's highest publishing achievements and can also bring unlimited nourishment to the country's literary lovers.

Everyone should remember that we are the National Literature Publishing House, the highest palace of literature in a country!

If we don't do this kind of thing, who will do it? "

At the end of the speech, Lin Weimin's expression was serious and his tone was sonorous and powerful. His last rhetorical question was so enlightening that many people who were opposed to it couldn't help but reflect.

Yes, everyone knows that projects like the "World Library" are difficult to implement, but if the Chinese Literature Society doesn't do it, who else in our country can do it?

To put it bluntly, if a publishing house really launched this project, I am afraid that the entire Chinese Literature Society would be ashamed to commit suicide.

With the dignity of the National Literature Publishing House, a project like "World Library" was actually taken over by other publishing houses. How could they face the elders who founded the publisher? How can we face the huge readership group that has been supporting the Chinese Literature Society for decades?

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, there was a brief silence in the conference room, and everyone had different thoughts.

Lin Weimin was not interested in persuading these people one by one. He had finished explaining what needed to be said. He had done Cheng Wuchun's work in advance, and the secretary was also very angry. If everyone understands, they must implement it, and if they don't understand, they must implement it.

"Some time ago, I had people purchase bibliographies from various countries' libraries, and they should be mailed back one after another in the next month. At that time, the foreign literature room and the ancient literature room will have the most important tasks. You must mobilize elite soldiers and generals to familiarize yourself with the bibliography first and use it as a reference. Argument.”

The two editorial directors nodded with difficulty. Lin Weimin insisted on doing it and said hello to the other two giants. Even if they objected, it would be of no avail.

After the meeting, the two directors couldn't help but come together.

"Oh! It's true that the leader just talks and the soldier breaks his leg!"

"I can't help it. With such a young editor-in-chief, I'm really afraid that my old arms and legs will fall apart!"

The two grumbled, feeling like they were suffering from the same problem and were brothers in distress.

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